Top 23 Apps Similar to Cozy

Cozi Family Organizer 9.3.6215
Cozi Inc.
The surprisingly simple way to organize the family. Sharedcalendar& lists.
CalDAV-Sync 0.4.32
dmfs GmbH
Brings CalDAV to Android since 2011.
DAVx⁵ – CalDAV CardDAV WebDAV 4.3.9-gplay
Sync Contacts (CardDAV), Calendars and Tasks (CalDAV). AccessyourWebDAV files.
CardDAV-Sync 0.4.23
dmfs GmbH
CardDAV-Sync is a CardDAV client for Android tosynchronizecontacts.Due to its implementation as sync adapter itintegratesseamlesslywith the default contacts app. (Also checkoutCalDAV-Sync) Importantnote for Android 4.1 and Samsung users:Toprevent the removal ofyour accounts on reboot installthisapp:,Samsung users still need this workaround, even onrecentdevices.Also note that many Android 4.x and 5.0 devicesneed theworkaroundto prevent removal of accounts during an appupdate. HTCOne usersplease check out thissitefirst: news via Twitter Ifyoufind a bugsend me an email please. Without detailederrordescription I oftencan't do anything especially when Ican'treproduce it. It's alsopossible that your server has a bugthatCardDAV-Sync can not (yet)tolerate or work around. If youreportbugs I can fix them quicklyand everyone will benefit. This isthepaid version ofCardDAV-Sync. It equals the free version exceptthatit syncs morefields. Visit my website for details. Pleaseuninstallthe freeversion before you install the paid one (and viceversa).For userswhich are unable to edit or create synced contactsIpublished aneditor at the market. Just search for "ContactEditor"or see ourwebsite. Once this app reaches version 1.0, I'llmake itopensource.See the open source status. Features: * Sync contactsfromaCardDAV-server (tested and reported to work withDAViCal,SOGo,egroupware, Zimbra, david.fx, Fruux, ownCloud ... andmore.See ourwebsite for details) * supports multiple address booksperaccount *basic support for self-signed certificates*auto-provisioning *two-way-sync * syncs names, phone numbers,emailaddresses, postaladdresses, photos, birthdays (but pleasevisit"date formats" on mywebsite first), notes, instantmessengers,organizations, nicknames,categories (groups), phoneticnames,related names and websites *automatic address bookdiscovery (workswith most servers in defaultconfiguration) *one-way-sync ofApple-style groups * Support forApple-style customlabels(X-ABLABEL) * stores passwords encrypted *supportsefficientsync-collection request * supports clientcertificateauthentication* import wizard for contacts from otheraccounts
CalendarSync - CalDAV and more 13.44
CalendarSync is an Android app whichallowsittosynchronize your appointments/calendars usingCalDAV,FTP,HTTP,WebDAV, WebCal-feeds, Cloudstorage (e.g. GoogleDrive),orplainics files (stored on your device or e.g.mailattachments).Thereare also a lot of additional featuresavailable.All this canalsobe done !independent! from the Googleservices liketheGooglecalendar.Do you want to check out the app for free? You can testtheappandall its features without any limitations byinstallingthisfreespecialtestversionhere: also can buy the app directly from me, here Icanofferyouadditional payment options (e.g. PayPal) and itischeaper.Formore information simply write me a mail or take alookat theappwebsite.Features:•Comprehensive support - Questions or suggestions? Simplywritemeamail.•Syncs with many different sources - CalDAV,WebDAV,FTP,HTTP,WebCal, Cloudstorage, Local files, Mail attachmentsandmanymore(Of course, it also supports encryption and twowaysync)•Complex configuration? No worries, the app guides youthroughallthesteps•Manage your calendars and create backups with just afewsteps•Flexibility - There are already appointments storedonthedevicewhich should be pushed to the server? Youneedindividualsyncintervals for each of your calendar data sources?Youwanttoexchange appointments between multiple serversandsources?Noworries, this and more is possible!•Designed for high speed calendar synchronization•Seamless integration with your device andyourpreferredcalendarapps•Secure: All the sensitive information are encryptedbeforetheyarestored•No secrets, you can - if you wish - always see whatishappeningandwhy.•Supports complex calendar situations andtimezones,serversandclients•Supports self-signed certificates•Unique solutions for a variety of challenges.Youhavespecialrequirements? Then the app is your solution.•New device? Simply export\backup your configuration andimportitonthe new device•Multilingual: Supports English,German,French,Spanish,PortugueseIf you are interested in translating the app then simplysendmeamail.The app has been sucessfully tested with morethen40differentCalDAV Servers like Owncloud - Apple iCloud -Zimbra-OSX/iCalServer - eGroupware - Oracle Beehive - david.fx-SynologyNAS -DAViCal - SOGO. You canfindalisthere: can find detailed information to thepermissionsatmywebsite.For more information or if you need support or if youwanttogetmore details for features rearing largecooperationorderslikeautomatic configuration then [email protected] add problems to to comments IcanNOThelp you because I needsome information aboutyourconfigurationand so on. I'm sure thatI can help you to reachyourgoals and thatI can provide thenecessary support :)
