Top 19 Apps Similar to GPS Speedometer: white version

GPS Speedometer with HUD
GSpeed: GPS speedometer, showing your speed, coordinates andsomeother features
GPS Speedometer 2.0
GPS speedometer, speed, coordinates, GPS satellite test, mapandcompass
DigiHUD Speedometer 1.5.11
James Moss
GPS digital speedometer with head-up display (HUD) for phoneortablet.
SpeedView: Legacy Edition 4.0.2
Code Sector
SpeedView is an advanced speedometer application thatusesthephone's built-in GPS system to show your current,maximumandaverage speed, as well as the direction, total distance,andtimetraveled. Suitable for running, car driving, biking, orhiking.•High accuracy GPS-based speedometer that is more accuratethantheone in your car. • Linear compass Shows your currentdirectionoftravel. A compass mode is also available. • HUD modeMirrorsthenumbers so you can place your phone on your car'sdashboard andseethe speed reflected in the front glass. You cancheck outthisvideo to see how it works:•Speedgraph Displays a graph chart covering the lastseveralminutes. •Speed warning You can set the speed limits forthreedifferenttypes of roads so that when you go too fast a visualalertor soundwill notify you. • Display units Supports units suchasmiles,kilometers, and nautical miles. • GPX track exportEnablesyou tosave your current track to the SD card or email ittosomeone. TheGPX format is supported by Google Earth and manyotherprograms: •Backgroundmode Youcan minimize the program and keep it running inthebackground. Itwill work as usual and even notify you whenyouexceed the speedlimit. Please note that the accuracy ofGPSmeasurements isaffected by a number of factorsincludingatmospheric conditions,obstructions and the visibilityofsatellites. We use Sense360, athird party technology provider,tohelp us better understand howour users use SpeedView andtheirdevices. SpeedView sends rawsensor data generated by yourdevice toSense360. This sensor datamay include information fromGPSreceivers, accelerometers,gyroscopes, and other sensors, whichmayallow Sense360 todetermine, for example, your device’slocation,acceleration, andorientation. Sense360 may use this datato send usanalytic reportsregarding how our users are usingSpeedView andtheir devices, orfor marketing purposes. To learnmore, pleasevisit Sense360’sprivacy policy,availableat: Thisversionisad-supported. A paid version without ads and more featuresisalsoavailable. If you have any questions or comments, feel freetopostthem on our blog:
Digital GPS Speedometer 1.8.10
A GPS digital style velocity gps speedometer speed app with HUD
GPS Speedometer 1.11
Dan Cadar
Need a dashboard assistant? Try GPS Speedometer!
Ulysse Speedometer 1.9.101
ULYSSE SPEEDOMETER—the ultimate advancedGPS*tool that is not only a high-precision GPS* Speedometer,displayingnot only the current speed (analog or digital) but alsopacking inmany other exciting features.As a part of our Ulysse community, you’ll find itsfunctionalityindispensable. To discover further what’s packed intoour tool, binarytoys Lab, we listen to our users and areconstantlyintegrating your feature requests—Ulysse is not onlybuilt by us,but also by you, our Ulyssers!How about:★ Overlays—display important speed/direction/time info overyourother installed apps★ Trip Computer—record the current, yesterday’s, today’s,week’s,month’s journeys★ Track recorder—trace your journey and export to SD and/oremail**as GPX or Google Earth KML format★ Multiple profiles: for every car, bike, velo,walking,skiing★ Music Controller**—control your installed musicplayerdirectly★ HUD—a Head-Up Display for your windshield★ GPS Altimeter★ GPS Compass★ Latitude/longitude display**★ Settings km/h, mph, knots; miles/feet, kilometers,nauticalmiles★ Maximum displayed speeds: 1900 km/h / 1160 mph / 1000knots!★ Racing meter—measure acceleration times: 0-100 km/h, 0-60 mphandfor 1/4 mile.★ Average speed indicator★ Switchboard – menu system providing easy setting changesoffunctions – simply tap the main speedometer dialforactivation★ Three shortcut pages—Application, Communication, Navigation; foratotal 36 user-defined application shortcuts★ Speed limits’ warnings (‘Speed Edge’) – define audio andvisualspeed alarms★ App quickstart—assign other installed apps and called in justtwotaps★ Customizable UI colors—are 16 million colors enough?