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Florence Offline mappa Map 1.13
My Native Guide
The offline mappa map helps you make themostofFlorence in Italy with a POI database and search built in.This is the mappa map for Florence (Italian: Firenze)thecapitalof the region of Tuscany in Italy.The traditional subdivision of Florence into fourquartersdatesfrom the 14th century (that today compose the oldtown):SantaMaria Novella, San Giovanni, Santa Croce andSantoSpirito.The offline mappa map of Florence includes publictransport,thetram, train and airport.Top 5 reasons to get your offline mappa mapforFlorence,Italy:1. SIMPLE - No geeky features. It’s a map!2. ENTIRE LOCATION AVAILABLE OFFLINE - download the entirecityandPOI database to your phone and travel withoutanInternetconnection. You won’t get any nasty roaming charges.Yourmap willwork anywhere.3. VECTOR DATA - means that you get maximum detail, maximumzoomandmaximum coverage with a tiny map file that takes momentstodownloadand uses hardly any space on your phone.4. POINT OF INTEREST DATABASE BUILT-IN - Search adozencategoriesincluding, restaurants, bars and hotels, alsohandyplaces such ashospitals, taxi ranks and public transportstops.We’ve alsoincluded a fuzzy partial search for POI and streetnamesto make itfast and easy.5. EXCELLENT COVERAGE - Maps are the very latestOpenStreetMapwithsuperb coverage and detail. And you will get freeupdates totheapp and map forever as long as we add newversions.Install your offline mappa map for Florence now!Follow us @Facebook:
Florence Premium Guide 4.3.0
Discover the most beautiful places intheFlorence with our tripwolf Guide – your travel guide withofflinemaps!+ 'Best New Apps 2015' in Google Play Store ++ Recommended by 'Die Welt', CHIP and 'Computerbild 2014' ++ Among CNN’s Top 50 Travel Apps 2013 +Plan your journey to Florence with our trip planner,viewrecommendations from the tripwolf community, and get tipsfromexperienced travel writers. With offline map, free updates,andguides for over 500 destinations worldwide!» AVAILABLE IN 5 LANGUAGES «The tripwolf Florence travel guide is available in English,French,German, Spanish and Italian.» WORKS 100% OFFLINE «All the content and features of our travel guides can beusedoffline with no restrictions. No roaming fees: all ourguides,features, and maps are available without being connected totheInternet.» TRAVEL PLANNER FOR ON THE ROAD «Create your personal itinerary with the trip planner, andorganizeyour journey to Florence while you're on the road or in thecomfortof your own home. Wherever, whenever.» ALWAYS KNOW WHERE YOU ARE «Thanks to the offline maps you can find your way around whereveryouare. you can have the map show you where you are, so you'llneverget lost in Florence - guaranteed! You can also find therelevantsubway map in the app itself.» PERSONAL RECOMMENDATIONS FOR YOUR TO-DO LIST «No matter whether you're traveling with your family, on a budget,orjust the two of you want to know what to do in Florence whenit'sraining: we've put together the ideal recommendations foreverysituation especially for you.» TRAVEL TIPS FROM THOUSANDS OF TRAVELERS «Get genuine recommendations and reviews for the best sights, suchasPonte Vecchio, Galleria degli Uffizi, Santa Croce, goodrestaurants,shops, hotels, nightlife spots, events &festivals, andmore.» BOOK YOUR TOUR DIRECTLY VIA TRIPWOLF «You don't feel like exploring Florence on your own but wouldratherjoin a tour or find the best deals in town? No problem.Withtripwolf you can book a tour or tickets, directly from theapp.» ATTRACTIONS, HOTELS, RESTAURANTS, BARS, CLUBS &MORE«Browse the most exciting corners of town. Discover uniquesights,get insider tips from the tripwolf community, and find outaboutneighborhoods.The most popular travel guides for more than 10milliontravelers, with offline maps, a trip planner, and insidertips formore than 500 cities, countries, and regionsworldwide.So you like the new design of our guides, but you feelcertainfeatures are missing or you have general feedback on anothertopic?We'd be happy to hear from you - just e-mail us yourcomments([email protected])!
Santa Croce 1.0.2
This guide has been thought by empoweringadigital journal's format, easy to browse, where shortexplanatorytexts combine with magnificent images of the monumentalcomplex:from the overviews to the perfection of details. If you arenotsatisfied with the abstract, you can pass to thedeepenedtext.You can also listen an mp3 file for each contents. Intheinteractive section you can play some game, for instance: youcanrecompose the puzzle of Taddeo Gaddi's Arbor Vitae, or youcanidentify the various characters of the of Bronzino's DescentofChrist into Limbo ecc.
