Top 12 Apps Similar to Évindító 2016 1.2.19
Immer aktuell informiert! Die Telekom.comApphält Sie über die Deutsche Telekom AG auf dem Laufenden. HolenSiesich News zu aktuellen Themen, Medieninformationen und vielesmehrdirekt auf Ihr Smartphone.Keep up to date! app keeps you informed about the German Telekom AGtodate. Get news on current topics, information, media and muchmoredirectly on your smartphone.
CEO Telekom 1.0.5
"CEO App" este o aplicatieinteractiva,informativa, si care faciliteaza accesul la o seriedefunctionalitati relevante, dand ocazia fiecarui angajat Telekomsadevina un ambasador intre prietenii sau in familie.Prinintermediul aplicatiei se pot crea de tichete de CustomerServicecu prioritate crescuta, initia lead-uri de vanzari, se potpropuneidei de optimizare a proceselor interne ale companiei. Deasemeneautilizatorii au posibilitatea de a semnala dezvoltari(produse noi,dezvoltare de infrastructura, etc) ale competitorilorde pe pietelein care activeaza si Telekom, de a verifica calitateasemnaluluitelefonului mobil. In acelasi timp aplicatia prezintainformatiiactualizate legate de evenimente, noutati si strategiadin cadrulcompaniei."CEO App" isaninteractive application, information, and facilitate access toarange of relevant functionalities, giving each employeetheopportunity to become an ambassador Telekom between friendsorfamily. Through the application can create vouchersCustomerService with high priority, initiate sales leads, canpropose ideasfor optimizing the internal processes of the company.The users areable to report developments (new products,infrastructuredevelopment, etc.) competitors in the markets inwhich it operatesand Telekom, to verify a mobile phone signal.Meanwhile applicationshows updated information about events, newsand strategy of thecompany.
Telekom 22.8.23
Application for Telekom customers for simple product management.
Telekom Mail - E-Mail-Programm 2.2.13
Retrieve, read & write e-mails on the go with a freee-mailaddress and mailbox.
SprachBox Pro 2.3.15
WICHTIG:Um die SprachBox Pro App zu nutzen, benötigen Sie einenIP-basiertenFestnetzanschluss der Deutschen Telekom. Haben Sie vorkurzem einenIP-Anschluss eingerichtet, dann verwenden Sie bittezum Einloggenunbedingt die aus dem Schreiben "Ihre PersönlichenZugangsdaten"Zugangsnummer und Persönliches Kennwort.SprachBox Pro ...…und Ihr Anrufbeantworter ist immer dabei.Die SprachBox Pro ist der kostenlose Anrufbeantworter-ServicederDeutschen Telekom für Ihren IP basierten Festnetzanschluss.Mit der SprachBox Pro müssen Sie Ihre SprachBox nichtmehranrufen, um Ihre Festnetz- Sprachnachrichten undFaxeabzufragen.Diese werden auf Ihrem Smartphone und Tabletübersichtlichaufgelistet und können ganz einfach in beliebigerReihenfolgeangehört werden.SprachBox- und Anschluss- Einstellungen können ganz bequem inderApp vorgenommen werden.Zum Beispiel eine persönliche Begrüßung aufsprechen oderdieRufweiterleitung einstellen.Und so einfach geht’s:Installieren Sie die SprachBox Pro auf Ihrem SmartphoneundTablet.Melden Sie sich einmalig beim Login der App mit IhrereMail-Adresseund dem zugehörigen Passwort Ihres IP basiertenFestentzanschlussesan.Ab sofort werden Sie automatisch an diesem Smartphone überdenEingang neuer Sprachnachrichten kostenfrei informiert undkönnenauf diese zugreifen.Weitere Informationen finden use the Voicemail Box Pro app, you will need an IP-basedlandlineof Deutsche Telekom. Have you set up an IP connectionrecently,please use to login necessarily from the letter "yourpersonal logininformation" access number and personal password.Voicebox Pro ...... And your answering machine is always there.The voicebox Pro is the free voicemail service from DeutscheTelekomfor your IP-based landline.With the voicemail Pro you no longer need to call yourvoiceboxto query your landline voicemail and faxes.These are clearly listed on your smartphone and tablet, andcaneasily be listened to in any order.Voicebox and connection settings can be conveniently carriedoutin the app.For example, record your personal greeting or adjust yourcallforwarding.And so it works:Install the Voicemail Box Pro on your smartphone and tablet.Sign up once when the app login with your email address andpasswordof your IP based on Festentzanschlusses.From now on you will automatically be informed free of chargeatthis smartphone over the arrival of new voice messages andcanaccess them.For more information, please visit:
Telekom MK 21.3.1
Telekom MK e aplikacija za upravuvanje so vashata Telekom smetka
One Number 2.0.0
Let go your landline number View.
