Top 14 Apps Similar to Koran Bolden

Entrepreneur Magazine 18.0
Business success tips in the palm of your hand!
Entrepreneurship Course 1.0
Internet sales are boomingandconstantlyrising.Today is such a great time - if not THE best time - tostartabusiness on the Internet.Even in the 1990s, many Internet businesses fell due totheDotCom bubble.However, those businesses that lived through it provideuswiththe examples for how to thrive and grow through thehardtimes.After that bubble burst, and the years since, therearekeyprinciples of success that have empoweredentrepreneurswithbusinesses that always grow.If you have the knowledge based on this experience, youcanplanyour actions with wisdom, and make the right choices.This Entrepreneurship Course is here to offer youthatwisdom.Here's some of what you'll learn in this course:* Why Do So Many Internet Startups Fail Today?* The Cornerstones of Successful Internet Entrepreneurship* The Key to Continuous Growth and Expansion* Self-Investment Tips that Really Work* The Razor Edge Difference Between Work and Deals
Entrepreneur Business Ideas - Tools & Tutorials 1.1.10
This app contains articles on getting businessideas,protectingbusiness ideas, and how to generally think aboutbusinessideas. Inaddition to the articles, there is a list of 100businessideas. Inaddition to that, there is a tool to help youbeginplanning yourown business - all on this one app!! All the tipsonbusiness ideasfor entrepreneurs are tips and suggestions camefromour experiencegrowing our business plan app. That business planappnow has over100,000 downloads and over 20,000 business plans. Soifyou are anentrepreneur who is looking to start a business, theappsbased onmany entrepreneurs just like you. This app focusesonbusinessideas. It contains articles on these businessentrepreneurtopics:1) How to get business ideas 2) Psychology ofbeing asmallbusiness owner and an entrepreneur 3) Evolution of abusinessideaand how they change over time. This is what happens toyourideaafter you get your business ideas. 4) What to do if youhavetoomany business ideas and how to choose the best out ofthoseideas5) Common business idea mistakes 6) Protecting businessideasafteryou get the business ideas, and whether you shouldprotectthem atall In addition to these articles, there are also100businessideas you can try. And if that wasn't enough, there isalsoasoftware tool on the app which helps you create asmallbusinessplan for of your business idea. It is a good idea tocreatea smallbusiness plan just for yourself to help you organizeyourideas.And if you feel you would like more guidance and helpinmakingyour business idea a reality, you can get help fromanexperiencedentrepreneur by trying our premium business ideasandbusiness planapps. Get expert help from a real person andbeginmaking greatprogress on your business idea today. For techsupportoradditional business idea article requests,[email protected]
Revista Entrepreneur 7.7.5
Magzter Inc.
Si tu eres o planeas ser un emprendedor que le gusta tomarriesgosque signifiquen un crecimiento para su negocio, nuestraselecciónde artículos harán que tus decisiones estén bienfundamentadas. Nospreocupamos por que siempre te encuentres bieninformado yactualizado. Así como tu eres innovador nosotros teproponemos losmodelos de trabajo más exitosos para que estéssiempre al día.
The Entrepreneurs Library 2.4.52
This is the most convenient way to access The EntrepreneursLibraryon your phone. With this app you are always connected to thelatestepisodes and the show. You can also star your favoriteepisodes andsave them to a list so you can easily enjoy them overand over!This app is complete access to The Entrepreneurs Libraryand ifyou're a fan of the show you won't want to be without it!This appcontains the following additional features: * Streamingaccess toplay episodes from anywhere * Always updated with thelatestepisodes- and an archived back catalog * Playback resume(wheninterrupted by a call or other distraction) * Access toexclusiveextras like PDFs, wallpapers, and bonus content * Quickaccess toall the contact methods for the show like call, email,web,Facebook, and Twitter Thank you for purchasing this appandsupporting the show!
