Top 14 Apps Similar to Heart Pulse Rate Checker Prank

Heart Rate Test Checker Prank 1.0.0
Heart is one the basic organs of humanbodyandits beats are the reason a human can be alive.In ordertomaintain ahealthy heart and body, Heart Rate have to be innormalrange.Thiscan be easily checked and maintained by using ofHeartRate checkingapplication.Our app will also provide you tocheckyour Bloodpressure and Glucose level in the blood stream ofyourwholebody.Knowing your low or high levels of sugars andheartbeatingrate, you can easily maintain a healthy body and liveasuccessfullife.Also, you will able to push away a great numberofdiseaseswhich are caused due to the issues of High or LowBloodPressure orsugar levels in the Human Body.Have some fun withyourfriends andfamily with our amusing application.How to Use:To achieve your goals, you have to download and installourHeartRate checking prank application.Select your genderfromfirstscreen and then put your finger on fingerprintscanner.Yourresultswill be calculated and shown instantly.Disclaimer:Our Heart Rate prank checking application is just forfunandamusement or entertainment purposes only.In case, ifyoufeelhaving any Heart Rate problem or Glucose problem, pleaseseeyourdoctor.Our prank app gives fake result and notfortakingeverything too seriously.Have fun
Heart Rate Pulse Spo2 Prank 4.2.0
◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆◆◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆Heart Rate is used to determine that whether your Heartisfunctioning properly or not. It is used to measure by theparameteras Bpm (beats per minute). A typical resting heart rateforgrown-ups extents from 60 to 100 pulsates a moment. Forinstance,an all-around prepared competitor may have an ordinaryrestingheart rate more like 40 pulsates a moment. Heart RateCalculator isa fun filled and exciting prank application. This is aprankapplication and Heart Rate measured through this Applicationis notreal. Real Blood Pressure and Real Blood Cholesterol playvitalrole in the health condition of the body. Real bodytemperature isobtained and through clinical thermometer. Diabetespatient measurethere real blood glucose level and real blood sugarlevel to checkwhether it is in the normal range or not. Real Oxygenlevel can beobtained through equipment’s like Pulse Rate OximeterSPO2.Ovulation Tracker and Period Tracker is involved in menstrualcyclewhich is linked with pregnancy.------------------------------------------------------------Disclaimer----------------------------------------------------This Application is a prank application and it is developed forfunand entertainment only. All the results in this app arenotreal.-------------------------------------------------Guidelines tousethis Application-----------------------------◆ Launch Heart Rate Calculator Application.◆ Choose your Gender and Proceed.◆ Place your thumb/finger on the screen.◆ Hold on for few seconds to see the Result.-----------------------------------------------------------KeyFeatures-------------------------------------------------◆ Easy to Use with no complexity.◆ Intuitive User interface that real creates an impressiveuserinterface.◆ Ultra High Definition Graphics makes it more pleasant.◆ No extra charges that makes it free for everyone.◆ No Network/Internet required which makes it moreaccessible.◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆◆◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆
Heart Rate Pulse Spo2 Prank 6.4.0
It is very hard to calculate to calculatethereal Heart Rate. Blood Cholesterol has competitivelygreatersignificance for heart patient. Real Blood Glucose Level andRealBlood Sugar/Glucose Level is more important to diabetespatient.Fever Checker and Thermometer use to measure BodyTemperature. RealOxygen Level and all of these parameters can onlybe measuredthrough equipment’s like Pulse Rate Oximeter SPO2. Heartis themost integral part of human’s body and the wholefunctionality ofthe body depends on heart because heart providesblood to the wholebody. It has to have a certain rate on which aheart needs to beatat certain rate which is calculated at Beats perMinute rate (BPM).Menstrual Cycle is the repeating cycle ofphysiological changes inthe uterus, ovaries, and other sexualstructures that happen fromthe earliest starting point of onemenstrual period through thestart of the following. OvulationTracker and Period Tracker areassociated with this process.<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>❋ Start Heart Rate Calculator Application❋ Select your Gender and proceed❋ Place your thumb/finger on the screen for processing❋ Hold and see the Result after few moments<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>❋ User friendly interface that crates a pleasant feeling❋ Intuitive User interface which really helps the user❋ Free for everyone to use❋ No network Required<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>This is a prank application and it is developed only forfunpurpose. It has no intention to deceive any user as itonlydesigned and developed for fun purpose and users should take itasfun and don’t believe any of the findings obtainedthroughapps
