Top 50 Apps Similar to EntrInnO

Quantic School of Business 2.1.23
Pedago, LLC
MBA and Executive Education
Doing Economics by CORE Econ 1.2.2
Learn data handling and statistical skills by working withrealpolicy problems.
Newsela Student 1.4.7
News and nonfiction at your reading level
EASY CODER : Learn Python 5.8.9-python
Learn to code! Learn python coding with easy video python
Startup Space – Business & Entrepreneur Community 6.2.23
Startup Space is an online incubator and sandboxforstartups,entrepreneurs, and small businesses. With StartupSpaceyou getreal-time assistance, advice, and tipsfromexperiencedentrepreneurs, startup owners, and business experts.Nomatter ifyou are just starting a business, need info onbusinessplans,names, startup funding, or even small business ideas,this istheperfect community to get advice and tips! ASK AQUESTIONJoinStartup Space and ask a question related tobusiness,marketing,entrepreneurship, startups, and how to start abusiness.Be asthorough as possible and await for feedback fromthestartupcommunity consisting of experts, local businessowners,startupowners, and so on. In short: people that are or werein thesameposition as you. GET OR READ RELEVANT ANSWERS Thequestionsthatother users asked for may be the same as the one youplan toask.So, carefully see the discussions in our startupcommunityfrontpage. If you can help and want to give a feedback onsome ofthequestions simply join the discussion. Either way, whenyou askaquestion be ready to get or find business startup tips,tipsfromexperts, business startup advice, startup funding ideas andsomuchmore. Connect with relevant experts that can really beofextremehelp for your ideas. To put it in the perspective,StartupSpace isthe online community where you will find all thetools youneed tohelp start your business or accelerate yourbusinessgrowth.Download now for free & make your dreams areality!
Studydrive - The Student App 4.2.4
Uni revision with flashcards, lecture notes & exam solutionstoace your studies
Buffl: Learn with flashcards 2.1.4
Create online courses with flashcards and multiple choicequestions.
⚡ Business Ideas - Plan, Forecast & Pitch⚡ 1.06
Bring Your Business Ideas to Life This appplans,financiallyforecasts and organizes your business ideas,newbusiness ideas,startup ideas and side hustles. It also guidesyouthrough creatinga great business pitch: 1. Capture yourbusinessstartup ideas,side hustle ideas, app ideas and side lineswith easyto usetemplate 2. Select the pitch deck, pitch sheet orpitchspeech tab3. The app will automatically write yourcustomizedelevator pitchand five year financial forecast -Everything youneed to plan andorganize your business ideas, sidehustles, startupideas and sidelines Features - Capture yourbusiness ideas, sidehustles,business startup ideas and side lines -Plan and organizeyourbusiness ideas - Pitch sheet captures yourbusiness startupidea onan easy to present canvas - Pitch speechcaptures yourbusinessstartup idea in a 1 minute elevator pitch -Pitch deckoutlinesyour slides for a longer presentation of yourbusinessstartup idea- Store multiple business ideas, startup ideasand sidehustles -Update on the move - Share your business startupideas andpitchesby email, copy to clipboard, and by PDF - Yourbusiness ideaandpitch has the key elements to define and sell yourbusiness:*Business Name * Offer * Target Customers * GeographicMarket *FiveYear Financial Forecast * Five Year Objectives*CompetitiveAdvantage *Strategic Steps * Note Ideal for --Entrepreneurialbusiness ideas - Small business owners withnewbusiness ideas& plans - Employees with side hustle ideasthatneed planning -Creatives with new business ideas and sidehustleideas - Salespeople with new business ideas & plans -Startupbusiness ideas& plans - Business Consultants advising onnewbusiness startupideas that need a plan and pitch - CEOs -ManagingDirectors withnew business ideas & plans - Strategistswithbusiness ideas,new business & startup ideas that needplanning,forecastingand pitching
Codecademy Go 1.15.0
Practice coding anywhere with the Codecademy companion app.
