Top 1 Games Similar to Number Puzzle Premium

Number Puzzle 3.1
If you like sudoku then you will lovethisgame!In each turn you toss a number over another. You get ascoreequal to the removed number. If the two numbers were equal,thenyour score is doubled. That's it.Explore the complexity and the numeric challenges thisgameoffers! Includes hundreds of puzzles and 5 different boardsizesfor the experts. The game rules are extremely simple andeachchallenge provides incredible depth of game play.OBJECTIVEBeat your own and other players' high scores while comparingthemon the global scoreboards! Scores are calculated by the serverfromthe submitted sequence of moves, so players cannot cheatbysubmitting false high scores! Scoreboards may be filtered basedontags allowing to play against your family, friends, citizensofyour country, etc.Submit your challenges, games, ideas, talk about the gameat: might want to like and/or share the game at: GAME RULESThe game board is a square consisting of fields. The boardsizeis between 5x5 and 9x9. Each field contains a one digitnumberbetween 1 and the size of the board. There is one empty fieldinthe beginning of the game. Numbers can be moved by tossingthemover one of their neighbors into an empty field. The move canbehorizontal, vertical or diagonal in both directions. Thetossednumber will be placed into the empty field, and the numberitjumped over will be removed. With each move there is onelessnumber on the board. The game is over when there are no moremoves.At the end of the game one or more fields may stillcontainnumbers. The score of a move is equal to the number that isremovedfrom the board. This score is doubled when the tossed numberandthe removed number are equal. Therefore each move has ascorebetween 1 and 18. The goal of the game is to reach thehighestpossible score.NO CHEATING WITH HIGH SCORESThe server calculates the actual score from thesubmittedsequence of moves by repeating them on the challenge.Thistechnique prevents cheating by rejecting invalid move sequencesandignoring the score calculated by the client. The move sequencesofsubmitted games are never sent to the clients to preventplayersrepeating other players' results.CHALLENGE X, HIGH SCORESThis scoreboard lists the high scores for a particularchallenge.Each line of the table shows one or more players sharingthe samehigh score. The player column shows the name of the playerwhoachieved the score first.CHALLENGE X, PLAYER SCORESThis scoreboard lists the games submitted by a player foraparticular challenge.SIZE X, OVERALL SCORESThis scoreboard lists the overall scores achieved by allplayersfor a particular board size. Each line of the table showsone ormore players sharing the same overall score. The playercolumnshows the name of the player who registered first.SIZE X, OVERALL PLAYER SCORESThis scoreboard lists the high scores and overall scoresachievedby a particular player for all challenges.PREMIUM VERSION- You will see a score upper bound estimation during thegameplay.- You will see the scores of all individual moves during thegameplay.- The Premium Version is free of advertisements. You will beableto focus more on the fun.REQUIRED PERMISSIONSACCESS_NETWORK_STATE - used by the FreeVersionadvertisementsCHECK_LICENSE - used to check the Premium Version licenseGET_ACCOUNTS - used to find the Google account name to senditshash code (and nothing else) to the server to identifytheplayerREAD_PHONE_STATE - used to identify players without aGoogleaccountINTERNET - used to communicate with the server whensubmittinggames and refreshing high scores and scoreboards