Top 8 Apps Similar to HITS Datenbank

Food Intolerances 3.0
Baliza GmbH
Histamine intolerance, Low FODMAP diet and Irritable BowelSyndrome(IBS)
My Food Intolerance List
Do you suffer from lactose,fructose,histamine, gluten, sorbitol or salicylic acid intolerance?Or doyou even have several of them? No problem! With ALL i CAN EATyouhave all your food intolerances under control.ALL i CAN EAT adjusts to your individual intolerances andcalculatesyour compatibility for each food. The compatibilitiesare displayedin a simple traffic light system, ranging from green(very welltolerated) to yellow and orange up to red (bad idea toeat). If arecommendation does not apply to you, you can easilysave yourindividual tolerance for the food concerned.Search quickly for a specific food, browse certain categoriessuchas beverages, fruits, dairy products, etc. or filtercompatibilitesby color. In addition, ALL i CAN EAT does alsoprovide many detailssuch as the amounts of lactose, fructose,glucose, histamine,sorbitol, salicylic acid, amines, amino acids,etc. And in case youshould miss a food, you can add iteasily.You will never have to search various lists again or learnanynumbers by heart! With ALL i CAN EAT you manage all yourfoodintolerances in one place.
FOODSensor Patienten-App 1.0.7
Your personal food sensor test results and individualRecipesuggestions
nmi-Portal: Allergieverordnung 1.7
In Österreich dürfen die 14 Hauptallergene laut derEULebensmittelverordnung auch mit bestimmten Buchstabenangegebenwerden. So sieht man oft Schilder neben den Lebensmittelnwie"Enthält: A, G, H“. Was diese Buchstaben bedeuten, mussgutsichtbar angeschlagen sein. Das ist leider oft nicht derFall.Diese App bietet diese Legende für die Hosentasche, damit manimRestaurant oder bei der Imbissbude immer weiß, was im Essenist.Durch Klick auf das jeweilige Allergen kann eine Infoboxerweitertwerden die den Beschreibungstext der Allergenverordnungdarstellt.Diese Legende benötigt keine aktive Internetverbindung,sondern istauch offline verwendbar (vor allem wichtig fürTouristen, die inÖsterreich zu Besuch sind und keineDatenverbindung haben) Die Appbietet auch weiterführendeInformationen zur Lebensmittelverordnungbezüglich unverpackterLebensmittel, sowie Informationen bezüglichder Anwendung aufIntoleranzen wie Laktoseintoleranz,Fruktoseintoleranz,Histaminintoleranz oder Zöliakie /Glutensensitivität.
Ernährungstagebuch SymptomLITE 2018.05.14
The food diary for people with food intolerances
Food Intolerance 1.9
Tildesign bv
FOOD INTOLERANCE help: histamine, mast cell activation,gluten,dairy, etc.
Food and Symptoms Diary 1.6.0
nmi-Portal /
This mobile food and symptoms diary enables you to narrowdownfoodintolerances such as lactose, histamine orsorbitolintolerance,fructose malabsorption or food allergies. Itcan alsobe used todetermine your personal threshold (tolerancelevel) fordifferentfoods once a diagnosis has been made. The appcontainsneitheradvertisements nor any hidden costs such asin-apppurchases. -----Why use this app? ----- If you believe thatyou maybe sufferingfrom some form of food intolerance or foodallergy itis essentialto keep a food and symptoms diary for about 2weeks.With the helpof such a food and journal, the medicalprofessionalyou areconsulting can narrow down the reasons for yoursymptoms.Thismeans they can focus on the right follow-up (eg. H2breathtest)and thus reach an accurate diagnosis. The app can alsobeusedafter diagnosis. Different foods need to be tested toestablishaperson’s individual tolerance level, e.g. fructoseorFODMAPlevels. Therefore, keeping a food and symptoms diarymakessense.The app is simple and intuitive. You can record yourdailymeals byentering them into the journal or simply taking aphoto.You canalso track your bowel movement or note your symptomsas wellas thedegree of severity and produce a clearly readable PDFwhichyou cantake to your doctor’s appointment. Symptoms can alsoberecorded bytaking a photo, which is especially useful when youhavesymptomssuch as rashes or other skin changes. InflammatoryBowelDisease(IBD) The app can also be used for recording thesymptomsofinflammatory bowel diseases such as Crohn’sdisease.Irritablebowel syndrome (IBS) Also patients who follow aFODMAPdiet due toIBS may use this app to track their nutritionandsymptoms. -----Questions or comments? ----- This app has itsownsupport forum If you dofindany bugs pleasedrop us a line on the website so we can fix themasfast aspossible. Thank you! ---- The symptoms diary appneedsthefollowing permissions: ---- + Photos/Media/Files, Camera:Youcan,for example, take a picture of your meals or ingredientslists;Thefiles are stored on your device (SD card); The data youenterwillalso be stored on your device. + Identity, Contacts: theappwillaccess your “me” contact information in order to copyyouremailaddress, name and date of birth (if you haveenteredthisinformation into your device) in order to personalizethe diaryforyour doctor. These settings can be changed at any time.Theappwill NOT read or access any other details in your contactsandwillnot send any such data back to us. + Other: With this appyoucancreate and send a PDF file using the network connectionofyourphone. There are additional reading materials (e.g.Help&Support) which can only be accessed via the internet.Thelicenseauthentication is also acquired via the internet.Thenotificationsneed the phone to prevent from sleeping and runatstartup.