Quiz Maker Professional 3.1.17
Professional version of QuizMaker to play create and share quizzes!
NoteLedge - Digital Notebook 1.7.49
Capture ideas, take notes with multimedia content & exportnotesto PDF easily!
The Economy by CORE Econ 1.14.1
A complete introduction to economics and the economyforundergraduates
UFB: Udemy for Business 5.15.0
The essential resource foryourbusiness-centric training, Udemy for Business seamlesslyenablesyou to learn and continue courses you're enrolled in.Get instant access to your team's complete course libraryandleverage the flexibility of your phone to completebite-sizedlessons when you have time.Download the Udemy for Business app today to learn anytime,anywherelike your coworkers already are.FEATURES-Watch courses on the go including video and audiolectures,presentations, and articles-Save courses for later by viewing the lessons offline andneverworry about losing your signal-Want to learn even faster? Choose how fast or slow you want toviewcourses with multiple speed optionsABOUT UDEMY FOR BUSINESSUdemy for Business is the next-generation online learningplatformthat empowers you to solve the biggest challenge facinggrowthcompanies today: the skills gap. Built for companies strivingtostay at the forefront of innovation, Udemy for Businessisspecifically designed to help shrink the skills gapcurrentlyaffecting many modern businesses. The Udemy for Businesssolutioncurates the latest, top-of-class course material taught bytheworld’s leading experts. In addition to its advancedcourselibrary, Udemy for Business also provides teams witheasy-to-usetools to create their own proprietary content. Globalbrands likeOptimizely, Oracle, Pepsi, and Pitney Bowes rely onUdemy forBusiness to train their workforce and excel in theskills-driveneconomy.
GitJournal - Markdown Notes In 1.86.2
Store Your Markdown Files in any Git Repo.
Plickers 4.5.6
Plickers lets you poll your class forfree,without the need for student devices. Just give each student acard(a “paper clicker”), and use your Android smartphone or tablettoscan them to do instant checks-for-understanding, exit tickets,andimpromptu polls. Best of all, your data is automaticallysaved,student-by-student, at teaching!
Middlesex University 9.33.2
Welcome to MDXapp, the official mobile application fromMiddlesexUniversity
Princeton Mobile 2.0
Provides on-the-go information about Princeton University
Career Drivers by Bridge 1.1.4
Bridge is the only integrated learning and performancemanagementplatform that helps employees discover, plan, and trackcareerdevelopment. Find out what drives your people—starting withthiscareer drivers exercise. This app, based on a card sortexercise,kicks off crucial conversations with employees by helpingthemarticulate what drives them in their careers. First, userssortthrough cards with values and traits, selecting the onesthatmatter most to them in their jobs and careers. Then they rankandsort them to discover areas of focus. Together, managersandemployees can identify roles they want to pursue and skillstheymight need. Bridge enables managers and employees to createcareerdevelopment plans and connect them to relevant learningandperformance tools they can use every day. Perfect forHumanResources, Learning and Development Professionals, andmanagers ofpeople. Learn more about Bridge:
Books In Action by Mentorist 5.1.0
Taulab OÜ
Self-help books are often complex and summaries do notcaptureenoughdetails or depth. Neither books nor summaries providethepropertools to put all this awesome knowledge into action.ButBooks InAction combines these pieces, and gives you everythingyouneed togrow. == Why Books In Action will get you to the nextlevel==Detailed book summaries They will give you the “aha!”moment,andhelp you understand the main concepts described inthebooks.Step-by-step actions Reading without taking action is awasteoftime. The app guides you on the path to a better youbygivinginstructions that help you achieve your goals. All adviceis100%based on the best self-help books. Self-evaluationReadingabouttaking action and actually taking action are twodifferentthings.In