Top 20 Apps Similar to Poncho: Wake Up Weather

Digital Alarm Clock 4.4.5.GMS
⊙Digital LED Clock with Night Stand. 18 Widgets. shake and wakeupmode
Weather by
Find out the weather wherever you arewithSpain’s leading weather forecast application.On the geolocated homepage, you can easily access the hourlyand14-day weather forecast of more than 200,000 cities,airports,football stadiums, schools, bullrings, beaches and golfcourses tofind out the weather wherever you are.Our expert meteorologists, José Antonio Maldonado, Mario PicazoandMar Gómez, among others, provide you with the most accurateweatherinformation and forecasts, which are now also availableonvideo.IN FULL DETAILWe include:- Temperature, wind chill, wind speed, cloud coverage,andatmospheric pressure data.- Radar images and forecast maps of rain, temperature, pressureandcloud coverage throughout Spain and the Balearic andCanaryIslands, and the rest of Europe, the United Kingdom, FranceandGreece.- AEMET meteorological warnings with alerts about waves, rain,etc.for all Spanish provinces and islands.- Additional information and snow reports for ski resortsinSpain.- Wave, wind and water temperature forecasts and maps of Spain’s12main coastal areas.AT ALL TIMES- Save your favourite cities and access them at any time.- Redesigned widget that displays meteorological information onyourAndroid screen.- Listen to the weather forecast or activate sounds associatedwiththe forecast for a more comprehensive experience.- Find out the weather at your child’s school, your team’sfootballstadium or plan your holiday by checking the weather at thebeachyou’re going to.- Personalise your photos with geolocated meteorologicalinformationand share them with your friends on socialnetworks.
The Weather Forecast 0.0.6
Weather is the state of the atmosphere,tothedegree that it is hot or cold, wet or dry, calm or stormy,clearorcloudyWeather is driven by air pressure (temperatureandmoisture)differences between one place and another. Thesepressureandtemperature differences can occur due to the sun angleatanyparticular spot, which varies by latitude from the tropicsWeather features stunning photos thanks to a geolocationofyouand your city. Easily swipe down to update.Features:Beautiful photos from places near youDetailed weather info ( up to 4 days weather forecasts ) (10dayweather feature coming soon! )Ability to change between F and CBased onionic-weather: helps when choosing your city.Reallyaccurateforecasts are available for:London Cook Islands Guernsey Jersey Canada Turks andCaicosIslandsIsle of Man Malta Calgary Melbourne VancouverManchesterTorontoOttawa Birmingham Sydney Brentford New York
Weather Now 1.0
Asad Aizaz
Weather Now is the ultimatematerialdesignweather app. A simple yet intuitive UI carefullyfollowingallmaterial design guidelines.Currently, Weather Now features accurate and fast,currentandfuture weather predictions. With a detailed analysisoffuturedates. Powered by this app willprovideextremelyaccurate weather predictions for you preciselocations. All the while, thanks to its material design itwilllookbeautiful while doing it. And best of all, NO ADS!More features are planned such as:Location searchingHourly weather predictionsAlerts
Polymer Weather 0.0.2
Con Polymer Weather, podrás consultar eltiempoactual del lugar en el que estés.Esta aplicación está escrita completamente con Polymer, esdecir,es una web app.Para mostrar la predicción de los proximos 16 días, solo hayquedeslizar el dedo desde abajo hacia arriba en la aplicación, yparavolver, exactamente igual.45MB? ¿por qué? Esta aplicación ha sido desarrollada confineseducativos, lo cual no quiere decir que se hallan intentadocuidarvarios aspectos, como el de consumir la menor cantidad dedatosposibles. Todas las imágenes están descargas en el dispositivoya,no se hace ninguna petición adicional a la de pedir losdatos.Permisos, como siempre, los explicamos:- INTERNET: Es obvio, acceder a internet es necesario paradescargarla información del tiempo de tu ciudad- GPS: También obvio, la aplicación necesita saber donde estásparamostrar la informaciónJamás, en ningún caso, se almacena en ningún tipo de servidorninada parecido tu ubicación, el identificador de tu teléfono ninadaparecido. Transparencia ante todo.La aplicación es open source, en poco tiempo estará disponibleengithub para que la mejores y la "rompas" si lo estimasoportuno.With PolymerWeather,you'll see the current time on where you are.This application is completely written Polymer, ie, it is awebapp.To show the prediction of the next 16 days, just slideyourfinger from the bottom up in the application, and return,exactlythe same.45MB? Why? This application has been developed foreducationalpurposes, which does not mean they are trying to takecare ofvarious aspects, such as consume the least amount of datapossible.All images are download to the device and not anyadditional datato request the request is made.Permits, as always, explained:- INTERNET: It's obvious, internet access is required todownloadthe weather information of your city- GPS: Also obvious, the application needs to know where you aretoshow informationNever, under any circumstances, it is stored on any serveroranything like your location, your phone ID oranything.Transparency above all.The application is open source, soon will be available ongithubfor the best and the "you break" if appropriateestimates.