Caldav Sync Free Beta 1.8.1
Synchronise your calendar from a caldav calendarserver.Fullyintegrated and transparent in Android accountmanagement.Opensource software. Source codeavailableat Donothesitateto contribute (bugs, comments, patches, ...) ! URIsforthedifferent servers are available on thewiki: to complete or comment ! For owncloud, useurl:http(s)://server/owncloudbase/remote.php/caldav/principals/user_nameForbaikal, use url:http(s)://server/baikalbase/cal.php/principals/user_name Forbugreporting, please use thebugtrackingsystem
CardDAV-Sync free 0.4.21
dmfs GmbH
CardDAV-Sync is a CardDAV client for Android tosynchronizecontacts. Due to its implementation as sync adapter itintegratesseamlessly with the default contacts app. (Also checkoutCalDAV-Sync) Samsung S5 users: Please note that some S5devicescome with a broken contacts app that crashes when opening acontactsynced by this app. Please report any crashes to Samsung.HTC Oneusers please check out this sitefirst: Pleasedo notinstall the Workaround app when you use the free versionofCardDAV-Sync. It's for the paid version only Get support andnewsvia Twitter If you find a bug sendmean email, please. Without detailed error description I oftencan'tdo anything especially when I can't reproduce it. It'salsopossible that your server has a bug that CardDAV-Sync can not(yet)tolerate or work around. If you report bugs I can fix themquicklyand everyone will benefit. Also check out the paidversionCardDAV-Sync. It syncs some additional fields(likecompany/organization and notes). For details see my website.Pleaseuninstall the free version before you install the paid one(andvice versa). Note to Yahoo!® users: Due to the many issuesonYahoo!'s servers, Yahoo! is no longer officially supported bythisapp. After the installation got to "Settings" > "Accounts&Sync" and create a new Account. Important! If your phoneremovesthe accounts on reboot, move the App back from SD card tothephone. Some phones (if not all) can't handle sync adapters onSDCard properly. For users who are unable to edit or createsyncedcontacts I published an editor at the market. Just searchfor"Contact Editor" or see my website. Once this app reachesversion1.0, I'll make it open source.See fordetailson the open source status. Features: * Sync contacts fromaCardDAV-server (tested and reported to work with DAViCal,SOGo,egroupware, Zimbra, david.fx, Fruux, ownCloud ... and more.See mywebsite for details) * basic support for self-signedcertificates *auto-provisioning * two-way-sync * syncs names, phonenumbers,email addresses, postal addresses, photos and birthdays(but pleasevisit "date formats" on my website first) * automaticaddress bookdiscovery (works with most servers in defaultconfiguration) *one-way-sync of Apple-style groups * Support forApple-style customlabels (X-ABLABEL) * stores passwords encrypted *supportsefficient sync-collection request It is still underdevelopment andsome important features may be missing. Knownlimitations are: *organizations, instant messengers, categories,notes and websitesare *not* synced by the free version * SOGoContact lists are notsupported yet (work is in progress) * only"server wins" and "phonewins" (default) conflict resolutionavailable (that is when acontact is updated on server and on phonebetween two syncs) * andmaybe more Please report bugs. Feedback isvery welcome. Btw: justwriting a comment like "Doesn't work on..."won't help neither younor me to get it running on your device.Please contact me if youhave problems. known issues: * @david.fxusers: david.fx returnsall links to contacts from sub-folders.Currently this leads to thesituation that some contacts may appearmultiple times (joined toone contact)
JB Workaround CalDAV-Sync 1.4
dmfs GmbH
This is just a workaround app for a bug in Android 4.1(aliasJellyBean).See for Samsung users: at present you'll need thisapptoo,see it's recommended to install this app as well.There isa newissue in Android that causes accounts to be removedduring anappupdate,see accounts of paid apps to be removed when Androidbootsup.To work around this issue this app pretends to providethesameaccount type that CalDAV-Sync provides. That's enoughtoconvinceJelly Bean to keep the account. That's all this appdoes.Pleaseopen the app at lease once from within Google Playto"enable" theworkaround. It may not work properly otherwise. Onsomedevicesyou'll have to install this app before youinstallCalDAV-Sync.Please try that if you still have problems.Please notethat thebug is in Android 4.1, not in CalDAV-Sync! Ifyou're notusingCalDAV-Sync on Jelly Bean, you don't need this app.There isnoneed to give it a bad rating in that case! Please don'tinstallitin that case.
