Top 4 Games Similar to Modern XO

CARO - XO Five in a Line 2
Caro online with friends ( or Gomoku, TicTacToe) is the classic strategy game that develops logicalthinkingand concentration in an entertaining form. Chess is playedon aboard of 15 x 15 squares.The winner is the first player to getanunbroken row of five stones horizontally, vertically,ordiagonally.Caro online with friends have 3 modes for you to play:1. Single player (you can practice with the bots in 3 level:easy,normal, hard)2. Two player (You can play with friends )3. Online (By login your facebook account. You can invite,challengeto friends)You can choose basic rule or international rule very simpleandeasy. If you don't know rule, you could find in the Caroonlinewith friends's help.Games suitable to play in your free time,in schoolbreaks,...etc.orwhen you need to kill your time.
XO Jeux 1.2
vous pouvez jouer le jeux de XO ou Tic TacToeavec ton amis au seul , vous pouvez aussi utilitaire le jeux deXOpour divertir votre enfant par ce que le jeux de Tic TacToerenforcement de l'esprityou can play the gameTicTac Toe XO or with your friends only, you can also play XOutilityto entertain your child what games Tic Tac Toe strengtheningthespirit
Ant VS Ant :: 1P / 2P 1.4.2
You are invited to the WAR of Ants.Play by yourself with 4 different level.*easy - normal - hard - impossibleRaise your capacity and battle with your friend.*2 Player modeUse different strategy to adapt various maps.*Map:01,Map:03,Map:05Control your strategy with 6 kinds of ants to WIN thegame.* Just Ant* Little Strong Ant* Fast Ant - Splash Damage* Bomb Ant* Defence Ant* Offence AntMore updates are coming soon.* diverse map* strategical items, etc.
Gemlaxy Free Battle Version 1.0
What is Gemlaxy?Gemlaxy is a fast-paced competitive “tower battle” game. Itisahardcore real time strategy game with casual puzzlegameappearancethat gamers can enjoy with their non-gamer familiesorfriends.Local multiplayer mode allows 2 players fight againsteachother onthe same device.How to Play?You will take control of the “Gems” – a non-biologicallifeform.Deploy 3 different types of “Gem” on a 3 rows x 5columnsstarfield, using the Gems’ unique power to wage afast-pacedbattleagainst your opponent.Once deployed, your Gems will start searching hostileGems.Whenhostile Gems spotted, your Gems willperformattackautomatically.How to Win?Destroy all Gems your opponent has.Game Mode1P vs CPU : Fight a skirmish against AI opponent.1P vs 2P : Two players fight a skirmish against each otheronthesame device.ResourcesThere are 2 kinds of resource in the game – StardustandGemcore.Both of them are necessary to build your Gem army.Stardust will increase automatically while Gemcore canONLYbeobtained by destroying opponent’s Gem.To build a Gem, you need to spend a certain amount ofStardustandone Gemcore. Destroying one enemy Gem will getyouoneGemcore.Once you are out of Gemcore and have no Gem left on theboard,youare defeated.