atmosHere Weather 3.2.0
Features:- Material Design- Hyper accurate powered weather data (down totheminute weather!)- Weather Alert notifications- Persistent notification (optional)- Card UI style- Minutely, hourly, daily weather data- Hour by hour weather information for the next week (compared to48hours in other apps) available by swiping to the side!- Highly detailed and customized "daily" information- Highly configurable cards:- Tropics conditions (tropical storms, hurricanes, etc)- Current moon phase- Sunrise and sunset- Traffic- Pollen- UV index- Netatmo station (requires login)- Ski and marine conditions- Device sensors (humidity, temp, etc)- Latest earthquake- Your exact location- Air quality- Wind conditions- GOES-15 (space weather)- And many more!- Ability to save and view custom locations- Beautiful animations- Light, Dark, and Automatic Themes!- Fused location provider for hyper accurate location basedweatherdata!- Multiple maps for radar, wind, temp, etc!- Muzei integration- DashClock integration- 6 widgets (with many more coming!)- NWS / NOAA Audio Streams (still in BETA)- Day Dream- Pull to refresh- Settings (who doesn't love those?)- Charts for minute by minute and hour by hour precipitation(chartsnever lie)- All the contact information you could ever ask for in the"About"sectionatmosHere Weather is making weather on Android smarter!Bydynamically prioritizing data, and changing the app look orfeelbased on current conditions. You get down to the minuteweather(Example, "Rain starting in 15 minutes, ending in 12"),which meansyou can plan what you do next. If there's rain in theforecast,you'll also get traffic information, making it easier toknowwhat's going on around you! The app is designed to focusaroundwhat's going on at your EXACT location at this EXACTmoment.atmosHere Weather is leading the way in contextual weather,andcreating a seamless experience."The app costs $3.99, but if you really want to have themostdetailed weather info, this looks like a good option." -BGR"Why would I spend $3.99 on a weather app you might currentlybeasking yourselves? That's simple. It's a truly amazing app."-io9Your typical Android widget, day dream, and optionalpersistentnotification (with adjustable update frequency) arealsoincluded!Join the G+ Community to keep up with development, reportbugs,request features, and soon alpha/betabuilds! and suggestions are greatly appreciated! Check theaboutsection for more contact information!*Ratings and feedback via any form of contact aregreatlyappreciated. Please leave an actual comment with yourrating,regardless of the star rating. If you rate it 1 star and donottell me why, I cannot fix or improve the app!*
Weather & Clock Widget Plus
A fully fledged real-time weather and future forecast withelegantwidgets.