the app, you can verify your progress and learnif youarefollowing the right strategies and principles toacquirenewhabits. Earn badges, stars, and jump to higher levels Youwillearnrewards each time you achieve a milestone. Personal growthisaprocess; it won’t happen overnight. Therefore, the appwillhelpensure that you are consistent with your dailygrowth.Investing inyour own personal growth and professionaldevelopmentwill be thebest decision you will ever make. It willhelp youachieve what youreally desire in life. Here are a fewthings thatBooksInAction canhelp you with: Leadership skills - Findthe leaderwithin yourselfand build your foundational leadershipskills.Personalproductivity - Learn how to do more in lesstime.Self-esteem andconfidence - Discover how to change yourinnerdialogue, and youwill change the way you approach newchallenges.Daily routine -Learn how to design and consistentlyexecute yourperfect routine.Mental health - Master and overcomeyour stress,depression, andanxiety. Physical health - It’s not onlyabouthealthy eating andexercising. Discover the intricacies andhabitsinvolved inenhancing physical health. Self-discipline -Overcomeyour impulsesand conquer your temptations byimplementingstrategies from bookssuch as The Willpower Instinct.Self-love -Doing one simpleexercise every morning will help youlearn to loveyourself. Youwill find instructions in the list ofhabits from TheCode of theExtraordinary Mind. Mindfulness - It’snot onlymeditation. It’sabout giving attention to every aspect ofyourlife. Highperformance - Put into action the six habits thathelpyou achievelong-term success, summarized directly from thebookHighPerformance Habits. Morning motivation - Youcannotimproveyourself 100% overnight. But what you can do isimprove 1%everysingle day. Self-discovery - There are things youdidn't knowyoudidn’t know. Goal setting - Set yourself up forsuccesswithlong-term vision and short-term motivation. Explorethedifferentmethodologies recommended by coaches such as DavidAllenof GettingThings Done (aka gtd) and Anthony Robbins of AwakenTheGiantWithin. Self-control - Work on mindfulness, and thenusestrategiesto gain full control of your mind. Want more? In theapp,you canread summaries of entire self-help books for free.BasicMembership– Free You have access to all the book summaries andtoselectactions from books. You will also receive one freedailyactionfrom a pre-selected book. Pro MembershipBooksInActionoffersmonthly and yearly subscription plans. Yearlysubscriptionscomewith the first week FREE. With Pro membership, youhave accesstoall the books and all the actions without limitation.Pleaselookat our terms of use and privacy policy foradditionaldetails:
ManageBac 2.9.1
ManageBac is built for students, parents, teachers, andcoordinatorson-the-go!
Subscription Billing - Zoho 1.25.6
Smart recurring billing and subscription management software
Acadium 7.1.0
Marketing courses, remote apprenticeships, andfreelanceopportunities.
Business Model Canvas & SWOT 1.7.0
Mob Business
Build better Business Models Canvas. The BusinessModelCanvascombines the speed of a napkin sketch with the smartsofaspreadsheet. It enables you to map, test, and iterateyourbusinessideas – fast. With the Business Model Toolbox you willbeable to:- Sketch your business model using thepracticalmethodology fromthe best-selling book, Business ModelGeneration. -Test theprofitability of your ideas with a quickreport andbreakdowns byoffer, customer segments, and costs. The appis basedon theBusiness Model Canvas, a widely practicedvisualtemplatepre-formatted with the nine blocks of a businessmodel(customersegments, value propositions, channels,customerrelationships,revenue streams, key resources, keyactivities, keypartners, coststructure). This application aims tohelp allentrepreneurs andStartups to organize and build theirbusinessmodel using thefamous Canvas. With simple layout andusability,navigationthroughout the application can be found inbuttonsActionBar, topof the screen. You can build your modelautomaticallyand ModelCanvas share via email, facebook and save onyour memorycard!
