Top 21 Apps Similar to Islam - Salafi Manhaj Dawah

Kitab Tauhid Lengkap 1.0
Kitab Tauhid Lengkap , Pembahasan IlmuTauhidTerlengkap.Bila kita hendak menanam jagung, maka kita harusmembersih-kanterlebih dahulu rumput-rumput, ilalang dan bebatuan dilahan yangakan kita tanami. Itulah penafian. Lalu kita tanam bibitjagung.Itulah itsbat (penetapan). Insya Allah dengan demikianakanmenghasilkan panen yang baik. Demikian tamsil kehidupanuntukmemudahkan pemahaman kita tentang perlunya memberantassegalabentuk kemusyrikan, khurafat, bid'ah dan sejenisnya lalumenetapkantauhid yang murni. Insya Allah dengan demikian akanmembentukmukmin yang teguh imannya.Buku ini di hadapan pembaca, adalah di antara buku terbaikdalampembahasan tauhid menurut paham Ahlus Sunnah wal Jama'ahuntukkalangan masyarakat umum. Ia sarat dengan pembahasan tauhidyangsangat perlu diketahui oleh umat Islam. Pembahasannyapadat,sistematis/manhaji dan menyeluruh. Buku ini adalah jilidpertamadari tiga jilid buku yang disusun. Insya Allah denganmemahami bukuini, wawasan tauhid kita akan menjadi luas danlurus.Maka, buku ini sangat baik untuk materi pengajaran tauhiddipesantren-pesantren, sekolah-sekolah,masjid-masjid,majelis-majelis ta'lim, halaqah-halaqah ilmu, atauuntuk bacaanpribadi. Karena itu tidak mengherankan jika edisibahasa Arab bukuini menjadi materi terpilih dalam Daurah nasionaltentang materidan metodologi pengajaran tauhid pada tanggal 7-12Rabi'ul Awal1419 H/1-15 Juli 1998 M di salah satu Pondok PesantrendiBogor.Edisi berbahasa Arab buku ini juga telah dijadikan kurikulumtauhiddi puluhan pesantren di Indonesia. Dan terjemahannya yangkini adadi tangan pembaca telah ditetapkan sebagai kurikulum kajianIslamjarak jauh oleh Yayasan al-Sofwa Jakarta yang pesertanyadariseluruh pelosok tanah air. Dan tentu, ia juga akanmenjadireferensi penting bidang akidah dan koleksi kepustakaanAnda.Oleh : Dr. Shalih bin Fauzan bin Abdullah Al fauzan dan TeamAhliTauhidKitab Tauhid Jilid Pertama Membahas :- Makna Aqidah Dan Urgensinya Sebagai Landasan Agama- Sumber-sumber Aqidah Yang Benar dan Manhaj Salaf dalamMengambilAqidah- Penyimpangan Aqidah Dan Cara-Cara Penanggulangannya- Makna Tauhid Rububiyah dan Kefitrahannya sertaPengakuanOrang-orang Musyrik Terhadapnya- Pengertian Rabb Dalam Al-Qur’an Dan As-Sunnah- Alam Semesta Dan Fitrahnya Dalam Tunduk Dan PatuhKepadaAllah- Manhaj Al-Qur’an Dalam Menetapkan Wujud danKeesaanAl-Khaliq- Tauhid Rububiyah Mengharuskan Adanya Tauhid Uluhiyah- Makna Tauhid Uluhiyah, Dan Bahwa Ia Adalah Inti DakwahParaRasul- Makna Syahadatain, Rukun, Syarat, Konsekuansi DanYangMembatalkannya- Tasyri’- Ibadah: Pengertian, Macam Dan Keluasan Cakupannya- Paham-Paham Yang Salah Tentang Pembatasan Ibadah- Syarat Diterimanya Ibadah- Pilar-Pilar Ubudiyah Yang Benar- Tingkatan Dien- Makna Tauhid Asma’ Wa Sifat Dan Manhaj Salaf Di Dalamnya- Asma’ Husna Dan Sifat Kesempurnaan, Serta Pendapat GolonganSesatBerikut Bantahannya- DLLKitab Tauhid Jilid kedua Membahas :- Makna Iman- Hakekat Iman- Rukun Iman dan Cabang-cabangnya- Hal-hal yang Membatalkan Iman- DLLKitab Tauhid Ketiga Membahas :- Penyimpangan dalam Kehidupan Manusia- Syirik, Definisi dan Jenisnya- Kufur, Definisi dan Jenisnya- Nifaq, Definisi dan Jenisnya- Penjelasan Hakikat Jahiliyah, Kefasikan, Kesesatan KeluardariKeislaman (Riddah), Macam-macam dan Hukumnya- DLL-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Aplikasi OFFLINE , dapat berjalan tanpa koneksi internet- Aplikasi ringan- ukuran aplikasi hanya 1 MB- teks dapat di zoomAyo sebarkan aplikasi iniBarang siapa mengajarkan suatu ilmu,maka ia akan mendapatkan pahala orang yg mengamalkannya,tanpa mengurangi pahala orang yg mengamalkannyaComplete Book ofTawheed,Tawheed Sciences Complete discussion.  