Top 12 Apps Similar to GF-Akun Android

GF-Akun Android (*2) 1.30.190729
05 Agt 2015: - Penambahan default satuan Item pada SalesOrder,Taking Order, Stock Opname - Penambahan Laporan Taking Orderyangterkirim - Penambahan opsi split catatan item dialog pada TO (atauklik gambar item ), NB: Master File Item > SubInfo1 harus diisipembatas split ";" (contoh : Dingin;Panas;Manis) dan aktifkanpadasistem konfigurasi GF Akuntansi Android - Penambahan inputcatatanpada TO - Penambahan dialog konfirmasi saat simpan TO -Penambahancoding konfigurasi: Disc 2 & 3 tidak bergantung padapengisianDisc 1 - Penambahan security untuk user yang tidak bolehedit hargajual, disc, bonus ( setting di GF Akuntansi 2008 >User Profile) - Perbaikan coding export stockopname, export per 100item -Perbaikan bugs, warning harga jual dibawah harga beli yangbelumdikurangi disc beli persen - Perbaiki bug sistem tidaklangsungmelakukan perhitungan hargajual (harus aktif SO :inputharga) saatinput item baru - Perbaiki bug list tidak kelihatan padaDisplayDensity 640dpi ( Note4, S6, dan lainnya ) - Penambahankonfirmasisaat pilih pelanggan sebelum masuk ke sales order 29 Mei2015: -Tambah Field Bonus di TO - Tambah search Kode Item PadaTakingOrder- Show/Hide kotak pencarian pada TO & SO(modellist)- Perbaikibeberapa bugs : - Perbaiki crash online akses( defaultstringCekBahasa) - Perbaiki konfig set selection bahasa - perbaikisaatimport/export berjalan langsung home/off screen, asynclangsungclose dan gagal import, - perbaiki masalah autorotasi crashsaatbuka sebagian aktiviti 25 Des 2014: - Tambah fungsi PINSupervisorsaat Set Lokasi & Konfigurasi - Perbaiki bugs -Penambahanvalidasi/pengecekan security user 24 Nov 2014: - Tambahsetting:enable Back Press, Height ListViewItem - Melihat kembali SOygsudah dikirim - 3 Mode untuk Klik Item Taking Order (Klik->Tambah, Klik -> Kurang, Klik -> Edit) - Modul Baru:StockOpname (Dukung Barcode scan, user mesti punya autofocuscamera) 15Oct 2014: Tampilan Baru, Fitur Baru, User mesti updateWeb Access13 Okt 2014. Sebuah aplikasi yang kami design untukmendukungAplikasi Master GF-Akuntansi 2008 (Ms. Windows based)Aplikasi inibekerja secara offline untuk Taking Order (Restoran)atau SalesOrder (Supplier) NB: Sama dengan GF-Akun Android (hanyainidiinstall apabila user punya 2 data), 1 GF-Akun Android untuk1data saja.
SAP Sales Order Creation 1.0.0
Sales order creation App enablesenterprisefield sales representatives to create new sales ordersfor theircustomers and allows to check the status of the previoussalesorder with details on mobile devices at anywhere, anytime.n-AbleSales Order is a roboust SAP App it simplifies the salesordercreation process by enabling enterprise field salesrepresentativesto create sales orders form frequently used data.They can alsoreview existing order details on-the-go using anymobile device.Sales team members can also browse and filter ordersfrom catalogto check sales order status and create new salesorders. This apphelps field sales representatives to plan andmanage sales processefficiently and improves customersatisfaction.Key features of Sales Order Creation App:• User intuitive multi-touch interface, ready forsmartphones,tablets and desktop devices• Using frequently used data sales team members can createsalesorder.• User can view the customer details with credit status,contactinformation and material details with stock availability,plant,weight• View manage and prebook customer orders• Build Orders from sales history• Order by tapping customers and materials• Order using multiple units of measure• Estimated delivery dates and confirm with customerinstantaneouslyusing availability check• SAP UI5 based application promotesBring-Your-Own-Device(BYOD)
eOrder Sales App 2.203.0
eOrder Sales App is a perfect Sales App for ConsumerPackedGoodscompanies. Also, for any field sales teams, who areworkingontasks, such as: • Collecting orders. • Field Sales•Merchandise(Taking pictures, filling out forms,electronicsignature etc).eOrder Sales App enables companies toimprove theirfield salesefficiency. Moreover, improve daily taskscompletion ofcollectingorders & merchandising. Our salessoftware, let’sfield salesreps collect orders fast and withouthuman mademistakes. Whilefield sales managers can look over andcreate dailytasks to theirfield sales teams. eOrder Sales App isgoing to helpyou toincrease your sales revenue! Decrease mistakes.eOrder salesapp isa cloud based system. It allows the field salesrep todownloadproducts and customer data from a web server. Takeordersin thefield, and upload them back to the back office. WhereSalesManagercan overlook submitted daily or weekly orders. You candoall yoursales