حالة الطقس بدون انترنت 1.0
Antares Life
"حالة الطقس بدون انترنت" تطبيق سهل وبسيطيتيحلكامكانية معرفة احوال الطقس في جميع دول العالم بدونانترنات.من السهل وبشكل استثنائي استخدام تطبيق "حالة الطقس بدونانترنت"للبقاءعلى تحديث دائم بالظروف الجوية.الميزات- يشتغل بنظام GPS ولا يحتاج الاتصال بالانترنات- يدعم تطبيق "حالة الطقس بدون انترنت" تحديد المواقعالجغرافية،ويمكنهاسترجاع أحدث ظروف الطقس الخاصة بموقعك الحالي- يعتبر تطبيق "حالة الطقس بدون انترنت" واحدا من أكثرتطبيقات"الطقس"التي تمتاز بخفتها على Google Play!- التعامل مع أحوال الطقس من خلال الرسوم المتحركة - ورؤيةكيفتبدوحالة الطقس على الطبيعة!- توقعات حالة الطقس على مدار الساعة وكل أسبوع- تم تصميم واجهة المستخدم بحيث تكون سلسة, وبديهية- دعم خاصية ودجة تأمين قفل الشاشة الجديدة في أندرويد 5.1- وضوح الشاشة على جميع مزايا أحوال الطقس المعروفة- يقدم دعم الجودة الخاص بأجهزة أندرويد - من أندرويد 1.5إلىأندرويد5.1- يستخدم النقر للتبديل ما بين درجات الحرارةالمئويةوالفهرنهايت- يمكنك أن تقوم بالسماح أو تعطيل الإخطارات- حدد بنفسك ما الذي سوف تكون عليه الميزة التالية منتطبيق"الطقس"!يرجى أن تترك تعليق أو يمكنك مراسلتنا علىالبريدالإلكترونيومساعدتنا على جعل تطبيق الطقس الأفضل من نوعه."WeatherwithouttheInternet," plain and simple application enables you toknowtheweather conditions in all countries of theworldwithoutAnturnat.Easy to use and exceptionally application "of weatherwithouttheInternet" to stay permanently updated weatherconditions.Features- Actuation GPS system does not require contact Palanturnat- Supports the application of "state of the weatherwithouttheInternet," geographical positioning, and can own thelatestweatherconditions retrieve your current location- The application of "state of the weather without theInternet,"oneof the most "weather" applications that characterizedBkhvthaonGoogle Play!- Dealing with the weather conditions through animation - andseehowit looks on the nature of the weather!- Weather forecasts around the clock and every week- The user interface is designed to be smooth and intuitive- Support for feature widget securing new lock screeninAndroid5.1- The clarity of the screen on all the advantages oftheknownweather conditions- Special offers quality support for Android devices -fromAndroid1.5 to Android 5.1- Used click to switch between degrees Celsius and Fahrenheit- You can make to allow or disable notifications- Select for yourself what that will be like the followingfromtheapplication of the "weather feature!" Please leave a commentoryoucan e-mail us and help us make the application of thebestweatherof its kind.
احوال الطقس بدون انترنت 1.0
Black App
"احوال الطقس بدون انترنت" تطبيق سهلوبسيطيتيحلك امكانية معرفة احوال الطقس في جميع دول العالمبدونانترنات.من السهل وبشكل استثنائي استخدام تطبيق "حالة الطقس بدونانترنت"للبقاءعلى تحديث دائم بالظروف الجوية.+ مميزالت التطبيقة :وقعات: عرض التغيرات المناخية في 10 يوما، ودرجة الحرارةفيالوقتالحقيقي.تفاصيل: عرض وقت دقيق من شروق الشمس وغروبها، والرطوبة،وقوةالرياحومؤشر الأشعة فوق البنفسجية.هطول الأمطار: التغييرات سقوط المطر من النهار والليل.الشمس والقمر: انظر شروق الشمس متحركة، غروب الشمس،والرياح،وحداتالضغط.رادار خرائط: خرائط الرادار سريع التحميل تظهر الماضيورادارفيالمستقبل. تظهر طبقات الخرائط وجهات النظر الطريقأوالأقمارالصناعية، ودرجة حرارة المياه، سرعة الرياح، والغطاءالثلجي،وأكثر منذلك. تصفح الخرائط التفاعلية: الرادار والأقمارالصناعيةوالحرارةوالثلوج.بلدي المواقع: يمكنك اختيار وحفظ مواقع مختلفة، أكثرملاءمةلعرضمعلومات الطقس الخاصة بهم.ويتضمن التطبيق العديد من قطع الودجت ، للوضع الرأسيوالأفقي.كماتعرض قطع الودجت الوقت الحالي والتاريخ ومعلوماتالبطارية،الجدولالزمني للأحداث، بالإضافة إلى معلومات الطقس.بحث لجميع المدن في العالم حسب البلد والمدينةأوالرمزالبريدي.- القدرة على تحديد مصدر بالإنترنت شبكة الجوال أو واي فاي فقط.- القدرة على تعطيل الدخول إلى الإنترنت من مشغلي الخدمة أثناءوجودكفيالتجوال.- القدرة على تحديد وحدة درجة الحرارة المفضلة،مئويةأوفهرنهايت.