Top 21 Games Similar to 逗比人生

汽車人生 1.2.6
您好,老闆!打造屬於您的汽車工業,讓您的工廠製造出經典的汽車.從採購有限的原料開始,直到製造生產提高技術,然後在把握時機販售賺取更多的金錢.這是一款逼近現實的《汽車人生》模擬遊戲,從1885汽車工業發展開始到近代,無數的經典車款等您來開發.遊戲特色:1. 從老爺車的時代,一直到文明近代的汽車發展.2. 模擬經營汽車工廠遊戲,建立您夢想的汽車王國.3. 四大系列生產選擇:一般轎車/豪華轎車/休旅卡車/高級跑車,您的決定是?4. 每一個年代的經典車款,您最喜歡喜歡那一台呢?5. 真實的模擬市場,要當汽車大亨可需要下一番功夫.v1.2.6 1.修復咖啡廳金幣出現地異常 2. 優化部分動畫的顯示v1.2.5 1. 修復內購買錯誤的問題. 2.修復工廠空間發生錯誤的問題. 3.調整資源保護的顯示問題. v1.2.3 1.新增原料直接採購補滿的快捷鍵. 2. 新增農曆佳節島嶼.3.開放小事件,神秘小弟及VIP系統的遊戲內容. v1.2.2 1.修復部分玩工廠建造時經驗值出現異常的問題.2.修復部分機型在排行榜讀取時的問題. 3. 新增玩家可以訪問排行榜上的其他玩家. 4.新增原料庫存移動的按鈕. v1.2.11.修復部分機型在觀看廣告過後發生異常的問題.2.修復部分機型在升級工廠時出現異常的問題.異常回報:各位老闆好,如遊戲中有發生任何的役男雜症,請到我們粉絲頁進行回報,我們將會為您提供服務,造成您的不便敬請原諒,謝謝您的參與.(FaceBook請搜尋_汽車人生)老闆您好,ASUS的設備請務必要將裝置的系統升級到最新,感謝您的支持.
Food Street - Restaurant Game 0.53.4
Food Street is a restaurant simulationandmanagement game that lets you create and design yourownrestaurant! Build, bake and design in a game that puts youincharge of your very own business.Farm your own ingredients, cook food and prepare original recipesina stunning 3D city filled with delightful characters! Cook andservefor all your customers as you run your own kitchen.Master restaurant management for endless cooking fun in one ofthemost addicting games around!What will your restaurant story be?---------------------------FOOD STREET FEATURES❤ Build Your Restaurant!~ Build your restaurant and garden from the ground up!~ Expand your kitchen with new stations for different foods~ Grow more with more farm plots!~ Design your restaurant by purchasing items and staff uniformstogive your cafe a personal touch, even for the holidays!❤ Cook Amazing Food!~ Cooking and baking made easy with simple gameplay andfuncharacters.~ Cook food on your own schedule without the stress of timelimitsand start serving your customers!❤ Farm Your Own Ingredients!~ Farm for ingredients in your own garden and use them in allofyour dishes!~ Search for more land to build farm plots and growmoreingredients!~ Raise your own pets to attract customers, build a house andadoptdogs, horses, pigs and more❤ Serve Your Customers!~ Become your own chef and start cooking food foryourcustomers~ Serving games let you cook for free in this fun restaurantgamewith stunning 3D graphics!❤ Restaurant Management!~ Manage your own restaurant! Create multiple restaurant layoutstopromote your business in a fast-growing city.~ Experience fun and exciting restaurant management gameswithoutthe pressure of a time limit.~ Fans of cooking games will love Food Street’s deeprestaurantupgrades!❤ Online Food Management!~ Manage and collaborate in restaurant Food Clubs to competeinfriendly cooking games and competitions.~ Play in online Food Clubs where you and your friends traderecipesand cook together.Food Street is the perfect restaurant management game for any fanofbaking, farming or cooking games. Don’t wait any longer.DownloadFood Street today!PLEASE NOTE: Food Street is free to download. However, purchasescanbe made in the game for real money. If you don’t want to usethisfeature, please disable in-app purchases in your devicesettings. Anetwork connection is required to play.---------------------------SUPPORTIf you’re having problems with Food Street, we’re very sorry.Ourfriendly team is ready to help! Pleasevisit: Policy: of Service:
★Get ready to start cooking cause I LOVE PASTA is here!! ★
Happy Mall Story: Sim Game 2.3.1
Happy Labs
Build your own dream shopping mall, attract shoppers and becomeamall tycoon!