If we want to grow corn, we must first cleanse-the grasses,weedsand rocks on land that we planted. That disclaimer. Then weplantedcorn seeds. That ithbat (determination). Insha Allah willthusproduce a good harvest. Thus life imagery to facilitateourunderstanding of the need to combat all forms ofidolatry,superstition, heresy and the like then establish puremonotheism.Insha Allah will thus form a firm believer thatfaith.This book in front of the reader, is among the best books inthediscussion of monotheism according to Ahlus Sunnah walJama'ahunderstand for the general public. He was loaded with averynecessary discussion of monotheism known by Muslims.Soliddiscussion, systematic / manhaji and thorough. This book isthefirst volume of a three-volume book compiled. Insha Allahtounderstand this book, insight tauhid we will be broadandstraight.Thus, this book is very good for teaching materials monotheisminboarding schools, schools, mosques, synagogues studygroups,halaqah-halaqah science, or for private readings. Because itis notsurprising that the Arabic edition of the book was thematerialchosen for the national Daurah of materials andteachingmethodology tauhid on Awwal 1419 H 7-12 / 1-15 July 1998 ADin oneboarding school in Bogor.Arabic edition of the book has also been used as acurriculummonotheism in dozens of boarding schools in Indonesia.Andtranslations are now in the hands of the reader has beendesignatedas the Islamic studies curriculum remotely by al-SofwaFoundationJakarta, with participants from all corners of thecountry. And ofcourse, it will also be an important referencefields of theologyand your library collection.By: Dr. Abdullah bin Salih bin Fauzan Al-Fauzan and TeamExpertTauhidFirst Book of Tawheed Volume Discusses:- Meaning Platform Aqeedah And Urgency As Religion- Sources True Aqeedah and Manhaj Salaf in Aqeedah Taking- Deviations Aqeedah And Ways Abatement- The meaning of Tawheed of Lordship and KefitrahannyaandRecognition People polytheists against- Understanding Rabb In the Qur'an and Sunnah- Universe and nature in submissive and obedient to God- Manhaj Al-Quran In Being and Oneness stipulate Al-Khaliq- Require the existence of Tawheed Tawheed ofLordshipUluhiyyah- The meaning of Tawheed Uluhiyyah, And That He Was corePropagationof the Apostles- Syahadatain Meaning, Pillars, requirements, consequences andYangcancel- Constitution,- Worship: Definition, Types And Breadth Coverage- Understand-Got Wrong About Restrictions Worship- Conditions of Acceptance of Worship- Pillars Ubudiyah True- Depth Dien- The meaning of Tawheed Asma 'wa properties Manhaj Salaf AndInDepth- Asma Husna And Nature Perfection, And Opinion Group SesatHeredenial- DLLThe Book of Tawheed second volume Discusses:- Meaning of Faith- Nature of Faith- Pillars of faith and branches- Matters of Faith Cancel- DLLDiscussing Third Book of Tawheed:- Irregularities in Human Life- Shirk, Definitions and Kind- Kufr, Definitions and Kind- Nifaq, Definitions and Kind- Explanation of Nature of Ignorance, wickedness, out ofIslamicapostasy (Riddah), Miscellaneous and Legal- DLL-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application OFFLINE, can run without anInternetconnection- Application of light- The size of the application is only 1 MB- Text can be in the zoomLet's spread this appAnyone who teaches a science,then he will get the reward those who practice it,without prejudice to reward those who practice it
Perpustakaan Islam Salafiyah 1.0
