Top 5 Apps Similar to Loveoscope

Horoscope & Love Compatibility
Ask Oracle is a social astrology appforeveryone. Discover the TRUTH.Ask Oracle is a FREE love compatibility, horoscopes and birthchartastrology app that reveals deep and meaningful insightsforhappiness, love, match making, relationships, money andhealth.From the creators of famous astrology website–*** FREE LOVE MATCH COMPATIBILITY, HOROSCOPES AND ASTROLOGYREADINGS***Horoscope and Compatibility readings are a perfect way to learnandunderstand more about your relationships, day-to-day life andknowmore about anything that is close to your heart and holdsanyimportance to you. Our birth chart readings are morerealistic,positive and offers useful advise to enjoy the best ofall thereis.Create your birth chart reports, then save them to receiveimportantastrology news, alerts and reminders. It has apersonalized futureprediction calendar based on your date ofbirth. Astrologicaltransits, dashas, full moon and retrogradeupdates. All on yourphone.You can also match an Aries man with a Scorpio woman, or aGeminiwoman compatibility to Pisces Man. A Leo can find if aSagittariusis a perfect love match for them. And a Cancer can findhis truelove in a Taurus or a Capricorn. A Virgo can find if itsgreat togo on a date today or tomorrow and a Libra can turn ontheir charm.An Aquarius will probably discover how the appworks.Features :• Social Networking• Post updates and Photos• Find and Follow interesting people and groups.• Send Messages• Daily, Weekly, Monthly and Yearly Horoscopes• Overview, Love and Money Horoscopes• Create Birth Chart and Life Readings• Detailed love compatibility for all zodiac signs• Create your account and access content on any device• Receive horoscope updates and notifications• Email us your queries/feedbackAsk Oracle app is for everyone and for all zodiac signs -dailyhoroscopes, newsfeed and love compatibility :• Aries• Taurus• Gemini• Cancer• Leo• Virgo• Libra• Scorpio• Sagittarius• Capricorn• Aquarius• PiscesComing Soon: Love Compatibility Experts and Guidance.Available for most Android phones and tablets. Supports mostscreensizes and resolutions.
Love Horoscope in 2014 41002
Get your dating and love life onhomescreenwith the stars! This is the 100% free love&relationshipsandroid application for Android users.With this application you'll have access to:- love horoscope for all 12 zodiac signs- love horoscope for daily/monthly/yearly- love horoscope for flirt/romantic,single/coupleandgay/lesbian- daily power numbers, Chinese horoscope and zodiac signs- daily predictions for: career, home and animal,travel,fitnessSTEPS:1. Input your birthday time and enter your name, birthplacetogetyour personal daily horoscope report.2. Go on to view your horoscope stars, Chinese horoscopeandpowernumber.3. As for your zodiac sign, there are detailedlovehoroscopeaspects for you, including flirt/romantic,single/coupleandgay/lesbian.4. You can also get such aspects of your horoscope hereascareer/finance, home/green and cat/dog, and travel/fitness andsoon.LOVE HOROSCOPE:1. Flirt/romantic:We can get quick access to daily/weekly flirt foryourlovehoroscope here.As for weekly/monthly romantic, you can read here togetmoreabout your love horoscope here.2. Single/couple:We can get daily readings for single/couple heretogetfortunetelling about our horoscope.3. Gay/lesbian:Also love horoscope for gay/lesbian in 2013 canbequickaccessible to us in this love horoscope.4. In the readings of love horoscope in 2013, we canalsocheckout others¡¯ love horoscope, zodiac andplacidusinformation.5. If you want, you can go to tool bar to mark itinyourbookmarks or share with your friends.6. Add this free love horoscope as a widget into yourhomescreenand you can get quick access to your love horoscopeeveryday.This Love Horoscope in 2014 can predict love for 12zodiacsigns.We can get a small widget in home screen to know ourlovehoroscopeevery morning quickly. Just get your love horoscopeinyour hand forfree.