★ Current battery status info—charge, temperature★ Car dock support—application automatically starts and exitsondocking and undocking★ Run the speedometer in background mode—show speed discretelyinthe status bar and even gives visual notification forspeedlimits***★ Binarytoys’ Customer support second-to-none… take a look atourreviews!But don’t limit Ulysse to just your automobile!Imagine accessing all the features mentioned via virtually anymeansof transport.Whether traveling by van, truck, bus, motorbike, bike,horse,unicycle, Segway, plane, helicopter, foot, camel, taxi,rickshaw,skateboard, train, boat, hang-gliding or paragliding(etc.)—youwill find a useful use for Ulysse!We Love our Ulyssers – And They Love Ulysse!We are fully dedicated to our user base – with its millions ofloyalworldwide users, we are constantly building on this successtoguarantee that Ulysse remains on pole position now and inthefuture.You don’t have to take our word for it, read what some of thetopnames in the business are saying:"Poetry in motion"—"Most advanced Speedometer App"—"this virtual dashboard has been aprovenlifesaver"—"...enter Ulysse Speedometer to save me"—RichardDevine,AndroidCentral"Accurate, visually appealing and informativespeedometerapplication"—Crackberry.comHave we forgotten something? Visit our homepage and send usacomment.Would you like to see Ulysse translated into your ownlanguage?Contact us today at [email protected] to find out howor join uson NOTE: The app contains Ads – but an Ad-free paid(Pro)version is available.*Dependent on phone hardware** Pro version***In the case of system overloading, a small lag is possibleKnown limitation - trip distance may have 2-3% deviation fromcar'sodometer dataLook to for a new car-dock for your phone!
GPS Speedometer Free 1.17
Dan Cadar
GPS Speedometer is a speedometer application that usesyourphone'sinternal GPS module to calculate your current speedanddisplay itwith large, easy to read, LCD-like fonts. It willalsodisplay yourtotal travel time, your average speed, maximumreachedspeed, yourheading and elevation, a nice compass and forwardandlateralaccelerations. #### Now with HUD (head-up display) mode*-justpress "Menu" - "Enable HUD mode" and put your phone face uponthedashboard, under the windshield; the screen will be mirroredanditwill be reflected by the windshield. *HUD mode needs moreCPUpowerthan normal mode. This is a free version, supportedbyads.Features: - HUD mode - High accuracy. The speedvaluecalculatedfrom GPS data is more accurate than the onedisplayed byyour car'sspeedometer - It supports both imperial andmetric units- 5predefined color themes available - It can recordyour path,speed,distance, and elevation and save them in a KML file(forGoogleEarth) - just press "Menu", select "Settings" and"Recordtrack". -It can work in the background, so it can recordyourmovement andspeed even while you're talking on the phone.Thismeans that ifyou really want to exit the application, you havetopress "Menu"and select "Exit". It requires thefollowingpermissions: -WAKE_LOCK in order to prevent the screenfrom turningoff -ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION (GPS based location) forreading GPS data-WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE in order to save the KMLfile - INTERNETinorder to retrieve ads from ad servers. Please notethat whileI'vetested the application on several Android devices,there areway tomany different Android devices to guarantee that itwill workjustfine on all of them, so if you encounter a problemwiththeapplication, just drop me an email with your phone modelandashort description of your problem; I will do my best tofixitASAP. Also, please note that this application comes withNOSUPPORTwhatsoever. I'm just one guy who develops apps as ahobby,in mylittle free time that I have. If you have a problem, Iwill domybest to fix it, but I can't guarantee that it will be asfastasyou might like it. Likewise, I will also do my best toreplytoemails, but the truth is that sometimes I'm overwhelmed.