Bismillah… was sholatu wassalamu ala rosulillah… wa’ alaalihiwashohbihi wa man tabi’a hudah… amma ba’du:PerpustakaanIslamSalafiyah : Perpustakaan mengandungiberpuluh-puluh bukudanartikel dalam aqidah dan fiqh ............PerpustakaanAhlussunnah Wal Jama’ah المكتبة الاسلاميةالسلفية أهلالسنةوالجماعة اللغة: الإندونيسية .............Ciri-ciriperpustakaan: 1- bersaiz kecil. 2 - Tidak perlu untukmenyambung keInternet 3-Caribuku-buku..............................................................TAUHID:-Soal 1 : Untuk apa Allah menciptakan kita? Jawab:Diamenciptakankita agar beribadah kepada-Nya sertatidakmenyekutukan-Nya dengansesuatupun. Dalil dari AlQur’an:{وَمَاخَلَقْتُ الْجِنَّ وَالأِنْسَإِلاَّ لِيَعْبُدُونِ } DantidaklahKami ciptakan jin dan manusiakecuali agar merekaberibadahkepada-Ku. (QS. Adz Dzariyat:56) Dalildari sunnah: {حَقُّاللهِعَلَى الْعِبَادِ أَنْ يَعْبُدُوْهُ وَلاَيُشْرِكُوْا بِهِشَيْئًا }Hak Allah atas hamba-Nya bahwa merekamenyembah-Nya dantidakmenyekutukan-Nya dengan sesuatu pun.(Muttafaqalaih).................................... Soal 2 :Bagaimanakitamenyembah Allah ta’ala? Jawab: Sebagaimana AllahdanRasul-Nyaperintahkan. Dalil dari AlQur’an: { وَمَاأُمِرُواإِلَّالِيَعْبُدُوا اللَّهَ مُخْلِصِينَ لَهُ الدِّينَ }Dantidaklahmereka diperintah kecuali agar beribadah kepadaAllahdengan hanyamengikhlaskan diin untukNya. (QS. Al Bayyinah:5).Dalildari sunnah: ( مَنْ عَمِلَ عَمَلاً لَيْسَ عَلَيْهِ أَمْرُنَافَهُوَرَدٌّ (رواه مسلم Barang siapa melakukan suatu amal yang tidakadadalamajarankami maka amalan itu tertolak. (HR.Muslim)
Kumpulan Ceramah Kultum 5.0
Kumpulan Ceramah Kultum Islami terlengkapdanterupdateAplikasi ini menyajikan banyak Ceramah Kultum yang singkat danpadatdan tentunya juga menarik untuk disampaikan kepadaumatmuslim.- Aplikasi OFFLINE , dapat berjalan tanpa koneksi internet- Aplikasi ringan- ukuran aplikasi hanya 1 MB- teks dapat di zoomAyo sebarkan aplikasi iniBarang siapa mengajarkan suatu ilmu,maka ia akan mendapatkan pahala orang yg mengamalkannya,tanpa mengurangi pahala orang yg mengamalkannyaThe mostcompletecollection of Islamic lectures, and updated KultumThis application presents many lectures Kultum succinctandcertainly also interesting to be delivered to Muslims.- Application OFFLINE, can run without an Internet connection- Application of light- The size of the application is only 1 MB- Text can be in the zoomLet's spread this appAnyone who teaches a science,then he will get the reward those who practice it,without prejudice to reward those who practice it
Fiqih Dakwah Para Nabi 1.0
inilah buku yang akan menuntun andadalammembuka cakrawala pemahaman tentang luasnya dakwah para NabidanRosul, disertai keutamaannya yang melimpah. Anda akanmendapatiberbagai polemik yang meliputi kacnah dakwah islamiyahdisertaisolusi dalam memyikapinyaBAB 1. Kemuliaan manusia dengan anugrah akal dan fitrahBAB 2. Kemuliaan manusia dengan diutusnya para Rosuldanditurunkannya kitab kepada merekaBAB 3. Tauhid uluhiyah dan urgensinyaBAB 4. Beberapa contoh Dakwah sebagian para RosulBAB 5. Bertambahnya kezaliman Firaun serta perjuangan Musadankaumnya dalam melawan kezaliman tersebut, dengan kesabarandanketabahan yang indah.This is a book thatwillguide you in the open horizon of understanding of the breadthofthe Prophet and the Prophet preaching, accompanied byabundantvirtues. You will find various polemics whichincludeskacnah-Islamic propaganda in the solution accompaniedmemyikapinyaCHAPTER 1 Glory man with the gift of reason and natureCHAPTER 2 The glory of the coming of the man with the Prophetandthe revelation of the book to themCHAPTER 3 Uluhiyyah Tawheed and urgencyChapter 4 Some examples of the Prophet Propagation partiallyChapter 5. Increased tyranny of Pharaoh and Moses and his peopleinthe struggle against the injustice, with wonderful patienceandfortitude.
Buku Dakwah Islam 1.0
ps.setro baru
Buku Dakwah Islam - Wawasan Islam danTuntuanIslamBuku yang berisi Kisah 25 Nabi dan RosulKisah Sahabat NabiKisah WalisongoAsmaul HusnaDo'a Sehari-hariKata Mutiara IslamKisah Hikmah IslamMandi Wajib&SunnahDo'a Harian dibulan Ramadhan, serta Surat Yasin.