Magnifier & Microscope [Cozy] 6.3.1
Good magnifier app to see tiny things bigger and more clearly!
SolCalendar - Calendar / To do
Kakao Corp.
SolCalendar is a globally-recognizedcalendarapp with free stickers that has topped millions ofdownloads onAndroid.This visually-engaging, powerful piece of app will guide userstolive a passionate life, by providing effective time &taskmanagement tools and Infotainment.SolCalendar is well known for its beautiful design andintuitivefunctions, and it has been introduced by major IT mediassuch asTNW, engadget, and addictivetips as one of the bestalternativesfor Google Calendar.• A perfect alternative for Google Calendar (engadget, USA)• The most beautiful Android calendar app – TNW• Delightful features such as stickers and weather, withanoutstanding design (echtudo, Brazil)• An amazing, rarely seen calendar app (wandoujia, China)• A diamond in the rough (365apps, France)[Features]Intuitive UX• Daily Briefing and New Year’s Resolution banner• Manages your events, special days and to-dos• Supports Month, Week, Day, Agenda and To-do views• Offers various repeat options• Allows to set different timezones for app and eventManage To-dos• Syncs with Google Tasks• Various repeat options for to-dosFancy widgets for your homescreen• Polished Widgets that would decorate your home screen• Various widget types: Calendar, Agenda, Day, To-do,Countdown,Shortcut widgets etc)• Timetable widgetWeather Forecast and Map integration• Location-based, real-time weather information• Provides Weekly weather forecast• Google Maps & Foursquare Place API integratedLunar calendar and holidays by countries• Supports Lunar calendar & Holiday calendars of41countries• Supports 22 languages (thanks to the volunteer translators)Stickers for your special events• Stickers to mark or remember your important day• New simple stickers(mono-tone) updated(* Stickers will be continuously updated)SolCalendar is an effective life management tool that couldreplaceyour paper calendars, memos, post-its, planners , diariesandetc.Carry them all in one app. It offers an intuitive andfriendlyUX.SolCalendar Syncs with:• Google Calendar, Exchange• Daum Calendar, Naver Calendar, iCloud, Yahoo! Calendar,Yahoo!Japan Calendar, and any other calendar services thatsupportCalDAV.• Google Tasks[Our volunteer translators around the world]• Finnish : Tuuli Helminen / Patrik Selin• Indonesian : Oloan Sembiring / Wensen Roselan / Mzaifuddin• Italian : Fabrizio Santillo / Fabrizio Oddo / Karolina Gaiofatto/Tito Neroni• Danish : Nicklas Møller• German : Daniel Marcato / Jonas Straßer / Martin Philippi/Michael Grandjean /• French : Cedric Dubuis/ Tim Walter / Lee Chae Young• Russian : Andrew Skobtsov / Lim Heewon / Anastasia Yugay/Alexandr Krasnobelov• Turkish : Muhammet AKTAŞ• Spanish : Melissa H. / Cintli• Chinese : Jeun Eun Chang• Japanese : Lee Ga Young• Thai : Piraya Y.• Dutch : Edgar Newland / Niels Kikkert• Polish : Andrzej L. / Michal Kiender• Vietnamese : Natalie Dubs• Catalan : Catalan• Malay : yoska de jong• Portuguese (Brazil) : Augusto S Biffi / Eduardo Moura / TitodeSeu / Felipe Pedroti Raymundo• Hindi : Aarish Madaan / madhavdivya• Hebrew : Dayvid Gill (Hebrew will be supported soon)• Arabic : Argoubi Asma (Arabic will be supported soon)(We're looking for volunteer translators! If you're interestedintranslating SolCalendar into any language, please contact usviae-mail: [email protected])* Go to SolCalendar> Settings>Contributors around the worldtoview SolCalendar's translators!Please do not hesitate to contact us at any time if you haveanyqueries, ideas or reports.• SolCalendar User Community:• Facebook :• Twitter : ​@SolApps
CalDAV TaskSync beta
CalDAV Tasksync beta is an Android Appwhichcan be used to get your tasks and todolists from your ownCalDAVServer to your Android device. The App is not featurecomplete yet(e.g. additional sync protocols like pure WebDAV, FTP,HTTP will beadded in future releases) and it is planned to releaseit as opensource after it got considered sufficiently mature.Contact me [email protected] if you have any ideas or issues.Please only rate already existing features and keep in mindthatthis is only beta. I will constantly update this and add newstuffand improvements!FEATURESManages tasks which are stored on your CalDAV servers.Supports also displaying/creating/editing/deleting ofcomplexrecurring tasksA unified task list (enable it at the settings)Filter and order your task listAutomatic CalDAV task storage detectionAutomatic and manual two way syncBasic tablet and full phone UIBasic alarm handlingA Widget (it also can be used on the lockscreen)And much more :)Translations: English, French (Thx Rousseau), German, RussianPLANNED