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Triglav tek 1.11
The Triglav run application is created fortheparticipants of the Triglav run event taking place at theBrdoestate, as well as for all other fans of running.The application provides up to date information about theeventand extensive running advice for the participants withthefollowing range of functionalities:Count down timer until event startTriglav run (general information)- Place and time (program, venue, parking lots)- Start numbers/Chips- FAQRoutes- 21 km- 10 km- Family run- Children's runResults- Live results on the day of the event- Runners' results from current and previous years- Result search (start number, first name, surname)PhotogalleryTrainings- Train alone- Instructor-led trainings- Stopwatch- WeatherNews- News- FAQ- Social media
Maraton treh src 1.0
Aplikacija MARATON TREH SRC jenamenjenatekačem in obiskovalcem Maratona treh src.Uporabnikom zagotavlja ažurne informacije povezane z dogodkominponuja naslednji nabor funkcionalnosti:Odštevalnik časaNoviceMaraton Radenci (splošne informacije)- Prijavnina- Startne št./ Čipi- Program- Dostop- ParkiriščaTrase- Maraton Radenska Classic (2 kroga po 21 km)- Polmaraton Radenska Light (21 km)- Tek Radenska Naturelle (10 km)- Oazin tek (5,5 km)Rezultati- Live rezultati na dan dogodka- Rezultati tekačev aktualnega leta in preteklih let- Iskalnik tekača (štartna številka, ime, priimek)Tekmuj sam s seboj. Vsak je zmagovalec.Application ofThreeHearts Marathon is designed for runners and visitors Marathonthreehearts.Provides users with up to date information related to the eventandoffers the following set of functionalities:Countdown timerNewsMarathon Radenci (general information)- Registration fee- Starting No. / Chips- Program- Access- ParkingAlignment- Radenska Classic Marathon (2 laps after 21 km)- Light Radenska half-marathon (21 km)- Cross Radenska Naturelle (10 miles)- Oazin Run (5.5 miles)Results- Live results on the day of the event- Results runners of the current year and previous years- Search the impeller (start number, name, surname)Compete with yourself. Everyone is a winner.