- فترات التحديث الآلي هي: 15، 30 دقيقة، 1، 3، 6، 9، 12ساعة،وتحديثيدوي.- كشف موقع التلقائي بواسطة الشبكة وGPS.- متابعة معلومات 10 مواقع مختلفة.- خريطة الطقس مع القدرة على إضافة أي مدينة إلى قائمة المدن.- تنبيهات (مع خيار لتخصيص الصوت والاهتزاز أو لتعطيله).- حالة الطقس الحالية وخمسة أيام توقعات الطقس.- نسبة الرطوبة النسبية- الضغط الجوي بالعديد من الوحدات المختلفة- مسافة الرؤية بوحدات مختلفة- كمية ترسيب المطر او الهطول في بوحدات مختلفة- مؤشر الأشعة فوق البنفسجية- نقطة قطرة الندى- سرعة الرياح واتجاهها بوحدات مختلفة- توقعات 10 أيام للطقس والطقس ساعة.- أوقات شروق الشمس وغروبها.- عرض درجة الحرارة في شريط الحالة.- مشاركة الطقس ومعلومات الموقع مع الأصدقاء.- قطع الويدجت للشاشة الرئيسية بمقاسات، 5*3، 5*2، 5*1للشاشةالكبيرةفقط و4*3، 4*2، 4*1 2*1 و لجميع الشاشات.- الويدجت تعرض الوقت والتاريخ، ومعلومات البطارية الحاليةبالإضافةإلىمعلومات الطقس- العديد من الخطوط لساعة وتاريخ- ويدجت لعرض الجدول الزمني للأحداث.- مراحل القمر للساعة الحالية و5 أيام- يدعم Android Wear.- نمط للعرض الداكن او الفاتح مع التحم في ايقونات الداكن.- القدرة على ضبط خلفية مخصصة للنمط الداكن."Weatherconditionswithoutthe Internet," plain and simple application thatallows youto knowthe weather conditions in all countries of theworldwithoutAnturnat.Easy to use and exceptionally application "of weatherwithouttheInternet" to stay permanently updated weather conditions.+ Mmizalt Applied:And Qat: presentation of climatic changes in 10days,thetemperature in real time.Details: Show the exact time of sunrise and sunset,humidity,windstrength and UV Index.Precipitation: Changes rainfall of the day and night.The sun and moon: see the sunrise mobile, sunsets,wind,pressureunits.Radar maps: Radar fast-loading maps showing the past and aradarinthe future. Layers of maps and views of the road orsatellites,andwater temperature, wind speed, and snow cover shows,andmore.Browse interactive maps: radar, satellites, heatandsnow.My sites: You can select and save differentlocations,moreconvenient to view their own weather information.The application includes many pieces of Alodjt,verticalandhorizontal mode. Alodjt cutting the current timeanddateinformation and also displays the battery, calendar ofevents,aswell as weather information. Search for all cities in the world by country andcityorzip code.- The ability to identify the source of the Internetonlymobilenetwork or Wi-Fi.- Ability to disable Internet access service operators whileyouarein roaming.- Ability to specify the preferred degree heat,CelsiusorFahrenheit.- Automatic update intervals are: 15.30 minutes, 1.3, 6.9,12hours,and a manual update.- Automatic detection site by the network and GPS.- Follow-up to 10 different locations information.- Weather map with the ability to add any city to thelistofcities.- Alerts (with the option to customize the sound and vibrationortodisable it).- Current weather conditions and five-day weather forecast.- Percentage of relative humidity- Atmospheric pressure in many different units- Vision different units of distance- The amount of precipitation of rain or precipitationindifferentunits- UV Index- A drop of dew point- Wind speed and direction in different units- Forecasts of 10 days for the weather and the weather clock.- Times of sunrise and sunset.- Temperature display in the status bar.- The participation of the weather and locationinformationwithfriends.- Cut widget for home screen sizes 0.5 * 3.5 * 2.5 * only 1 and4*3.4 * 2.4 * 1 2 * 1 and for all screens for the big screen.- Widgets display the time and date, and information inadditiontothe battery current weather information- Many of the lines of the hour and date- Widget to view the schedule of events.- Phases of the moon for the current hours and 5 days- Supports Android Wear.- Pattern of dark or light display with icons dockedinthedark.- Ability to customized dark pattern background settings.
