Top 18 Apps Similar to バイオリズム相性診断~快適な人間関係のために活用しよう~

バイオリズム神社~毎日を楽しく過ごすためのアドバイス~ 4.6
*************************************************************************診断結果をLINE、TwitterやFacebookに投稿できるようになりました!!毎日のバイオリズムを投稿して、今日の気分をみんなで共有しよう。*************************************************************************あなたの日々のバイオリズムを表示するアプリです。人には身体・知性・感情の3つのバイオリズムがあるとされています。なんか調子がいいなと言う時は、やはりバイオリズムも好調なグラフを描いており、調子が悪い時は不調なグラフを描いているものです。このアプリではグラフだけではなく、身体・知性・感情のグラフからあなたの状態について巫女さんがコメントをくれます。それによって「今日は運動しよう」「今日は考え事に向いてる」といった判断材料にしてもらえればと思います。自分の状態を知ることは、幸せな日々を送るための大事な要素ですよ。※本アプリで表示されるコメントは全ての人にあてはまるものではありません。 バイオリズムの状態から予測されるアドバイスが表示されます。*************************************************************************The diagnosis result LINE, I can now post to Twitter andFacebook!!By posting the daily biorhythm, Share with everyone the moodoftoday.*************************************************************************It is an application that displays your daily biorhythm.The person you are and there are three of biorhythms of thebody,intellect, emotions.Somehow when you say that be great tone, again biorhythm hasalsodrawn a strong graph, is what tone is that painted upset graphwhenbad.Is not only graph with this app, maiden will me a commentaboutyour state from the graph of the body-mind-emotions.Thereby "today facing is to thinking," "The exercise try today,"Ithink, if I were to determine material such.It is an important element for sending daily happy to knowtheirstatus.※ comments that appear in this app does not apply to all ofthepeople.Appears advice that is predicted from the biorhythm of state.
バイオリズム診断 0.0.2
Biorhythm in a free diagnosis of "body-emotional-intelligence"
Personal Biorhythms Calculator 1.5.2
Pavel Petrov
Application for calculation personal biorhythms forecasts fortheselected date.
Biorhythm (CHR) 1.66
At present, if generating a chart for2weeksfor biorhythms:- physical- emotional- intellectual- intuitive- the aesthetic- awareness- spiritual
Biorhythms Calculator Lite 1.3.15
Pavel Petrov
The program calculates personal biorhythms predictionsfortheselected date for each user, has an easy userinterface,allowsdetermine the most dangerous days in the month andmakesbiorhythmcalculations with high accuracy. Features: ► Supportsforaddingunlimited numbers of users. ► Has home screen widget.►Supportsthe calculation of the biorhythms of two algorithmstochoose: •Standard (most popular); • More precision (usesmoreprecisionalgorithms). ► Determines most instability days (knownascriticalor dangerous days). ► Supports comparing compatibilitiesoftwousers. ► Allows making an individual prediction for theday.►Choosing of themes (2 themes available) ► Choosing thecurrentdate(by pressing the button at the top of biorhythmschart)Biorhythm –is a series of decreases and increases of physicalormentalfunctions of a human the duration of 23 to 38 daysdependingon thespecies. There are physical, emotional, intellectualandintuitivebiorhythms. Biorhythms influence on theactivity,endurance, levelof immunity, cognitive abilities andotherqualities of the personfrom the moment of birth andthroughoutlife. Feature of biorhythmsis their predictability basedon thecycles. This allows you toperform a calculation based onbiorhythmsand calendar or scheduleof biorhythms plan of action andgetmaximum results. The common isthat the minimum values ofbiorhythmsreduce the physical andintellectual abilities, make aperson moreaggressive andirritable, increased fatigue. Criticaldays. Whenvalues ofbiorhythms pass through zero, it has mostnoticeableeffect on thehuman condition. The most difficult is theperiod whenall threebiorhythm cross the zero point at the sametime. In thosedays, youhave to be very careful, cautious andrefrain fromchallengingintellectual activity. Fortunately, thosedays are rare,becausethe periods of biorhythms are different. ► Theprogramdisplaysinformation of 4 biorhythms: • Physical, the cycleis 23days. Itdetermines the human energy, his strength,endurance,coordinationof movement. • Emotional, the cycle is 28days. Itdetermines thecondition of the nervous system and mood.•Intellectual, the cycleis 33 days. It determines creativeabilitiesof the individual. •Intuitive biorhythm. This cyclefounded byanalyzing the life ofcreative people. It is the longestand takes38 days: 19 days ofthe rise and fall as much. This cycleaffectsthe perception of theworld, a sense of style andinspiration.
Daily Biorhythm 1.6
NetVision BV
Using Daily Biorhythm you can see your biorhythm for any date inthefuture and the past starting from your date of birth. Use it tofindout your emotional, physical, intellectual, and intuitionstatus.Besides these primary cycles you can also find out yourpassion,wisdom, and mastery status. You can easily select anotherdate tosee and you can change the date of birth entered. Usethetouchscreen to scroll to the next or previous weeks.DailyBiorhythm also gives an explanation about what the differentphases(low, high, critical) of your biorhythm mean besides ageneralexplanation about biorhythms.
Daily Biorhythm Light 1.6
NetVision BV
Using Daily Biorhythm Light you can seeyourbiorhythm. Use it to find out your emotional,physical,intellectual, and intuition status. Besides these primarycyclesyou can also find out your passion, wisdom, and masterystatus.You can easily select another date to see and you can changethedate of birth entered. Use the touchscreen to scroll to the nextorprevious weeks.Daily Biorhythm Light also gives an explanation about whatthedifferent phases (low, high, critical) of your biorhythmmeanbesides a general explanation about biorhythms.