Fatwa Ulama 1.2
Muslim Media
E-book Kumpulan Fatwa Ulama adalah e-book yang berisi fatwaulamayang kami ranglum dari website :, mencakupberbagaimacam bidangFiqih,Aqidah,MasalahKontemporer,Mua'malah,Adab,jenazah danlain-lain|E-booksetof Ulama Fatwa is an e-book containing fatwas of scholars thatweranglum website:, covers a wide range of fieldsofFiqh, Aqeedah, Contemporary Issues, Mua'malah, Adab, bodiesandothers |
Ceramah Islam 5.9.3
Selada MK
Katalog ceramah mengenai Islam
Kumpulan Ceramah Agama Islam 4.3
Akhlak terpuji yaitu sikap atau perilakubaikdari segi ucapan ataupun perbuatan yang sesuai dangantuntunanajaran islam dan norma-norma aturan yang berlaku.Orang yang baik akhlaknya tentunya didalam pergaulansehari-hariakan senantiasa dicintai oleh sesama, dan tentunyamereka kelakdihari kiamat akan masuk surga.- Aplikasi Offline-Aplikasi Ringan, Karna Ukuran File Yang Sangat KecilMorals praiseworthy istheattitude or behavior both in terms of speech or deed pursuantto theguidance of the teachings of Islam and norms applicablerules.People who are good moral course in daily life will always belovedby others, and of course later on the day of Judgment theywill goto heaven.- Application Offline-Application Lightweight, Karna File Size The Very Small
50 Ceramah Kultum Islami 4.0
50 Kumpulan Materi Ceramah Kultum Islami Pilihan TentangRamadhanDan Juga Mengenai Kehidupan Berdasarkan Alquran Dan Hadits.- Menyambut Datangnya Bulan Suci Ramadhan- Kultum Ramadhan : 3 Obat untuk Penyakit Hati- MELATIH ANAK BERPUASA- Amalan Amalan 10 Hari Bulan Dzulhijjah- Bagaimanakah Batasan Bermesraan Dengan Istri ?- DLL------------------------------------------------------------ Aplikasi 100% Bisa Dibaca Tanpa MenggunakanKoneksiInternet.- 100% Aplikasi SUPER RINGAN 2 MB- 100% Insya Allah Bermanfaat :)50 setofmaterials Kultum Islamic Lectures Options About Ramadan AndAlsoAbout Life Based on the Qur'an and Hadith.- Welcoming the Holy Month of Ramadan Arrival- Kultum Ramadan: 3 Drugs for Heart Disease- TRAIN CHILDREN Fasting- Practice Practice 10 Day Month Dzulhijjah- How Limitation of making out with wife?- DLL-------------------------------------------------- ---------- 100% Applications Can Read Without UsingInternetConnection.- 100% Applications SUPER LIGHTWEIGHT 2 MB- 100% Inshallah Helpful :)
Various doa for various islamic functions
99 Names of Allah: AsmaUlHusna 2.0.5
Thank You For Helping Us Reach 1 Million Downloads! >VotedBestIslamic App > Memorize 99 Names Of Allah WithMeanings>Islamic Radio > Memorizing Asma-ul-husna testsincluded >99Names Of Allah - Asma-ul-Husna Audio/MP3>Multi-LanguageCapability Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said “Thereare 99names ofAllah, and that anyone who memorizes all the nameswill beawardedparadise.” Finally an app that helps you to learnandmemorize the99 names of Allah. The amazement does not stoptherethis app alsohelps you remember the meanings of each name ofAllah.The 99 namesof Allah are called 'Asma Ul Husna' (PronounceAsma AlHusna) whichin Arabic means ‘The Most Beautiful Names’.Theseislamic names areattributes of Allah SWT by which MuslimsregardGod in Islam. InArabic, the word Allah means ‘The God’. Itisderived from theunion of the word ‘Al’ meaning ‘The’ and‘Ilah’Meaning ‘God’. Theword Allah is the supreme and allcomprehensivedivine name. InIslam, the name Allah is unique andunmatched andindicates theexistence of one creator of the universe.ProphetMuhammad’s (PBUH)life, traditions and his Islamic lectures(Sunnahof prophetMuhammad) are of great significance & Muslimsfollowhistraditions all over the world. 99 names of Allah arewritteninEnglish and Arabic along with the meanings of each nameinArabic,English and Urdu. Install this android app today to getAsmaulhusna, the beautiful names and attributes of AlmightyAllahinEnglish and Arabic along with the meanings of the names.Reciteormemorize the 99 names of Allah any time any where fromyourphone.* Features of AsmaUl Husna (99 names of Allah) -99AllahNames(Asma Ul Husna) in English. - 99 Allah Names(AsmaUlHusna) inUrdu/Arabic. - For each name of Allah, a shortEnglishtranslationof Quranic-meaning is provided. Detailed meaningof eachname isalso provide within the app. - Did you know? Islamicfactssection- Asmaul Husna with synchronized audio for most names.-CompletelyOffline Islamic God names and meaning App! Nointernetconnectionrequired to use this Islamic app after itsfirstdownload.-Quiz/Test – Test yourself to see how well yourdoingmemorizingAllah’s names. - FREE app. No cost or purchasesrequired.Justdownload for FREE today, for use during Islamic prayertimes-Adhan / Salaah. We have tried our best to provide themostaccurateinformation within the smallest possible size forandroidphones.This pro app is completely Offline and FREE!! Wearededicatingthis to all Muslims and non-Muslims alike tounderstand& learnabout Islam, in hope to spread the knowledgeof Islam.This is anAd-supported version. Support the developer ofthis appwith yourpositive feedback & good ratings, so that wecan bringto youmore quality Islamic apps for FREE on demand! Thankyou foryoursupport. New Feature Added: CallerID feature forunknownnumberidentification. This feature will showCallinformationduring/after calls and you can fully adjust it toyourpreferences.Enable / disable or configure the CallerID at anytimein thesettings menu. Updated c04eab4a47
