Top 50 Apps Similar to Crumblyy: improve 1% every day

Life Hacks 2.2.3
Incredibly useful Life Hacks & Tips that make your lifemoreconvenient
Psychology Facts For Life Hack 3.2.2
Check out the huge collection of Psychological Facts for BetterLifeHacks !
Personality Development App 4.2.33
Improve, develop and enhance your personality with protips,training & quotes
Make Me Better -Motivation App 1.6.4
Crafty Studio
Daily 5 Mins Reads for Motivation, Positivity, Mental WellbeingandSelf Care.
1000+ Psychology Facts & Life 1.4
1000+ Psychology facts about crushes,love,dreams etc.
Psychology Facts : 1000+ Psychology Facts OFFLINE 2.1
1000+ Psychology Facts: For your daily life hacks. ----------Whatis Psychology? Psychology is the scientific study of mindandbehavior. Psychology is a multifaceted discipline and includesmanysub-fields of study such areas as human development,sports,health, clinical, social behavior, and cognitive processes.Someconduct detailed biological studies of the brain, othersexplorehow we process information; others analyze the role ofevolution,and still, others study the influence of culture andsociety. Theclassic contemporary perspectives in psychology toadopt scientificstrategies were the behaviorists, who were renownedfor theirreliance on controlled laboratory experiments andrejection of anyunseen or subconscious forces as causes ofbehavior. Later,cognitive psychology adopted this rigorous,scientific, lab-basedscientific approach too, with application tomemory, perception,cognitive development, mental illness, and muchmore. --------1000+ Psychology Facts App Features: > WorksOffline > 29Amazing Psychology Facts Categories > Cleanuser-friendlyinterface > Awesome black and red theme > Worksawesome onall mobile and tablet screens > Fact sharing andcopying feature> Search through all categories -------- This apphas more than1000 psychology facts and physiology. This appcontains more than25 categories and many psychology facts andphysiological facts.-------- This app tells you about the humanbrain, aura andpsychology, and some parts of the human brain. Ourbrain structureis complex and thus this makes too many facts thatcontain in humanpsychology. -------- Please help us to make thisapp No.1Psychological Facts app on the google play store. Below areallcategories : _____ Psychological facts about Alone orPsychologicalfacts about Loneliness Psychological facts aboutAngerPsychological facts about Attraction Psychological facts aboutBodyLanguage Psychological facts about Brain Psychological factsaboutConfidence Psychological facts about Crush Psychologicalfactsabout Depression Psychological facts about DreamsPsychologicalfacts about Emotion Psychological facts aboutExtrovertsPsychological facts about Eye Contact Psychological factsaboutFear Psychological facts about Feelings Psychological factsaboutFemale Psychological facts about Friends Psychological factsaboutHappiness Psychological facts about Health Psychologicalfactsabout Human Behavior Psychological facts aboutImaginationPsychological facts about Introverts Psychological factsabout LovePsychological facts about Male Psychological facts aboutMeditationPsychological facts about Music Psychological factsaboutRelationships Psychological facts about Sad Psychologicalfactsabout Sleep Psychological facts about Stress Psychologicalfactsabout Success _____ Please share this app with your familyandfriends. This is our first app and we want you to give itavaluable rating to appreciate our work so that this app canbefound in many psychology apps out there. If you have anyissuerelated to this app, please feel free to contact us at ouremail:[email protected] This is a Psychology app named"1000+Psychology Facts". psychology books free This app contains somanyfacts that will blow your mind and these facts are aboutbrainfacts, brain hacking, behavioral change, tips and facts,tennispsychology, the current state of mind, and their facts. Thisappalso contains many more facts that are not easy to find ontheinternet and we have added those psychology, aura andpsychologyfacts in this app and many genuine facts are there.InspirationalQuotes To know many tips and facts, about infatuationand many manypsychology article and articles or knowing about lovescience orscience behind relationships emotions, please try thisapp at leastonce :) At last, I will say that if you are looking forthe bestpsychology app then please try this one out. R humanmindsmotivational quotes
Life Hack Tips Daily Life Tips 5.2
Tons of life tips and userful hacks to make your life easierandhappier.
Daily Random Facts
Knowledge is power: Learn daily interesting facts.
1000+ Psychology Facts App 5.0
1000+ psychology facts : An app for psychological facts aboutanger,brain, love
Study Tips 2.3.3
Huge collection of Study Tips and Tricks to help you developalearning strategy
21 Days Life Changing Challeng 1.4
Stud Zone
Purpose of 21 day challenges, Adopting new habits and transformyourlifestyle
Success Coach - Life Planner 4.7.1
Productive Daily Goal Tracker
Ultimate Facts - Did You Know? 6.8.4
This is a Google Play Store app. Daily random and interestingfacts.
