Top 16 Apps Similar to Heart Beat Rate Checker Prank

Body Temperature Scanner Prank 1.0.0
Every creature in the world hasitsbalancedBody Temperature, it has to be in balanced stateforhealthy life.Increased Body Temperature of humans may causefeverwhich is notgood for health. It can further be cured bytakingage-appropriatemedicines. Body needs to be in an soothingeffect tolive healthylife and carrying on the daily activities.There are alot of waysto check and balance your Body Temperaturefor a greaterhealth.Precautions should be taken accordingly to theincreasingordecreasing body temperature. Usually fever is causedbecauseofhigh body temperature and it may increase heart beatwhichcanresult into breathing problems. OximeterSO2 is usuallyusedforchecking Oxygen level in the body. It mayeffectBloodSugar/Glucose level in the body.How to Use:::: Select Gender.::: Place Finger On Scanner.::: Check the results on the next screen.Disclaimer:This is a prank and does not give correct results. It istobeused only for the purpose of entertaining yourselfandothersalso.
Blood Sugar Test Scanner Prank 1.0.0
Aim of treating the diabetes is tobringthelevel of the blood sugars (Glucose) as close to the normalrangeaspossible. What are the normal levels of blood sugar and howyoucaneasily achieve them without any problem? First of all,youmustknow the difference between ‘Sugar’ and ‘Glucose’.Sugar is the general name for the carbohydrates that aresweetandcan easily be dissolved in water. Carbohydrates are thefoodmadeonly of carbon, oxygen and hydrogen. Sugars have variouskindsandthe main one which our body uses most of the time istermedas“Glucose”. Other types of sugar which we eat includefructosefromthe fruits or lactose from the milk. These aremainlyconvertedinto the Glucose in the body of human withdifferentprocesses andreactions taking place in our body and thenthese canbe used toobtain the energy required by our bodies to dodifferenttasks.Sometimes high or low heart rate may be because ofdifferenceinsugar level. Body temperature may increase or decreasebecauseofsugar level and it can effect Oxygen level in the bodywhich canbethen measured by OximeterSO2.Smile is the best cure for all the problems. We decidedtospreadsmile by launching Prank Blood Sugar/Glucose app. Placeyourfingeron the scanner and see the magic.How to Use:Following are the steps to be followed to use ourprankBloodSugar checking application;*Launch app by tapping on the app icon.*Installation will be done automatically.*Choose your gender after running app.*Place your finger on the scanner you see.*See the results.Disclaimer:Note this is a prank app and is meant for entertainmentpurposeonly.All the results given in this app are not real. Use ittoplay prankwith your loved ones.
Heart Beat Rate Scanner Prank 1.0.0
As we grow, there occur changes in therateandregularity of the pulses and it may signify heartconditionorothers which need to be addressed. Following are thebest placestofind the pulse;-Wrists-Inside of your Elbow-Side of your Neck-Top of the FootMost Accurate Readings may be calculated by puttingthefingerover pulse and count the number of beatings in the60seconds. Youjust have to remember that your pulse rate shouldneverbe too low(i.e. less than 60 per minute) or too high (i.e.highthan 100 perminute). Heart Rate above this limit or belowthislimit can bebecause of abnormal body temperature orbloodsugar/glucose level.It can also because of abnormal oxygenlevel inthe body which canbe measured with the help ofOximerterSO2.How to Use:-> Launch app-> Now, you have to enter your Gender-> Scanner will scan the results after you put yourfingeronfingerprint scanner.-> Results will be shown to youDisclaimer:We verify that the Heart Rate prank application is not goingtogiveaccurate and correct results. For real results, you havetoconsultyour doctor. Use it for fun and entertainmentpurposeonly.