Daily Horoscopes 1.4
Daily Horoscopes (Win 8 style)This is the most comprehensive win 8 style daily horoscopeappinandroid market. With this app you can learn yourdailyhoroscopeeasily. In addition not only your daily horoscope,you canalso usethe following properties and share with yourfriends.- Yesterday's horoscope- Weekly horoscope- Monthly horoscope- Yearly horoscope- Get full details of your horoscope.Full details of your horoscope, your lucky number,luckydays,compatible horoscopes, professions of your horoscope..Briefly youcan find everything you can imagine aboutyourhoroscope.You can send your horoscope to anyone with message,sende-mailwith share option and you can share it on socialnetworkslikeFacebook, Twitter, Google+.You can add your horoscope to live tile by holding downonyourhoroscope.You can support this app by sending your comments and requests
Horoscopes 2016 1.0
Horoscope 2016: Your daily andyearlydetailshoroscope predictions on your android mobile phone forallthehoroscope signs.As, We have designed best horoscope android app for youwithnumberof functionality and it's 100% free horoscopemobileapp.The astrological prediction conveyed by the Horoscope app isbasedonthe sun sign..You will get to know:• Daily horoscope reading for all zodiac signs,• Ideal compatibility of a zodiac sign with otherzodiacsigns,• You will get to know the general profile of all zodiacsigns:youwill be able to predict your friends and closedones’characteraccording to zodiac traits.★ Horoscope 2016 is 100% free Horoscope app.★ Now, you can read your daily horoscope, horoscope2016,loveHoroscope for 2016, your sign by birthday, physicshoroscopeandmuch more.★ Zodiac Horoscope is one of the most popular astrologyappsonGoogle PlayFeatures:✔ Zodiac Profile in details✔ Daily horoscope (including past days, yesterday and today)✔ Astrology & Horoscope 2016 yearly details.✔ Zodiac Sign by birthday✔ Love Compatibility✔ Zodiac Compatibility✔ Man Compatibility✔ Woman Compatibility✔ Year Horoscope 2016✔ Yearly Chinese Horoscope✔ Tarot Card Horoscope✔ Daily Numerology and by birthday✔ Numerology 2016 predictions✔ App Color Theme✔ Horoscope predictions for all zodiac signs :- Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo,Libra,Scorpio,Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, PiscesWe are providing you the best horoscope Android app andyouwouldalso like it's some advance features like asHoroscope2016predictions and Numerology.We also provide one Special features for our usersthat's"AppColor Theme" , So you can view app in your color.We provide readings for all twelve signs of the sunzodiac:Aries,Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra,Scorpio,Sagittarius,Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces. New feature comingsoon -yearlyhoroscopes for 2016 and 2017
Horóscopo y Rituales 2016 1.1
JFP Apps
¿Te interesa saber como te irá enel2016?¿Te atreves a probar los rituales mágicos que te proponemos?¿Quieres tener tu tirada de tarot diario gratis?¿Conocer según tu huella dactilar tu estado de ánimoycomomejorarlo?¿Y confirmar tu número de la fortuna?Descubre la predicción para el 2016 según tu signo delzodiacoyapóyate en nuestra propuesta de rituales mágicossegúntuhoróscopo, para ayudarte en las proyeccionesastrológicasquedeterminen predicciones menos favorables.A través de tu signo del zodiaco descubre como tesonreiráelfuturo en el año 2016 . Tu horóscopo te dirá lo quevivirás enelamor en el año 2016 . Predicción Zodiacal de futuropara elaño2016 para trabajo. ¿Te preocupa tu economía?Esta predicción de horóscopos para el año 2016 tedesvelaratufuturo económico.Predicción Anual a través de los horóscopos para el año 2016paraelAmor, Trabajo, Economía, Entorno Familiar….. Comprueba quédicenlasestrellas sobre su horóscopo 2016 y el de tusfamiliaresyamigos.En astrología, el zodiaco está basado en la divisiónendocepartes iguales de la banda celeste sobre la cualtrazansustrayectorias el Sol, la Luna, y los planetas, avanzandounsectorpor cada mes del año. Cada sector contienelaconstelacióntradicional a la que debe su nombre. Los babiloniosygriegosdividieron esta banda