Heart Pulse Rate Checker Prank 5.2.1
Heart Rate Calculator designed for thosewhowant to have fun among their life because it is aprankapplication. Normal person must take care of his/her health.Ashealth is the most important thing to be looked after. RealBloodGlucose Level and Real Blood Sugar Level are the two factorsthathelps in the determination of diabetes, Real Blood Cholesterolhasto kept at certain recommended level, Hypoglycemia is lowerlevellevel of Oxygen level and we shall use Pulse Rate OximeterSPO2 tokeep our oxygen level’s track. Heart Rate beat can getabnormal inMenstrual Cycle whose record can be kept via OvulationPeriodTracker.______________________________How to usethisApplication______________________◼ Start Heart Rate Calculator Application◼◼ Choose Gender to proceed◼◼◼ Put Thumb/finger impression on the screen for processing◼◼◼◼ Wait to see the Result after few moments___________________________FeaturesofApplication_____________________________◼ User friendly interface for better experience◼◼ Intuitive User interface which makes it extremely easy touseapplication◼◼◼ Free for everyone no extra charges to be played at all◼◼◼◼ Can be used without internet_________________________Disclaimer beforeusingApplication_____________________Heart Rate Calculator is a prank application, fulfill theintegralpart of your life i.e. having fun wroth this applicationbut neverbelieve at any finding of this application because thefindings weobtain through this application is not real neitherdependable atall.
Heart Beat Rate Checker Prank 1.0.0
Heart is an important organ of a HumanBody.Tohave a great body and shape, you have to always keep yourHeartRatestable. Everybody is a Fitness seeker and to be fit youhavetomaintain your Health in a proper manner. Heart beat anditscorrectworking is the first step to achieve your desiredresults.The moreoxygen carried by red blood cells, the more yourathleticabilitieswill increase. Even if you are not an athlete,having theknowledgeabout your heart rate can help you to monitoryourfitness level.Abnormality in Body Temperature can cause fever.Itmight even helpyou spot the developing health problems inthebody. Heart rate isbasically the number of times your heartisbeating per minute. Youhave to maintain the rate in thenormalrange to be a great healthybody. Thus your fitness levelwillautomatically increased to agreater extent. Tough exercisesmayincrease your heart rate andcause breathing problems.Breathingproblems may arise because ofOxygen Level abnormality inthe bodywhich can be checked withOximeterSO2. Sugar/Glucose levelcan alsoget effected because offast or slow heart beats.How to Use:=>Download the prank Heart Rate Checker=>Select Gender=>Put the finger on the scanner=>Wait for sometime=>See the results on the screenDisclaimer:Heart Rate checker prank application is not going togiveyoucorrect result. It is only for entertainment foreveryone.
Heart Beat Rate Scan - Prank 1.0.0
Heart Rate or pulse is measured innumberofbeats per second. There are a lot of factors that may ormaynotAffect your Heart Rate. For example, When thetemperaturesorhumidity soar, your Heart may pump a little moreblood to yourbodyand in doing so your pulse rate may increase. Butusually, itdoesnot increase more than five to ten beats a minute.IncreaseinBlood Sugar or Body Temperature can also effect theheartrate.Another factor is your Body position you are in i.e. youmayberesting at your bed or sofa, you may be sittingorstandingsomewhere. Oxygen Level abnormality can causebreathingproblemwhich can result in Heart/Pulse Beat Rate problem.PulseOximeterSpO2 should be used for measuring oxygen level in thebodyin caseif you feel uncomfortable with Oxygen level.In all these conditions your Heart Rate is usuallythesame.Sometimes, when you stand continuously, for the firstfifteentotwenty seconds, your Heart Rate may go higher a littlebit,butafter some time it should settle down. Also, your Emotionsplayanimportant role in your Heart Rate. If you arefeelingstressed,anxious or if you are extraordinary happy or sad,theseemotionsmay raise your pulse rate.Medications you are using in your daily life whichblockyouradrenaline (beta blockers) tend to slow your pulse whiletakingtoomuch of the thyroid medicine will raise your Heart Rate.Andyoualso might not feel good.How to Use:* Launch the app* Now you are going to select your gender in the second step* Put your finger on scanner in third step.* See the results of your Heart Rate after a few secondsonthescreenDisclaimer:Note this app is a prank and is used for only funandentertainmentpurpose only.. Our Heart Rate checker applicationis aprank andyou can use it only to have fun with your friendsorfamilyanytime.