Daily Islamic Messages 6.1
Rozana Deeni messages hasil karein is Android Applicationme.Receive Daily Islamic Messages Via this Android App.Applicationkefaide (Beniefits of this App): Deeni Messages kelanguages(IslamicMessages Languages): 1. English. 2. Urdu-Eng.3.Urdu-Hindi. ✅English Messages Categories 01) Articles 02) Duas03)Friday 04)Hadith of the Day 05) Islamic Images 06)IslamicKnowledge 07)Masail (Rules) 08) Qur'an 09) Special Messages10)Todays Question✅ Urdu-Eng Messages Categories 01) Aaj ka Sawaal02)Aaj ki Hadees03) Aasaan Deen 04) Aqaaid 05) Articles 06)DeeniImages 07) DeeniMalumaat 08) Duain 09) Hifz-e-Hadees 10) Jumah11)Masail 12)Mukhtasar Deeniyat 13) Qur'an 14) Seerat-un-Nabi ﷺ15)SpecialMessages 16) Tohfa-e-Nikaah ✅ Urdu-Hindi MessagesCategories01)Aaj ka Sawaal 02) Qur'an aur Hadees Is app ke zariyeAasanisemessages WhatsApp, Telegram etc me share karsakte hain.☑RozanaDeeni Messages Aayengey In Shaa Allah. ☑ Ekbaarsynchronisekarneke baad, internet ke bagair bhi app memessagespadhsaktehain. ☑ Deeni Images Download bhi karsakte hain.*Aur bhibahotfaide hain...* Example Messages: ➡ Hadith: AbuMas’udBadriRadiyallahu ‘anhu narrates that Rasullullah ﷺ said:Whoeverguidesothers to do good, his reward is like the one who doesit.(AbuDawud: 5129) ➡ Hadees: Hazrat Abu Mas’ud BadriRaziyallahu‘anhu seriwayat hain ke Rasool Allah ﷺ ne irshaadfarmaaya: Jisshakhs nebhalayi ki taraf rehnumayi ki use bhalayikarne waale kebarabarsawab milta hai. (Abu Dawud: 5129) ➡ क़ुरआनमें अल्लाह तआलाफ़रमाताहै (तर्जुमा): बेशक नमाज़ बेहयाई ओर बुरे कामोंसे रोकती रहतीहे ।(अंकबूत: 45)
Woh Baatein jo Deen main nahi 1.2
Apps Array
This app is about those things which are notinIslam but some people think that these are also the part ofIslam.Itis very important for all muslim to know and understandthat whichthings are in the Islam and which are not.
Munthakhab Ahadees 2.1
Munthakhab Ahadees was organised by Maulana Muhammad YusufKandhlawi(Rahimahullah) The book Munthakhab Ahadees, is aselection ofauthentic Ahadees, relating to the Six Qualities ofDa'wat andTabligh. This work was originally done in Arabic by“MaulanaMuhammad Yusuf Kandhlawi (Rahimahullah)”, during the lastphase ofhis devoted life. He collected all the relevantprinciples, rulesand precautions from their original sources. Hehas been socomprehensive and extensive that this book is notmerely acompilation of these principles, rules and instructions,but perhapsan encyclopedia, in brief, with their relativeimportance. Thismasterpiece was later organised and translatedinto Urdu by hisgrandson, Maulana Muhammad Sa'ad Kandhlawi(Muttalilluhul Aali).Munthakhab Ahadees was translated into Tamilby “Maulana MuhammadRoohul Haq Sahib”, which is a ready referenceto guide the mankindtowards the righteousness and enjoining thegood and forbidden allevil deeds for the development andconstruction of an ideal society.Now, Munthakhab Ahadees isavailable as an Android Application,enabling English and TamilSpeaking Android Users to read and gainacknowledge on the go. Thisis the official Android Application ofMunthakhab Ahadees,originally published as a hard copy by DarulMarashid, a non profitorganisation. The word "Munthakhab / Muntakab/ Munthakab /Muntakhab" is an Arabic word, which is translated inEnglish as"Selected". The word "Ahadeeth / Ahadith / Ahadees" isalso anArabic word, which is translated in English as "Sayings ofProphetMuhammadh (peace be upon him)". The word "Ahadeeth / Ahadith/Ahadees" is the plural form of the Arabic word "Hadees / Hadith/Hadeeth" which means the same as "Ahadeeth / Ahadith / Ahadees"butin singular form. "Munthakhab Ahadees" is a compilationSelectedSayings of Prophet Muhammadh (peace be upon him) fromvarious bookscompiled by various authors, where the Ahadees are"Authentic" ThisApp provides users to read and share MunthakhabAhadees in Arabicand Translation in English and Tamil. 1) KALIMAHTAYYAIBAH 2) SALAT3) 'ILM AND DHIKR 4) IKRAM-UL-MUSLIM 5) IKHLAS 6)DA'WAT ANDTABLIGH 7) AVOIDING THE IRRELEVANT
iERA Pocket Dawah Manual 1.0
The iERA Pocket Dawah Manual is a uniqueappthat teaches you how to converse with non-Muslims aboutIslam,simply and in a structured way. As you learn, the app willquizyour knowledge of the topic and if you pass the section, you'llbeable to share your score to encourage your friends and familytolearn how to give dawah too!This app will be regularly updated with new quiz questions,aswell as the latest examples for you to use in your dawah. Sostartnow and learn how to share the message of Islam withanyone,anywhere inshaa'Allah
Islamic Library by MQI 1.0
Islamic Library by MQI give you thebestcollection of ebooks in Arabic, English and Urdu. Thisapplicationis must have for each muslim, to get the obligedlearning and toolsto lead an immaculate islamic life.