Blinkist: Big Ideas in 15 Min 10.1.5
Listen. Read. Learn. Understand powerful ideas in 15 minutes
Enki: Learn to code 2.23.2
An AI-powered mentor in your pocket for coding, data, workandtechnical skills
Habit Tracker - Proddy 3.6.1
The all-in-one self-care app for good habits, mood and creatingaroutine/ritual
Duco - Design Sprint Guide 5.0.1
New Haircut
The Duco App is a practical guide to running successfulDesignSprints. Developed at Google Ventures, the Design Sprint is a5-dayprocess for answering critical business questions throughdesign,prototyping, and testing ideas with customers. The Duco Appismeant to help Facilitators run Design Sprints as smoothandefficient as possible, by providing the right information andtipsat the right moment. Features: - Elegant, easy to use interface-5-day process summary - Daily agenda - Tips and tricks foreachsprint day - Short and relevant exercise description -Compellingillustrations for each exercise type - Helpful examplesand imagesfor all daily exercises If you have any questions orcommentsplease send us an email at [email protected]. Ifyouleave a support question in the comments we won't be able towriteyou back, so just shoot us an email instead!
Principles of Economics Textbo 2.1.1
Principles of Economics Textbook by OpenStax MCQ, EssayQuestions& Key Terms
4books: Audiobooks & Podcasts 1.34.13
Up Srl
Listen, Read & Learn from the best books, podcast, andaudionews in just 15 min
10-Min Nonfiction Book Summaries
MicroStrategy Library
Built by the leader in mobile analytics, theMicroStrategyLibraryapp lets you take your enterprise intelligencewith youwhereveryou go—online or offline. The app acts a centralhub toaccess apersonalized set of modern analyticsandvisualizations:MicroStrategy dossiers. Access modern,interactivedossiers ofanalytics • Dossiers combine various relatedanalyticsinto abeautiful interactive book of analytics. Organizedinto afamiliarchapter and page structure, dossiers make it easytonavigatethrough 100s of related reports and visualizations.•Dossiersconnect to your various enterprise data sources,providingyou withmobile access to your data on your favoritedevices. •Dossiers arefully responsive. They render beautifully onyourmobile device—nomatter how you hold it. Quickly find analyticswithpowerful searchand recommendations • Scan thumbnails or useouradvanced searchfunctionality to locate dossiers, objects,orspecificvisualizations. • Discover new insightswithdossierrecommendations based on powerful indexing • Dossiersmarkedwith a“certified” stamp allows users to easily identifywhatcontent hasbeen validated as trusted, governed analytics.Choosethe perfectvisualization to best analyze your data • Access awidevariety ofvisualization options from basic heat maps, bargraphs,and bubblecharts to more advanced visualizations such asnetworkdiagrams,boxplots, waterfall graphs, and KPI trends. •Powerfulgrids allowusers to collapse and expand groupings of data.• Plotgeospatialdata with multi-layer map visualizations includingcustomvectorshapes, markers, bubbles, areas, clusters, andalsodensityvisualizations. Collaborate with users in real-time •Userscaneasily collaborate through discussion threadsforreal-timecontextual idea exchange • Push notifications andemailalertsbring users into the analysis with the same filteredviewSharecontent effortlessly via native extensions • Exportyourcontent toPDF or download the .mstr file • Share via nativemobileextensionssuch as text message, Slack, or other apps • The“ShareLink”launches a new email with the link and dossierdescription inthebody of the email, making it incredibly seamlessto sharedirectaccess to the dossier Connect to MicroStrategy (OnAWS, onAzure,or in your private Cloud) • MicroStrategy Library ispart oftheMicroStrategy analytics and mobility platform.•ExistingMicroStrategy users need only connect LibrarytotheirMicroStrategy environments to access dossiers anddocumentsthroughthis app. • New MicroStrategy users can configureaMicroStrategyenvironment and quickly build dossiers to accessviathis app.
Quimbee 3.118.0
Quimbee is your one-stop shop for law school study aids, barprep,and CLE. With expert-written case briefs, engaging videolessons,essay practice exams, outlines, multiple-choicequizzes,flashcards, and more, Quimbee provides you with all thetools youneed to succeed in the classroom and beyond. Quimbee is onamission to help you ace your first year of law school as a1L,graduate at the top of your class, and rock the bar. We're notjusta study aid for law students; we're the all-inclusiveonlineeducational tool for law students, graduates, andpracticingattorneys alike. Quimbee includes: - Case briefs -Engaging videolessons - Essay practice exams - Outlines -Multiple-choice quizzes- Flashcards - UBE Bar Review - MBE Review -MPRE Review - MobileCLE (coming soon!)