Body Temperature Scanner Prank 1.0.0
Human body is one of the greatest thingsweseein the world. Also, we all need to maintain our body tobehealthyand do amazing things. We all know very well that HealthisWealth.So, if health is everything to you then you mustmaintainyour bodyaccording to the right way. Body Temperature isvitalpart when itcomes in measuring basic health. You have to seeandkeep the BodyTemperature of your body in the specific rangetolive a healthfullife. With the blood sugar test machine thebloodglucose sugarlevel can be measured. High Heart Beat indicatesthatyou have heartproblem. Fever is caused due to highbodytemperature and it can befatal if it is above certain pointorbelow certain point.How to Use:Firstly, you have to download our prank BodyTemperaturecheckingapplication and then open it on your android.Now, youwill see ascreen asking for your gender, select yourgender. Inthe last part,you have to put your finger on the scannerand letit docalculations for some seconds. You will seeyourresultinstantly.Disclaimer:The amazing Blood Temperature checking application is aprankandit do not show exact results of any kind. This is purelyforthepurpose of entertainment. You must consult your doctorforaccurateresults and complete check up. Enjoy!
Heart Beat Rate Checker Prank 9.2.2
◈◈◈◈◈◈◈◈◈◈◈◈◈◈◈◈◈◈◈◈◈◈◈◈◈◈◈◈◈◈◈◈◈◈◈◈◈◈◈◈◈◈◈◈◈◈◈◈◈◈◈◈◈◈◈◈◈◈◈Heart Rate Calculator is a funny prank app. Heart rate isamongthose concerns which needs to be addressed properly. Normalrestingheart rates go anywhere in the range of 40 pulsates everymoment upto 100 thumps for each moment. Abnormality in the beats ofheartrate may disturb your Blood Glucose/Sugar Level. It may affectthetemperature of the body. There are some other healthrelatedparameters like Blood Pressure, Blood Cholesterol &Diabetesyou can have these parameters to but with real equipmentbut in themean time you can have fun with Heart Rate PrankCalculator. Alwayscheck your SPO2 level. Calculate oxygen and feverof your bodythrough your finger or thumb print. Use this for funandentertainment purpose only. All the results in this app arenotreal.◈◈◈◈◈◈Disclaimer◈◈◈◈◈◈Heart Rate Calculator is a prank application, it is not supposednotto deceive anyone as it is only and only designed to let usershavefun and moments of laughter but don’t take its resultseriously asthis is prank application.◈◈◈◈◈◈Guidelines to use this Application◈◈◈◈◈◈◈ Launch Application.◈ Select your Gender.◈ Tap on the screen.◈ Wait for Result.◈◈◈◈◈◈Key Features◈◈◈◈◈◈◈ No internet required.◈ Realistic Graphic.◈ Ultra High Definition Graphics.◈◈◈◈◈◈◈◈◈◈◈◈◈◈◈◈◈◈◈◈◈◈◈◈◈◈◈◈◈◈◈◈◈◈◈◈◈◈◈◈◈◈◈◈◈◈◈◈◈◈◈◈◈◈◈◈◈◈◈
Fever Body Temperature Prank 7.2.2
Body Temperature Thermometer is basicallyaprank application. This application has no suchauthenticmethodology to gain the body temperature of an individualbecauseauthentic instruments similar to fever checker andthermometer aresupposed to perform the task so anyone using itshall take it forgranted because everything connected with yourhealth is important.There are certain parameters that may help todetermine whetherbody is functioning properly or not. Bodytemperature has a greatimportance because it determines the currentcondition of health.Body temperature has to be in a certainrecommended range. Keep aneye on other measure like Blood Pressureor Real Heart Rate. BloodCholesterol needs to be taken in accountbecause it may affectheart directly. The quantity of sugar/glucosein body is verynecessary to be known. Body Oxygen level can becalculate usingPulse Rate Oximeter SPO2. Menstrual Cycle can bemonitored usingPeriod Tracker and Ovulation Tracker.▩▩▩▩▩▩This Application Offers▩▩▩▩▩▩▩ Free for everyone, no extra charges▩ Easy to Use▩ No Internet required to use this application▩ Realistic Graphics that creates▩▩▩▩▩▩How to use this Application▩▩▩▩▩▩▩ Start Body Temperature Thermometer Application▩ Pick Gender and Proceed▩ Place yurt thumb/finger on the screen▩ Hold for Result to be displayed▩▩▩▩▩▩Disclaimer▩▩▩▩▩▩This application is basically a prank application because noneofthe calculations done by this application are supposed tobegenuine or real. Through Thumb Impression cannot obtainbodytemperature as there is no such methodology to achievethismotive.