鳥として生きた男 その壮絶な人生 1.0.0
Cute casual game surreal! "Man who lived as a bird". As afiercelife of a man who lived between human bird! ?
Hotel Story: Resort Simulation 2.0.10
Happy Labs
Build and expand your own hotel, and attract tourists!Resortsimulation game.
Efun-夢想島 1.2.3
Inch tw
小時候,我們希望擁有一塊小天地,小泥人、積木屋、板凳橋,自己成了自己的英雄。長大後,我們希望擁有私人的領地,員工服飾、商場擺設、樓房造型,都弄成自己喜好的模式!可是,世界上真的有輕易實現夢想的地方嗎?【遊戲特色】夢想島,一座通往夢想的小島!這個世界充滿夢幻,這塊大陸洋溢歡樂,這裡的生活都是你的夢想!《夢想島》與市面上大多數的養成建築類經營遊戲不同,遊戲更注重玩家個人的思想性。在這個小島中,玩家需要親自經營,你決定買的產業,你決定招募的員工,都是為了遵循你的意願建設你夢想中的王國。與金錢無關,一切以“夢”來誕生,以“想”為動力,打造你的夢想王國!◆充滿夢幻的童話小島全3D精美造型,豐富多彩的顏色搭配,從人物到建築,都讓你置身於童話世界中。◆我任性,我的夢想我說了算!三十六種店鋪,十八種建築任你搭配,打造最具個性化的商業圈!◆增加能力,智勇雙全通過巧妙的規劃合理佈局,最大限度發揮建築的價值及規避競爭,彰顯你的睿智與才能!◆完善的角色成长體系從遊戲主角,到公司店鋪,從部門員工到商業團隊,幾乎每一個場所和角色都有期相應的屬性和等級,每一次級別提升都會有對應屬性提升回饋你的辛勤付出!◆首創多人合作玩法無論是組隊多人副本決戰或是參與多人PK團戰的商會競技,都能讓你從中得到無限收穫,在經營中感受友情與力量!※本遊戲需要網路連線※本遊戲為免費使用,遊戲內另提供購買虛擬遊戲幣、物品等付費服務※請注意遊戲時間,避免沉迷-------------我們非常樂意為您解決遊戲中遇到的任何問題,請及時與我們聯繫!台灣專線:+886 2-77290505香港專線:+852 81925396Email:[email protected]服務時間:24小時全年無休Childhood, we want tohavea small world, figurines, blocks house, bench bridge, theyhavebecome their own heroes.Growing up, we want to have a private territory, staffclothing,shopping malls furnishings, building modeling, both endedtheirfavorite mode!However, the world is really easy to realize the dream place?[Game Features]Dream Island, an island leading to the dream! The world is fulloffantasy, full of the joy of the continent, where life isyourdream!"Dream Island" to develop and market most of thedifferentarchitectural management game, the game is more focus ontheindividual player ideological. In this island, players needtopersonally run, you decide to buy the industry, you decidetorecruit staff, is to follow your wishes building yourdreamkingdom.Has nothing to do with money and everything to "dream" to beborn,to "think" as the driving force to build the kingdom ofyourdreams!◆ dreamy fairy-tale islandFull 3D modeling exquisite, colorful colors, from the characterstothe building, let you being in a fairy world.◆ I wayward, my dream I say!Thirty-six kinds of shops, eighteen kinds of buildings with anyofyou, to create the most personalized business circles!◆ increase capacity, wise and braveBy clever planning rational distribution, to maximize the valueofthe building and avoid competition, highlight your wisdomandtalent!◆ improve the role of growth systemThe main character from the game, to the company store,fromdepartment employees to business team, almost every characterhas aplace and of the corresponding attribute and grade level israisedevery time there will be a corresponding property promotionback ofyour hard work!◆ first cooperative multiplayer gameplayWhether it is more than a copy of the team battle grouporparticipate in multiplayer battle PK Chamber athletics, whichcanmake you get unlimited harvest, feelings of friendship andstrengthin business!