FEATURESAdditional translations (If you are interested in translatingtheapp in other languages please contact me. )Categories and Location (Location has already been added :))Enhancements for the Widget (the Widget should be almost finalnow:))More sorting/filtering and search featuresTablet UI (a basic tablet ui is already there :))And much more :)SUPPORT THE DEVELOPMENT and PRO FEATURESYou can support the development by getting a license fromGooglePlay Store (you can get it directly inside of the app) ordirectlyfrom me. As a reward you can utilize the two way sync profeatureof the app after the initial two week trial phase. Note, onewaysync and all other features are available for free!OPEN SOURCEI'm planning to release this as an open source project as soon asIfeel that the codebase is advanced enough for this step.BETAPlease keep in mind that this is only a BETA so there can beissues.I have invested a lot of time into testing it so hopefullytherewon't be any bugs :) But of course it does not yet containallfeatures and requires additional UI polishing.IDEAS and SUPPORTDo you have additional ideas or do you think that you have foundaissue? Then contact me a [email protected] and send me adescription:) Do you want to translate the app? Just contact me:)
Business Calendar 2 Planner 2.48.5
Your daily calendar planner for work, family & private events
CalendarSync - trial 14.00
Synchronize your events using CalDAV, FTP, HTTP, WebDAV, icsfiles,WebCal-feeds
OpenTasks 1.4.2
dmfs GmbH
Open Source Task Management.
iCal Import/Export CalDAV 3.2v279
Calender import, export, sync, transfer, archive, edit,coolwidget,…
SmoothSync for Cloud Calendar 1.8.9
dmfs GmbH
Bringing iCloud to Android since 2011.
ownCloud 4.1.1
ownCloud GmbH
Add an ownCloud server now and get your Cloud, your Data, your Way!
aCalendar+ Calendar & Tasks
Tapir Apps GmbH
aCalendar+ is the premium version ofaCalendar- please try the free calendar app aCalendar first!aCalendar+ gives you many additional calendar features andyourpurchase supports further development and helps protectingtheendangered Mountain Tapir.EXTRA FEATURES (aCalendar+ or as In-App-Purchase)● Public holidays (and school holidays for some countries)-configurable in the calendar list● Color themes (UI and Widget colors, dark background - NOTeventcolors: those are defined by your calendar service)● Business features (Invite attendees, link contacts,free/busy,private, profiles, share as ICS, ...)● Tasks (manage Google Tasks or tasks from CalDAV/OpenTasks)● No ads (removes the occasional advertisement)♥ Tapir Apps donates 10% of all revenue (app purchase, IAP, ads)torainforest conservation through our friends at WorldLandTrustFEATURES● intuitive navigation with smooth transitions● day, week, month and year view● Fullscreen widgets● flexible recurrences like every 3 weeks, every 17 days, oreveryMon, Wed and Fri● 48 colors per calendar● per-event colors (if supported by the event's calendar)● custom event font size● birthdays & anniversaries with photos from youraddressbookand editing● uses Android's native calendar backend and synchronization● no battery drain through polling● moon phases and zodiac signs for birthdays● QR barcode sharing of events● 12/24h clock honoring system settings● optimized text display and improved line-breakUSAGE● move forward and backward in the calendar by swiping verticallyorvolume rocker● switch between calendar views with a horizontal swipe (openstheday or week you start the swipe gesture on) or double-tap fordayview● tap to open a calendar event● long-press to add new calendar event● long-press on mini-month to go to today or jump to date● tap on photo to open quick contact menu● 3-finger-tap: configurable action● Drag'n'Drop: tap plus long press in day view (use volume rockertochange day)PERMISSIONSaCalendar only requests permissions needed for appfunctionality.aCalendar+ respects your privacy and will NEVER sendany of yourprivate data anywhere unless configured by YOU. Pleasecontact usif you have questions about permissions.TRANSLATIONSaCalendar+ is translated into more than 30 languages, mostlybyvolunteers - please let me know if there is a badtranslationsomewhere or you want to add your language.LOVE♥ If you like aCalendar+, please show your support by leaving agoodrating and recommending it to your friends ♥APP2SDUnfortunately app2SD cannot be supported, because homescreenwidgetsdo not work from SD in Android. But aCalendar+ is optimizedforspeed and small memory footprint.ROADMAP (Planned features)● further Tasks improvements (e.g. contact linking)● Popup notifications● alternative calendar system support (Chinese, Hebrew,Indian,Persian, Islamic/Hijri, etc.) - already available in thedatewidget!