Kuliyaat e Huzoor Baqi Billah 4.0
Introduction and family Lineage:Huzoor Muhammad Baqi Billah Qudas Sarrah Naqshbandiya SilsilaeTareeqat kay aik boht he azeem, buland paaya aurdarakhshandabuzurg hain jin kay dam kadam say Naqshbandiya silsilae tareeqatsub continent main pohncha. He is the spiritual guide(Murshid) ofHazrat Shaikh Ahmad Sirhindi R.A (who is also known asHazratMujaddid Alf Sani R.A).He belonged to a Turkish family as his father was from aTurkishfamily tree which is known "Khilj". "Baqi Billah" HazratKhawaja kalaqab he kehna chahiye aur yeh isliye howa hai kay apkoittibaa ekamil ki badolat Bajuz haq Subhanawatala aur koe matlab hena thaso he is called "Baqi Billah". He was born on 971 Hijri, ason 1563eeswi and this was also the very year in which hisspiritualdisciple Hazrat Mujadid Alf Sani R.A was born on.Education:Ap ko beginning say he hasool e taleem ka janoon tha. So hasooleilam ki manzilain barri he taizi say taih kernay lagay. But aikdinaik majzoob nay following Persian Poetic piece perh ker apkiduniyahe badal di:"War kanzo hadaiya natwaan waid KhudaraAaena e dil been k kitabay bay azeen neest"Ap ko Aaena e dil daikhnay ki lagan sawaar ho gye aur yeh laganapko najaanay kahan kahan liye phirti rahi. Aik bay karari thekchain na lainay daiti the. Kitnay hi buzurgon kay aastanonperhaazri de. Aur kitni he basharton say sarfaraz howay aur aaenaedil ko itni jila de keh haqeeqat ka sahih aqs is main nazaraanaylaga.In such type of ecstasy and travelling, it is said kay HazratKhwajaBahauddin Naqshband R.A aalam e az khood raftagi main ap kaysamanayaaye aur ap nay oon say faiz hasil kiya.Caliphate:Sufi dervaish Hazrat Khwaja Amkangi R.A was met him in the dreamandnarrated:"My eyes are waiting for you....!"Aur unhon nay ap ko khalipha bna ker Hindustan bhaij diya.AurHindustan ja ker Ap nay Hazrat Mujaddid alf Sani R.A ko dhoondkerKharqa e Khilafat say nawaza aur unhain salook ki manazilwithintwo and half months main tay kerwa deen. Aur iski aitraafHazratAhmad Sirhindi R.A nay khud kiya hai.Wisaal:After that Hazrat baqi Billah nay apnay mureedain aur ehl o ayyalkoap kay hawalay kiya aur Allah ka daaimi wisaal paa gaye. Ap kawisal1603 yani 1012 Hijri ko howa. It means he lead a life of just40years.In this application, apki sawaneh hayat ko Urdu main likha gyahaiaur apka kay kalaam ki collection as it is Persian languagemainshamil ki gaye hai.
Biografi Ulama dan Sholihin 1.0
Aplikasi Biografi Ulama (Orang Sholeh)danHabaib adalah aplikasi kumpulan biografi ulama dan habaibdunia,baik dari tanah haram, mekkah, madinah, iraq, iran,syiria,malaysia, thailand, dan indonesia. namun paling banyak ulamadariindonesia.Aplikasi ini juga memuat Biografi Sahabat (Kaum MuhajirindanAnshar), Tabiin, Tabi`it Tabi`in, Salafus Sholeh, dan PahlawanBadrdan Pahlawan Uhud, dan sebagainya.Ulama adalah pemuka agama atau pemimpin agama yang bertugasuntukmengayomi, membina dan membimbing umat Islam baikdalammasalah-masalah agama maupum masalah sehari hari yangdiperlukanbaik dari sisi keagamaan maupun sosial kemasyarakatan.Maknasebenarnya dalam bahasa Arab adalah ilmuwan atau peneliti,kemudianarti ulama tersebut berubah ketika diserap kedalamBahasaIndonesia, yang maknanya adalah sebagai orang yang ahli dalamilmuagama Islam.Habib di kalangan Arab-Indonesia adalah gelar bangsawanTimurTengah yang merupakan kerabat Nabi Muhammad (Bani Hasyim)dansecara khusus dinisbatkan terhadap keturunan Nabi MuhammadmelaluiFatimah az-Zahra (yang berputera Husain dan Hasan) dan Alibin AbiThalib. Habib yang datang ke Indonesia mayoritas adalahketurunanHusain