Top 7 Apps Similar to Mysteries Of The Planets

El Sistema Solar 1.0
J.M. Rye
You will discover the solar system, there are lots of text andover150 images
Astronomia per a nens i joves 2.0k
Miquel Abadal
Astronomia per a nens i joves és unaaplicaciódidàctica amb explicacions i fotografies sobre lanaturalesa del'Univers i del Sistema Solar.En aquesta aplicació, hi trobaràs els conceptes mésimportantssobre astronomia, explicats de manera amena i amb lapossibilitatde que el sintetitzador de veu te'ls llegeixirelaxadament.També inclou la llista de tots els planetes del Sistema Solariels seus satèl·lits amb fotografies, explicacions i unafitxatècnica amb les dades més rellevants.I per quan creus que ja ho saps tot, pots posar a prova totselsteus conneixements a exàmen i intentar superar el test de10preguntes... a veure quina nota assoleixes.És doncs, una eina molt útil per a iniciar-se en l'astronomia,iestà pensada perquè la puguin utilitzar nens a partir de 5 anys,jaque amb l'ajuda del sintetitzador, poden sentirlesexplicacions.Astronomy for childrenandyoung people is an educational application with photosandexplanations about the nature of the universe and the solarsystem.In this application, you will find the most important conceptsonastronomy, explained how entertaining the possibility that thevoicesynthesizer reads them to you easy.It also includes the list of all the Solar System planetsandtheir satellites with photographs and technical explanationswiththe most relevant data.And when you think you know everything, you can test allyourconneixements exam to try and overcome the test of 10 see what mark achieved.It is therefore a very useful tool to get started inastronomy,and is designed so that children can use over 5 years,since withthe help of the synthesizer can hear theexplanations.
Space Orbit 3D Simulation Free 2.0
Free 3D simulation of the solar system, planets, Sun and moons
Viagem ao Sistema Solar 1.9
Make a 3D trip to the Solar System, the Sun, stars, planets,moons,and more!
Sistema Solar VR ES
Sistema Sola VR ES, es un viaje deRealidadVirtual a traves del espacio en nuestro sistema solar,tendras laposibilidad de viajar a cada planeta de nuestro sistema yaprenderde ellos como nunca lo hiciste antes. Solo pon tu telefonoen laCardboard y a disfrutar.Compatibilidad con telefonos gama alta desde 2012 (ejemploSamsungGalaxy S3)No funciona en telefonos:Samsung Galaxy CoreEn revision:Motorola Moto G 3era GeneracionSola VR ES system isavirtual reality trip through space in our solar system, youwillhave the possibility to travel to every planet in our systemandlearn from them like you never did before. Just put your phoneonthe Cardboard and enjoy.Compatibility with high-end phones from 2012 (eg SamsungGalaxyS3)It does not work on phones:Samsung Galaxy CoreIn Review:Motorola Moto G 3rd Generation
3D Galaxy Map 3.1.3
Explore the galaxy in a stunning three dimensional map basedonNASA's artistic impression of the Milky Way galacticstructure.Photos are taken by NASA spacecraft and ground basedtelescopeslike Hubble Space Telescope, Chandra X-Ray, HerschelSpaceObservatory and the Spitzer Space Telescope. From theoutskirts ofthe galaxy, in the Norma-Outer spiral arm to thegalactic center'ssupermassive black hole Sagittarius A*, discover agalaxy full ofamazing facts. Ever wondered how far from Earth arethe stars yousee in the night sky? Or how far or close they are toeach other?Now you can visualize those distances in 3D with a starmap dividedinto 10 parsec sectors (cubes) or 32.62 light years, foran easierobservation. Sector (0 ,0 ,0) is our home sector and Solis theSolar System. Take a thrilling ride through space and visitstrangenew alien star systems and black holes. Find out where ourSun -the Solar System - is located in the Milky Way galaxy!Explorespace and get a little closer to our wonderful universe withthisawesome astronomy app! This interactive 3D map is excellentforteachers to use for instruction, and it is a great resourceforstudents to explore the Milky Way galaxy and space as theylearnmore about the universe we live in. Features ★ Over 3.8milionstars in the database from the European Space Agency'sHipparcosmission, the Gliese catalogue and parts of the ASCC - AllSkyCompiled Catalogue ★ Black holes in binary systems ★ Magnetarsandneutron stars ★ Search for stars by constellation, name, catalogorstar type (color) ★ Detailed information on every starincludingits catalog designations, the system type (binary,ternary,quaternary system and so on), distance from the Sun andstar radiusFind out how far from Earth are some of the more famousstars outthere: ★ Sirius, the Dog Star ★ Polaris, the North Star ★Castor, a6-star system ★ Aldebaran, Betelgeuse, Rigel, Vega, EtaCarinae,Canopus, Alpha Centauri, Epsilon Eridani, Tau Ceti andthousandsmore! Compare the radius of stars with our own Sun andfind outwhich are the biggest and smallest stars out there. Canyouencounter a sun-like star?