MultiManager 2.1
The free MultiManager app allows you to setupsuitable settings for any situation on your smartphone—no matterifyou are in a meeting, on the road, at home, or on holiday.Youdecide when the phone will ring, if WLAN is turned on, andmuchmore.The highlights at a glance:- Save any number of situations with individual settings- Change between saved situations at any time — simplybyswiping- Set automatic situation changes — by time, by location orbyNFC- For Android version 4.0 or higherMultiManager allows you to set up settings profiles by situationandsave multiple settings in them. This way, you can make surethat youcan be reached whenever you want to be reachable. Justdefine thedesired profile settings for any situation. For example,you canspecify that your phone will only vibrate and WLAN isturned off ifyou are at the office. Or you set up call forwardingand Bluetoothfor when you are on the road. Easily manage yourdaily routine withMultiManager—without having to search for thedesired settings. Youcan change between the situations simply byswiping.The following settings can be used for MultiManager:- Call forwarding in the mobile network- Turn CLI on / off in the mobile network- Turn ringing tone and vibration on and off- Turn WLAN on and off- Turn Bluetooth on and off- Call waiting in the mobile network- Multi SIM: Turn SMS / MMS on and off in the mobile networkWe welcome your opinion and feedback! They help us tocontinuouslyenhance the MultiManager app for you.Have a lot of fun with the appBest regards,Your Telekom teamNetwork-based features such as call forwarding or callinglineidentification restriction (CLIR) have been tested in themobilenetwork of Deutsche Telekom AG. Some functions might not workwithother mobile operators or networks.
Secure App Container 26732_42
Secure App Container enables BusinessCustomersto securely use company apps and company data on mobiledevices(Smart Phones / Tablets). Due to the strict separation oftheprivate and the business installations on a single device,there isno trade off between security and usability. Secure AppContainer,the business Workspace on your device is secured andmaintained byyour company's IT administrator.COMMUNICATE is the core component of Secure AppContainerenabling you to use your company communicationinfrastructure (e.g.E-Mail, Calendar, Contacts etc.). COMMUNICATEis an enhanced PIMclient, combined with a secure File StorageSystem.Important: The usage of COMMUNICATE requires a validBusinesscontract for the Secure App Container Service between yourcompanyand Deutsche Telekom. Please load the app only when you area userof the Secure App Container service and you have been askedto doso by an invitation mail.
Business WiFi 4.1.1
Business WiFi offers internet-accessforbusiness clients at more than 1 mio. global WiFi hotspots.Oncevalid credentials are provided by your employing company youwillgain access to any WiFi Hotspot provided by the BusinessWiFinetwork. Going online at major locations such as Hotels,Airports,Train Stations, exhibition centers etc. is just a fewclicks awaywith your intuitive Business WiFi App.Not sure where your next WiFi Hotspot is at? Just have a lookatthe integrated Hotspot finder, to see or get directions totheclosest Hotspot next to you. It is also possible todownloadrelevant Hotspot locations for later offline use prior toyourbusiness trip.Note:In order to use this App your employing company must have avalidcontract with Deutsche Telekom AG and Business WiFi.Pleasedownload this App only if asked to do so by your employingcompany.If that is the case your company will provide you withthenecessary credentials.
We Care Magazin 1.1.3
Dear Visitor,Deutsche Telekom takes responsibility for society, employeesandthe environment. The app "We Care Magazin“ presents an array ofCRactivities and gives you easy and playful view onthesesubject-matters.This app is a digital magazine and will be published inquarterlyissues. Each issue presents news and stories on thefollowingsections:- Climate protection- Social responsibility- connected life and work- Telekom as an employerFeatures:- 3D-Animations- Intuitive navigation- Gaming elements, e.g. Quiz- Interactive Tools- Animated graphics- audiosWith this app, we want to give you an overview on the thewideengagement of Deutsche Telekom AG. We hope to be making itworthyour while.Have fun with this app,Your TelekomRequirements: In order to download the content within thisappyou must have 4.5 MB free storage on your device.