bin Ali bin Abi Thalib bin Abdul Muthalib danFatimah bintiNabi Muhammad bin Abdullah bin Abdul Muthalib.Di lain ada pendapat bahwa pihak Ali bin Abi Thalib jugamemilikiketurunan dari isteri-isteri lainnya, tetapi mereka bukantermasukdzurriyyah atau keturunan Nabi Muhammad, karena bukandilahirkandari Rahim Fatima, yang mana anak kandung NabiMuhammad.Gelar Habib tersebut terutama ditujukan kepada merekayangmemiliki pengetahuan agama Islam yang mumpuni darigolongankeluarga tersebut. Gelar Habib juga berarti panggilankesayangandari cucu kepada kakeknya dari golongan keluargatersebut.Diperkirakan di Indonesia terdapat sebanyak 1,2 juta orangyangmasih hidup yang berhak menyandang sebutan ini.. KeberadaanHabibdi Yaman tersebut merupakan pindahan dari Irak untukmenyelamatkanketurunannya dari faham Syiah. Berdasarkan catatanorganisasi yangmelakukan pencatatan silsilah para habib ini,Ar-Rabithah,[1] adasekitar 20 juta orang di seluruh dunia yangdapat menyandang gelarini (disebut Sayyid) dari 114 marga. Hanyaketurunan laki-laki sajayang berhak menyandang gelar habib.Diantaranya :Habib Umar bin Hafidz, Habib Ali Al-Jufri, Habib Umar bin Hud,KyaiSahal, Guru Zaini, Habib Utsman Mufthi Betawi, SyaikhHisyam,Syaikh Nadzhim, Habib Munzir, Habib Luthfi bin Yahya,SyaikhNawawi, Imam Nawawi, Ilmuan Muslim, IBnu Sina, IbnuRusyd,Al-Khawarizmi, Al-Farabi, Fakhruddin Ar-Razi, Al-Kindi,IbnuBatutahBiographyApplicationUlema (People Sholeh) and Habaib is a collection ofbiographies ofscholars and applications habaib the world, both onland unclean,Mecca, Medina, iraq, iran, Syria, Malaysia, Thailand,andIndonesia. but most scholars from Indonesia.The application also includes biographies Companion (TheEmigrantsand the Helpers), Successors, Tabi`it Tabi`in, SalafSholeh, andHeroes of Badr and Uhud Heroes, and so on.Ulama are religious leaders or religious leaders that servedtoprotect, nurture and guide the Muslims both in matters ofreligionmaupum daily problems that required both from the religiousandsocial. True meaning in Arabic is a scientist or a researcher,thenthe meaning of the cleric changed when absorbed intotheIndonesian, whose meaning is as a person skilled in the artofIslam.Habib among Arab-Indonesia was knighted Middle East which isarelative of the Prophet Mohammed (Bani Hashim) andspecificallyattributed to the descendants of the Prophet MuhammadthroughFatima az-Zahra (which berputera Husain and Hasan) and Aliibn AbiTalib. Habib who came to Indonesia the majority are thedescendantsof Husayn bin Ali bin Abdul Muttalib and Fatimah bintProphetMohammed bin Abdullah bin Abdul Muttalib.On the other there is the opinion that the party of Ali binAbiTalib also had a descendant of the other wives, but they arenotincluded dzurriyyah or descendants of the Prophet Muhammad,becauseit is not born from the womb of Fatima, which is the childof theProphet Muhammad.Habib degree is mainly addressed to those who have knowledgeofIslam who qualified from the family class. Habib title alsomeanscalls to the favorite of his grandfather granddaughter ofthefamily group. It is estimated that in Indonesia there are1.2million people who are still alive are entitled to bearthisdesignation .. Habib existence in Yemen is a transfer from Iraqtosave the offspring of Shia ideology. Based on the recordoforganizations that keep records of Habib's genealogy,Ar-Rabithah,[1] there are approximately 20 million people aroundthe world whocan bear this title (called Sayyid) from 114 genera.Only maledescendants are entitled to Habib.Among them:Habib Umar bin Hafiz, Habib Ali Al-Jufri, Habib Umar bin Hud,KyaiSahal, Professor Zaini Othman Habib Mufthi Betawi, ShaykhHisham,Sheikh Nadzhim, Habib Munzir, Habib Lutfi bin Yahya, Nawawi,ImamNawawi, Muslim scientists, Ibn Sina, Ibn Rushd,Al-Khwarizmi,Al-Farabi, Fakhr Ar-Razi, Al-Kindi, Ibn Battuta