Self Mentor – Improvement & Mo 1.18
Self Mentor
A Self-Improvement app that helps you to build strong personality.
Science Facts collection app! 1.9
Science Facts collection app:Cool & Amazing Facts whichwillamaze you!
Body Language | Psychology 11.0.16
How much can you spot? Install the app to check yourself andstartimproving
Life Changing Secrets of Succe 4.7
200 Secrets of Success & the Pillars of Self-Mastery by RobinS.Sharma
Know Yourself Personality Test 4.4.21
Excel At Life
Increase self-awareness. Over 40 tests & 100 traits!Developedby psychologist.
wikiHow: how to do anything 2.9.8
Easy, step-by-step, illustrated instructions teach you how todoanything.
Mind Tools 5.1.4
Mind Tools
More than 27 million people use Mind Tools every year tohelpthemtransform their working lives and get ahead in theircareers.Witha wide range of skill-building resources focusedonmanagement,leadership and personal excellence, you canfindeverything youneed to develop the essential skills for a happyandsuccessfulcareer. With the Mind Tools app, you’ll gain access toawideselection of bite-sized, career-enhancing resources, soyoucanbuild those vital skills wherever and whenever it suitsyou!Weknow your time is precious, so our aim is to make yourlearningaseasy and as accessible as possible. That’s why we’vepacked ourappfull of clear, easy-to digest articles and videos thatyoucanenjoy anywhere, anytime. So, whether you’re new to MindToolsandhave a particular work-related challenge you need tosolve,oryou’re a long-standing Mind Tools member workingthroughyourpersonal learning plan, our updated app will allow youto learnonthe go, at just the touch of a button!
Sintelly: Psychology & Emotion 3.5.0
Learn more about psychology, intelligence (IQ), mind and expandyourknowledge!
Socreates: Selfhelp & Growth 4.0
Heartfulness, introspection, self betterment, assessment,evaluationtherapy
Psychology Book Amazing Facts 2.2
Amazing psychology book with facts in different categories
LiveMore - for your wellbeing 2.26.1
Take control of your life!
No Excuses! The Power of Self-Discipline 1.0
No Excuses! The Power of Self-Discipline by BrianTracy.Thebookoffers 21 ways to achieve self-discipline in allaspects oflife,which will improve in the following three mainareas:personalsuccess, money, business, sales, and personallife.Throughself-mastery and self-control, one can developmorepersonality,pride, accomplishment, and self-image. One waytoachieveself-discipline: 1. Success: Imagine the ideal life youwanttolive. When you define what success means to you atthework,family, health and money levels, you'll immediately beabletodetermine what you need to achieve to achieve the ideallife.2.Personality: The hallmark of personality isintegrity.Honestyrequires a lot of self-discipline to resisttemptation andmakegood decisions. The real personality of oneappears duringcrisesor when one is under pressure. One can develophischaracterthrough study, teaching and practice. 3.Responsibility:Negativeemotions stem from anger and rely on a humantendency toblameothers, which is the easy way to justifyfailure.Acceptingresponsibility for self-success and achievingpersonalhappinessrequires a lot of effort and self-discipline.4.Objectives: Setyour goals and set a path to achieve yourideallife. Follow thismethod to achieve your goals: Select what youwantto achieve,write it down on paper, and set a deadline for it.Writedown alist of all the actions needed to get to the situationyouwantsorted by time and importance. Start immediately withthesesteps,and continue working every day, moving towards yourmaingoal. 5.Personal Excellence: The most valuable asset you haveisyou. Soone has to invest in himself and his career bydevelopinghisskills, so he can increase his value and increasehisexpectedprofits. It is important that this development beaprioritythroughout your life. 6. Courage: All of us areafraidofsomething, and most people are afraid of failureandpoverty.Self-discipline helps to gain the courage to faceproblemsandcrises. 7. Perseverance: Nothing great is achieved inlifewithoutperseverance, which makes us overcomesetbacks,frustrations,obstacles and even crises. 8. Work: Manypeople wasteas amazingtime in unproductive tasks. So you need toidentify andfocus onthe most productive activities. A survey ofCEOs wasconducted andidentified two characteristics that are themostimportantqualities they are looking for in their employees:"theability toprioritize and work on high-value tasks",and"organization to workquickly and accurately"
Mind Power Secret of Everythin 1.16
Your life is a result of creation of your mind. Here are themindpower secrets.
