Top 18 Apps Similar to Time of the Medication

Alerta Medicação 1
Medication Alert - Helps you to take your medicine at therighttime!
Hora da Pílula
Bayer AG
Pill Hour will make your life more practical with a daily reminder.
Hora do Remédio 4
App muito bom para nos lembrar a hora certadetomar nossos medicamentos, Hora do Remédio te avisa, para a horadoremédio não passar batida. Aplicativo bem simples emuitofuncional, você apenas coloca o nome do remédio, a quantidadee ointervalo de tempo.Very good app to remindusthe right time to take our medicines, Medicine Hour warns you,tothe time the drug does not pass beat. Application very simpleandvery functional, you just put the drug name, quantity and thetimeinterval.
Pill Organizer & Reminder 1.8.06
PO&R is complex and easy to usemedicationreminder. Using Pillo you can easily schedule reminderfor any kindof pill, medication and even medical examination.PO&R would help you remind about:- short-term medications during cold or flu- long-term medications which help during chronic deseases- contraceptives- medical examinationIf you take medication periodically or in intervals,PO&Rwill calculate next dosing hour for you!
Lady Pill Reminder 3.0.3
With Lady Pill Reminder you won't forget to take the birthcontrolpill anymore.
Paramedic Meds 3.5
Paramedic Meds is a must have tool for medics in the field
Pill Organizer Pro 1.4.7
Do you want to have under the control allofyour medications? Now you can organize your alarms betterusingPill Organizer Pro.Extended version contains many additional features,including:- Create notes for each medicine/alarm- Determinate the duration of the alarm (time before snooze)- Specify the auto-snooze time- Specify snooze time- Enable\disable alarm availability during phonecall- Optional increasing alarm volume- Optimized code and permissions - the application does not haveanyextra permissions!- Many others in the preparation, i.e.: choice of style andthemealarm screen!Pill Organizer application is one of the best apps initscategory. Now you can take advantage of even greateropportunitiesoffered by the Pill Organizer Pro.
Med Helper Pro Pill Reminder
Med Helper keeps track of your prescriptions - Alarms remindyouwhenmedication needs to be taken, when Doctors appointmentsarescheduledand when meds are running low or are about to expire.MedHelper alsotracks your vital signs and PRN /take-as-neededmedication. You canlog and export or print detailedreports foryour Doctor, Nurse orCaregiver Multiple profiles letyou manageothers in your care.Whether you’re self managing ortaking care ofyour loved ones, MedHelper’s features will help youdeal withanything from simple shortterm situations to prolongedcomplexchronic conditions by making iteasy to maintainprescription andmedical regime compliance /adherence. It’s likehaving your veryown Mobile HealthcareAssistant. Med Helper isconsistently rankedas one of the topapplications of its kind inthe Medical appfield. For information,suggestions or help contactus at:[email protected] Friend us onFacebookat: Med HelperProFeaturesinclude: Ads Free Phone / Tablet compatiblePrescriptionlist -Name - Medication Alias - RX Number -Instructions - Reason-Description - Side Effects Schedule - Startdate - End date-Schedule pattern - Reminder Times / Alarm set -Snooze - TakenatInventory - Refills Remaining - Current inventory -ExpirationDateContact - Doctor - Pharmacy Daily Schedule - Time ofDay -Dosage -Calendar view Take as needed (PRN) - Amount taken -Timetaken -Last 10 doses / 24/hr Med Log - Daily view - Calendarview-Ability to manage Vitals Tracked - Part of day -Exercise-Temperature - Weight - Pulse - Glucose - HbA1c - Painlevels-Blood Pressure - Oxygen Exportable and Printable ReportsPeopleuseMed Helper as a: Medication/Prescription tracker-Pillsalarm/reminder/organizer/calendar - Vitals tracker -DoctororPharmacist - appointment manager - RX reminder -Medicationreportstracker - Medicine reminder/scheduler - virtualPillbox -Symptomtracker - Doctors list and Pharmacy organizer aswell as away toshare information with their caregivers. How everyou chooseto useMed Helper we hope it helps make your life a littlebiteasier. MedHelper is being designed by people just like you.Overthe past twoyears we've received thousands of emailswithsuggestions, commentsand reviews. People let us know what theylike- what they want andsometimes what they don't like. We listenanddesign accordingly.Our belief is that Better HealthcareNeedsBetter Tools... andbetter tools are best designed by those whousethem. Meaning YOU.For any information, suggestions or help ofanykind please contactus at: [email protected] See We're at your service.... Note:Nonetworkconnection is required for Med Helper to operate. Allthebest -From the Med Helper Team
Birth Control Pill Reminder 1.23.72
Ben Basha
Keep track of taking your birth control pills. Simple and free!