Heart Rate Beat Scanner Prank 1.0.0
A Heart of human body hasdifferentpartsthrough which blood is circulated to all of the body.Forexample,oxygenated and de-oxygenated blood is traveled byarteriesandveins respectively. All the main functions andpumpingofoxygenated blood is done by the main organ of our bodywhich isourHeart. In the same way, there is always some rate atwhichtheHeart is pumping the Blood. That rate can varysometimesinincreasing or decreasing manner. While decreased HeartRatemaycause some difficulty in breathing. Usually athermometertakesBody Temperature through mouth or arm. With theblood sugartestmachine the blood glucose sugar level can bemeasured.Temperaturecan also be taken through ear and skin usingspeciallydesignedthermometers. So, if you have to keep your HeartHealthyand makingit to work for longer life, you have to keep yourHeartRate in thenormal range. In order to do so you have to keepyourdiet neat andbalanced.How to use:*** Choose You Gender.*** Place Thumb/Finger On The Scanner.*** Wait for scanning to complete.*** Check the results on the next screen and see the magic.Disclaimer:The prank Heart Rate checking application is only forthepurposeof entertainment and does not show correctresults.Haveconsultation from your doctor for proper check up.
Pulse Heart Rate Spo2 Prank 7.2.0
The measurement of resting heart rate orpulserate (the number of heart beats per minute) should be takenafter afew minutes upon waking whilst still lying in bed. Thisapplicationis for those who really want to have greater amount offun and turntheir meet ups and get to gathers into fun filledactivity. Heartis part on which the whole human’s body depends.Heart RateCalculator is a prank application and the fact of thematter isit’s not a real heart rate calculator. Diabetes depends onbloodSugar/Glucose level.Running increase real body temperature. Itisassociated with instruments like thermometer and feverchecker.When it comes to menstrual cycle, you have equipment’s likePeriodTracker and Ovulation Tracker. Real oxygen level matters ifonereally has to take care of his/her health this can beobtainedPulse Rate Oximeter SPO2.◕◕◕◕◕◕Features◕◕◕◕◕◕◕ User friendly interface that crates a pleasant feeling◕ Intuitive User interface which really helps the user◕ Free for everyone to use◕ No network Required◕◕◕◕◕◕Guideline◕◕◕◕◕◕◕ Start Heart Rate Calculator◕ Pick your Gender and proceed◕ Put thumb/finger on the screen for processing◕ Hold and see the Result after few moments◕◕◕◕◕◕Disclaimer◕◕◕◕◕◕This application Heart Rate Calculator is a prank application, itisnot supposed not to cheat anyone as it is only and onlydeveloped tolet users have great amount of fun and moments oflaughter but don’ttake its result seriously as this is prankapplication.
