Top 4 Apps Similar to Cats

Warriors. Characters 4.0.6
Information about characters of Warriors by Erin Hunter.
Коты-Воители. Справочник 1.4
Всё о мире Котов-Воителей Эрин Хантер.- имена героев книг- информация о племенах и кланах- иерархия- охотничьи и боевые приёмы- целебные травы- толковый словарьЭто приложение будет интересно не только преданнымфанатамКотов-Воителей, но и новым читателям, которые ещё неполностьювошли в мир Котов-Воителей.Со временем в приложение будет добавлены:- места и объектыи другая информация о повседневной жизни воителей.Приложение содержит объявления. Автор иконки - Капля Росы.All about theworld-CatsWarriors Erin Hunter.- The names of the heroes of the books- Information about the tribes and clans- Hierarchy- Hunting and fighting techniques- Herbs- DictionaryThis application will be interesting not only to devoted fansofCats-Warriors, but new readers who have not yet fully enteredtheworld of Cats-Warriors.Over time, the application will be added:- Location and facilitiesand other information about the daily life of warriors.The application contains ads. Author icons - dewdrops.
Читай! Бесплатно 3.42-gp
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Warriors 1.0
Everything you need to know to becometheUltimate Warriors Fan is here in this OFFICIAL referenceguide.This app is a great introduction to Warriors series for newfans,and is indispensable for those already hooked!• Browse over 100 entries chock-full of exclusive facts aboutthecats and Clans• Explore pinch-and zoom maps that feature historicWarriorsterritories• Read brand-new short stories from Erin Hunter and an excerptfromWarriors 1: Into the Wild• Keep track of which Warriors books you’ve read on yourbookshelf,and download the ones you haven’t• Prove you are the ultimate Warriors Fan with the WarriorsTriviaGame – beat your own best time of play against yourfriends• Stay on top of major Warriors milestones withinteractivetimeline• Watch Erin Hunter’s special message – just for you!