Entrepreneur Quotes Motivation 4.2
Fun Artica
Entrepreneur Quotes app is acollectionofinspirational and motivational quotes wallpapersforyoungentrepreneurs running their own startups or businesses.Evenif youhave a business idea and have not yet started yourbusiness,theseinspiring entrepreneur quotes will give you themotivation youneedto take that leap of faith.THE BEST MOTIVATING AND INSPIRING APP FOR ENTREPRENEURS -This app is ideal for:✪ Anyone who has a potential startup idea.✪ Those who have already started theirentrepreneurialjourney,but lacking self-confidence andde-motivated.✪ Founders make a killing with their startup venture.✪ Millionaire’s or Billionaire’s feeling nostalgicabouttheirentrepreneurial journey.✪ People who enjoy living the dope entrepreneuriallifestyle.GET MOTIVATIONAL PUSH NOTIFICATIONS EVERY WEEK -Your relation with us doesn't end with the app. We willsendyouweekly "Entrepreneur Quote of the Week" push notificationstokeepthat inner entrepreneur within you fearless,charged-upandmotivated. Plus, you can follow us on Instagram andget freshnewmotivational quotes every week.FOLLOW US ON:✪ Facebook:✪ Instagram: NOTE FOR ENTREPRENEURS -Entrepreneurship is not about earning quick cash orgettingrichovernight, it's about spending few years of your lifelikemostpeople won't, so you can spend the rest of your lifelikemostpeople can't. Business is a process, not an event. Youcan'tjustget up one day and suddenly become a millionaire. Itdemandsanexceptional world-class investment of effort, time,sacrificeandthe passion to push through the hard times.SWITCH FROM SLOW LANE TO FAST LANE -Do you want to be the next self-made youngmillionaireorbillionaire? The fast lane road of entrepreneurship isfilledwithuncertainties, high risks and has it's own ups and downs.Youhaveto switch your slow lane (job) mentality to thefastlaneentrepreneur mentality to become a young self mademillionaire.Getrich slow is get rich old.BURN THE BUSINESS PLAN, IGNITE THE EXECUTION -Admit it! A 10 page or a 150 page business plan won't giveyouthefunding you need from investors to grow your own startup.Youhaveto execute your business better than your competitors.DON'T BUILD A BUSINESS, BUILD A BRAND -Entrepreneurs do not create a 'me too business'. Theycreateabusiness based on Unique Selling Proposition(USPs).Businessessurvive, Brands thrive.ATTRACT CUSTOMERS TO YOUR PRODUCT OR SERVICE -In-effective business owners get attracted to money. Infact, youasabusiness owner, should be attracting customers to yourproductorservice. 90% of all new businesses fail because they arebasedonselfish internal needs, not external market needs.WHAT SMART ENTREPRENEURS DO -Owning a business doesn't guarantee wealth or detachmentfromtime.Some business owners are married to their business as ifit isafull time job and a lifelong prison sentence. Giving upyourheartand soul for a business if perfectly normal in astartup,growthand maturation stage, but it it isn't a prescriptiontoendurethroughout lifetime. Smart entrepreneurs createbusinessesonauto-pilot and detach their wealth creation with time.Theyareearning even while they are sleeping, having fun withfamily,goingout on a vacation and partying with friendsBUILD A LIFE YOU DON’T NEED A VACATION FROM -If you work from 9 to 5 and Monday to Friday and prayforweekends,you are defining your own slow lane roadmap towealthcreation. Youwon’t be rich with this mentality to owntheluxuriousmaterialistic things you desireLEAVE A LEGACY BEHIND -The entrepreneurial lifestyle is not just about making tonsofmoneyand enjoying the finest things in life. It’s aboutleavinganinspirational legacy behind. Just Remember: Legacy isgreaterthanCurrency. You should achieve a legendary benchmark andleaveapowerful legacy for the future generation
JLD Interviews Entrepreneurs On Fire 2.4.88
This is the most convenient way to access Entrepreneurs OnFireonyour phone. With this app you are always connected tothelatestepisodes and the show. You can also star yourfavoriteepisodes andsave them to a list so you can easily enjoythem overand over!This app is complete access to Entrepreneurs OnFire andif you'reprepared to IGNITE, you won't want to be withoutit! Thisappcontains the following additional features: * Streamingaccesstoplay episodes from anywhere * Always updated withthelatestepisodes- and an archived back catalog * Playbackresume(wheninterrupted by a call or other distraction) * Accesstoexclusiveextras like PDFs, wallpapers, and bonus content *Quickaccess toall the contact methods for the show like call,email,web,Facebook, and Twitter
Fundraising & Make Money Tools & Tutorials 2.0.1