Whitelines Link 6.2.1345
Whitelines Link® is a happy combo ofphysicaland digital notes. You could call it a clever scanner-appthat incombination with Whitelines Link® paper makes it super easytocapture, save and share your notes.Start the app and let it see the full Whitelines Link® paper.Theapp will automatically detect the page, scan it, correct tiltandenhance the image by removing the background noise to provideyouwith colorful and sharp notes. By ticking the "quick boxes" ontheWhitelines Link® paper you can Quick Share your notes andideaswith friends via e-mail, Dropbox and Evernote. You can alsoshareto all the usual services found on your device.Whitelines Link® is the analog way to be connected!Explanation of Android app permissions:• Camera and flashlight – for scanning Whitelines Link®paper.• Storage – for saving scanned notes.• Location – for tagging a scanned note withlocationinformation.• Internet connection – for supporting sharing options toservicessuch as Dropbox and Evernote.Be aware that the app is not optimized for tablets and requiresaback facing high resolution camera with auto focus tofunctionproperly.We appreciate your feedback!
Rocketbook 3.5.2
Send your Rocketbook pages and whiteboards enhanced with Beaconstothe cloud
Milanote 1.3.4
The notes app for creatives—capture ideas on the go.
Lists for Writers
Lists for Writers is a great addition toanywriter’s toolbox. Helpful to both novice and expert writersalike,this app delivers list after list of prompts and ideas foryourbrainstorming sessions: names, character traits, plotlines,occupations, obsessions, action verbs, and much more! Whetheryouare working on a creative writing project, a short story, anessayassignment, National Novel Writing Month / NaNoWriMo, or yournextfiction book, this app helps get it done.NEW! Shuffle and search features! You can now search any listaswell as randomly shuffle lists and search results!Featured in Slate magazine and The New York Times!Lists included:Lists included:* Character - Naming- First Names (male and female)- Last Names- People/Roles- Nonhuman Characters* Character - Physical Characteristics- Body Types- Facial Characteristics- General Physical Characteristics- Skin and Complexion- Hair- Clothing* Character - Occupations- Modern- Archaic* Character - Milestones- Anniversaries- Birthstones- Birth Flowers- Zodiac* Personality - Thoughts- General Characteristics- Phobias- Philias- Obsessions- Wisdom- Belief Systems- Emotions* Personality - Behaviors- Character Traits- Bad Habits- Hobbies- Super Powers* Plot- Seven Basic Plots- Thirty-six Dramatic Situations- Conflicts- Issues* Setting - Geographical- Cities (U.S. and World)- Landforms* Setting - Countries by Continent- Africa- Antarctica- Asia- Australia- Europe- North America- South America* Setting - Other- Forms of Government- Encounter Locations- Archaic Locations- Futuristic Locations- Modern Locations- Weather* Genres- Fantasy, Myths, and Magic- Divination and Fortune Telling- Ecclesiastical- Holidays- New Age- Nautical- College Teams- Sciences and Studies- Scientific Instruments- Military Terms- Military Acronyms*Miscellaneous- Animals (Domesticated)- Animals (General)- Animal Sounds- Colors- Color Values- Foods- Vehicles- Feeding and Eating- Textiles- Halloween- Thanksgiving- Christmas- Forms and Shapes- Units of Measurement- Carriages and Chariots- Fighting and Combat- Dance Styles- Bearing- Causation* Words - Grammar- Action Verbs- Dialog Verbs- Nouns- Prepositions- Adjectives- Adverbs- Verbs- Common Misspellings- Transitional Words and Phrases- Word Terms* Words - Fun- Rhyming Words- Gadzookery- Nonsense- Triples- Aussie Slang*****PRIVACY DISCLOSURELists for Writers:- Does not collect or share any personal data- Does not contain any ads- Does not contains in-app purchases- Does include links to the Thinkamingo web site, Facebook page,andTwitter profile in an information page
Business Plan Quick Builder 4.7Production
A great business plan from an easy to use template app
Principles of Macroeconomics T 2.1.1
Principles of Macroeconomics Textbook & MCQ & Key TermsbyOpenStax
Brainscape: Smarter Flashcards 4.20231030.12
Find, create, and study SMART FLASHCARDS on any device.