My Medication Diary 2.1.0
It is simple to use, easy to reference yet comprehensivemedicationdiary.
Medications Reminder 1
Medication Reminder, the bestremindermedication for a patient, parent or child guard, from nowon yoursmart phone.If you ever have trouble correctly follow your medication it'snowor never!Medications Reminder is taking a medication tracking applicationanda pertinent reminder, easy to use. Do not waste your timelookingfor notepad or post it this application you make, you andyourfamily, you can take your medication on time and safely.Manage your treatment and keep in touch with your health nowandfree!When we are forced to take more than one medication, you knowhowhard it is to remember when to take them. If you are a parentorguardian for a child, parent, see a patient, you understandthestress of not being sure your monitored took his medicationontime, with accurate dose.Medications Reminder is the most effective solution to reassureyourpatient. It's simple, easy and free with a click !Medications Reminder will remind you of any appointment withyourmedical tablets. You have the option to manually updateyourapplication from your smartphone. Your supervisor (nurse,parent orguardian) will be informed of any appointment with adecision aboutyou, he will be warned if you do not sign, he willalso remind youwhen needed.Download Reminder Medications, and never forget a dose more !
Bulário Bulas de Remédios FREE 9.49
CLASSIFICADO PELA REVISTA INFO EXAME(EdiçãoDez/11 pag.44) COMO UM DOS MELHORESAPLICATIVOS DO ANDROID MARKET.O MAIS COMPLETO BANCO DE DADOS DE BULAS DO ANDROID MARKET,COMMAIS DE 12.000 BULAS DE REMÉDIOS CADASTRADAS, RECUPERADAS DAWEB,QUE PODEM SER VISUALIZADAS SEM NECESSIDADE DE CONEXÃO COMAINTERNET.NAS BUSCAS NÃO HÁ NECESSIDADE DE USAR ACENTUAÇÃO.OUTRAS VERSÕES DESSE APP:==================PREMIUM: Aproximadamente 14.000 bulas, opção de bulas emPDFacessadas diretamente do site da ANVISA, auto ajuste da telaparatablets em tela cheia, sem anúncios, opção de instalar nocartão dememória, opção para criar lista de favoritos, buscas porprincípioativo, classe terapêutica e possibilidade de solicitarrevisãodiretamente no app.===============================AS BULAS SÃO RECUPERADAS ATRAVÉZ DE BUSCAS NA WEB, TODASASINFORMAÇÕES AQUI DIVULGADAS NÃO SUSBSTITUIEM DE FORMA ALGUMAODIAGNÓSTICO MÉDICO, CONSULTE SEMPRE O SEU MÉDICO ANTES DETOMARQUALQUER MEDICAMENTO.======================================Aviso LegalDeclinamos toda e qualquer responsabilidade legal advindadautilização das informações acessadas nesse App, o qual temporobjetivo a informação e divulgação de bulas de remédios.Tais informações não deverão, de forma alguma, serutilizadascomo substituto para o diagnóstico médico ou tratamentode qualquerdoença sem antes consultar um médico.Todas as marcas registradas de terceiros pertencem aseusrespectivos proprietários.Advertências:Todo medicamento deve ser mantido fora do alcancedascrianças;Não use medicamento sem o conhecimento do seu médico. Podeserperigoso para a sua saúde;Informe ao médico o aparecimento de reações indesejáveis;Siga a orientação de seu médico, respeitando sempre oshorários,as doses e a duração do tratamento;Não interrompa o tratamento sem o conhecimento do seumédico;Não use o medicamento com o prazo de validade vencido. Antesdeusar observe o aspecto do medicamento.======================================As informações aqui divulgadas não deverão ser utilizadascomosubstituto para o diagnóstico médico ou tratamento dequalquerdoença sem antes consultar um médico.Não use medicamento sem o conhecimento do seu médico, podeserperigoso para a sua saúde.BY CLASSIFIEDINFOMAGAZINE SURVEY (Edition Dec / 11 p.44) AS ONE OF THEBESTAPPLICATIONS OF THE ANDROID MARKET.THE MOST COMPLETE BANK OF DIRECTIONS FOR USE DATA ANDROIDMARKET,WITH MORE THAN 12,000 DIRECTIONS FOR USE OF MEDICINESREGISTERED,RECOVERED FROM THE WEB, viewable NO NEED CONNECTIONWITHINTERNET.SEARCHES IN NO NEED TO USE accent.OTHER VERSIONS OF THIS APP:==================PREMIUM: Approximately 14,000 bulls, bulls option in PDFdirectlyaccessed from the website of ANVISA, auto screen adjustmentfortablets in full screen without ads, option to install thememorycard, option to create favorites list, searches foractiveingredient , therapeutic class and ability to seek reviewdirectlyin the app.