Blood Sugar Test Checker Prank 1.0.0
Smile is the best cure for all theproblemsinlife. Want to smile? Just tap on the Blood SugarCheckerPrankicon. Ask your friends to place their thumb or fingeronthescanner for checking Glucose/Sugar level in their body,theywillbe amazed with the results.Proper quantity of the sugar in the blood is veryimportantforhealthy life. If the level of sugar in the body is low,then itmaycause dizziness and the person might faint and the highlevelofsugar may cause Diabetes. Abnormality in sugar level isnotgoodfor health. Abnormal Glucose level in the body mayeffectyourHeart/Pulse Rate or similarly it can effect yourBodyTemperatureresulting high fever. If the Oxygen level isimbalancedthen useOximeterSO2 for measuring oxygen level in thebody.For the complete and real sugar test, you should consult youdoctor.How to Use:### First install the Prank Blood Sugar application.### Then select your gender.### After that, put your thumb on the screen andseetheresults..Disclaimer:Note this Prank Blood Sugar application is a fakeapplicationanddoes not give actual results.
Body Temperature Checker Prank 1.0.0
Abnormality in Body Temperature cancausefever.Body temperature is one of the important things to betakencare of.When temperature rises high it can may last aroundseveraldays andmay cause disturbance in your routine works.Usually hightemperatureof the body can be checked with the help ofanthermometer andfollowing the instructions. Different typesBodyTemperatureThermometers are available in the market forchildrenand adult. Coldand flu can rise or down the BodyTemperature whichmay cause problemin breathing. Blood sugar levelsin thefingertips show changes morequickly than those in othertestingsites. If you feel difficulty inbreathing then useOximeterSO2 forchecking Oxygen Level in the body.Heart Rate/PulseRate may getabnormal because of abnormality in BodyTemperature.:::How to Use:::*** Tap on the app icon to launch.*** Choose your gender.*** Place thumb/finger on the scanner.*** Wait for results.*** See the magic on result screen.:::Disclaimer:::Prank Body Temperature checking application is not going togiveyouexact and proper results of the Body Temperature. Its onlyforfun& entertainment purpose only.
Body Temperature Monitor Prank 1.0.0
A lot of experts have belief thattheBodyTemperature (fever) is a natural bodily defenseagainstaninfection. There is always rise and fall in thetemperature ofbodyof person during different times. A temperaturerelatedconditionknown as hypothermia is a non-infectious cause offeverand itcause rises in the body temperature. A medicalthermometerwasalways used in the clinical examination of aperson’stemperatureand there are different types of thermometersavailablefor thispurpose.Temperature of body should be controlled and the processisalsoknown as Thermoregulation which is a homeostaticmechanism.Thiskeeps the person at optimum temperature. The averageinternalbodytemperature of a Human Body is 37.0 °C (98.6 °F),though itmayvary among different individuals and organisms. Itshould alsobekept in mind that no person has exactly thesametemperaturethroughout the day. We can say that thelowesttemperature is abouttwo hours before the waking up of aperson fromsleep. Also,temperature may have change according to theactivitiesa person isperforming throughout the day. TheOximeterSPO2 levelsshould alsobe kept in mind and maintainedthroughout the day tomaintain thetemperature. Blood Sugar/Glucoselevel in the body mayvary becauseof body temperature. Heart beatrate can also increaseor decreasebecause of Body Temperature. Thereare fluctuations ineverymeasurement over the day. The prank BloodTemperature andBodyTemperature checking application is best for funandentertainmentpurpose. You can easily do the same things like youdowith thethermometer.How to Use:****Start the application.***Choose the gender.**Scanner will ask to put your finger.*Results will be shown in the last if youhaven’tmistakenanything.Disclaimer:This is a prank app and does not give accurateresults.BodyTemperature is always correctly measured withtheclinicalthermometer or visiting the doctor. Entertainingeveryoneis themain purpose of the prank Body Temperaturecheckerapplication.