today and send report when you will reach to awifior Mobilenetwork. eOrder sales app can work withouthavingnetworkconnections. Your field sales reps are going to worklike aonestrong united sales team. KEY FEATURES • Productordering•Daily/Weekly Schedule • Automated stock ability •Clientscreditscore • Re-pricing ability • Mobile Forms • Pictureswithtags •Easy to learn and use • Simple user interface •SalesManagerplatform • Bar-code scanning • Invoice printing • Webadmin•Multiple price lists • Products categories • KPI analyticWHATDOWE DO? We are providing SaaS, (Software as a service).Weareadding more features every day. So eOrder sales app canbecomealeader in the sales app market. We do have thebestcustomersupport service. Any question asked is going to haveananswerwithin an hour during business week hours. We do havetheabilityto make a quick response to our clients’ needs. Makefastand coefficient changes at any time. Our sales app is used bythelargestwholesale company in the Baltic States - Sanitex Oursalesapp isalso popular among small and private companies. Wheretheyonly dohave 2 or more active field sales reps working.SalesManager cancreate tasks such as: Mobile forms, ProductCategories,send it tohis sales reps and wait for them to fulfillthem online.It'simportant to have right sales tools in the field,because whomakesmore sales - wins it all. We do have a multilingualeOrdersalesapp catalog. So far there are 3 Languages -(English,Russian,Lithuanian). If there are a big need, we cancustomizeamong ourclients request. eOrder sales app is now beingused inmore than 20Countries in the World. Our goal is to becomethe bestSales appavailable in the market.
Inventory Management 5.8
Inventory management is an application that helps people onmanagingavailable stock in the warehouse. The most importantfeature of thisapplication : - Smart & flexible stock history- Easy and userfriendly warehouse documents (receipt document,issue document &stock opname document) - Quick search of itemsby names or codes -Automatic adding of outstanding items to theinventory together withtheir current stock level - Multi languagesupport (English &Bahasa Indonesia) - Support for prices. Youcan enter differentpurchase prices for the same item. - Createbackup copy - Restorebackup copy - Export data to XLS - Unitcustomization - Stocknotification - Summary report - Free withoutany limitations -Barcode scanner - Print directly from your phone- Productclassification If you need a custom version of thisapplication, youcan reach us on the following email :[email protected]
Sales Order 15.6.116747
GeneXus Labs
App for purchase orders while being online or offline. Idealforserving point-of-sales (POS) purposes. Main Features-Createpurchase orders without connection -AutomaticSynchronization withcentral server when connected -Synchronizespecific data for eachdevice that is using the app
membuat akun paypal 1.0
aplikasi berbentuk ebook yangmemudahkanandamembuat akun paypal dan verifikasi tanpa kartu kreditsemoga membantushapedebookapplicationthat lets you create and verify paypal accountwithout acreditcardI hope this helps
Sales Order Tracker 1.0.1
SOT is the perfect companion of afieldsalesuser. It provides a 360 degree view of the Sales Order,byallowingthe end user to view the details of the SalesOrdersassigned tohim including Line Items, Attachments and Notes.Itfurtherprovides a second level of detail by allowing the usertodrilldownto the details of the line item. If the user is neededtowork onSales Order outside of his assignment he can searchanddownload itfrom IFS servers through an intuitive advance searchanddownloadfunctionality. In a nutshell the app providesthefollowingfunctionalitiesi) View Sales Orders assigned to a sales representativeii) Select a Sales Order and view the order detailsiii) View a list of line items associated to the Sales Orderiv) View the attachments and notes associated to the SalesOrder
JI-Software Penjualan 1.1.4
Aplikasi untuk pendukung AplikasiPenjualandanDistributor JI-SoftwareApplicationsforsupportand Distributor Sales Application JI-Software
Omega POS - Aplikasi Kasir