===============================THE DIRECTIONS FOR USE ARE RECOVERED THROUGH SEARCHES ON THEWEB,ALL INFORMATION HERE NOT DISCLOSED SUSBSTITUIEM UNDERNOCIRCUMSTANCES MEDICAL DIAGNOSIS, ALWAYS CONSULT YOUR DOCTORBEFORETAKING ANY PRODUCT.======================================Legal noticeWe decline any liability arising from the use ofinformationaccessed this App, which is engaged in the informationanddissemination of leaflets of medicines.Such information shall in no way be used as a substituteformedical diagnosis or treatment of any disease withoutfirstconsulting a doctor.All third-party trademarks are property of theirrespectiveowners.Warnings:All medicine should be kept out of reach of children;Do not use medication without the knowledge of your doctor.Itcan be dangerous to your health;Tell your doctor the appearance of undesirable reactions;Follow the advice of your physician, always respectingschedules,doses and duration of treatment;Do not stop treatment without the knowledge of your doctor;Do not use the drug with the expiry date. Before usingobservethe aspect of medicine.======================================The information disclosed herein should not be used asasubstitute for medical diagnosis or treatment of anydiseasewithout first consulting a doctor.Do not use medication without the knowledge of your doctor,canbe dangerous to your health.
Medicine time! 4.5.14
Taking medicine will be much easier! Don't ever forgetyourmedicines!
Apotheken und Medikamente
Die nächste dienstbereite Apotheke,wichtigeInfos über Ihre Medikamente, News zu aktuellenGesundheitsthemenund vieles mehr finden Sie in der offiziellen AppderÖsterreichischen Apothekerkammer. Legen SiepersönlicheMedikamentenlisten, Gesundheitstagebücher oder einenelektronischenImpfpass an und lassen Sie sich an Einnahmen undTermineerinnern.- Apotheken-SucheFinden Sie alle dienstbereiten Apotheken in der Nähe – auchnachts!Bei aktiviertem GPS sehen Sie alle Apotheken in der IhrerUmgebungauf einer Karte. Ohne GPS geben Sie Ort oder Postleitzahlfür dieSuche ein. Für Orte ohne eigene Apotheke wird dienächstgelegeneApotheke angezeigt.Ein grüner oder roter Punkt zeigt an, ob die Apotheke geöffnetodergeschlossen ist. Orange markiert sind jene Apotheken, die inkürzeöffnen oder schließen. Durch Antippen der jeweiligen ApothekesehenSie deren Daten und können direkt mit ihr inVerbindungtreten.- Medikamenten-InfoGebrauchsinformation, Einnahmehinweise,Dopingwarnung,Arzneimittelfotos, Anwendungsvideos und vieles mehr:Greifen Sieauf eine umfassende Datenbank mit mehr als90.000Apothekenprodukten zu. Ihre Medikamente finden Sie durchEinscannen(Barcode) oder Namenssuche.- Meine GesundheitErstellen Sie persönliche Medikamentenlisten für sichoderAngehörige. Legen Sie eine Erinnerung für die Einnahme oder fürdenNachkauf fest. Zur Erleichterung der Identifikation können SieeinFoto des Medikaments hinterlegen.Speichern Sie Tagebücher für Migräne, Blutdruck, Blutzucker,Gewichtoder Menstruationsbeschwerden und erhalten SiepersönlicheVerlaufsgrafiken und Statistiken.- ImpfungenNutzen Sie die App als elektronischen Impfpass. Speichern Siefürsich und Ihre Angehörigen Impfungen und Impferinnerungen ein.Siekönnen die Impfstoffe aus einer Liste auswählen, mittelsBarcodeeinscannen oder selbst eingeben. Sie finden hier dieoffiziellenImpfempfehlungen und wichtige Informationen zu allendurch Impfungvermeidbaren Erkrankungen. Nutzen Sie die App alserstesInformations- und Nachschlagewerk. Individuelle fachlicheBeratungerhalten Sie in der Apotheke.