Thermometer Body Temp. Prank 1.0.0
Body Temperature (Fever) have a lotofcauses.Some of them are:-Due to too much cold and flu.-Gastroenteritis stomach bugs.-Biting of mosquito on any of the body part.-infections in the ear, skin, throat, etc.-Inflammatory conditions.-Side effects of the drugs you take to cure anyotherdisease.There are a lot of causes that can be addressed to thefeverorBody Temperature. It usually makes the condition of thepersonthathe may feel uncomfortable or dizzy. Plenty of clear fluidorwatershould be taken, also iced drinks can behelpful.Lightweightclothing should be used and too much heavyclothesshould beavoided. It should also be kept in mind to makethetemperature inthe room comfortable and there should be freshairall over theroom. Complete rest should be taken andheavyactivities should beavoided. Depending on the age of theperson andthe underlyingcause of the body temperature, medicaladvice fromthe doctor mayor may not be taken.Heart Rate may increase because of fever. Glucose/Sugar levelmaygetaffected because of flu. OximeterSO2 is used formeasuringOxygenLevel in the body. You are required to checkyourtemperature backand forth and take proper medication andlightdiet to prevent it.Making your mode happy is also one of thecurewhich we addressed bydeveloping this app. Prank your friendsandfamily with Prank BodyTemperature Thermometer by asking themtocheck their bodytemperature.How to Use:*Tap the app icon to launch the app.**Selection of the Gender is compulsory for everybody.***You must put any of your finger on the BodyTemperatureScanneron the second screen.****Now, you will be excited to see the results of the app.Disclaimer:Note this app is for fun and entertainment purpose only.Alltheresults are randomly generated and are for funandexcitement.Enjoy!
Body Temperature Scan - Prank 1.0.0
Are you worried about the fluctuationsofyourBody Temperature? You must know that the Body Temperatureofanyorganism have a lot of fluctuation during the day. For ahuman,itslowest levels are around 4 a.m. in the morning andthehighestlevels in the late afternoon between 4 o’clock to 6o’clock. Allof this is assumed if the person start sleep at nightandstayawaken during the whole day. Thus, strictly speaking,37.3°Ctemperature orally will be a normal and healthy oneintheafternoon but in the early morning. Temperature of theBodyisalways sensitive to many of the hormones produced by thebody.Thatis why, men and women may have varied temperaturerhythms.Weatheralso cause the variation of temperature each year.Thispattern iscalled a circadian rhythm and studies of thesevariationshaveproduced inconsistent results. So, people living inthedifferentareas having different climates may havedifferentpatterns ofthis. If you have a increased physical fitnessthen youwill alsohave the increased amount of daily variationthetemperature. Oraltemperatures are always influenced bythedrinking, smoking,breathing, sugar/glucose level &heart/pulsebeat rate etc.. ofperson. Breathing problem may bebecause ofdifference in OxygenLevel. For Oxygen Level measurementyou shoulduse Pulse RateOximeter SpO2. Cold diets or drinks reducethe oraltemperaturewhile hot ones have a increased effect. Skinbasedtemperatureshave a correlation relatively poor with thecoretemperature of thebody. The overall core temperature of thebodyshould range in anormal value. Thus, you will be able tomaintainyour health in aproper manner. .How to Use:-Open the application for checking the temperature---Tick your Gender—---Place the finger on screen-------Results are now on the screen just in seconds----Disclaimer:Body Temperature checker is a prank. Do some fun withyourfriendsto check the temperature of the body. If you havefeelingof fever,see a doctor in the hospital.
Blood Sugar Checker Test Prank 1.0.0
In any organism, Blood is the mainfluidthatcarries and transport the Oxygen to all parts of the body.Asweknow that oxygen is the most important thing for anorganismtolive and carry out its daily required tasks fordifferentpurposes.In the same way, Blood also contains Sugars andtake themto allparts of the body which need to perform and actionanduseenergy.We all need Energy to perform activities and thisgratefulthingcomes from the Sugars or also known as Glucose. But,the levelofglucose in the blood stream should be in normal rangeand itshouldnot increase or decrease with very high differencesbutremainwithin normal one. Otherwise, it should not be good forourhealth.Sugar is measured in milligrams of Glucose perdeciliter(mg/dl). Adeciliter is about 3 1/3 ounces. For someonewithoutdiabetes, afasting Blood Sugar or the Sugar when you wake upin themorningafter sleep should be in the range of less than 100mg/dl.Thislevel may vary on the whole day. So, you need tomaintainthoselevels. For the diabetic patients, you must have80-130 mg/dlsugarlevels before meals and to 180 after 1-2 hours ofthe mealsyoutake regularly. Then, you will be easily able tomaintainyourGlucose level throughout your life and life a verygreatandHealthy life. Sugar level may effect your heart beatrateresultingproblem in body temperature and oxygen level inthebody.OximeterSO2 can help in measuring oxygen level in thebody.You canprank your friends and family with Prank BloodSugarChecker.***How to Use***::: Select gender of your choice.::: Place thumb on the scanner.::: Check the results on result screen.***Disclaimer***Note this app is for fun and entertainment purpose only.Itcannot measure Blood Sugar level in the body withsimplescreenscanner on phone. All results are based onrandomnumbers.
