Top 15 Apps Similar to Task Analysis plugin for TFA

Social Stories plugin for TFA 1.5
!!IMPORTANT!! This is not a standalone application: you needtoinstall Tools For Autism (2.0 or greater) to use this module.Youcan install Tools For Autism for Freehere: plugin allow you to create and view Social Stories thatcan beused to show to autistic people how to behave or what willhappen inspecific social situations. ** HOW TO USE ** Install themodule fromthe Play Store (search for "TFAPlugin") or directlywrom within theTools For Autism app (enter in operator mode, pressmenu and selectthe "Published modules list" button) Onceinstalled, the module willbe visible directly on the main screenof the Tools For Autism app.If you cannot see the module in themain screen (it may happens ifyou installed the module from thePlay Store), select the "Publishedmodule list" as described beforeto refresh the list of installedmodules. ** KEY FEATURES ** [•]Different combinations of taskvisualization modes can be usedaccording to skills and abilities,and to user preferences [•] It’spossibile to use custom images,drawings or pictures available onuser’s device [•] Large set ofpictograms (more than 8500, createdby ARASAAC) can be freelydownloaded from the main screen of theapp [•] Import and exportfunctions, allows to easily performbackup and restore operations,as well as to share stories betweenusers and or devices [•]Supported languages: English, Italian [•]Text To Speechfunctionality to play social story contents (v1.3+);the language ofthe speech corresponds to the device language (ifavailable).**************************************** Note: thedefault passwordto enter in "operator mode" is "1234" withoutquote.********************************************************************************DOWNLOAD THE COMPLETEUSERGUIDE********************************************************************************Credits: Fabio Saracino:software development. Francesca Brunero:User interaction andpsicological/therapeuticfeatures.**************************************** ***** Keywords:autism,Tools for Autism, Touch for Autism, t4a, TFA, SocialStories, TaskAnalysis, AAC, plugin, TFAPlugin
Communication Boards TFAPlugin 1.0
!!IMPORTANT!! This is not a standalone application: you needtoinstall Tools For Autism (2.0 or greater) to use this module.Youcan install Tools For Autism for Freehere: allows creating and displaying Communication Boards iea setof symbols (photographs, pictures, line drawings, letters andwords)that enables verbal and non-verbal autistic people to comeback tothe expressed communication. ** HOW TO USE ** Install themodulefrom the Play Store (search for "TFAPlugin") or directlywrom withinthe Tools For Autism app (enter in operator mode, pressmenu andselect the "Published modules list" button) Onceinstalled, themodule will be visible directly on the main screenof the Tools ForAutism app. If you cannot see the module in themain screen (it mayhappens if you installed the module from thePlay Store), select the"Published module list" as described beforeto refresh the list ofinstalled modules. ** KEY FEATURES ** [•]Support for switchingamong communication boards [•] It’s possibileto use custom images,drawings or pictures available on user’sdevice [•] Large set ofpictograms (more than 8500, created byARASAAC) can be freelydownloaded from the main screen of the app[•] Import and exportfunctions, allows to easily perform backupand restore operations,as well as to share communication boardsbetween users and ordevices [•] Supported languages: English,Italian [•] Text To Speechfunctionality to play communicationboards contents (v1.3+); thelanguage of the speech corresponds tothe device language (ifavailable)**************************************** Note: thedefault passwordto enter in "operator mode" is "1234" withoutquote.********************************************************************************DOWNLOAD THE COMPLETEUSERGUIDE********************************************************************************Credits: GiuliaDall'Aglio: software development. Francesca Brunero:Userinteraction and psicological/therapeuticfeatures.**************************************** ***** Keywords:autism,Tools for Autism, Touch for Autism, t4a, TFA, SocialStories, TaskAnalysis, Communication Boards, AAC, plugin, TFAPlugin
Visual Schedule 2.0
Visual Schedule, Social Stories for Autism and Special Education
Autism. Basic Questions 1
This application has been developed byapsychologist specialized in autism by Applied BehaviorAnalysis(ABA) method and a programmer, with the aim of helpingchildrenwith Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) to learn.The children answer series of basic questions by choosingthesuitable image.At the end, we show a summary table for data collection. TheVoicesof the questions and answers are editable, to increase ordecreasethe difficulty.App2Kids aims to make easier the learning of new skills inchildrenwith ASD through the use of multimedia platforms.Specialized centres in the treatment of autism are alreadyusingthis tool.Purchasing this application, we are helping to developmoreapplications to cover the different needs of children with ASD.Inaddition, part of the money raised is donated to centres forthetreatment of children with ASD, as Centro Yo Crezco inBarcelona,Spain, or Centro Federica Pelissero in Manta,Italy.