حياة السلف بين القول والعمل 1.0
حياة السلف بين القول والعمل تأليف الأستاذاحمدبن ناصر الطيارLife advancesbetweenwords and deeds written by Professor Ahmed Bin NasserAlTayyar 3.1.7
Fazri Labs merupakan versi Website banyakmembahasmengenaiseputar hukum-hukum islam yang banyak mengandungmanfaatbagi kaummuslimin. Artikel dalam website tersebut terdiridariberbagaimacam disiplin ilmu. Di antara kategori adalah adab dan perilaku, ahkam,hadits,fiqih,almasa'il, tafsir, dan lain-lain. Versi androiddibuatdenganmaksud agar proses membaca dan mencari semakin mudah. Berikut adalahbeberapakelebihandari aplikasi versi android 1. Pencarianartikelberdasarkankeyword tertentu 2. Browse artikel per kategori3.Menyimpanartikel ke dalam folder favorite 4. Auto update artikel5.Offlinemode Demikian, semoga bermanfaat bagi kaum muslimin
ಪವಿತ್ರ ಕುರ್ ಆನ್ Pavitra Qur'an 0.0.5
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته‎ ಪವಿತ್ರ ಕುರ್ ಆನ್,ಇದುಆಂಡ್ರಾಯ್ಡ್ಸ್ಮಾರ್ಟ್ ಫೋನ್/ಟ್ಯಾಬ್‌ಲೆಟ್ ಗಳಿಗಾಗಿರುವ ಉಚಿತ ಕನ್ನಡ ಕುರ್ಆನ್ಆಪ್ಲಿಕೇಷನ್ ಆಗಿದೆ. ಮೂಲ ಅರಬಿ ಪುಟಗಳನ್ನು http://tanzil.netನಿಂದತೆಗೆದುಕೊಳ್ಳಲಾಗಿದೆ ಮತ್ತು ಕನ್ನಡ ಅರ್ಥಾನುವಾದವನ್ನು ಮುಹಮ್ಮದ್ಹಂಝಾಪುತ್ತೂರು ರವರು ಭಾಷಾಂತರಿಸಿದ, ಉಮರ್ ಇಬ್ನ್ ಅಹ್ಮದ್ ಮದೀನಿ, ಅಹ್ಮದ್ ಎಸ್ಎಮ್ಮತ್ತು ಅಬೂಬಕರ್ ನಝೀರ್ ಸಲಫಿಯವರು ಪರಿಶೀಲಿಸಿದ 'ಪವಿತ್ರ ಕುರ್ ಆನ್,ಸಂಪೂರ್ಣಕನ್ನಡ ಅರ್ಥಾನುವಾದ' (ಪ್ರಕಾಶಕರು :ಸಲಫಿ ಪಬ್ಲಿಷಿಂಗ್ ಹೌಸ್ ಮಂಗಳೂರು)ದಿಂದತೆಗೆದುಕೊಳ್ಳಲಾಗಿದೆ. 'ಕುರ್ ಆನ್ ಮತ್ತು ಹದೀಸ್ ವಚನಗಳು' ಫೇಸ್ ಬುಕ್ಪುಟ( ದ ,ಕನ್ನಡಕುರ್ಆನ್ ಆಪ್ಲಿಕೇಷನ್ ಮತ್ತು منهج الأنبياء ವಾಟ್ಸ್ ಆಪ್ ಗ್ರೂಪಿನನಿರ್ವಾಹಕರುಮತ್ತು ಸದಸ್ಯರಿಗೆ ವಿಶೇಷವಾಗಿ ಅಲ್ಲಾಹು ಶ್ರೇಷ್ಟವಾದದ್ದನ್ನುದಯಪಾಲಿಸಲಿ.Note: a) If you are able to read the above Kannada text,yourdevice supports Kannada Al'hamdu lillaah. b) If you see BOXES,yourdevice DOES NOT support Kannada. c) If you see broken textwithoutvattakshara, your device doesn’t have a proper fontrenderingengine for Kannada. If b) or c) is true, Please send anemail [email protected] with your OS version screenshot(AndroidSettings-> About phone/device/tablet) and a screenshotof thispage. Pavitra Qur'aan is a free Kannada Qur'aanapplicationdesigned for Android Smartphones & Tablets, Arabicpages havebeen taken from and Kannada Translationisobtained from 'Pavitra Qur'aan' translated by MuhammadHamzahPuttur, verified by 'Umar Ibn Ahmad Madeeni, Ahmad, S.M.,andAboobakar Nazeer Salafi and Published by Salafi PublishingHouse,Mangalore. May Allaah 'Azza wa jal specially rewardtheAdministrators & Members of 'Qur'aan mattu HadeethVachanagalu'Facebook page(,KannadaQur'aan Application and منهج الأنبياء Whatsapp groups.Note: Thisapp uses arabic text search & stream download (ofneeded files)logic derived from Quran Android ( ) opensource project. May Allaah rewardthem for all their efforts ,~Aameen بارك الله فيكم‎ The app hasthe following salient features:* Specially designed Arabic pages(images) for easier recitation *Powerful search feature for bothArabic & Kannada text * Go to aspecific verse of any soorahfrom Index page, Arabic only,Arabic-Kannada & Kannada onlypages. * Bookmark a page or aspecific aayah * Share/Copy single ormultiple verses along withKannada Translation & Footnotes fromArabic pages. * Change textsize in Arabic-Kannada & Kannadaonly pages * Choose differentArabic fonts in Arabic-Kannada pages* Footnotes for a given page inArabic-Kannada & Kannada onlypages Tags: ಪವಿತ್ರ ಕುರ್ ಆನ್,Pavitra Qur'aan, Pavithra Quran,Kannada Qur'aan