Santa Croce MyMap 1.0.0
Scopri il meglio del complessomonumentalediSanta Croce con MyMap, la tua personale guidainterattiva.Naviga tra le schede delle opere, degli autori edeglispaziarchitettonici visualizzando tutte le informazioni eleimmaginianche offline!Scegli uno dei percorsi suggeriti o crea il tuo personalepercorsodivisita.Con MyMap è facile orientarsi e visualizzarel’esattacollocazionedelle opere grazie ad una mappa zoomabile enavigabilecon diversemodalità.MyMap è gratis e semplice da utilizzare.• Esplora foto e dati di opere, autori e spazi• Segui uno dei percorsi proposti o crea il tuo• Naviga la mappa o tramite il pannello di navigazioneotoccandol’area di interesse• Visualizza l’esatta collocazione di un’opera o di unospazio• Crea la tua raccolta personale selezionando ciò che tièpiaciutodi più• Nei contenuti extra esplora l’alta definizione di unadelleoperepiù significative dell’opera di Santa CroceDiscover the bestofthemonumental complex of Santa Croce with MyMap,yourpersonalinteractive guide.Navigate between the tabs of the works of authorsandarchitecturalspaces because all the information and imagesevenoffline!Choose one of the suggested routes or create yourownpersonaltour.With MyMap is easy to navigate and view the exact locationoftheworks thanks to a zoomable and navigable in different ways.MyMap is free and simple to use.• Explore photos and details of works, authors and spaces• Follow one of the proposed routes or create your own• Navigate the map or by using the navigation panel orbytouchingthe area of ​​interest• View the exact location of a work or a space• Create your own personal collection by selecting whatyoulikedmost• In the high-definition bonus content explores one ofthemostsignificant works of the work of the Holy Cross
San Casciano Smart Place 1.3
Through the San Casciano in Val di Pesa appyoucan discover and appreciate this beautiful country in the heartofChianti, near Florence and Siena, and you can get to know thepeoplewho live there. Thanks to the augmented reality and thesmart map,the app creates interactive paths to help you to visitthe land.More than this, the geotagged contents enrich yourexperience,giving you the chance to read and listen to interestingand engagingstories about the territory, its history, its cultureand its greatexcellences.DISCOVER: Niccolò Macchiavelli wrote his masterpiece ThePrinceduring his exile in San Casciano Val di Pesa 500 yearsago.Nowadays, thanks to the path in augmented reality titledThePrince’s ghosts, which runs from Florence to San Casciano, youcanretrace the tracks of the great Renaissance genius, discoveringthepublic history and the private life of Niccolò. It is agreatopportunity to find out his adventurous events through a tourofthe places which represented the fortune and misfortuneofMachiavelli: from Santa Croce to the Uffizi square, fromPalazzoVecchio (the symbol of political power in Florence) to theBargello(where Machiavelli himself had been imprisoned andtortured), up toMachiavelli’s house in Sant'Andrea in Percussina(where The Princehad been conceived and written).EXPLORE: There are a lot of cities which offer more than itmayappear at first sight. In the case of San Casciano Val di Pesa,theold city center and the surrounding area are the sceneofhistorical events that have not been discovered yet. Thepathtitled San Casciano Smart Place allows you to appreciatethehistory of this village with interesting anecdotes too. Fromthefamous Stele dell'Arciere of the Etruscan age to MarioMerz’scontemporary art that dominates the village from the ancientwalls.Passing by the Chianti Tower and the Piazzone, by thefamoustheater Niccolini and the Museum of San Casciano, by theClockTower and the Santa Maria del Prato church, by the Dante Tacciparkand the ghost of tramway that a century ago linked San CascianotoFlorence.TASTE: Thanks to the smart map you are able to focalize allthestages of the visit paths, moreover you can discover the farms,therestaurants and the holidays farms located in the SanCascianoarea. In this way you can get in touch with all thefacilities sothat you have the chance to plan every details of yourjourney: youcan taste typical products and food that areappreciated in thewhole world or organize a special dinner that youwill neverforget!The app has been conceived and planned by theCommunicationStrategies Lab of the University of Florence anddeveloped by thesoftware house 3Logic and it is the official app ofthe the SanCasciano VaI di Pesa municipality. All the processinvolved thewhole community of San Casciano: the protagonists weretheinstitutions, the associations, the economical andcommercialrealities and citizens. One of the aim of CSL’s projectwas tocoordinate every protagonist to create a real, passionateandamusing story of this incredible village.The app works entirely offline too. Thanks to the GPS technologyyoucan get all the texts, pictures and audio-stories even withoutaninternet connection.