Perlego: Your online library 5.9.2
1 subscription - 1 million books
Headway: 15-Min Book Summaries 3.16.0
Become a better version of yourself in 28 days to achieve moreinlife and work
Pocket Notebook 1.1.3
The answers you need in the pocket you choose.
Kingston University 9.38.0
Welcom to KingstonUni, the official app of Kingston University
Accountable: invoices, receipts, tax & VAT 0.28.5
Invoice clients in one tap. Receive a tax recommendationforeachreceipt you scan. Optimize your taxes and loweryouraccountingcosts with Accountable. ✓ You will never lose areceiptagain, weprovide you with a tailored tax tip and match thereceiptwith therelevant bank transaction. ✓ Create, personalize andsendinvoicesyour clients will definitely pay. We notify you as soonasyou arepaid. ✓ By connecting your bank account, you knowinreal-time whatyour cash available is. You also know what youshouldexactly setaside for VAT and social contributions. ✓ SubmityourVAT returnbefore you even need to think about it. ✓ Atquarterlyclosings,share your data with your accountant and receivetheadvice youdeserve. ✓ We make sure you spend time on what matterstoyou, noton accounting. We make sure you optimize the cash youearnas aself-employed. ✓ We answer your questions in ahumanlanguage.Behind this email, there is a team that wants youtosucceed:[email protected]
HTML Quiz 3.1
Test your knowledge of HTML.
CostPocket - scan receipts and invoices 2.2
Forget collecting paper receipts, making Excel reports andbringingthem to your accountant. Download the app and start sendingall thereceipts digitally! Just make a photo of the receipt, addsomerelevant information with a few clicks and that’s it! You canalsosend invoices (expense documents) from your email, justforwardthem to our system. Each company has their own emailaddress, allinvoices and receipts can be sent there from youremail. CostPocket(a.k.a. Cost Pocket) will digitize all thenecessary informationand your accountant will see it all inaccounting software or withPDF / Excel expense reports. CostPocketenables companies, bothsmall and large, to streamline their expensereporting processesand save up to 70% of time spent on expensereporting! CostPocketis available in five languages: Estonian,English, Finnish, Russianand Latvian. Business owners like: -Clearoverview of employees'expenses and reimbursements -Never lose asingle receipt again -Appwill generate expense reports for you-Your accounting will be upto date. Accountants like: -All receiptsare digitally archived -Noneed to constantly notify clients aboutmissing receipts -Allnecessary data from each document isdigitized: Gross amount, Netamount (without VAT), VAT amount,currency, issue date, suppliername, supplier registry number anddocument number -Each receiptcomes with additional information:submitter name, payment type,reimbursement information -No need tochange accounting entriesbecause of late receipts
Access the eTextbooks that matter toyou!Designed specifically for institutions, faculty and theirstudentscan engage with digital educational content on anydevice,anywhere, any time.Key features for students in this version include:· Access your eTextbooks anywhere, any time.· Built on the latest technology to optimize yourlearningprocess.· Offline and online access to your eTextbooks (you candownloadyour books to your device)· Support page syncing between devices (i.e.: start reading onyourtablet and finish on your Mac OS app)· Built for reading books in the newest ePub format (ePub3)andPDF· Bookmarks & notes tagged by page, date & chapter· Retain annotations between offline & online modes· Support for multiple colour highlighting & categorizationtohelp you study· Sortable bookshelf library to help you manageyoureTextbooks· Search for content inside your eTextbooksThe Texidium eReader is the essential app you need to get allyourrequired eTextbooks on day one of class and excel inschool.