ArabiaWeather 4.0.57
Welcome to the first Weather​ App in the Middle East​ and intheArab​ World​!
Weather 7 Days 1.0
Weather Forecast 7 DaysWeather Forecast 7 Days is a stylish Weather app,CompletelyFREEand easy to use for always being updated with thelatestweatherconditions wherever you live. With just one click yougettheweather forecasts of 7 days. This app is compatible withanyAndroidsmartphone or tablet. The beautiful design of thisappmakes usingit an enjoyable experience full with easiness.FEATURES :- Weather 7 days supports Geo-positioning, retrievingthelatestweather information for your location- Automatic location detection (using the InternetorGPSsignal)- An option to manually add your location.- Add and track the weather conditions in other locations.- Check the weather by interactive map.- Beautiful and user-friendly interface.- The ability to change the theme.- Tap on the temperature icon to change easily betweenCelsiusandFahrenheit.- Detailed preview of 7 days weather forecasts.- Update the weather data in real-time.
Irak Weather - Arabic 2.0.16
Mobile Soft
Irak Weather Arabic app provides accurate weather forecastsforIrak.
Jordan Weather 2.0.13
Mobile Soft
Jordan Weather app provides accurate weather forecasts forallcities
توقعات الطقس اليوم بدون انترنت 1.0
معرفة حالة الطقس المتوقعة للسبعةالايامالقادمةمن خلال تطبيق توقعات الطقس اليوم بدون انترنت (حالةالطقس ,الرياحوالرطوبة الفلكي، أمواج البحر ...) ، يدعم جميع المدنالعربيةوالمغربية منها و مدن الخارج ك (لدار البيضاء والرباطوفاسومراكشوأكادير ووجدة وطنجة ومكناس والحسيمة، الناظور ...).تطبيق توقعات الطقس اليوم بدون انترنت - LocalWeatherForecastReport هو اسهل و احسن طريقة لمعرفة الطقس في مدينتكعلىمداراليوم,الاسبوع و الشهر ، فمن خلاله يمكنك الاستغناء عننشرةالطقسلانه يقدم لك جميع التفاصيل عن الطقس كدرجة الحرارة,سرعةالرياح,هطول الامطار, الثلج, الغيوم, ضغط البحر و غيرها.تطبيق توقعات الطقس اليوم بدون انترنت يدعم إضافات widgetلوضعهاعلىسطح هاتفك و الولوج اليها بسهولة في أي وقت كان من الصباحاوالمساء،لمعرفة حالة الطقس خارجا لاستعداد جيد.Morocco Weather - Local Weather Forecast Reportappprovidesaccurate weather forecasts (wind, humidity,tides,solunaractivity, ephemeris, alerts) cities in Morocco forsevencomingdays.It also provides access to real-time weather at any timeoftheday.Its simple, intuitive and ergonomic interface provides easyaccesstoweather data.If you like the app rate it and make the people around youknowaboutit!Local Weather Forecast Report - Meteo maroc estuneapplicationmobile météo gratuite, totalement repensée, avecundesignergonomique et moderne afin d'assurer unemeilleureexpérienceutilisateur et une haute lisibilité desinformationsmétéo:- Prévisions géo-localisées (détection automatiquedevotrerégion),- La météo de la ville marocaine de votre choix,- Toutes les grandes villes africaines, européennessontsupportées(utiliser la loupe de recherche en haut àdroite).- Recherche des villes du monde: Paris, Barcelone,Pékin,Moscou,Séoul, Jakarta, Mexico, Lima, Téhéran, Bogota,Rome,Londres,Bruxelles, Delhi, Tokyo, New-York…- Les prévisions de pluie dans l'heure,- Les bulletins météo de 7 jours,- Enregistrer des événements personnels en fonctiondelamétéo,- Balayer horizontalement l'écran pour afficher les prévisionsde7jours de la ville de votre choix (au monde entier),- Afficher la température en Celsius ou en fahrenheit…- Source de donnée reconnue très fiable(1Billionde prévision par jour)La météo de villes marocaines suivantes et plus :Zaio, Tanger, Settat, Casablanca, Oujda, Agadir,Mohammedia,Tetouan,Marrakesh, Kenitra, Khemisset, Nador, Skhirat,Sefrou,Safi, Martil,Essaouira, Beni