Top 13 Apps Similar to 麻將計數機 - 麻雀工具

雀姬(日本麻雀) 3.70.43
Alpha Sparrow
《雀姬》三周年特别献礼!比赛系统正式开放,邀请玩家参与《雀姬》三周年团体赛及个人赛事!全新BGM上线,还能更换不同牌面!成就系统大改版,快来看看有哪些新成就吧!更有三周年各类活动好礼送不停!老玩家立刻登录,还有回归奖励等您!【特征】周年活动 -周年签到奖励,上线立刻领奖 -圣诞活动更新,来和雀友一起过节-首充双倍重置,性价比最高选择-玩家周年报告,了解你的牌力情况 -周年限时卡池,全年最佳角色饰品任你抽-雀士商城轮换,选择你最喜欢的雀士 ·图像-和风画面,美少女雀士集合 -精美的美术风格,典雅大方 -竖版屏幕,便于单手操作-华美人物,任你一选再选 ·玩法-人机对战,随时随地都可玩 -休闲匹配,全台湾线上对战 -经典段位,成为华语地区国士 ·系统-完全随机配牌,保证公平公正-正统日本麻将规则,原汁原味 -短小精悍一局战,随来随玩 -经典规则东风局,酣畅淋漓-角色契约系统上线,与角色建立羁绊-好友和牌谱系统,更多功能开发中 -建立比赛,争夺雀王 ·教学 -新手也不用担心,清晰易懂教程等著你【联系方式】联系我们:[email protected]客服邮箱:[email protected]粉丝主页:官方活动Line群组:
Calendar, Holidays, Memo, Note 5.7.8
Provides calendar, federal holidays, daily memos, remindersanddesktop widgets.
Mahjong 3P - 3 Player Mahjong 1.6.35
*** Voted Top Singapore Hit Game bySingaporeDigital Life ******* The #1 Mahjong Game in South East Asia! with Million ofplayers!****=======================================================The Best Game for Mahjong beginnners!Mahjong 3P is a Three Player Mahjong that is characterised byitssimplicity, fast pace and high stakes. On average it takeslessthan 3 minutes to complete one game!This Three Players Mah-jongg is an adaptation of the ThreePlayersMah-jong that is commonly played in South East Asia.Conventional Rules of Winning and Counting Points still applyexceptfor the following changes:1. There are only Stones("Tong"), Honor/Dragon Cards, Winds,Flowersand Joker("飛") cards.2. Joker("飛") can combine with any cards to PONG, or it canbediscarded as a Flower to add 1 FAN to your point. But youcannothave 2 PONGs of the same type with the Joker.3. Unlike conventional rule, There are no restrictions in M3P,soeven after you discarded, you can still PONG/CHOW the samecardwithin the same round.4. You can game more than 10 FANs in M3P and the winningsmultiplywhen your win exceed 9 fans, which makes the stakesevenhigher.10 - 19 FANs = Winning x 320 - 29 FANs = Winning x 630 - 39 FANs = Winning x 940 and above FANs = Winning x 125. KONG, besides being able to receive payout from other users,theWinning of the game (regardless who is the winner) willbemultipled according to the number of KONGs1 KONG = Winning x 22 KONG = Winning x 43 KONG = Winning x 84 KONG = Winning x 165 KONG = Winning x 32, so on and so forth.6. Chip Multiplier, at higher lobby, you will have a chancetoincrease the stake by using gems to activate ChipMultiplier.Chip Multipler comes in x2, x3, x4 and x5, and it multipliestheWinning of the one who activated the Chip Multiplier. It willnotmultiply when you lose unless the Winner also activated theChipMultiplier.For more info and help goto: test younetworkconnectivity: you should have <100ms for connection togameserver
古詩三百首 7.9.5
Three hundred ancient poems
念佛助手 1.5(1211a)p
Intelligent counter, recording your daily reading of the numberoftimes chanted, and carried back to share. Amitabha!
宋詞三百首 - 宋詞賞析、注釋、譯文、作者介紹、詩詞魅力 9.3.5
Appreciate Song Ci, and enjoy the charm of Song Ci in 300 SongCiAPP
全年金句日曆 4.29.0
Daily walk with the Lord, listening to the Word of God!
周公解梦-全面的梦境解析、实用的星座分析、生肖运势测算 9.3.2
Traditional Chinese Studies Zhou Gong Dreams for you to explorethemystery of dreams
Mahjong Master: competition 1.23
Gila Studio
Simplified from the International Standard Mahjong rules
開運農民曆-農曆擇吉日 萬年曆 8.17
Main functions: (a) Complete daily farmer calendar content (suchassolar terms, festivals, taboos, rushing evil) (b) Simpleoperationof the auspicious day query (c) Everyday reminder(d)Easy-to-understand term explanation (e) Local real-time weather.
Mahjong 2P: Chinese Mahjong 2.98
Gila Studio
No registration required, suitable for pastime.
萬年曆-日曆老黃曆農民曆黃道吉日放假調休安排 7.6.0
Perpetual calendar old yellow calendar lunar calendar lunarcalendarholiday query