Service Browser for OVH 1.0.5
Hosting Admin allows you to manage yourserversin OVH, Kimsufi, and Soyoustart using your mobile device.- listing dedicated servers, VPS, NAS and Cloud services- rebooting dedicated servers and VPS- starting and stopping VPS- updating reverse DNS of a dedicated server- updating reverse DNS of a VPS main IP- renaming services- switching monitoring on and off for dedicated servers, VPSandNASOther service types like IP addresses, Domains, SMS etcarelisted but can't be managed at the moment.NOTE: In order to use this app, you have to authorizeourservice to access your OVH account. You may get an email fromOVHright after about the account access. We will not usethisauthorization for anything else except to fulfill requests thatyoumake using the app. We take reasonable measures not to disclosetheaccess code to any third party. If you are still concernedwithprivacy you can give the authorization for a short period oftime,or remove the account from the app after use.
My infra 2.0.4
Application mobile permettant de visualiser l'état de sesproduitset services chez OVH. Vous avez la possibilitéd'administrer vosproduits. Possibilité de modifier aussi lesinformations de soncompte ainsi que de créer un ticket, répondre ausupport OVH.ATTENTION: cette application ne fonctionnera pas sivous avezactivé la double authentification autre que SMS sur votrecompte.Cette application n'est pas développée par la société OVHmais estune application open source qui utilise l'API publiqued'OVH. Nousne sommes donc pas lié à la société OVH.
Cozy 0.1
Eslam Tolba
Cozy is the world's fastest messaging App,chat with your family and friends all over the world viasinglechats, group chats ,secret chats and broadcast lists .**We focus on speed and security thanks to our "SECRETCHAT"feature .**Secret chats are meant for people who want more security thantheaverage fella. All messages in secret chats useend-to-endencryption. This means only you and the recipient canread thosemessages — nobody else can decipher them, including us .Messagescannot be forwarded from secret chats. You can also orderyourmessages to self-destruct in a set amount of time after theyhavebeen read by the recipient. The message will then disappearfromboth your and your friend's devices.One last difference between secret and ordinary chats in Telegramisthat secret chats are not stored in our cloud. You can onlyaccessmessages in a secret chat from their device of origin.Share anything you want like pictures, videos, documents of anytype(.doc, .zip, .pdf), voice notes, documents and locations .Why Cozy ?-Fast: Cozy delivers messages faster than any other App.-Free : Cozy is free forever.-Secure: Cozy keeps your messages safe from hacker attacks.-Powerful : Cozy has no limits on the siez of your mediaandchats-Cloud-Based : Cozy lets you access your messages frommultipledevices .-Private : Cozy has a secret chat where messages areheavilyencrypted with no traces on our servers and have aself-destructtimer.-Customization : Choose your favorite chat wallpaperWith Cozy you can :-Connect : from most remote locations-Coordinate: groups of up to 200 members-Synchronize: your chats across all your devices(Smartphone,Desktop & Web)-Send: documents of any type-Encrypt :personal and business secrets-Destruct :your messages with a timer-Store: your media in the cloudEnjoy Messaging !-Cozy Team
Calendar+ Schedule Planner 1.09.36
Calendar+: Sync, customize & optimize scheduling!
BlackBerry Hub+ Calendar 2.2312.3.231204237
View all your events and sync multiple calendars in one app