Heart Beat Rate Scan - Prank 1.0.0
Heart Rate or pulse is measured innumberofbeats per second. There are a lot of factors that may ormaynotAffect your Heart Rate. For example, When thetemperaturesorhumidity soar, your Heart may pump a little moreblood to yourbodyand in doing so your pulse rate may increase. Butusually, itdoesnot increase more than five to ten beats a minute.IncreaseinBlood Sugar or Body Temperature can also effect theheartrate.Another factor is your Body position you are in i.e. youmayberesting at your bed or sofa, you may be sittingorstandingsomewhere. Oxygen Level abnormality can causebreathingproblemwhich can result in Heart/Pulse Beat Rate problem.PulseOximeterSpO2 should be used for measuring oxygen level in thebodyin caseif you feel uncomfortable with Oxygen level.In all these conditions your Heart Rate is usuallythesame.Sometimes, when you stand continuously, for the firstfifteentotwenty seconds, your Heart Rate may go higher a littlebit,butafter some time it should settle down. Also, your Emotionsplayanimportant role in your Heart Rate. If you arefeelingstressed,anxious or if you are extraordinary happy or sad,theseemotionsmay raise your pulse rate.Medications you are using in your daily life whichblockyouradrenaline (beta blockers) tend to slow your pulse whiletakingtoomuch of the thyroid medicine will raise your Heart Rate.Andyoualso might not feel good.How to Use:* Launch the app* Now you are going to select your gender in the second step* Put your finger on scanner in third step.* See the results of your Heart Rate after a few secondsonthescreenDisclaimer:Note this app is a prank and is used for only funandentertainmentpurpose only.. Our Heart Rate checker applicationis aprank andyou can use it only to have fun with your friendsorfamilyanytime.
Blood Sugar Test Scan - Prank 1.0.0
There are different ways of checkingyoursugarlevel. These may be long term or short term. For example,youcaneasily check it with the help of glucometer easily availableinthemarket. Or you can go to the doctor for the given purpose.WhentheGlucose level in the blood of body becomes higher thanthenormalrequired range, they start to cause the inflammations inthebloodvessels and the nerves in the body of the people. Andthenall thecomplications of the different diseases and alsothediabetes comefrom. Smile can cure all problems anddiseases,change your modewith this Prank Blood Sugar CheckerApplication byasking yourfriends to check their glucose/sugar levelin thebody.High levels of sugars in the body are maintained byInsulinwhichfunctions in decreasing the Glucose level. Indiabeticpatients,Insulin function is damaged and thus Sugars in thebodyincrease.So, you need to give your body conscious help, byeatingthe rightthings, taking exercise regularly or takingrightmedications fromthe doctors, using herbs and reducing thestresslevels. Too lowsugar levels are also a great problem andthat’swhythis should be kept in normal range. Low or highsugar/glucoselevelcan effect Heart/Pulse Beat Rate, BodyTemperature and OxygenLeveletc. Heart rate can be measures withpulse meter, BodyTemperaturecan be measured with thermometer andOxygen Level canbe measuredwith Pulse Rate Oximeter SpO2.How to Use:+++ Launch the app.+++ Now, you just have to select the gender.+++ Place thumb/finger on the scanner.+++ Check the results on the result screen.Disclaimer:The app is a prank and should be used for fun. It is notgoingtoshow the correct results.