Mellal, Azemmour, Khouribga,Larache,Fkih Ben Salah,Berrechid, Tan-Tan, Chefchaouene, Guelmim,Asilah,Guercif, Khenifra,Kasba Tadla, Taroudant, Ksar el Kebir,SidiYahia el Gharb, SidiSlimane, Berkane, Jerada, Fes, SidiIfni,Tineghir, Nouaseur, Zagora,Youssoufia, Tiznit,Tirhanimine,Tiflet, Taza, Taourirt, Taounate,Tahala, Souq Larba alGharb, SidiQacem, Sidi Bennour, Sale, Rabat,Oulad Teima, Oued Zem,Ouazzane,Ouarzazat, Midelt, Meknes, MechraBelqsiri, Imzourene, ElJadida,El Hajeb, El Aioun, Bouznika, Azrou,Ahfir, Boujniba,Tarfaya,Tafraout, Sidi Smail, Ifrane, Figuig(Centre), Mhamidاحوال الطقسحالة الطقسحالة الطقس بالمغربالطقس بالمغربحالة طقس في المغربطقس المغربطقس المغرب بدون انترنتطقس المغرب بدون نتطقس في المغربmorocco weatherتوقعات الطقسweather in marrakechweather in moroccoweather moroccoالطقس بطنجةmétéo algeriemétéo marocweather Saudi Arabicحالة الطقس بالخليجmorocco weatherالنشرة الجويةتوقعات الطقس بالسعوديةتوقعات الطقس اليومتوقعات الطقس بدون انترنتlocal weatherدرجة الحرارة اليومحالة الطقس اليومياحوال الطقسطقس العربالاحوال الجويةالطقس اليومحالة الطقس اليومدرجة الحرارةاجواء الطقسحالة البحرنشرة الجوية اليومدرجة الحرارة غدااحوال الطقس غداأحوال الطقس بسورياأحوال الطقس بتونسThe weatherforecastforthe seven coming days through the application oftoday'sweatherforecast without the Internet (weather, windastronomerandhumidity, sea waves ...), supports all Arab cities andtheMoroccanones and cities abroad (k to Casablanca, Rabat,Fez,Marrakesh,Agadir, Oujda and Tangier and Meknes, Al Hoceima,Nador...).Application of weather forecasts without the Internet-LocalWeather Forecast Report is the easiest and best way tofindout theweather in your city throughout the day, week,month,Through ityou can dispense with the weather bulletin becauseitgives you allthe details about the weather like temperature,windspeed,rainfall , snow, clouds, sea pressure and others.Application of weather forecasts without Internetwidgetsupportsadd-ons to be placed on the surface of your phoneandaccess themeasily at any time of the morning or evening, to seetheweatherout good for readiness.Morocco Weather - Local Weather Forecast Reportappprovidesaccurate weather forecasts (wind, humidity,tides,solunaractivity, ephemeris, alerts) cities in Morocco forsevencomingdays.It also provides access to real-time weather at any timeoftheday.Its simple, intuitive and ergonomic interface provides easyaccesstoweather data.If you like the app rate it and make the people around youknowaboutit!Local Weather Forecast Report - Meteo maroc estuneapplicationmobile météo gratuite, totalement repensée, avecundesignergonomique et moderne afin d'assurer unemeilleureexpérienceutilisateur et une haute lisibilité desinformationsmétéo:- Prévisions géo-localisées (détection automatiquedevotrerégion),- La météo de la ville marocaine de votre choix,- Toutes les grandes villes africaines, européennessontsupportées(utiliser la loupe de recherche en haut àdroite).- Recherche des villes du monde: Paris, Barcelone,Pékin,Moscou,Séoul, Jakarta, Mexico, Lima, Téhéran, Bogota,Rome,Londres,Bruxelles, Delhi, Tokyo, New-York ...- Les prévisions de pluie dans l'heure,- Les bulletins météo de 7 jours,- Enregistrer des événements personnels en fonctiondelamétéo,- Balayer horizontalement l'écran pour afficher les prévisionsde7jours de la ville de votre choix (au monde entier),- Afficher la température en Celsius ou en fahrenheit ...