Moodfit: Mental Health Fitness 2.36
Mood tracker, self-care, CBT, gratitude, breathwork,meditation,sleep & more
Mindvalley: Self-Improvement 8.2.4
Explore Personal Development Courses and Live Expert ClassesForPersonal Growth
Mind Reset - Just 2 min a day! 6.3.7
Mind Help LTD
Better sleep, clearer mind, relief from depression, anxiety,stressand trauma
BOOK The Power of Your Subconscious Mind BY Dr. Joseph Murphy
Self Esteem Building Guide 1.0
This application give you an information about self esteembuildingguide.
Amazing Psychology Facts 2.7
GV apps
Mind-Blowing Psychology Facts That You Never Knew About brain&human behavior. 3.0.2
The world's first app for developing emotional intelligence.
Refind: Get Smarter Every Day 4.4.14
Refind, Inc.
Brain food, delivered daily. 🧠
Mindset: Daily Motivation 1.8.7
Mindset is the ultimate source for daily motivation, talks&self-care on mobile
Booknotes - Get Smarter Faster 5.6.0
Get key takeaways & insights from books you can read orlistento 15 in minutes
Mood Patterns 0.63.2
Mood Patterns
Find out how different people, places, activities, and sleepaffectyour mood.
Books In Action by Mentorist 5.1.0
Taulab OÜ
Self-help books are often complex and summaries do notcaptureenoughdetails or depth. Neither books nor summaries providethepropertools to put all this awesome knowledge into action.ButBooks InAction combines these pieces, and gives you everythingyouneed togrow. == Why Books In Action will get you to the nextlevel==Detailed book summaries They will give you the “aha!”moment,andhelp you understand the main concepts described inthebooks.Step-by-step actions Reading without taking action is awasteoftime. The app guides you on the path to a better youbygivinginstructions that help you achieve your goals. All adviceis100%based on the best self-help books. Self-evaluationReadingabouttaking action and actually taking action are twodifferentthings.In the app, you can verify your progress and learnif youarefollowing the right strategies and principles toacquirenewhabits. Earn badges, stars, and jump to higher levels Youwillearnrewards each time you achieve a milestone. Personal growthisaprocess; it won’t happen overnight. Therefore, the appwillhelpensure that you are consistent with your dailygrowth.Investing inyour own personal growth and professionaldevelopmentwill be thebest decision you will ever make. It willhelp youachieve what youreally desire in life. Here are a fewthings thatBooksInAction canhelp you with: Leadership skills - Findthe leaderwithin yourselfand build your foundational leadershipskills.Personalproductivity - Learn how to do more in lesstime.Self-esteem andconfidence - Discover how to change yourinnerdialogue, and youwill change the way you approach newchallenges.Daily routine -Learn how to design and consistentlyexecute yourperfect routine.Mental health - Master and overcomeyour stress,depression, andanxiety. Physical health - It’s not onlyabouthealthy eating andexercising. Discover the intricacies andhabitsinvolved inenhancing physical health. Self-discipline -Overcomeyour impulsesand conquer your temptations byimplementingstrategies from bookssuch as The Willpower Instinct.Self-love -Doing one simpleexercise every morning will help youlearn to loveyourself. Youwill find instructions in the list ofhabits from TheCode of theExtraordinary Mind. Mindfulness - It’snot onlymeditation. It’sabout giving attention to every aspect ofyourlife. Highperformance - Put into action the six habits thathelpyou achievelong-term success, summarized directly from thebookHighPerformance Habits. Morning motivation - Youcannotimproveyourself 100% overnight. But what you can do isimprove 1%everysingle day. Self-discovery - There are things youdidn't knowyoudidn’t know. Goal setting - Set yourself up forsuccesswithlong-term vision and short-term motivation. Explorethedifferentmethodologies recommended by coaches such as DavidAllenof GettingThings Done (aka gtd) and Anthony Robbins of AwakenTheGiantWithin. Self-control - Work on mindfulness, and thenusestrategiesto gain full control of your mind. Want more? In theapp,you canread summaries of entire self-help books for free.BasicMembership– Free You have access to all the book summaries andtoselectactions from books. You will also receive one freedailyactionfrom a pre-selected book. Pro MembershipBooksInActionoffersmonthly and yearly subscription plans. Yearlysubscriptionscomewith the first week FREE. With Pro membership, youhave accesstoall the books and all the actions without limitation.Pleaselookat our terms of use and privacy policy foradditionaldetails:
Success Mindset:Books & Quotes 1.9
GV apps
Books and Motivational Quotes to achieve success & buildasuccess mindset.