Heart Rate Beat Checker Prank 1.0.0
Regularity in a Pulse (Heart Rate) ofapersonchanges with the age of the person. Normally, it caneasilybechecked from different parts of the body i.e. wrists, foot,etc.Itis basically number of times your heart beats per minute.Itisnecessary to maintain your heart rate to normalcondition.If your resting or sitting at a place and you are calm,thenyourheart rate will in a normal range. Normal Range of a Pulsecanbebetween 60 beats per minute and 100 beats per minute.Lowerorhigher rates may signal medical problems or may causesomeseriousconditions to take place in the body of a person likehighor lowbody temperature which is measured with thermometer.Levelsofglucose or blood sugar levels have some type like:normalbloodsugar level, low blood sugar and high blood sugar. LowerHeartRateis commonly a problem for the people who get a lotofphysicalactivity at once and can result in Oxygen Level probleminthe bodywhich is calculated with OximeterSO2. Theyalsoincludeathletes.By prank you can make someone forget their problems. Askyourfriendsand loved ones to check their heart rate with thisPrankHeart/Pulsebeat monitor and see the smile on theirface.People who are active and fast often intend to have lowerPulseratebecause their Heart Muscles are in better condition anddoesnotneed to work much hard to gain and maintain a steadyHeartBeat.How to Use:You can use our application easily with following steps;*Open application after downloading.*Start by giving your gender.*Get the desired results after placing your finger onscannerDisclaimer:This app is a prank app and is for fun andentertainmentpurposeonly. Use it for entertainmentonly.Enjoy!!!
Blood Sugar Test Monitor Prank 1.0.0
What are the normal Glucose (BloodSugar)levelsof a Human Body? They vary along the Day. Thesearedifferent fornormal people and different for theDiabeticpatients. Also, theyvery before and after eating of meals,in themorning after sleep,etc. For example, when a person wakes upwhois normal and not apatient, his sugar levels should be in rangeof70-99 mg/dl. Diet isthe vital part for the health. Diet caneffectyour body in variousways like your Heart/Pulse Beat Rate mayvarybecause of diet.Similarly it can effect your bodytemperature.Oxygen level may geteffected because of it. You canmeasure youroxygen level byOximeterSO2.Glucose level should be kept in normal range forhealthierlife.Exercise should be done on daily basis for healthierlife.How to Use:*Launch app***Select Gender and place any of the fingersonscreenscanner*****Here you go with final results after calculationsonlastscreen***Disclaimer:It’s a prank Glucose checker app that is not going togiveproperor exact results. Its only for the entertainmentpurpose.Enjoy!
Body Temperature Checker Prank 1.0.0
Body Temperature checking prankapplicationiscreated just to amuse you and get away with your boredlife. Oneofthe most important things of a person body is itstemperaturewhichis need to be checked and maintained. Increase inthebodytemperature may let you loss your appetite and you will beweakina number of days. A condition with high temperature i.e.feverwilllet you believe that you are lost somewhere. In ordertomaintainthe good temperature of your body, you will have tocheckitregularly and maintain using the precautions. Also have akeenlookat your Heart Rate, Sugar/Glucose Level and Oxygen Levelinthebody. Pulse meter is used for checking heart beat ratewhereasOxygen Level can be measured by OximeterSO2.How to use:Click on the download button in the app storeandinstallapplication. After opening it, select your gender andthenput anyfinger on the fingerprint scanner. After a little timespan,youwill see the prank results of your body temperature.Disclaimer:Note this app is a prank and is for fun andentertainmentpurposeonly. Results shown in the app are notaccurate, they arebased onrandom numbers. Best for kids who love toplay medicalgames.Enjoy!