ABC Autismo 15
Dokye Mobile
ABC AUTISMO - Um mundo de atividades coloridas epedagógicaspararealizar e curtir! A diversão para os pequenoscomeça agora comojogo ABC Autismo! Utilizando fundamentos dametodologia TEACCHtemcomo objetivo auxiliar no processo deaprendizagem decriançasautistas por meio de divertidas atividades!O aplicativoestádisponível em três idiomas (inglês, espanhol eportuguês),ébaseado na metodologia TEACCH, possui 4 níveis dedificuldade e40fases interativas. Utilizado por professores,psicólogoseterapeutas para avaliar crianças autistas.
Pictograms 2.1
Very easy to use application forhelpingchildren with dyspraxia.Allows mute, autistic and other children with speech disordertoexpress what they want.Ideal for use with a tablet 5", 7".Once the children have learned the application you canadd more photos and customize the application by sending me anemailwith photos, so children can recognize their toys,food,family,...TTS required for speak. if your phone/tablet don't haveTTSdownload from android market
TalkinPictures 1.6
TalkinPictures • Simple • Responsive • Customisable • Practical•Autism helpful
José Aprende 1.3.2
José Learn, a collection of stories adapted to pictograms
HablaFácil Autismo DiegoDice 1.0
Practical way to teach your autistic child communication elements
Autimo - AMIKEO APPS 3.9.3
Autimo™ helps children with autism understand emotionswithenjoyable activities
Daily Tasks 17
Designed to improve Autistic children fine motor skillandconcentration span
Alex learns how to dress 33.0
Didactic Apps
Alex learns how to dressThe game to help parents to teach their children how to putontheir clothes: T-shirts, sweaters, jackets, trousers,shirts,shoes, boots, socks, pajamas. Recommended fortoddlers,kindergarten kids and preschool girls and boys.This application has been designed to help your child togetdressed by himself or to improve his dressing skills. Thisisachieved through a process of learning by imitation ofthemovements of Alex, the protagonist of the game.The application also offers movements in zoom, such as tyingthebutton of the trousers, doing up the zip of the jacket orputtingon shoes.Your child will have fun selecting the right clothes intheirright order and finding out the places in the body wheretheclothes should fit. Five different scenarios have beendesignedwith suitable clothes according to different weatherconditions:T-shirts, sweaters, jackets, trousers, shirts, shoes,boots, socksor pajamas. Try one scenario for free and discover therest to keepprogressing!Help your child to get Alex dressed and afterwards ask himtoimitate the same actions and apply the same principles tohimself.This task will be easier if he memorizes and repeatsAlex'ssentences while practicing. Besides, in the app you will findtipsfrom our pedagogues to help parents in the process oflearning.Didactic AppsDidactic Apps specializes in the design and development ofmobileapps with a clear educational purpose. Our applications havebeendesigned by a team of pedagogues, psychologists and parents.Our aimis to aid you in the development of your child's basicskills inorder to make him more independent.Our apps are specially indicated to improve the learningprocessfor children with ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorders) orAsperger,ADD/ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) andany generallearning disorder (reading, mathematics andwriting).Kids with autism or Asperger (ASD) tend to have moredifficultygetting dressed by themselves. For kids with autism orAsperger thevisual communication channel often predominates.Therefore, theapplication is a fantastic visual support for thesechildren,(similar to pictograms). In addition, kids with autism orAsperger(ASD) have a higher attention to detail. The background ofthescreen is very clean, so that children focus their attention ontheprocess of dressing and the clothes and have nodistractions.Stimulate your child’s learning while having lots of fun!• We take the children's education very seriously. This apphasbeen endorsed by pedagogues of the Barcelona University.• If you have any questions, please send an e-mail to [email protected] . Wewillbe glad to help you.• Find out more about Didactic Apps at www.didacticapps.comorfollow us at Facebook orTwitter