Heart Rate Pulse Checker Prank 6.2.0
Heart Rate Calculator is truly an amazingprankapplication with awesome and realistic graphics. You canachieve theintended key factor i.e. entertainment through thisapplication asyou can trick over your friends, family and peoplearound you.Several factors that are associated with health areimportant to belooked after. Using thermometer or fever checkerone can determineReal Body temperature. Diabetes depends on RealBlood Glucose Leveland Real Blood Sugar Level abnormalities. RealBlood Cholesterol andReal Blood Pressure is common parameters butvery important. Oxygenlevel must not be neglected and measure likePulse Rate OximeterSPO2 .All health parameters are very complexjust take MenstrualCycle as an example we use Period tracker andOvulation tracker.Heart Rate has great significance in humanshealth even it canaffect emotions can have an impact on heartrate. Use this app forentertainment purpose only. Resultsdisplayed in this app are notreal.卐卐卐卐卐卐How to use this Application卐卐卐卐卐卐卐 Start Heart Rate Calculator Application卐 Choose Gender to proceed卐 Put Thumb/finger impression on the screen for processing卐 Hold on to see the Result after few moments卐卐卐卐卐卐Features of Application卐卐卐卐卐卐卐 User friendly interface for better experience卐 Intuitive User interface which makes it extremely easy touseapplication卐 Free for everyone no extra charges to be played at all卐 Can be used without internet卐卐卐卐卐卐Disclaimer before using Application卐卐卐卐卐卐Heart Rate Calculator is a prank application, it is designedforthose who want some excitement in their life.Calculationsdisplayed in this app are not real. Use it for funandentertainment purpose only.
Heart Rate Pulse Spo2 Prank 5.2.2
Heart Rate Calculator is a fun filledandexciting prank application.This is a prank application andHeartRate measured through this Application is not real. As most ofthetime we want real heart rate and real Blood Cholesterol. forthatneed authentic equipment is required.Rreal body temperature canbemeasured by real equipment like fever checker and thermometer.Realblood glucose level and real blood sugar level will affectifsomeone is diabetic and suffering from diabetes. Menstrual cycleisone of the complex issue women go through and in thisissueOvulation Tracker and Period Tracker really helps. PulseRateOximeter SPO2 helps if someoine have to measure real oxygenlevel.Blood Pressure affects the working of whole body. Heart isthe mostimportant organ in human body and one’s heart shouldfunctionproperly as the whole body working depends on heart. Heartprovidesblood to whole body. Heart Rate is used to determine thatwhetheryour Heart is functioning properly or not, it is used tomeasure bythe parameter as Bpm (beats per minute). Use this app forfunonly.✦✦✦✦✦✦Guidelines to use this Application✦✦✦✦✦✦✦ Launch Heart Rate Calculator Application✦ Choose your Gender and Proceed✦ Place your thumb/finger on the screen✦ Hold on for few seconds to see the Result✦✦✦✦✦✦Key Features✦✦✦✦✦✦✦ Easy to Use with no complexity✦ Intuitive User interface that real creates an impressiveuserinterface✦ Ultra High Definition Graphics makes it more pleasant✦ No extra charges that makes it free for everyone✦ No Network/Internet required which makes it more accessible✦✦✦✦✦✦Disclaimer✦✦✦✦✦✦This Application is a prank application and it is designed forfunnot to cheat or deceive anyone so we suggest users to not countanyof its findings as it is not considerable and accurate sooneshould only use it for entertainment purpose and only consideranamusement item.
Heart Rate Pulse Spo2 Prank 4.1.0
Heart Rate Calculator is a prankapplicationspecially designed for entertainment purpose. Heart Ratemeasuredthrough this application is not real. Blood pressureabnormalitiescould lead to more problems. Excessive amount of bloodcholesterolis not good for health. Real Body Temperature can bechecked byThermometer and fever checker. Blood Glucose Level andBlood SugarLevel is important for patients of diabetes. Pulse RateOximeterSPO2 is used to determine the Oxygen level in the body.OvulationCalendar Tracker plays important role in Menstrual Cycle.Use thisapp for fun and entertainment purpose only. All the resultsin theapp are not real.◓◓◓◓◓◓Key Features◓◓◓◓◓◓◓ Easy to Use with no complexity◓ Intuitive User interface that real creates an impressiveuserinterface◓ Ultra High Definition Graphics makes it more pleasant◓ No extra charges that makes it free for everyone◓ No Network/Internet required which makes it moreaccessibleGuidelines to use this Application◓◓◓◓◓◓Start The Heart Rate Calculator Application◓◓◓◓◓◓◓ Select your Gender and Proceed◓ Place your thumb/finger on the screen and wait◓ Hold on for few seconds to see the Result◓◓◓◓◓◓Disclaimer◓◓◓◓◓◓This Application is a prank application and it is designed forfunnot to cheat anyone so we suggest users to not consider any ofitsfindings as true. Use it for fun purpose only.