- BarrierefreiheitDie App unterstützt Google Talk Back, einegestengesteuerteBildschirmlesefunktion.Nutzungsbedingungen & DatenschutzDie Informationen der Arzneimitteldatenbank und dieImpfempfehlungendienen dem Anwender nur als Basisinformation undersetzen nicht diepersönliche Beratung durch die Apothekerin, denApotheker.Die App kann die regelmäßige Medikamenteneinnahme durcheineErinnerungsfunktion und die elektronische DokumentationderImpfungen unterstützen. Die Richtigkeit der Eingaben liegt inderVerantwortung des App-Anwenders.Die Erinnerungsfunktion in Form einer Push-Benachrichtigung istnuraktiv, wenn das Smartphone eingeschaltet ist.Beim Einsatz von InformationstechnologiekönnenÜbertragungsstörungen vorkommen. Trotz Sorgfalt sind aufgrunddesDatenvolumens Wartungsfehler nicht auszuschließen. Es kanndaherfür Inhalt, Vollständigkeit und Richtigkeit der Daten keineHaftungübernommen werden.Wir achten strikt auf die Einhaltung derDatenschutzbestimmungen.Daten, die Sie bei Anwendung der Appeingeben, bleibenausschließlich lokal auf Ihrem Smartphonegespeichert. Sie habenaber die Möglichkeit, mit der Import/Export-Funktion einenDatentransfer auf ein anderes Smartphoneauszulösen.Wir empfehlen zur Sicherung Ihrer persönlichen Daten,dieSperrmöglichkeiten Ihres Smartphones zu aktivieren.The next, dutypharmacy,important information about your medicines, News oncurrent healthtopics and more, see the official app of the AustrianChamber ofPharmacists. Create personal medication lists, healthdiaries orelectronic vaccination card and let you remember revenueandappointments.- Pharmacy SearchFind all the services prepare pharmacies nearby - even atnight!With GPS enabled, you can see all the pharmacies in your areaon amap. Without GPS, the location or postcode to search. Forlocationswithout their own pharmacy, the nearest pharmacyisdisplayed.A green or red dot indicates whether the pharmacy is open orclosed.Orange are marked those pharmacies that open or closeshortly. Bytapping the respective pharmacy look at their data andcan directlyconnect with her.- Drug infoLeaflet, taking notes, doping warning, drugs Photos,applicationvideos and more: Get access to a comprehensive databaseof morethan 90,000 pharmacy products. Your medicines can be foundbyscanning (barcode) or name search.- My healthCreate personal medication lists for themselves or relatives. Setareminder for taking or for the purchase. For easeofidentification, you can store a picture of the drug.Save diaries for migraine, blood pressure, blood sugar, weightandmenstrual cramps and receive personal history graphsandstatistics.- vaccinationsUse the app as electronic vaccination card. Save one foryourselfand your family and vaccinations Impferinnerungen. You canfilterthe vaccines from a list, scan by barcode or enter yourself.Youwill find the official recommendations and important informationonall vaccine-preventable diseases. Use the app as thefirstinformation and reference. Individual expert advice youreceive atthe pharmacy.- AccessibilityThe app supports Google Talk Back, a gesture-controlledscreenreader.Terms & Privacy PolicyThe information of the drug database and thevaccinationrecommendations serve the user only as a base and doesnot replacethe personal advice of the pharmacist, thepharmacist.The app can support the regular medication by a reminderandelectronic documentation of vaccinations. The accuracy oftheinputs is the responsibility of the app user.The reminder in the form of a push notification is only activewhenthe phone is switched on.With the use of information technology transmission problemsmayoccur. Despite care can not be excluded due to the volume ofdatamaintenance errors. It can therefore not be held liable forthecontent, completeness and accuracy of the data.We pay attention to the compliance with data protection rules.Datathat you enter when using the app, remain only stored locallyonyour phone. but you have the option of activating the Import/Export feature to transfer data to another smartphone.We recommend to backup your personal data to enable theblockingpossibilities of your smartphone.