Thunder GPS Speedometer 2.4.10
Thunder Speedometer provides several stylish super carthemedspeedometers using GPS speed, showing data in a tidycleanclustered designs. Suitable for all kinds of vehicles. •Rotateyour device to switch Thunder Speedometer to landscape orportraitwithout any settings. • Swipe to change the dashboardtheme. •Multiple free themes. • Odometer for tracking milage. •Embeddedcompass for navigation. • HUD (Heads Up Display)speedometer. •Speed trip efficiency, based on a 90kph/55mph caroptimum speed.All that with no ads, as we value your safety morethan revenue.
Simple GPS Speedometer Free 3.0.2
This is a simple, customizable GPS speedometer, free, noads.Canshow km/h and mph. HUD option.
HUD Hologram Speedometer 1.0
HUD Hologram Speedometer is a simulatorofhologram, projects digital speedometer on a car windshield fromthephone screen! Laser projections & holographic interfaceslookimpressive in sci-fi movies? HUD Hologram Speedometer is notaregular hologram simulator! It’s functional digitalspeedometer,works in 2 modes: projection (the projection of thedevice displayon a windshield) and standard (digital speedometer onthe phonescreen). The app HUD Hologram Speedometer in theprojection modeworks more effective in night time.INSTRUCTIONS:1. Turn on the app HUD Hologram Speedometer2. Put the phone on the car dashboard with the back of thephonedown3. Drive!ATTENTION! The work of HUD Hologram Speedometer in theprojectionmode DEPENDS on the illumination and on userspreferences of thescreen brightness! Projection looks better onthe windshield atnight time and with maximum screen brightnesssettings!
DigiHUD Pro Speedometer
James Moss
GPS digital speedometer with heads-up display (HUD) for phoneortablet.
GPS Speedo with HUD
Tinus Apps
GPS Speedo with HUD is the best app to monitor your current-average&top speed!
GPS Speedometer 1.0.5
Alex Galuska
GPS Speedometer By Gorilaalex! It's the perfect app for thetimeswhen you want to know the real speed of your car, of your boatoreven of your bicycle. Features of this app: * NO ADDS - ADDS FREE-because I hate all the apps that have adds * Modern and simple UI*Fast performance * Works on airplanes Speed informationsavailablein KM/H, MPH, KNOT Altitude information only in METERS (for now )Screen rotation * Auto screen orientation * Portraitorientation *Landscape orientation If you want to contact me, inthe About page,from menu, you have a button for email. Try it ! Itis useful forall drivers that want to see the real speed of the car! Don't befooled by the odometers from car ! Sometimes they mayshow morekilometers / miles than you have ! I will tell you a storyaboutthis. I'm from Romania and I have a german car. I was invacantionto Germany, last year. On the highway, I've seen somethingstrange.The speed limit was 130 km/h, on my odometer I had 130km/h,buteveryone had overcome me by car. I didn't understand whythishappened. Why they overcome me, but they are not caught bythepolice ? Hmm, something was strange here. I crossed Hungary,thenAustria. In Germany, I've used the gps application, to reachmydestination. Using the gps application, I've seensomethingstrange. The speed from gps was lower than the speed mycarindicates. So, in that moment, I decided to do a simpleapplicationthat shows you the real speed using gps sensor from yourphone andnothing more. So, here I am. I present you the GPSSpeedometer byGorilaalex. GPS Speedometer, Car, Speed * Please beaware ! I'm notresponsible if you exceed the speed limit and arecaught by police! I don't guarantee that the speed is 100%accurate. In my case, itis. But in yours, I dont know. So use itcarefully!