All suggestions, articles and tips come from the experienceofthe100,000+ entrepreneurs on our business plan app. Weunderstandthatoften what people want is simply to make money, andin this appweshare many tips on how you can make money byworking,startingprojects or businesses, or raising money for yourbusiness.The apphelps you understand how to make money in a numberof ways.Thereare tutorials on how to: - Make money by starting asmallbusinessand growing it - Make money by raising money for aprojectorbusiness - Make money by applying to full-time orpart-timejobsThe app also features tools to help you planvariousfundraisingefforts. You can plan how to make money privatelyor byinvitingfriends or business partners and planning together.Thereis alsoour YouTube channel that covers topics like how tomakemoney bystarting a business, how to promote your business,andvariousfundraising techniques. The app is split up in afewsections. Thefirst section is about how to make money bystartingany of the 100common business ideas on the list that wehave puttogether. Theideas there are common business ideas thatmost peoplecan do. Thenext section of the app is about how to makemoney byactuallyraising money for a business or a project bygetting moneyvialoans, investors, donations or getting aninvestment. Andofcourse, you can always make money by taking parttime work orfulltime work and saving the money that you earn there.The otherwayto make money is to start a bigger kind of a business.Insidetheapp we have links to our free business ideas andbusinessplanningapps so that you can learn how to get businessideas onyour own,and learn to plan your business. Both of thoseapps arefree. Youcan also watch videos about how to make moneyright on theapp. Wehave added our YouTube channel which coverstopics likestarting abusiness, raising and getting money, promotingyourbusiness, andother topics about getting money or making money.Fortech support,please email: [email protected]
Micro-Entrepreneur 2.0
L'application est dédié aux autoetmicro-entrepreneurs désirant s'informer sur lesdifférentesdémarches à faire pour commencer ou approfondir cestatut.L'application met à disposition l'accès à un forum comportantdenombreuses informations ainsi qu'un accès à un groupe FB de plusde4000 membres qui se feront un plaisir de vous renseigner etderépondre à vos questions.Vous trouverez également des PDF mis à jour selon lesévolutionsdu statut, une mine d'or pour les micro et autoentrepreneurs.Un changement ou une information importante sur le statutdemicro-entrepreneur? vous recevrez une notification PUSHsonoregérée par Eric et Eddy vous informant de la situation.The applicationisdedicated to auto and micro-entrepreneurs wishing to learnaboutthe various steps to do to begin or improve that status.The application provides access to a forum with manyinformationand access to a FB group of more than 4,000 members whowill behappy to assist you and answer your questions.You will also find PDF updated according to changes inthestatus, a gold mine for micro entrepreneurs and self.A change or important information aboutmicro-entrepreneurstatus? you will receive an audible notificationPUSH managed byEric and Eddy informing you of the situation.
RED - Podcast For Influencers 2.2.16
RED Podcast
THIS IS THE PODCAST FOR INFLUENCERS.If you're a blogger, podcaster, speaker, marketer,non-fictionauthor, or entrepreneur, RED Podcast will help youspread yourmessage and make people care it.RED Podcast shows you how to make a name for yourself.This is the most convenient way to access RED Podcast on yourphone.With this app, you're always connected to the latestepisodes of theshow.This app contains the following additional features:* Streaming access to play RED Podcast episodes from anywhere* Always updated with the latest episodes of RED - RealEntrepreneurDevelopment as well as an archived back catalog* Playback resume (when interrupted by a call orotherdistraction)* Access to exclusive RED Podcast extras like PDFs, wallpapers,andbonus content* Quick access to all contact methods for RED Podcast likeemail,web, Facebook, and TwitterThank you for purchasing this app and supporting RED Podcast!Please note, not all episodes have exclusive extras.
Secrets of Success 3.0
Now one of the top sellingpaidbusinessapps!!--Carry a Carnegie Coach in your pocket to helpyouengagewith clients, prospects, peers and managementanytime,anywhere.Need to motivate your team – click on “Be a Leader” andseehowthe pros do it. Do you have conflict in the department –clickon“Gain Cooperation” to see the right way to get everyonerowinginthe same direction. Need to enhance your relationships–watchthewrong way and then the right way to build trust.You’llfindsecrets of success to be your indispensible pocket coacheverytimeyou face one of those tough “people issues.”Features:•90 video clips to show you exactly how to behaveineverysituation•The time tested Worry Principles that help you manageandovercomestressful situations•Valuable Tips on how to motivate and engage yourselfandyourteam•Daily Dose of Confidence—receive a daily tip that willkeepyoufeeling positive and enthusiastic
Small Business Ideas 1.02