World Wide General Knowledge 3.0
Najat M3N
World Wide General Knowledge (English, Bengali,Hindi&Urdu)lannguage.
Six Pillars - Build a Healthy Self-Esteem
Experience a healthier life by practicing the Six PillarsofSelf-Esteem!
Billionaire Affirmations 1.0.7
Daily positive affirmations to help you stay positive andmotivatedeveryday.
Vibraino : Goals, Quotes, Actions : My Lifebook 22.0
WHAT IS VIBRAINO • VIBRAINO is a life changing revolutionaryfreeappaiming to improve the mindset and productivity ofHumansspeciallyyouths, kids. This app is a customized Lifebookthat willimprovetheir life that will eventually develop future ofEarth. •Vibrainois a science based book of life which hasresearched,discovered manytruths of life based on the ideas &quotes ofphilosophers,scientists, entrepreneurs, yoga, holy books,sacredgeometry,physicists, visionaries. • Our aim is to makepeoplebelieve inthemselves choose their own goals by learning.KEYFEATURES VIBRAINO• Design goals on the different Lifeniche.1.Health & Fitness,2.Intellectual Life, 3.EmotionalGoals,4.Character, 5.SpiritualGoals, 6.Love Relationships7.Parenting,8.Social Goals 9.Career,10.Financial Goals. •Scientific questionsdesigned to show your truepotential, hiddendreams, find yourmistakes on your own. • Discoverthe inner selfthroughproductivity, motivational life quotes. •Learn to buildaproductive daily routine through life-changinghabitslikemeditation and yoga along the way by our 'Life Quotes'&'DailyLife Tips'. Decide your goals anywhere, anytime: •Creategoals inyour most important aspects of life. • View, edit,andmanage taskson the go, from any device. • Get ideas fromlifequotes to writeyour goals. Add details and create multiplegoals •Write goals onyour different segments of life. • Askdetailedquestion toyourself pop out your aims, true potential,talents. •Get to knowan overview about all your goals in 'LifeBook' icon. •Set aapproximate date for every tangible goal youwrite in yourgoalwriting diary. More features of Vibraino Lifebook:• Startmanagingyour neglected parts of life such as love,parenting,emotional. •Get better in business, money, social works.• Livingwith successin every sectors. • Our ultimate goal is toinstillhabits,productivity, developing knowledge into kids, youths.WhySetGoals? Top-level athletes, successful businesspeopleandachieversin all fields all set goals. Setting goals givesyoulong-termvision and short-term motivation . It focusesyouracquisition ofknowledge, and helps you to organize your timeandyour resourcesso that you can make the most of your life.Bysetting sharp,clearly defined goals, you can measure and takepridein theachievement of those goals, and you'll see forwardprogressin whatmight previously have seemed a long pointless grind.Youwill alsoraise your self-confidence , as you recognize yourownability andcompetence in achieving the goals that you've set.WhyMotivationis important to an individual? Motivation will helphimachieve hispersonal goals. If an individual is motivated, hewillhave jobsatisfaction. Motivation will help inself-developmentofindividual. An individual would always gain byworking withadynamic team. What are the best quotes? “Be who youare andsaywhat you feel, because those who mind don't matter andthosewhomatter don't mind.” “If opportunity doesn't knock, buildadoor.”“The best way to predict the future is to inventit.”Starting toSet Personal Goals You set your goals on a numberoflevels: Firstyou create your "big picture" of what you want todowith your life(or over, say, the next 10 years), and identifythelarge-scalegoals that you want to achieve. Then, you breakthesedown into thesmaller and smaller targets that you must hit toreachyourlifetime goals. Finally, once you have your plan, youstartworkingon it to achieve these goals. This is why we starttheprocess ofsetting goals by looking at your lifetime goals. Then,wework downto the things that you can do in, say, the nextfiveyears, thennext year, next month, next week, and today, tostartmovingtowards them.
Unbelievable Facts: Did you kn 1.0.5
Do you want to be the smartest person in the room? Download theapp:)
Psychology 1.46.45
College Psychology Study App - Lessons, Quizzes,Flashcards,Glossaries
As A Man Thinketh - Night Mode 8.88
As A Man Thinketh is a book for Self Improvement by James Allenwithnight mode
Progman: Learn to Code 1.2.3
Wish Media
Progman is an app that is mended to improve your coding skills.
Zerobites- Productivity, Self 1.8
Key insights from the best articles, videos & books tobuildyour Life-Quotient
Blinkist: Big Ideas in 15 Min 10.1.5
Listen. Read. Learn. Understand powerful ideas in 15 minutes