※ This game requires Internet connection※ This game is free to use, another offer to buy virtualgamecurrency, items such as paid service game※ Please note that the game time, avoid indulging-------------We are very happy to help you solve any problems encountered inthegame, please do not hesitate to contact us!Taiwan Line: +886 2-77290505Hong Kong Line: +852 81925396Email: [email protected] Hours: 24/7
我是董仔 3.1.33
採用最新遊戲引擎開發,遊戲畫質再提升;百種建築隨時建造,建立屬於你的王國!身臨其境的2.5D世界和觸控的交互作用,給你權力來塑造你預想中的城市。規劃建築物與完善設施,創造建築完美加成,提升額外的效益。實驗並放置建築物在不同的地點,看它是如何影響你的城市。提升等級以解鎖更多功能,並在您的地區創造最令人印象深刻的城市。★建立驚人城市★新增26種世紀建築,杜拜塔、天空樹、東方明珠、鳥巢體育館蓋整排。體驗百年建築美學,突破創新,由你來成就。★尋找頂尖人才★哪裡找不吵;不鬧;不喊加薪的優質員工,免用104、1111,時間就是金錢。一鍵獵頭讓你輕鬆禮聘高階人才,找尋現代臥龍。★拓展國際貿易★地球是平的,別讓資源侷限你的雄心,台灣董仔有什麼了不起!!事業版圖拓展全球甚至宇宙,讓巴菲特也羨慕。★善用機會利益★樂透累積上看20億,在商場競爭之餘,挑戰自己的無限運氣。更有機會以小博大,一步登天並不只是夢想。----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------小秘書溫馨提示:1、創業資金從哪賺? 在線掛機馬上獲取驚人金幣2、期貨買賣操之在手,掌握市場價格,獲利希望無窮3、好的店舖讓你上天堂,壞的店舖讓您住套房,仔細選擇發展的店舖對您絕對有利哦!《我是董仔》是一款城市經營遊戲,由玩家擔任董事長,積極投入建設與投資,逐步建造屬於自己的城市。遊戲內系統豐富,囊括商業活動中各種不同面向,讓你從創業家開始起步,一步一步成為企業鉅子、建築大亨。1、有問題無法解決嗎?遊戲右下角提示區快速聯絡客服哦2、如有任何問題歡迎來信:[email protected]、巴哈姆特玩家交流區:、我是董仔粉絲團:
Disney Magic Kingdoms: Build Your Own Magical Park
WELCOME TO THE MOST MAGICAL PLACEONMOBILE!When Maleficent casts an evil spell on the Kingdom, ridding itofall of its powerful magic, can you help bring it all back?Relivethe thrill of Disney Parks and create the most fantasticalPark ofyour dreams in Disney Magic Kingdoms!EXTRAORDINARY & TIMELESS DISNEY PARK ATTRACTIONS• Charming attractions such as ""it's a small world,"" theMonsters,Inc. Laugh Floor and Space Mountain from Disney Parksfrom aroundthe world, including Disneyland, California Adventure,Walt DisneyWorld, Tokyo Disneyland and Disneyland Paris!• Dazzling new attractions such as WALL-E’s House and CyclopsSushi-- all uniquely inspired by their movies!• Relive magical moments from the Parks with the entirefamilythrough lively Parades featuring beautiful floatsandfireworks!CHARACTERS SPANNING MORE THAN 90 YEARS OF DISNEY• Share spectacular moments with beloved characters such astheever-optimistic Mickey Mouse, the spirited princess Rapunzel,bravespace ranger Buzz Lightyear, the sweet and sassy Tinker Bellandmore fun characters!• Play hundreds of whimsical, fun, and animated quests thatbringevery pixel of your Kingdom to life!• Collect memorable Disney-themed items to free each characterfromMaleficent's evil spell!PLAY A RIVETING TALE OF HEROES AND VILLAINS• Unravel and play a magical story and an exciting adventurewithevery tap!