Top 2 Apps Similar to Backup - Carta Fedeltà

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La nostra idea è quella diassociarelatradizione ormai consolidata nei consumatori dellacartafedeltàcon l'innovazione delle applicazioni per smartphoneetablet.L'obbiettivo è quello di permettere agli utenti di avereintemporeale le migliori offerte dai commercianti,artigianieprofessionisti della Community Commerce di Lescunt,tramitelaCard-App.La nostra missione è di creare tramite la Card-App LescuntunagrandeCommunity Commerce che unisca le piccole e medie impreseaipropriclienti creando un'enorme vantaggio economicoperentrambi.Scaricate l'applicazione e richiedete la vostra carta fedeltàinunaqualunque delle aziende convenzionate chetrovatesull'applicazioneoppure tramite il modulo online che trovatesulnostro blog.Mostrando la carta fedeltà ai commerciantiotterretedirettamentesconti ed offerte in tutte le aziendeconvenzionate chetrovateelencate sull'applicazione, senza doverricorrere allesoliteraccolte punti o quantaltro.Non ci rimane che augurarvi un buon shopping nellaCommunityCommercedi Lescunt con un risparmio garantito e diqualità.Our idea is tocombinethewell-established tradition in consumer loyalty cardwiththeinnovation of applications for smartphones andtablets.The goal is to allow users to have real-time the bestdealsbytraders, artisans and professionals Community LescuntofCommerce,through the Card-App.Our mission is to create through-Card App Lescunt abigCommerceCommunity that unites small and medium-sized enterprisestotheircustomers creating a huge economic benefit for both.Download the application and request your loyalty card at anyofthepartner companies that you find on the application or viatheonlineform found on our blog.Showing the loyalty card will get directly to merchantsdiscountsandoffers in all partner companies you find listed ontheapplication,without having to resort to the usualcollectionpoints orwhatever.We can do is to wish you a good shopping in CommunityofCommerceLescunt with a guaranteed savings and quality.
inloyal - mobile cards wallet 3.1.4
You have multiple loyalty cards but don't carry them becausetheyare useless and just make your wallet fat? Do you havetroublekeeping a track of your reward points across all your cards?Areyou too dependent on your brand for your loyalty membershipwiththe brand? Presenting to you a new and improvised inloyal, amobileloyalty wallet for customers like you where you can carryandmanage all your loyalty cards and rewards on your phone.Withinloyal, you can always carry your loyalty cards withoutcausinginconvenience to yourself, choose to get your reward pointsacrossall your loyalty cards without breaking a sweat, never miss adealagain at your favourite brands and most importantly, getyourrewards redeemed on the phone by paying for them with yourpoints.1. My Pocket: Shun plastic. Carry all your loyalty cards onyourphone and make your wallet thin. Add all your cards to yourinloyalpocket; all in one single loyalty wallet called inloyal.2.Membership: Get membership details and information aboutyouraccount and loyalty program. 3. Offers: Follow the offersandmessages from your favourite brands and never again miss a deal.4.Shop: Wherever available, we will enable you to buy your rewardsbypaying with your points. 5. Get points: For select merchants,youwill be able to fetch your reward points balance in real timeandalways have them handy on inloyal. We are adding more merchantsaswe speak. 6. Feedback: Engage with your loyalty programs andsendthem your feedback with the tap of a button. 7. Store Locator:Findyour brand's stores nearby your location. 8. Profile: Stayincontrol of your profile information and update changesimmediatelyas they happen. 9. Mall loyalty customers can submittheir shoppingbills on the mall inApp to get their reward points. Alot ofexciting stuff is on the way. We shall make sure that you cangetthe most out of your loyalty programs and can actually getthingsdone, all through a inloyal's loyalty wallet on your phone.Keepwatching this space! Happy pocketing your rewards! Team inloyal