DriveMate KingKong Free 2.0.3
☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆DriveMate Series 200,000 Downloads!!☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆DriveMate KingKong is a simple speedometer applicationsoftwarethat uses the GPS function. This speedometer softwarefeatures aretro design and has a warning chime function for overspeeding. Itsounds an alarm chime* when the vehicle exceeds the setspeedlimit.*The application software is named after the "dingdong"alarmsound (sounds like "kin-kon" or "king-kong" when expressedinJapanese).━━ What is the speed warning chime? ━━It was mandatory for all Japanese vehicles to be equipped withspeedalarms between 1974 and 1986. Reminding you of the chimesounds ofthose days, this speed alarm is used to make you payattention tothe vehicle’s speed when you exceed a certain limit(ordinarypassenger car: approx. 100 km/h, light car: approx.80km/h).━━ Target users ━━★Persons who want to be aware of the moving speed and distancewhiledriving/riding a car, bus, train, or bicycle and joggingorwalking.★Persons who want to control the moving speed.★Persons who long for the nostalgic “dingdong” speed alarm soundsofthe Japanese cars of 1974 to 1986.━━ Features ━━★SpeedometerWhen the Android device receives Global Positioning System(GPS)satellite signals, the speedometer displays yourcurrentspeed.You can use the lower right switch to change the displayunitbetween "km/h" and "MPH."The meter can display speeds between 0 and 180km/h (MPH).For Pro version, there is an additional function (provided atacharge) that allows you to set the highest speed fromfourselections (60, 180, 240, and 360).The left side indicator (satellite icon) among the indicatorsunderthe meter informs you of the receiving status of GPSsatellitesignals. The indicator lights red when you are in a placesuch as abuilding or tunnel that blocks reception of GPS satellitesignals.It turns green when GPS satellite signals can bereceivedproperly.★Speed warning chimeWhen you exceed the set speed limit, the speed warningindicatorunder the screen lights red and the application sounds a“dingdong”speed warning chime at the same time.You can change the setting speed by tapping the Setting buttonandmoving the red needle displayed on the screen withyourfinger.The speed-warning chime may sound slightly off-temposometimesbecause this speedometer attempts to reproduce the feel ofthe 70sand 80s chimes. This is not a bug.This application software does not have a volumeadjustmentfunction. Use the volume control on the Android device toadjustthe sound.★Travelling distanceThe meter displays the distance that has been traveled whilethisapplication software is turned on. The distance is measuredinkilometers (or miles).The upper display shows the odometer. This value cumulates untilyouuninstall the application software.The lower display shows the trip meter. This value is reset whenyoutap the Reset button.★Warning lamp (rightmost lamp)When a "certain condition" is met, the rightmost indicator underthemeter lights.【Warning and cautions】■Never operate this application software while you are drivingacar.■If the alarm chime makes you drowsy, stop using thealarmimmediately.■Be sure to use this application software when you areoutside.Otherwise, it may not display the accurate speedanddistance.■This application software uses the Location Service, thereforeturnON the Location Service when you use it.
Ulysse Speedometer Pro
ULYSSE SPEEDOMETER PRO—the ultimateadvancedGPS tool that is not only a high-precision GPS*Speedometer,displaying not only the current speed (analog ordigital) but alsopacking in many other exciting features.As a part of our Ulysse community, you’ll find itsfunctionalityindispensable. To discover further what’s packed intoour tool, binarytoys Lab, we listen to our users and areconstantlyintegrating your feature requests—Ulysse is not onlybuilt by us,but also by you, our Ulyssers!How about:★ Overlays—display important speed/direction/time info overyourother installed apps★ Trip Computer—record the current, yesterday’s, today’s,week’s,month’s journeys★ Track recorder—trace your journey and export to SD and/or emailasGPX or Google Earth KML format★ Multiple profiles: for every car, bike, velo,walking,skiing★ Music Controller—control your installed musicplayerdirectly★ HUD—a Head-Up Display for your windshield★ GPS Altimeter★ GPS Compass★ Latitude/longitude display★ Settings km/h, mph, knots; miles/feet, kilometers,nauticalmiles★ Maximum displayed speeds: 1900 km/h / 1160 mph / 1000knots!★ Racing meter—measure acceleration times: 0-100 km/h, 0-60 mphandfor 1/4 mile.