• Take a stand against menacing villains such as Pete,MotherGothel, and Zurg to save the Kingdom!Come and join us in the most magical free game on mobile! It’syourworld for the making!Perfect to play for fans of Disney, Disneyland, theme parkgames,Pixar movie games, a fun game, tycoon games, free familygames, andpark builder games.___You can download and play this game for free. Please beinformedthat it also allows you to play using virtual currency,which canbe acquired as you progress through the game, or bydeciding towatch certain advertisements, or by paying with realmoney.Purchases of virtual currency using real money are performedusinga credit card, or other form of payment associated withyouraccount, and are activated when you input your Google Playaccountpassword, without the need to re-enter your credit cardnumber orPIN.In-app purchases can be restricted by adjusting theauthenticationsettings within your Play Store settings (Google PlayStore Home> Settings > Require authentication for purchases)andsetting up a password for each purchase / Every 30 minutesorNever.Disabling password protection may result in unauthorizedpurchases.We strongly encourage you to keep password protectionturned on ifyou have children or if others could have access toyourdevice.This game contains advertising for Gameloft’s products or somethirdparties which will redirect you to a third-party site. Youcandisable your device’s ad identifier being used forinterest-basedadvertising in the settings menu of your device.This option can befound in the Settings app > Accounts(Personal) > Google >Ads (Settings and Privacy) > Opt outof interest-based ads.Certain aspects of this game will require the player to connecttothe Internet.Find out more about the game on the official site-- our official site at out the new blog at't forget to follow us on social media:Facebook: : app allows you to purchase virtual items within the app andmaycontain third party advertisements that may redirect you to athirdparty site.Terms of Use: Policy: License Agreement:
夢想星城 1.0.11
大型社交類模擬經營手遊《夢想星城》浪漫來襲!全台最多正妹玩的手遊,男女比例2:8~體貼清修女、性感小魔女、都市僑女郎…女朋友都在這,和寂寞說bye清純校園愛戀、神秘辦公室戀情、浪漫沙灘邂逅之戀…一一挑選,也能全部擁有 (~︶~)↗對的他/她就在這裡,快來擺脫無聊和單身吧~夢想星城等你唷『交友互動 告別單身』❤即時語音,實時定位,讓你輕鬆交朋友。真人認證系統,是否對眼一看就知道,陌生、熟悉到戀愛,再也不拖沓❤結婚系統浪漫上線~轉角邂逅心儀的他/她,表白、約會、求愛、結婚步入夢想的殿堂!全服獨一無二的夢幻婚禮為你打造,同性也能結婚唷❤校園青澀,社會的狂歡,跨越最美青春。沙灘趴認識結交社會名流,認識大咖名人。組建home趴、club聚會尋找趣味相投的好友~『模擬生活 花樣養成』❤夢想之屋,由你親手定制。從小單間到大豪宅,涵蓋日韓歐美四大風格,隨心佈置,任意切換,和他/她打造你們溫馨的家。❤貼心管家服務,寵物養成陪伴。性感女僕甜美配音+帥氣執事磁性聲線,24小時都在, 6大Q萌寵物陪伴,宅在家裡永遠不孤單。❤造型百變,你的衣帽間當然要最美。居家、旅遊、職場、約會分類選擇,一秒就能美美der。還能自由混搭,打造專屬fashionlook。❤打折購物,自營店鋪,天天買買買。打折促銷天天有超實惠,總有一款你喜歡。自營店鋪,上班下班你說了算,收入多少你來控制,再也不受老闆氣。※本遊戲需要網路連線※本遊戲為免費使用,遊戲內另提供購買虛擬遊戲幣、物品等付費服務※請注意遊戲時間,避免沉迷-------------我們非常樂意為您解決遊戲中遇到的任何問題,請及時與我們聯繫!台灣專線:+886 2-77290505香港專線:+852 81925396Email:[email protected]服務時間:24小時全年無休
打工吧!便利商店Wara store 1.1.1
You are the manager ~~~ Come dream run small world, tocreateexclusive only convenience store it !!