myFoodMap 1.0.4
myFoodMap - die App fürMenschenmitLaktoseintoleranz,Glutensensitivität,Fruktoseintoleranz,Sorbitunverträglichkeit oderHistaminintoleranz.Mit der myFoodMap App kannst Du schnell und einfachsehen,wieverträglich Lebensmittel,trotzNahrungsmittelunverträglichkeitsind. Suche direkt nacheinembestimmten Produkt oder einer Markeoder lass Dich vonunserenFood-Listen auf der Startseiteinspirieren. DurchstöbereDeinenSupermarkt von nebenan von nun anganz bequem von Zuhause aus,ohneStundenlang vor OrtPackungsrückseiten und Zutatenlisten zulesen.myFoodMap ist DeinWerkzeug für ein besseres LebenmitUnverträglichkeiten.Unterstütze auch Du andereBetroffeneeinerNahrugnsmittelunverträglichkeit, indem Du DeineErfahrungenteilst.Bewerte Produkte indem Du Verträglichkeitssterneverteilst.5Sterne erhalten Produkte, die sehr gut verträglichbzw.frei-vonunverträglichen Zutaten sind. Umso weniger SterneeinProdukt hat,umso weniger solltest Du von diesem Produktessen.Lebensmittel mitnur einem Stern solltest Du bessermeiden.Auf der myFoodMap Karte siehst Du Supermärkte in DeinerNähe.Überdie Suchleiste kannst Du aber auch nach einem anderenOrtinDeutschland suchen. Wähle eine Verkaufsstelle ausundentdeckewelche Produkte vor Ort verträglich sind - Duwirstüberrascht seinwie groß die Auswahl trotzLaktoseintoleranz,Fruktoseintoleranzoder Glutensensitivität nochstets ist. Du hastkeine Lusteinkaufen zu gehen? Dann lass Dir diegewünschtenProdukte schnellund einfach nach Hause liefern vonunserenOnline-Partnern.myFoodMap - theappforpeople with lactose intolerance, glutensensitivity,fructoseintolerance, Sorbitunverträglichkeit orhistamineintolerance.With the myFoodMap app you can quickly and easilyseehowcompatible foods, despite food intolerance. Search directlyforaspecific product or brand, or let yourself be inspired byourfoodlists on the home page. Scour your supermarket next doorfromnowon from the comfort of your home, without long hourstoreadlocally pack backs and ingredient lists. myFoodMap is yourtoolfora better life with incompatibilities.You can support otherstakeholdersaNahrugnsmittelunverträglichkeit by you share yourexperiences.Rateproducts by you distribute compatibility Stars. 5starreceiveproducts that are well tolerated andfree-ofincompatibleingredients. The less star has a product, shouldtheless food youof this product. Food with a single star youshouldbetteravoid.On the map you can see myFoodMap supermarkets near you.Usethesearch bar you can search but also for another cityinGermany.Choose a shop and discover which products are compatibleonsite -You'll be surprised how big the selectiondespitelactoseintolerance, fructose intolerance or glutensensitivitystillapplies. You have to go shopping not want? Then youlet thedesiredproducts quickly and easily for home delivery ofouronlinepartners.