- Source de donnée reconnue très fiable(1Billionde prévision par jour)La météo de villes marocaines suivantes et plus:Zaio, Tanger, Settat, Casablanca, Oujda, Agadir,Mohammedia,Tetouan,Marrakesh, Kenitra, Khemisset, Nador, Skhirat,Sefrou,Safi, Martil,Essaouira, Beni Mellal, Azemmour, Khouribga,Larache,Fkih Ben Salah,Berrechid, Tan -Tan, Chefchaouene, Guelmim,Asilah,Guercif,Khenifra, Kasba Tadla, Taroudant, Ksar el Kebir,SidiYahia el Gharb,Sidi Slimane, Berkane, Jerada, Fes, SidiIfni,Tineghir, Nouaseur,Zagora, Youssoufia, Tiznit, Tirhanimine,Tiflet, Taza, Taourirt,Taounate, Tahala, Souq Larba al Gharb,SidiQacem, Sidi Bennour,Sale, Rabat, Oulad Teima, Oued Zem,Ouazzane,Ouarzazat, Midelt,Meknes, Mechra Belqsiri, Imzourene, ElJadida,El Hajeb , El Aioun,Bouznika, Azrou, Ahfir, Boujniba,Tarfaya,Tafraout, Sidi Smail,Ifrane, Figuig (Centre), MhamidWeatherweather conditionWeather in MoroccoWeather in MoroccoWeather in Morocco caseWeather MoroccoWeather Morocco without InternetWeather Morocco without a NetWeather in Moroccomorocco weatherweather predictionweather in marrakechweather in moroccoweather moroccoWeather in Tangiermétéo algeriemétéo marocweather Saudi ArabicWeather in the Gulfmorocco weatherweather forecastWeather forecasts in Saudi ArabiaToday's weather forecastWeather Forecast without Internetlocal weatherTemperature todayThe case of the daily weatherWeatherArabiaWeatherWeatherThe weather todayWeather TodaytemperatureAirs WeatherSea stateWeather bulletin todayTemperature tomorrowWeather tomorrowWeather conditions in SyriaWeather conditions in Tunisia
Weather With Widget PRO 1.1
Weather With Widget is amazing weatherappwhichoffer 5 different layouts, beautiful flat design andadvancedweathermaps like Rain map, Snow Map, Temperature Mapetc...Essential appfor every Android phone!Enjoy in beautiful and modern flat, materialdesigninterface,also app change colors depending on theweatherconditions. Thisapp offer 6 day weather forecast for singlecityand advancedweather maps (Temperature, Wind Speed,Precipitation,Rain, RainClasic, Snow, Cloud, Cloud clasic, SeaPressure). Thereis a GEOlocation function to simplify updating yourcurrentlocation.And best of all, Weather With Widget is completely FREEandverysmall size app (just 4MB). So, what are you waiting?DownloaditNOW!Widget integratedAlso there is a beautiful widget which showscurrentweatherinformation on your home screen.Features:- Single City- 6 Day forecast- Different color for different weather- Weather Widget- Premium flat design- GPS Geo-location- Small app size (just 4MB)- Completely FREE weather app
Weather2Umbrella Free Weather 2.1.2
Weather2Umbrella LTD provides the most accurate andrelevantweatherinformation, for more then 2 000 000 cities allaround theworld.Weather Forecast, W2U Weather Forecast, WeatherForecast NewYork,Weather USA Weather UK Weather Forecast LondonMeteo Info
Free Weather 2.0.1
Jason Godson
Soon to be your favourite weatherappthatutilizes your phone GPS and openweathermaps API todownloadanddisplay your current local weather with a reallycoolvisualizationof the progress between sunrise/sunsetandsunset/sunrise!An awesome chart page is available to see temperaturetrendsandprecipitation for your choice of one, three or fivedays.You can also view a 5 day listing of temperaturesandconditionsin 3 hour increments.Swipe left/right to chance between pages.Background automatically changes for day/night mode.If there are features that you would like, or bugs thatyoufind,please let me know and I will do my best toimplementthem.PLEASE NOTE: App will not work without GPS access oraninternetconnection.