I Love Spaghetti -- Pasta Cafe 1.0.1
Cook delicious pasta and desserts to become the bestItalianrestaurant in town.
Moe Girl Cafe 2 1.35.04
Cat Studio
The most moe simulation game ever. Especially for ACG fans.
大富豪2-流金歲月 1.2.3
董事長,歡迎來到2015年最火爆的商戰遊戲大富豪2-流金歲月!在這裡,可以體驗最真實的模擬經營,參與貿易大戰,制霸全球商海!【遊戲特色】★商圈設計,林北說了算!三十六種店鋪,十八種建築任你搭配,打造最具個性化的商業圈!★商業佈局鬥智鬥勇通過巧妙的規劃合理佈局,最大限度發揮建築的價值及規避競爭,彰顯你的睿智與才能!★完善的角色成长體系從遊戲主角,到公司店鋪,從部門員工到商業團隊,幾乎每一個場所和角色都有期相應的屬性和等級,每一次級別提升,都會有對應屬性提升回饋你的辛勤付出!★首創多人商戰玩法無論是組隊多人副本決戰商海或是參與多人PK團戰的商會經濟,大富豪2-流金歲月能讓你體驗與商業伙伴決戰商海的快感!※本遊戲需要網路連線※本遊戲為免費使用,遊戲內另提供購買虛擬遊戲幣、物品等付費服務※請注意遊戲時間,避免沉迷-------------我們非常樂意為您解決遊戲中遇到的任何問題,請及時與我們聯繫!台灣專線:02-8780-0800香港專線:+852 81925396Email:[email protected]服務時間:24小時全年無休巴哈連結:, 2015 Welcometothe most popular war game Big Spender 2- golden years! Here,youcan experience the most realistic businesssimulation,participation in trade wars, global system of hegemonythesea!  [Game Features]    ★ design district, north'mincharge!  Thirty-six kinds of shops, eighteen kinds ofbuildingswith any of you, to create the most personalizedbusinesscircles!    ★ commercial distribution wits  Through clever planning rational distribution,tomaximize the value of the building and avoid competition,highlightyour wisdom and talent!    ★ improve the role ofgrowthsystem  The protagonist of the game, to the companystore,employees from the department to the business team, almosteverycharacter has a place and of the corresponding attributesandlevels, every level increase, there will be acorrespondingproperty promotion back to your hard work!    ★ first multiplayer battletoplay  Whether it is more than a copy of the team battle tothesea or to participate in multiplayer PK battle group of theChamberof Commerce economic, Big Spender 2- Timeline allows youtoexperience the sea battle with business partners pleasure! ※ This game requires an Internet connection※ This game is free to use, and the other offers to buy virtualgamecurrency, items such as paid service game※ Please note that the game time, avoid indulging-------------We are very happy to help you solve any problems encountered inthegame, please do not hesitate to contact us!Taiwan Line: 02-8780-0800Hong Kong Line: +852 81925396Email: [email protected]: 24/7Baja link: http: // bsn=28637?
Love Dimension [Demo] 1.0
เดโมเกม Love Dimensionเกมจำลองการใช้ชีวิตประจำวันและเรียนรู้เกี่ยวกับเพศศึกษาซึ่งจะมีกำหนดของตัวเต็มเร็วๆนี้สำหรับผู้ที่มีข้อเสนอแนะ สามรถติดชมได้ทาง Facebook LoveDimensionได้เลยนะครับ Love DimensionThe game simulates the daily life and learn about sex education.This is the full set soon.For those who have suggested. Three cars can visit theFacebookLove Dimension me.
