Top 3 Apps Similar to Kayan Charity

Virginia helps the disabled 4.7
A big help to support people with disabilities, allowing themtocommunicate.
HelpTalk 2.0.1
1000 Empresas
The easy way to communicate
TippyTalk 1.6.7
The TippyTalk app is the first of its kind; we are thefirstcommunication tool that removes the person living with theverbaldisability from the limitations of same room communicationandopens the door to the world around them. How it works Ourappallows a person living with a verbal disability to communicatebytranslating pictures into text messages which are then sent toafamily member or care givers phone or tablet. The app allowsyouthe parent our caregiver to capture images that areuniquelyidentifiable and familiar to the person living with theverbaldisability. You simply take a picture of an object, place,orperson and apply the appropriate text. You can alsoreinforcelanguage development by recording your voice over eachpictureinsuring the person living with the disability willrecognize andunderstand the message. This communication is notrestricted bydistance the person living with the verbal disabilitycancommunicate with whomever they chose no matter where they may beinthe world. TippyTalk is unique in that it removes the personwiththe verbal disability from the limitations of sameroomcommunication and by doing so increases and promotesCommunication,Independent choice, and Social inclusion, while alsoreducing thefrustration for the person and the family living withthe verbaldisability. No two TippyTalkers will be the same, eachunit isextremely user friendly and simply to program. Putting thecontrolback into the hands of the parent, after all no one knowstheirloved ones better than you do. No other product on the markettodayis offering the personalization, social-communicationandindependence that TippyTalk is providing. We are breakingdowncommunication barriers by allowing the user to connectandcommunicate with two or more parties at the same time,whileensuring that this communication is not limited by distanceorphysical impairment. **NOTE** The edit function in the app canbeaccessed by swiping in from the left of the screen and pressingthebutton that appears. You will be asked for a pin when doinganyedit functions. The pin is 1289. Price of the subscription areasfollows and can be unsubscribed at any time. First 14 daysofsubscription are free. N.America $ 44.99 quarterly/ $99.99annual/$499.99 Lifetime Europe €44.99 quarterly/ €99.99 annual/€499.99Lifetime UK £42.99 quarterly/ £ 97.99 annual/ £459.99Lifetime Thischarge is to cover the costs of the SMS that are beingsent, Thereis no limit to the amount of SMS that can be sent. Eachcountry hasdifferent costs of SMS.