W-BioRhythm 2.1
A biorhythm application which can show about two person, myselfanda friend.
バイオリズム女子部〜愛され女子への近道!〜 2.4
貴女は愛され女子になりたいですか?そのためにどんな努力をしていますか?ダイエットのために食事を抜いたり、運動をしてみたり、ダイエット食品を色々試してみたり…美容のために様々なサプリを飲んでみたり、たくさんの化粧品を塗りたくってみたり、高額なエステに通ってみたり…どれだけ効果がありましたか?どんな努力をしても貴女に合ったリズムでやっていかないと上手くいかないし、長続きしないものです。キレイになるためには、そして、愛され女子になるためには、まず自分のバイオリズムを知っていないと意味がないのです。人は誰しも生まれたその瞬間から一定の周期でめぐるリズムを持って生活をしています。体調が良い日もあれば、悪い日もある。気持ちがハイな日もあれば、鬱々とした日もある。頭がスッキリしている日もあれば、ボーッとした日もある。意外にもこれをバイオリズムに当てはめると面白いほど当たっているのです。バイオリズムは身体、感情、知性の3つのリズムで構成されています。それぞれの組み合わせから、その日の貴女の状態を知ることができるのです。恋愛や美容に関することだって、ある程度予測することだってできます。例えば、貴女にとってダイエットに最適な時期。例えば、貴女が一番キレイになれる時期。例えば、貴女に無理をしてほしくない時期。当然、人それぞれ生活環境が違うから、100%当てはまるという事はないかもしれないけど、「私はバイオリズムで見れば、良い時期なんだ」って思うだけでも気持ちが楽になるものです。後は貴女が信じるか、信じないかということだけ。もし、貴女が愛され女子になりたいと願っているなら、このバイオリズム女子部を活用してみてください。1日に2度3度と見ることで、貴女の意識が変わり、日に日に愛され女子へと近づいていくことでしょう。※本アプリで表示されるコメントは全ての人にあてはまるものではありません。 バイオリズムの状態から予測されるアドバイスが表示されます。
Yakumo Four Pillars of Destiny proposes the fate of knowingyourqualities, personality, and the magnitude of your fortune,the10-year luck that shows your fortune in life, and the acquiredluckthat shows your daily fortune every year.
Free BiorhythmsMeter 3.2.2
Dest Group
Biorhythms subordinate nature and a man isnotan exception. Biorhythms do not predetermine events, they justshowyour potential at a given instant. Possessing this informationyouwill be able to properly assess your capabilities anddistributeyour forces in the optimal way. This will help you to useyourinternal resources in the most efficient way andavoidtroubles.Features:• Monitoring of biorhythms in real-time mode.• Up-to-date information corresponding to current parameters ofyourbiorhythms.• Calendar of biorhythms. History and forecast of importanteventsfor 6 months.• Unlimited number of users.• The biorhythm compatibility
Biorhythm2 1.2.4
I display biorhythm. No ad. I slide a graph and can changeanindication date.
Bio Rhythm 1.1.7.A
Predict the condition of your body using Bio Rhythm.
Couplerhythm 1.11
This program also displays thetwobiorhythms.Setting the date, touch the appropriate date,pleasespecify in thedialog box that appears. (You can specify thedate,from 2037/12/31till 1990/01/01) by clicking the green buttonnextto the date, adate display today's date, and date of birth toclearcan be.Biorhythms are displayed, proceed by clicking thebutton,orcontinuously display the date by one day, you canforwardorbackward. Also, at the right end "button switching" andclick,youcan display a graph created by the sum of the two. Notethatthesegraphs, the period of their birthday and (body: 23emotions:28,Intelligence: 33 days) and just looking for thesimplecalculation,and represents the affinity of two persons doesnotmean.KW: Biorhythm Couple Couple biorhythm
BioRtm BioRhythm 3.o
Assess your physical, emotionalandintellectualbiorhythms using your date of birth. You can findoutall of thesethings for any day you want. You can also haveaglobal assessment,and the best and worst days during thecomingmonth.
BioRhythms 4.0.3
BioRhythms is a powerful, easy-to-use application ideal formakingpersonal forecasts. Knowing your biorhythms, you can be sureaboutwhat to expect from each day in order to succeed at business,or insports, exams or job interviews, negotiating or dating.
biorhythm Ex 1.2.9
Control your today with Biorhythm.It will help you succeed in business, romanticrelationshipsandsports.What is biorhythm?Biorhythm is an attempt to predict various aspects of aperson'slifethrough simple mathematical cycles based onphysical,emotional andintellectual aspects that are calculated byone’sdate of birth andit is claimed that one’s ability andefficiencyof activity vary onthe combination of these patterns'biorhythm Ex' provides today’s biorhythm,graph,numericalvalues, today’s word and the biorhythm compatibilitywithotherperson. You may also be able to check the biorhythm ofaspecificdate, as well as today’s biorhythm.
Tarot Magic Fortune 1.7
Inspired by Celtic wisdom,“TAROT,MAGIC,FORTUNE” is a free application that allows you toknow, ataglance, the daily advice of your arcane and therecommendedcolorfor everyday wear.To be in harmony with the universe, you willfindvariousinformation, such as:- the arcane of the day,- magic stones and their powers,- celtic zodiac- daily colour- celtic festivals and several recipes tomakepowerfultalismans.Trust the Tarot card that comes out, after all, “This isthemagic!”The selection of the card is totally random, as ifyou,yourself,would withdraw it from the deck. You can be sure thatifthere is amessage for you, the arcane of the Tarot will pass ittoyou.The design of the arcane is original, lovely, modern,butrespectsthe symbolism and all the details that must have theTarotcards inorder to be magical.Consider these recommendations so that every day your energyisinharmony with the energy of the universe and you willattractGOODLUCK.