Blood Sugar Test Checker Prank 1.0.0
Are you bored and lost funandentertainmentfrom your life? Do you need your life to behealthy?Then use BloodSugar testing application which provides funandentertainment. Asyou know health is wealth. OximeterSO2 is usedforchecking theoxygen level in the body. All you need is to haveahealthy life tocarry on everything. The levels of sugar inyourbody is all youneed to be alive and it is necessary tomaintain.So, you need tocheck them every now and then and keep themin goodrange. Highlevels or Low, both are not good for health. Donot letyour bodybe disturbed by any imbalance and check your sugardaily.Alsomonitor your heart rate, oxygen level and bodytemperature.Thisapplication is perfect for the patients also as itprovidesfun.Friends and family of yours may also have a lot ofbenefitbymaking pranks with their loved ones.How to use:You need to download and install the prank BloodSugarTestingapplication. Select the Gender and you are ready togo.Place yourfinger on the scanner and you will see theresultsquickly afterthe calculations.Disclaimer:The prank Blood Sugar Testing application is created onlyforthepurpose of having some fun and entertainment in life. Itdoesnotshow correct results and provides prank. Foraccuratemeasurement ofBlood Sugar do see the doctor.
I Miss You Greeting Card 1.4
It doesn’t take a lot of effort to write miss you wishes or sendaMiss You Cards. Find heart warming and cute missing you cardsforeveryone. This Top miss app has lots of miss wishes, missyouquotes and messages to wish your family, friends,girlfriend,boyfriend, husband, wife or anyone else. I Miss YouGreeting Cardis a collection the best miss you wishes andgreetings. This app isfree and has a special function like puzzlegames, camera and alsovarieties of morning quotes and cards. I MissYou Greeting Card isfilled with HD high resolution birthday cardsas you can see foryourself and share it with your friends via emailor other socialmedia. Has been designed by professional designersand we hope youcan send this good morning wishes to your belovedand friends toexpress your best regards. Some of miss quotes in IMiss YouGreeting Card : -I miss you a lot baby and don’t worry…I’ll waitno matter how long it takes for you to make up your mind.xoxo -Ilove hugging you but I hate letting go. I love saying hellobut Ihate saying goodbye. I love watching you come towards me but Ihatewatching you walk away. I miss you. -A fish without fins, abirdwithout wings. A crab without claws, a cat without paws. Mewithoutyou, you without me. I miss you. -I have been diagnosed withthedeadly I Miss You Syndrome due to which I suffer from apermanentand irreversible disability of Missing You all the time. Imiss yousweetheart. -I want to hold your hand, hold you close, hugyoutightly, kiss you softly, and let you rest your head on my chestsothat you can hear my heart beat… just for you. I miss you. -Iwillwait for you because honestly I don't want anyone else.-It'severything about you that makes this distance so worth it. -Myverysoul demands you. -The longer the wait the sweeter the kiss...-The few hours I spend with you are worth the thousand hoursIspend without you. -I can’t stop thinking about you. -It’s sohardto be away from you. -Babe can you build me a time machine ...soevery time that we are apart I can fast forward the days untilthenext time I can see you. I miss you baby xoxo -You’re always onmymind. -I miss your beautiful face. -I miss your handsomeface.I’min the most boring meeting and all I can think about isyou. Ican’t wait to see you. -I’m working late tonight. All I wantto dois see you instead! -I've been missing you today. Themostbeautiful words & pictures of miss you on your phone tosend toloved you miss most,your friend, your partner, yourboyfriend, yourgirlfriend, your brothers, your family, etc ....Tell him that youlove to say missing word to him, Tell them howmuch they want tosend miss you Pictures. Its always free and if youwant a lots moremiss you quotes and cards you can download thisfree ecards. Wehave make this for android user and i hope you enjoyit! Legalnotice/Disclaimer: Background images and cliparts aretaken fromFreepik Exclusive Vectors. Images from public domain havebeen usedfor the photomontages, as they are not identified in anyway thatstates the reserved exploitation of such. Any natural orlegalperson, who appears to be the owner of any imagescontainedtherein, may accredit it via email [email protected],committing ourselves to the immediatewithdrawal of the image afterverification of the protected photoownership.