Omega POS - Aplikasi Kasir adalah satu-satunya softwarekasirandroidyang full integrated dengan modul Inventory danAccounting.Darimanajemen persediaan untuk analisis data,pengolahanpenjualan,manajemen karyawan, inventory management,hingga denganaccounting.Sangat ideal untuk membantu Andamengelolacabang-cabang toko Andadari manapun dan kapanpun. GUNAKANAPLIKASIINI GRATIS SELAMA 14 HARIGunakan potensi penuh aplikasiini selama14 hari. Lalu ikuti langkahmudah untuk upgrade ke versiberbayarlangsung didalam aplikasiALASAN KENAPA MENGGUNAKAN OMEGAPOS:MUDAH DAN CEPAT Mudah untukdipahami dan langsung dapatdigunakandengan cepat dalam hitunganmenit MANAJEMEN STOK Kontrolstok disemua cabang bisnis Anda setiaphari. Anda juga dapatmengelolastok bahan baku dan meng-updatenyadari mana saja danotomatis.MULTI TOKO Punya lebih dari satu toko?Mengelola banyaktoko sangatmudah dengan aplikasi kasir kamiMANAJEMEN PELANGGAN(CRM) Ketahuiperilaku pelanggan Anda lebih dalamuntuk meningkatkanpenjualandan profit melalui Ide Kuliner App yangsudah fullintegrateddengan Omega POS dan dapat didownload GRATISolehpelanggan Anda diGoogle PlayStore. SPESIALIS SUPPORT 24/7Timsupport kami siapmenerima panggilan anda 24 jam selama 1minggupenuh untukmemastikan Anda mendapatkan dukungan yang Andabutuhkan.TINGKATKANOMSET DAN PROFIT BISNIS ANDA dengan fiturunggulan dariomega POS,omset dan profit bisnis Anda akan meningkat.INVENTORYMANAGEMENTMengambil kendali atas inventory Anda secarapenuh.Mudahmenyeimbangkan dan mentransfer stok Anda antaracabang-cabangyangberbeda dan Mengetahui stok yang menipis DISCOUNTAND HAPPYHOURSemua discount terkonfigurasi, anda dapatmensettingpersentaseatau jumlah. memungkinkan discountsubtotal,departementertentu,atau bahkan barang tertentu eMEMBERCARD &eVOUCHERDengan adanya fitur eMember Card dan eVoucher.pemilikbisnis dapatmeningkatkan loyalitas customer dengan caramemberikanpenawaranspesial seperti give card, free voucher ataupunpoin danpelangganjuga bisa melakukan deposit. USERS Buat accountpenggunauntukmasing-masing staf Anda dan mudah mengontrol hakaksesmereka.Menetapkan target penjualan individu untuk setiapdarimereka danmelacak kinerja mereka. BUSINESS PERFORMANCEDASHBOARDPantaukinerja bisnis Anda secara cepat, ringkas danrealtime.DenganDashboard yang mudah dipahami, akan memudahkanAndamengetahuikinerja bisnis Anda dimana saja dan kapan saja. eMENUFORWAITRESSDalam Omega POS android ini sudah ada fitur eMenu(menudigital).Sehingga bagi pemilik bisnis restoran, waitresstidakperlu lagirepot-repot mencatat manual orderan. BANTUAN&SUPPORT Timsupport kami siap menerima panggilan anda 24 jamselama1 minggupenuh untuk memastikan Anda mendapatkan dukunganyangAndabutuhkan. Tim kami dapat dihubungi melalui:•Email:[email protected] • Telepon: 031-8417411/0858-1565-1484 •Chat & message: ThumbsTalk AppUntukmempelajari lebih lanjutmengenai penggunaan Omega POS,kunjungihalaman panduan kami di: store POS / KasirMulti User POS / kasir Mobile untukBisnisUKM Kafe, Resto, RetailSistem POS / Kasir Aplikasi Kasir /POSPoint of sales
Client Record-Customer CRM App 12.640.00
Grow Your Business.Track Contacts, Sales Lead, Tasks,Appointments,Notes, Bills
Sales Orders for EBS 1.8.1
By installing this app you agree to the End UserLicenseAgreementtermsat Sales Orders for Oracle E-Business Suite, userscanview thelatest customer sales order status and take action onthego. - Vieworders via my customers list - Search orders bykeyattributes(customer, customer PO number, quote number,ordernumber, status,and product) - View order and linedetails(customer, product,pricing, holds, shipping, invoice) -Monitorshipment alerts forholds and back orders - Collaborateintransaction context withdevice features such as email, phone,andtext Oracle Mobile SalesOrders for Oracle E-Business Suiteiscompatible with OracleE-Business Suite 12.1.3 and 12.2.3andabove. To use this app, youmust be a user of OracleOrderManagement, with mobile servicesconfigured on the server sidebyyour administrator. For informationon how to configuremobileservices on the server and forapp-specific information, seeMyOracle Support Note 1641772.1 at Mobile Sales Orders forOracle E-Business Suite isavailablein the following languages:Brazilian Portuguese, CanadianFrench,Dutch, English, French,German, Italian, Japanese, LatinAmericanSpanish, SimplifiedChinese, and Spanish.
M Sales 1.8
WHAT IS ITThis is a mobile based sales application. Much helpful ratherthantraditional sales system. It can change your manualbusinesssystem, product sale & marketing, sales & marketingteam’sskill & payment collection method. Provide you realtimeproduct delivery. Saving time & money using it. This isanAndroid based application.WHO CAN USE ITCompany’s management decision vary. Ideal for Sales team.HOW IT WORKSA sales representative visit to customers in his certain area.Hetakes product order from customers. Sales representativejustexplore the M SALES Mobile application & create quickorder.All order products will be ready from his depot location todeliverwithin a few minutes.FEATURE AVAILABLE• Customized user reports• Current schemes• Payment confirmation and reminder• Price list• Social, E-mail & Web communications• Maintain customers/sales persons address book