FalaFácil Autismo DiegoDiz 1
Practical way to teach your autistic child thecommunicationelements
Toddler Animal Sounds 2.2.0
All kids loves animals. Help your child to learn variousanimalswith this app
GreenDay - Autism Behavior 1.6.5
New timeout timer and token economy apptohelpyour children have a GreenDay!Using this application can assist you in implementingabehaviorplan for your children with or without autism.Not just a token economy, GreenDay makes it easier toimplementanABA behavior plan by encouraging breaks and usingreinforcementforup to three children. Helps keep the child'sattention bymakingsounds and speaking their name. Includes a"timeout" timerforputting the child on yellow and red and keepstrack of tokensbanked.Provides detailed history for the past 31days in acalendarview.This application helps you implement and trackthereinforcementthat enables you to change your child'sproblembehavior.We developed this application with input from theABAtherapistthat we hired. Our family has been using theapplicationfor a yearnow, prompting UI improvements andfeaturedevelopment.Although this application and the behavior plan wasdevelopedfora child with autism, it also works on our child thatdoesn'thaveautism.IMPORTANT: Selecting an image icon for a child can cause anoutofmemory error, depending on the memory available in yourdeviceandthe size of the image. The optimum image icon is 72 x72pixels.Features:The application supports up to three children.Flick the child's picture icon up toward their bank to givethematoken, and the app congratulates your child and tells themhowmanytokens that they have earned.Long press on the child's bank to add or subtract moneyastheyearn bonuses or make purchases.Drag the child's picture icon to yellow to put thechildinyellow, and the app warns the child to stay calmandfollowdirections.Drag the child's picture icon to red to put the child inred,andthe app lets the child know that they're on red.Theappautomatically puts the child into yellow when the red timerisup,and tells the child to apologize and restoretheenvironment.Press the child's bank to view a calendar of the past 31daysandview details for each day.Press the child's red timer to have the phone suggest abreaktoprevent a meltdown.Long press on the child's red timer to pause the timer,ifthechild leaves the designated area. Long press again tounpausethetimer.Suggestions:Enter your child's name phonetically, so thatthetext-to-speachengine speaks your child's name correctly.Enter a list of breaks from the settings screen.Create family rules that when broken will put yourchildonyellow, or that will put them directly on red. Create alistoffamily goals that will earn them tokens.The Behavior Plan:My wife and I have blogged about how we use theapplicationtoimplement our behavior plan, but you may want to talktoyourapplied behavior analyst to help develop a behavior planforyourchild.http://www.appliedautism.comJoin our Google+ Community or e-mail us if you havequestionsorproblems: there's no way for us to reply to youthroughtherating system.Implement a behavior plan for your children. Help them tohaveaGreenDay!Previous Versions:Version 1.6.1* Bugfixes for TextToSpeech on ICS.* Going on yellow now asks child to "calm down" insteadof"remaincalm".Version 1.6* Added log detail feature to record moredetailedbehaviorinformation.* Updated to Android Holo Theme.* App no longer gives praise, which should be given byparentorguardian.Version 1.5.1* Fix for ImagePicker on some devices.Version 1.5* Child's status no longer changes until the imageiconisreleased. This ensures that on larger displays, thestatusdoesn'tstick on yellow when going directly from green to red.Thisalsoallows the adult the chance to change his or hermindbeforereleasing the image icon.