FP Clock & Weather Widget 1.1.2
There are going to play when itrainsunexpectedly makes you get wet and disgruntled people. Thatwillnot happen if you stay with the weather side, right? With aweatherforecast application most accurate Clock & WeatherWidget helpsyour phone into the device next to your weatheranywhere. Sunnyrain or storms will always be the warning to stay.Clock & Weather Widget is a weather forecast appupdatedhourly provide accurate weather information for all citiesin theworld. This app provides information such as: currenttemperature;weather conditions humidity, wind, pressure, winddirection;...Especially application supports forecasts weather widget onyourphone screen to help you track the weather is simple and easy,youalso can use to decorate your phone again there.Features weather forecast for android Clock &WeatherWidget:- Provide adequate weather information on world countries- Weather forecast within 10 days- Fully weather information such as temperature, humidity, wind...and the time- The sun rises and sets in real time- There are many different widget sizes: 4x3, 4x2, 4x1 ...- The application temperature and weather watch- Display weather information on the status bar- Share weather information and location to a friend- Automatically updates weather- Calendar python grows- More information and other featuresClock & Weather Widget software is the best weatherforecaston Android. Use and rated 5 * if you prefer.
FineWeather Widget and Clocks 2.2.1
FineWeather Widget - is the weather widgetforfans of beautiful animations with fine-tuning and haswidefunctionality and high reliability. This is the firstactuallyANIMATED widget. Exciting and realistic animations areavailablenow on your homescreen. Laconic and informative design,presentedonly actual and accurate information about weather -temperature,wind, precipitation, humidity and pressure. Easynavigation usingswipe gestures between 4-day forecast and detailedforecast forday. Hourly forecast for every day.Easy and fast widget’s configuration - in two touches.Automaticlocation detection or manual input.More info features:★ Fine Weather★ Realistic animation on widget!★ 1 big widget with clock (resizable)★ 1 small widget (resizable)★ Higly customizable widget UI (watch video)★ Temperature feels like★ Moon phase★ Ingenious cards UI★ Intuitive navigation with swipes★ Support any locations.★ 4-day and hourly forecast★ Manual, Automatic update with specified interval or wheninternetconnected★ Only essential and accurate information★ Sunrise and sunset time★ Night graphics★ Night mode (disabling updates during specified hours)★ Choose any app to launch when tapping on hour or minutesAnimation on widgets is possible - just try this app.If you are tired of the applications overloaded unnecessaryweatherinformation. If you love colorful and realistic animation -thiswidget is for you.Widget MAY NOT work with Next Launcher and othercustomlaunchers1d0aa66b3e
Weather Updates and Widget 1.2
A nice looking and reliable 5daysweatherforecast for your Android phone. It works fordifferentplacesaround the world and is able provide an accurateforecast inlessthan a few seconds. The quick and accurate weatherapp,providesdetailed weather for all cities worldwide, it searchesyouraddressand locates cities quickly, and provides thecurrenttemperature,current weather condition, humidity, pressureand windspeed anddirection.The application makes use of mobile locationtoautomaticallydisplay weather conditions for the user'scurrentlocation. Thislocation can be later on changed manually.FEATURES;- Weather Updates app supports Geo-positioning, retrievingthelatestweather conditions for your current location- An option to manually add your location- Settings- Current location- List of all cities added- Google map- Add and track the weather conditions in multiple locations- Weather updates app is one of the most lightweight weatherappsonGoogle Play!- Widget which shows current location weather.- Change cities with slider.- Shows weather of cities on Map with markers.Also note that this app supports Arabic, English,French,German,Chinese and Spanish languages.