This FREE App contains hundreds smallbusinessideas that are established to find the right market foryou.Congratulations on making the first step towards a betterlifefor your family members as well as yourself. Creating abusiness isthe fiscally brightest thing you can certainly do intoday's world.As more and more folks get laid off in the swiftlytransformingmarket we live in, a growing number of people arelooking for amuch more secure source of income in which they'vebetter controlof. Use Small Business Ideas App to first find yourside businessand start dreaming big.I really could go on and on about the benefits of owningandoperating your own company, because that is not why you'rehere,but I will not. You already know that you make your ownconclusionsand would like to own your own business, you only needto knowwhere to direct hard work and your drive. In thisAndroidapplication you'll find hundreds of the latest SmallBusiness Ideasfor today!One thing I've learned over the years of being an entrepreneuristhe fact that should you not have passion for the company youare in- you most probably will not make it. Free App is here bygiving yousome great ideas you can definitely sink your teeth intoto fuelthat fire.In FREE Small Business Ideas App you will find:• Small Business Trends and News Daily• Instructional How to Start a Business Videos• Business Ideas on Twitter Daily• Business Ideas and Start Up Tips in Video Format• Best Business Ideas Blog Feeds• Small Business Opportunities for Teens, Students, Women,Men• Small Business Ideas From The Internet Daily• A Lot About Small Business Loans and Funding• Stay at Home Business Ideas• Business Plan Templates• Business Start Up Checklist• Advertisements
Entrepreneur USA 2.0
We here at EntrepreneurUSA are allaboutgettingall creative minds to share their ideas with eachother.This isbefore during or after you start your business orventure.The ideais to get feedback from others on ways toimprove,develop, or getsupport from other great and futureentrepreneurssuch as yourself.Please enjoy the app and be sure toassistothers.To all entrepreneurs, this app is exactly what you need. Haveagreatidea? How would you like to have some peer assistance tohelpyouactually achieve this goal? Or maybe ideas on how tobettertheexisting idea. Maybe this is where a greatbusinesspartnershipwill begin and you will see your businessgrow.
Practical Leadership Quotes 1.0.6
A great collection of the best Leadership quotes ever saidorwrittenby the greatest authors and thinkers. The selectedquotesare briefand practical and embody powerful and provenLeadershipconcepts. Agreat read anytime in your day and ispleasant to sharewith yourcoworkers and friends. Use the tipsproposed by thequotes to boostyour Leadership skills into a newlevel. SamplePractical LeadershipQuotes: If your actions inspireothers todream more, learn more, domore and become more, you are aleader.John Quincy Adams A leader isone who knows the way, goesthe way,and shows the way. John C.Maxwell A good leader takes alittlemore than his share of theblame, a little less than hisshare ofthe credit. Arnold H. GlasowIt is better to lead frombehind andto put others in front,especially when you celebratevictory whennice things occur. Youtake the front line when thereis danger.Then people will appreciateyour leadership. NelsonMandelaInnovation distinguishes between aleader and a follower.SteveJobs Leadership is the capacity totranslate vision intoreality.Warren Bennis People ask thedifference between a leaderand aboss. The leader leads, and theboss drives. TheodoreRoosevelt Agenuine leader is not a searcherfor consensus but amolder ofconsensus. Martin Luther King, Jr.Effective leadership isputtingfirst things first. Effectivemanagement is discipline,carrying itout. Stephen Covey Effectiveleadership is not aboutmakingspeeches or being liked; leadership isdefined by resultsnotattributes. Peter Drucker The task of theleader is to gethispeople from where they are to where they havenot been. HenryA.Kissinger Leaders must be close enough to relateto others, butfarenough ahead to motivate them. John C. Maxwell Ifyou wantaquality, act as if you already had it. William James Amanwhowants to lead the orchestra must turn his back on thecrowd.MaxLucado No man will make a great leader who wants to doitallhimself or get all the credit for doing it.AndrewCarnegieLeadership is unlocking people's potential tobecomebetter. BillBradley A leader is a dealer in hope.NapoleonBonaparte The art ofleadership is saying no, not sayingyes. It isvery easy to sayyes. Tony Blair It is better to have alion at thehead of an armyof sheep, than a sheep at the head of anarmy oflions. DanielDefoe You're only as good as the people youhire. RayKroc A leaderdoes not deserve the name unless he iswillingoccasionally tostand alone. Henry A. Kissinger People whoenjoymeetings shouldnot be in charge of anything. Thomas SowellToday areader,tomorrow a leader. Margaret Fuller There are threesecretstomanaging. The first secret is have patience. The secondisbepatient. And the third most important secret ispatience.ChuckTanner To succeed in business it is necessary to makeothersseethings as you see them. Aristotle Onassis Leadershipisinfluence.John C. Maxwell Lead, follow, or get out of theway.Laurence J.Peter Sample Practical Leadership Quotes: The keytobeing a goodmanager is keeping the people who hate me awayfromthose who arestill undecided. Casey Stengel The growthanddevelopment of peopleis the highest calling of leadership.HarveyS. FirestoneManagement is efficiency in climbing the ladderofsuccess;leadership determines whether the ladder is leaningagainsttheright wall. Stephen Covey