Top 20 Apps Similar to MQTT IoT Client

MyMQTT 2.3.2
MyMQTT, the simple Message Queuing Telemetry Transport clientforAndroid.
MQTT Client 2.4
Please note: I have lost the code oftheapplication due to hard disk crash. So no more development wouldbepossible. Thanx for using the app. I would try to come up withanew app having all the feature requests.Connect to any MQTT v3.1 broker and subscribe to topics.Bydefault the notifications are disabled. You can easilyenablenotifications for the topics you want.Add/Remove topics easily!Messages are automatically saved!Be notified whenever there is a new messageSSL support (Experimental)Publish MessagesDisable Notification for certain topicsI would love to hear your feedback.
MQTT Snooper 1.65
MQTT Client, oriented debugging and testing. The client runs asaservice.
Linear MQTT Dashboard 2.5.8
MQTT protocol dashboard in the form of linear list
IoT Manager 2.2.4
You can manage everything supported MQTT protocol.
MQTT Publisher Plugin 1.4.0
Paul Robison
A plugin for Tasker enabling the publishing of messages to anMQTTbroker.
MQTT Home Control with Esp8266 1.0
Pinpeo inc
This app can control Esp8266 deviceviaMQTT,Need internet connectionAuto connect the broker when lostCan set and edit command topic, response topic.This is an smart home/ home automation control app whichcancontrolhardware driver like arduino, MCU STM, Microchip...The device is managerment with room and floor. and thecommandcanset or delete dynamicIf you are planning to make Arduino project which you wanttocontrolwith MQTT then this application may helpful lot!Software features:1. Receiving and sending data from app;2. Unlimited additions device3. Dynamic command with on, off, value, meta tag...4. Device Manager with floor, room ,type5. Smart config wifi connection for ESP82666. Easy add device via qr code scan.Will update:1: Synchronize device for user2: Add slide type device and RGB device3: Add time control
MQTT Client 4.5.1
With This app you can monitor your MQTT network and performactionswith tasker.
PipingHMI99 431.91.0
Yury Shetov
"PipingHMI99" is User Interfaces viewer and designer for DIY andIoTprojects.
MQTT Client for Easycontrol 1.0.2
Pinpeo inc
Android MQTT client and PluginforEasycontrolService.Support:MQTT 3.1 ✓MQTT 3.1.1 ✓LWT ✓SSL/TLS ✗QoS 0 ✓QoS 1 ✓QoS 2 ✓Authentication ✓Throttling ✗Features:Service that runs in the background of theAndroidapplication,keeping it alive when the Android applicationisswitching betweendifferent Activities. This layer of abstractionisneeded to beable to receive MQTT messages reliably- Multi connections- Multi subscribe topics- Multi publish topics- Enable/disable Notification messages- History messages/topic------------------------------------------Notice:The app is compatible with"EasycontrolApp/EasycontrolService
SimpleMQTTViewer 1.3
Simple MQTT client tool. source code:
IoT Switch over MQTT 1.0
Nat Weerawan
an open-source IoT Switch that useMQTTProtocol to sync every devices over retain flag.source codeavailable: License.
MQTT Broker 1.0
Fugisoft LLC
The MQTT protocol is a popularstandardthatallows devices to communicate using apublish/subscribepattern.The application responsible fordistributing the messagesbetweenthe devices/clients is called the"broker". AlthoughAndroidapplications typically play the role ofthe MQTT client inmanysensor and IOT scenarios, in some cases it isuseful to runtheMQTT broker as an Android application (backgroundservice) for more information about the MQTT protocol.This MQTT Broker app is designed to be a simplebackgroundservicethat can be started or stopped. While running, itwilllisten on theconfigured port (defaults to 1883). Also, ifthedevice is rebootedwhile the MQTT broker is running, the appwillstart in thebackground automatically once the device hasfinishedrebooting.Other MQTT clients running on the same device cancommunicatewiththe broker via localhost/ Remote MQTTclientscancommunicate via the device's current IP address (ex: atypicalWIFIaddress might look something like
Servers Ultimate Pro 8.1.12
Ice Cold Apps
Run over 60 servers like FTP, MySQL and PHP plus WebDAV and more!
MQTT Voice Controller 음성인식 컨트롤
사용자의 음성을 인식한 후 MQTT 메시지로 전송할 수 있습니다.MQTT 연동을 위해 사전에 broker(server) 등록을 할 수 있고, 메시지를 전송할 topic을지정할수있습니다.복수개의 broker가 연결되어 있는 경우 연결된 모든 broker에 메시지를 전송합니다.스위치, 슬라이드, 키패드, 텍스트, 컬러 컨트롤도 제공하며 마찬가지로 MQTT 메시지로 전송됩니다.메시지는 value only, simple text, JSON - 3가지 형식으로 전송할 수 있습니다.홈 오토메이션을 위한 리모트 컨트롤러로 이용할 수 있습니다.And then itrecognizestheuser's voice can be sent to the message MQTT.Can be a broker (server) registered in advance for MQTTworks,youcan send a message to the topic.If you have multiple broker a connection and sends a messagetoallconnected broker.Switch, slide, keypad, text, and color control is alsoprovidedandis likewise transferred to the MQTT message.The message value only, simple text, JSON - can betransferredinthree different formats.You can use a remote control for home automation.
d.Lab MQTT Controller 1.0.1
This App support all of device which communicate by MQTTprotocol.Because this App is designed for Mechanical Design classin Yuan ZeUniversity, we will not allow users to changing topic ofMQTTmessage. This App needs to request Android version above 4.0.Ifthere is any problem, please feel free to contactus.Email::[email protected],Tel:03-455-5726,Web:
MQTT Terminal 1.5.5
This App is a MQTT Client with the possible to createmultipleconnections.
Sensor Node Free 1.0.0
mScino Tools
A simple practical sensor streaming app
Sample MQTT Publisher 1.0
This app publishes y-axis accelerationasmqttqos0 message on accelerometer topic of mqtt broker. Thisappwasused to demo tcp router in cloud foundry and is being putupingoogle play for use by any one to demo tcp routerincloudfoundry.
AWARE 4.0.706.master
AWARE is an Android framework dedicatedtoinstrument, infer, log and share mobile context information,forapplication developers, researchers and smartphone users.AWAREcaptures hardware-, software-, and human-based data. Theplatformis scalable with plugins and can be integrated with otherplatformsusing JSON, MQTT or MySQL.Official website:*Individuals: Record your own data*No programming skills are required. The mobile applicationallowsyou to enable or disable sensors and plugins. The data issavedlocally on your mobile phone. Privacy is enforced by design,soAWARE does not log personal information, such as phone numbersorcontacts information. You can additionally install pluginsthatwill further enhance the capabilities of your device, straightfromthe client.*Scientists: Run studies*Running a mobile related study has never been easier. InstallAWAREon the participants phone, select the data you want to collectandthat is it. If you use the AWARE dashboard, you can requestyourparticipants’ data, check their participation and remotelytriggermobile ESM (Experience Sampling Method) questionnaires,anytime andanywhere from the convenience of your Internet browser.Theframework does not record the data you need? Check our tutorialstolearn how to create your own plugins, or just contact us tohelpyou with your study! Our research group is always willingtocollaborate.*Developers: Make your apps smarter*Nothing is more stressful than to interrupt a mobile phone useratthe most unfortunate moments. AWARE provides applicationdeveloperswith user’s context using AWARE’s API. AWARE is availableas anAndroid library. User’s current context is shared at theoperatingsystem level, thus empowering richer context-awareapplications forthe end-users.