en doce partes iguales, siendocadauna deellas un sector del cielo de una extensión de treintagradosdearco, bautizadas con el nombre de las doceconstelacionesmásdestacadas que veían en cada una de lassubdivisiones. Elzodiacoposee una importancia fundamental en laastrologíaoccidental.Otras culturas con tradición astrológica comola chinaotorgantambién una importancia especial a esta región delcielo,aunquedefinen un zodiaco diferente.Sin duda es el Tarot de Marsella el más popular eimportante,condibujos bastante claros y sencillos, de estilomedieval. Desdesucreacion sobre 1700 se hizo muy popular, y porello se extendioatraves de muchas ciudades de Europa, como Italia,Suiza,Alemania,etc. De la baraja del Tarot de Marsella se handerivadoluego otrasmuchas.El nombre de Tarot de Marsella fue acuñado por Paul Marteauenlosaños 30. Paul Marteau era un cartomante de origenfrancés,bautizócomo Tarot de Marsella a una serie de diseñosrealizados enestaciudad, ya que Marsella era un centro donde sefabricabannaipes. Labaraja tal como la conocemos ahora, con susdibujos deorigenmedieval, proviene de unos diseños que seprodujeron deformaindustrial por xilografía. Desde el siglo XIX sefueronreproduciendoy extendiendo hasta nuestros época. Los dibujosestáninspirados alparecer en la iconografía de las vidrierasgóticas,sus formas ycolores.La numerología trata de establecer una relación místicaentrelosseres vivos y los números. De esta forma los númeroqueaparecenconstantemente en nuestras vida se utilizan como baseparapredecirel futuro o acontecimientos pasados.Interested toknowhowyou'll do in 2016?Do you dare to try the magical rituals that we offer?Want to get your free daily tarot roll?Does knowing your fingerprint as your mood and howtoimproveit?And confirm your number of Fortune?Discover the prediction for 2016 according to your zodiacsignandlean on our proposal according to your horoscope magicrituals,tohelp in astrological projections to determinelessfavorablepredictions.Through your zodiac sign as you smile discover the futurein2016.Your horoscope will tell you that you will live in lovein2016.Predicting the future Zodiacal 2016 to work. Are youworriedaboutyour finances?This prediction horoscopes for 2016 you unveiledyoureconomicfuture.Annual horoscopes through 2016 for Love, Labor,Economy,FamilyEnvironment ... .. Check out what the stars sayaboutyourhoroscope 2016 and that of your family andfriendsprediction.In astrology, the zodiac is based on the divisionintotwelveequal parts of the celestial band on which trace theirpathsthesun, moon, and planets, moving a section for each monthoftheyear. Each sector contains traditional constellation towhichitowes its name. The Babylonians and Greeks divided thisbandintotwelve equal parts, each one a slice of heaven for anextensionofthirty degrees of arc, baptized with the name of thetwelvemostprominent constellations they saw in each of thesubdivisions.TheZodiac has a fundamental importance in Westernastrology.Othercultures such as the Chinese astrological traditionalso grantaspecial importance this region of the sky, but definedadifferentzodiac.Certainly the Tarot of Marseille's most popularandimportant,fairly clear and simple drawings, medieval style.Sinceitscreation on 1700 became very popular, and thereforespreadthroughmany cities in Europe, such as Italy, Switzerland,Germany,etc.From the deck of Tarot de Marseille they were thenderivedmanyothers.The name Tarot de Marseille was coined by Paul Marteau inthe30sPaul Marteau was a cartomante of French origin, he namedTarotdeMarseille to a number of designs created in this cityasMarseillewas a center where they made cards . The deck as wenowknow, withhis drawings of medieval origin, comes from afewdesigns that wereproduced industrially by woodcut. Sincethenineteenth century wereplayed and extending to the presenttime.The drawings areapparently inspired by the iconography oftheGothic windows, itsforms and colors.Numerology attempts to establish a mysticalrelationshipbetweenliving things and numbers. Thus the number thatconstantlyappearin our life are used as a basis for predicting thefuture orpastevents.