Top 4 Apps Similar to KlikPAMA

PAMA 1.0
PAMA is leader among machinetoolsmanufacturersof large boring and milling machines with appr.90years of know-how,located in Northern Italy.The products are internally designed, manufacturedandtested:SPEEDMAT HP horizontal machining centers for boring,millingandturning, SPEEDMAT boring and milling centers,SPEEDMILLmillingmachines, SPEEDRAM floor type boring and millingmachines,SPEEDRAMHP floor type boring and milling machines andVERTIRAMgantry typevertical machining centers equipped by a fullrangeofroto-traversing tables, turning tables, tool magazinesandheadattachments for several fields of application: foraerospace,die& mold, power generation (steam, gas and windturbines),earthmoving machines, heavy industry (mechanicalandmetallurgicalequipment), shipyard (diesel engines, propulsionsanddeckequipment), etc.Over 80% of production is exported (China, India,Russia,Germany,France, USA via a network of direct salesandservicefacilities).
Pawoon: Kasir / POS Online 2.27.0
Start using Pawoon & accept digital payments (GoPay, OVO,Dana,LinkAja)
Absensi Online Kosasih Group 0.1
Absensi Online Kosasih Groupmerupakansebuahaplikasi absensi yang memudahkarin karyawan kosasihgroupuntukmelakukan absensi dengan cepat dan valid.fitur-fitur:- Absen dapat dilakukan dimana saja sesuaidengankebijakanperusahaan dan disertai capture photo sehinggamencegahmanipulasiabsen.- Absen cocok untuk shift lewat hari.developed by : PT. Andaglos Global TeknologiJl. Pramuka, Sentra Bisnis Terminal Kemiling, No7BandarLampungPhone: +62 721 273453 / +62 828 0664 89Fax:Email: [email protected]: http://www.andaglos.comAttendanceOnlineKosasihGroup is an application that memudahkarinemployeeabsenteeismKosasih group to confirm their attendance with aquickand valid.features:- Absence can be done anywhere in accordance withcompanypolicyand accompanied capture pictures so as topreventmanipulationabsent.- Absent suitable to shift through the day.developed by: PT. Andaglos Global TechnologyJl. Scout, Kemiling Terminal Business Center, No.7BandarLampungPhone: +62 721 273453 / +62 828 0664 89Fax:Email: [email protected]:
Synerion Mobile 1.3.48429
Synerion Mobile application for medium tolargesize organizations enables employees to clock in and outviasmartphone, view their vacation balance, timesheets and reportonstart/end of tasks.Location-based attendance reportingThe application tracks the geographical location from whichIn-and Out-times are recorded and displays degree of accuracy.Punchesreceived from outside the specified range are defined asexceptionsand flagged for verification.Timestamps are created at the exact time of reporting accordingtothe time zone in which the organization is operating. Thisallowsthe system to record punches from abroad in local time.In addition, the system allows employees to view all punches forthecurrent date. By clicking the punch, they can view the map orthecoordinates of the location from which the punch wasentered.Display of vacation balanceThe application allows employees to view their vacationbalancedata: allowance, usage, and vacation balance. An expandedviewshows both last year's balance and the current year'sallowance(Note: Integration with the Synerion Time and Attendancesystem isrequired).Timesheet DisplayThe Synerion Mobile application allows the employees toviewtheir Timesheet based on data from the Synerion Attendancesystem(Note: Integration with the Synerion Time and Attendancesystem isrequired).In the portrait orientation on the phone, the employee canviewhis/hers daily attendance and absence data, includingerrorindication, in the current or previous period. In thelandscapeorientation, he/she can also view the regular, overtimeanddeficiency hours, as well as summery of these columns.Reporting on Start/End of TaskSynerion Mobile enables employees to submit reports in real timeonstart/end of tasks (These capabilities require integrationwithSynerion's labor costing system).Task reporting by smartphone supports the organization’sreportingconventions. Employees can view all their submittedreports for thecurrent date. Punching the report button displaysthe task details,the time it was submitted and location from whichit wasmade.To activate the system in your organization, please call Synerionat+972-3-5682231.After contacting Synerion, to activate the application forthefirst time, enter the company name and define user nameandpassword. Employees must first be registered to enablecertainidentification. After the system administrator approvestheregistration, the employee can use the application.In case of a failure of the application, support isavailablethrough our website or by e-mail.