Top 1 Apps Similar to Motherhood

Healthy Mom Healthy Baby 1.1
The Focus Animated Quick Reference–HealthyMother-Healthy Baby provides a trimester wiseinformationinto thebodily changes of the mother and the fetusduring thetransitionfrom a normal woman to a pregnant lady and thentomotherhood. Thedo’s and dont’s – visits to doctors, tests,diet,exercise,activities – are all discussed for each trimester,makingit acomplete reference tool for a safe 9 months of growth forthebaby.Post-partum care of the mother and the newborn arealsodiscussed,highlighting the importance of diet and breastfeedingforthemother to remain healthy so as to make the babyhealthy.Theeasy-to-understand and user friendly information isaccompaniedbyappropriate images and 3D animated videos, making itamust-havereference.Disclaimer: The information provided in this applicationisonlyintended to be informative and should not be construedasasubstitute for medical advice.