★ Average speed indicator★ Switchboard – menu system providing easy setting changesoffunctions – simply tap the main speedometer dialforactivation★ Three shortcut pages—Application, Communication, Navigation; foratotal 36 user-defined application shortcuts★ Speed limits’ warnings (‘Speed Edge’) – define audio andvisualspeed alarms★ App quickstart—assign other installed apps and called in justtwotaps★ Customizable UI colors—are 16 million colors enough?★ Current battery status info—charge, temperature★ Car dock support—application automatically starts and exitsondocking and undocking★ Run the speedometer in background mode—show speed discretelyinthe status bar and even gives visual notification forspeedlimits**★ Binarytoys’ Customer support second-to-none… take a look atourreviews!But don’t limit Ulysse to just your automobile!Imagine accessing all the features mentioned via virtually anymeansof transport.Whether traveling by van, truck, bus, motorbike, bike,horse,unicycle, Segway, plane, helicopter, foot, camel, taxi,rickshaw,skateboard, train, boat, hang-gliding or paragliding(etc.)—youwill find a useful use for Ulysse!We Love our Ulyssers – And They Love Ulysse!We are fully dedicated to our user base – with its millions ofloyalworldwide users, we are constantly building on this successtoguarantee that Ulysse remains on pole position now and inthefuture.You don’t have to take our word for it, read what some of thetopnames in the business are saying:"Poetry in motion"—"Most advanced Speedometer App"—"this virtual dashboard has been aprovenlifesaver"—"...enter Ulysse Speedometer to save me"—RichardDevine,AndroidCentral"Accurate, visually appealing and informativespeedometerapplication"—Crackberry.comHave we forgotten something? Visit our homepage and send usacomment.Would you like to see Ulysse translated into your ownlanguage?Contact us today at [email protected] to find out howor join uson*Dependent on phone hardware**In the case of system overloading, a small lag is possibleKnown limitation - trip distance may have 2-3% deviation fromcar'sodometer dataLook to for a new car-dock for your phone!
HUDWAY — GPS Navigation HUD 1.5.4
HUDWAY helps you drive safer in fog,rain,heavy snow, in dusk and darkness. It builds the routeyou’redriving, and reflects it on the windshield as a Head-UpDisplay.Together with timely voice hints on the approaching roadbends, theinformation displayed on your windshield is easy toperceive anduse. You’re always aware of what’s ahead — a straightrun or aramp-turn.— Head-Up Display in any car— Google and OpenStreetMap (OSM) available— Professional Voice Assistance— Turn-by-Turn directions— 3D road view— Customizable road visualization— Average and maximum speed calculation— Acceleration 0-100 km/h (0-60 mph) calculation— Exact speed calculation by means of accelerometer— Save routes to drive them later, offline— Track the route when driving it— Share routes and results with your friends(Facebook,Twitter)— Check for other users routes nearby— Use Hudway for race competitions — build routes and competewithyour friends. Make it to Top 10 Leaderboard!— Distance in miles/kilometers, meters/feet/yardsWhen you’ve built the route with Hudway, place your phone onadashboard. The road outlines are now reflected on yourwindshield,as well as the distance to the next meaningful curve,and yourvehicle speed — all precise and real-time.Professional Voice Assistant alerts you on the approachingroadbends, so that you know exactly when to slow down and speedup.Build routes and save them to drive later, withoutInternetconnection. Handy, when in countryside.Attention: Hudway works in a background mode. Continued useofGPS and Audio-services running in the background candramaticallydecrease battery life.Watch video: our Facebook page: us on Twitter: more information visit our homepage:http://hudwayapp.comDrive safely!
Night Speedometer HUD 1.3
Games L.A.B
Accurate speedometer that shows your actual speed speed rangefrom0km / h to 280 km / h or 0 mL / hr to 170 mL / hSpeedometermode:Travel time, overcoming the route, average andmaximum speedof theroute. Night speedometer mode: Mirroring thespeedometer onthewindshield. Work out precise measurementsofaccelerationmeasurements and passing road sections. from 0 km /hto 60 km / hfrom 0 km / h to 100 km / h from 0 km / h to 160 km /hfrom 0 km /h to 200 km / h As the distance of 201 m., 402 m.,804m. And 1608m. Powered via GPS. Application performance dependsonthe qualityof the signal from the satellites and your GPSunitinstalled onyour device! For a good application, use it in anopenarea. If youare going on a long connection to the satellite -whichmeans nosignal, just the app will not work intunnels,undergroundcrossings, underground car parks and insidebuildings.The distanceof the route and the speed of the applicationmay varyfromautomobile odometer in the range of 1-3% If youhaveanysuggestions or have found errors in the application pleasewriteitin the comments!