City Island 3 - Building Sim 3.5.3
If you love city building games, then you'll love playingCityIsland 3 offline
OpenTTD 13.0.rev115
Transport tycoon business simulation, with multiplayer
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Bakery Story 2
For a limited time, we're offeringanincredible Starter Pack for new players! Save 90% when youpurchaseour Starter Pack to get an amazing deal on gems, parts, andabeautiful chocolate fountain!Decorate and design the bakery of your dreams in Bakery Story2!Bake sweet treats to keep your customers happy - From thecreatorswho brought you Bakery Story, it’s a fun & tasty newbakingadventure!Create desserts, collect special ingredients, decorate, and shareina beautiful 3D world. Stunning looks and great music await inyourpersonalized bakery!BAKERY STORY 2 FEATURES:BAKING GAME – Bake treats, buy ingredients and decorate ingorgeous3D!- Baker Games – Your bakery shop comes to life in colorful,detailed3D- Cafe World - Chef games bring your bakery town to lifewithvibrant graphics. Feel the heat of the kitchen as you bakesweettreats!- 3D Bake Shop - Sweet bakery treats and savory 3D graphicswillmake your tummy rumbleDESIGN YOUR BAKERY – Design a room with the most charmingbakerydecor!- Design Games - Decorate your bakery shop with customfurniture,wallpaper, art and more- Bakery Stories – The story of your bakery is totally unique!Builddonut tables, decorate with cake displays and potted plants,and addpaintings or wallpaper- Sweet Bakery Designs - Create a pastry paradise using thousandsofbakery customization optionsDECORATING GAMES – Tell the story of your bakery with hundredsofitems!- Virtual Worlds – Run the bakery shop of your dreams in ahugebakery town!- Bakery Store Accessories - Sweet bakery decorations includetonsof unique art, furniture, tables and moreRECIPES – Bake and cook food with dozens of deliciousrecipes!- Ingredients and Recipes - Chef games challenge you tocustomizeyour menu with your favorite recipes to make your bakeryfeel likehome- Cooking Games - Bake and decorate dozens ofmouth-wateringdesserts! From peach cobbler to alfajores, BakeryStory 2 has yourfavorite treatsTIME MANAGEMENT GAMES – Bakery simulation challenges you tokeepcustomers happy!- Diner Games With Unique Stories - Diner games and simulationsmixas you bake sweet treats to keep your bakery alive!- Cash Register Games - Your bakery profits by creatingdeliciousdesserts and making customers happyGAMES WITH FRIENDS – Online games let you trade and have funwithfriends!- Online Game – Games with friends let you chat, trade andsharesecrets with your baker friends- Friends Games - Recipes for everyone! Share sweet recipes andtipswith friends and watch your fortunes soarCOOKING GAMES FOR FREE – Free baking games update constantlyforendless fun!- Casual Games for Free- FREE to download and FREE to play.Lookforward to FREE updates including new recipes, treats,decorationsand more!Tell your bakery stories the way only you can. Catch cake maniaasyou bake sweet recipes, design incredible interiors, and shareyourbakery town in games with friends!Restaurant games fans will love sharing their bakery story incasualgames of this bake shop simulation!Download Bakery Story 2 today – it’s one sweet baking game!Storm8 Studios is the #1 Mobile Social Game DeveloperonAndroid.Use of this application is governed by the Storm8 Studios TermsofService. Collection and use of data are subject to Storm8StudiosPrivacy Policy. Both policies are availableat note that this game is free to play, but you canpurchasein-app items with real money. To disable this feature, goto theGoogle Play app on your device, tap the Menu button,selectSettings > Use password to restrict purchases. Then followthedirections to complete setup. In addition, this game may linktosocial media services, such as Facebook, and Storm8 Studioswillhave access to your information through such services.Follow