Dosecast - Medication Reminder
Established in 2010, thousands continue touseDosecast, the most easy to use Medication reminder andadherenceapp to help manage ones and their loved one'smedications,vitamins, or birth control pills on time -- with uniquelive syncbetween devices!Dosecast has been featured in the New York Times, RealSimplemagazine, Reader's Digest,, Fierce MobileHealthcare, Remember to take the right drug,the right way,at the right time, every time, with Dosecast.Dosecast * Free edition *:★ RELIABLE NOTIFICATIONS: Dosecast reliably sends dose reminderstoyour phone, tablet or Android Wear device and lets youpostponethem, like a snooze button. If you miss the firstreminder,Dosecast can nag you until you respond. It can also soundacontinuous alarm. Dosecast updates your reminder times asyoutravel and move across time zones.★ FLEXIBLE SCHEDULING: Some apps can only remind you to takeyourmedication at the same time every day. Only Dosecast helps youtakedoses on a daily/weekly/monthly schedule, every X days/weeks,onlyon certain days of the week, or even after a pre-set numberofhours or days since the last dose. Avoid dangerous overdosesbysetting a maximum number of doses allowed per day or per24hours.★ CUSTOMIZABLE DOSE AMOUNTS AND INSTRUCTIONS: Set the drugname,dosage information, directions, and notes that appear inthereminders for each dose. You can also track each drug'sexpirationdate.★ POSTPONE-ABLE REMINDERS: You can postpone a reminder beforeorafter it goes off - by however long you need.★ SMART SILENCING: Dosecast tracks when you're sleeping andwhenyour treatment begins and ends, so there are nounwantedalarms.★ PRIVATE AND SECURE: No personally identifiable informationiscollected when using Dosecast, so you can keep yourinformationprivate. All drug information is encrypted when intransit, sousing Dosecast is safe even from a public accesspoint.In addition to these features, upgrading to the * Pro editionwithCloudSync * includes the following:★ MULTI-DEVICE SYNC: The Dosecast CloudSync serviceautomaticallykeeps all your drug data up-to-date across anunlimited number ofApple and Android devices and enables dosereminders to bedelivered to all devices simultaneously - evenacrossplatforms.★ MULTIPLE DRUG TYPES: You can track drugs taken viainjections,inhalers, drops, sprays, ointments, patches, liquiddoses, andmore.★ DOSE HISTORY AND COMPLIANCE: Dosecast logs the date and timeofdoses you take, skip, or postpone so you can view or emailthehistory at any time. It even logs late and missed doses so youcanaccurately track your drug compliance. If you forget to log adosewhen you take it, you can edit the history later.★ QUANTITY TRACKING AND REFILL ALERTS: Dosecast tracks theremainingquantity of each drug you enter and delivers a refillalert whenrunning low. It will even track the number of refillsremaining andalert you when you have no refills left!★ MULTI-PERSON SUPPORT: Assign specific medications todifferentpeople (or even pets). Sort your medications by person,time ofnext dose, drug name, or drug type - so you can keep yourwholefamily's medication schedule organized.★ DOCTOR AND PHARMACY TRACKING: Use your contacts to trackwhichdoctor is prescribing which drug, as well as track thepharmacy andprescription number for each.★ DRUG DATABASE: Entering drug information is easy! Simply pickyourmedication from our drug database to pre-populate the drugname,type, amount, strength, and route.★ CUSTOM DRUG PHOTOS: Take your own photos of each drug toidentifyit more easily. With drug photos, you can be sure you'retaking theright drug when a dose is due.The Pro Edition comes with a 7-day free trial. It can becancelledat any time, but please note that past subscriptionpayments cannot be refunded.Confidently take the right drug, the right way, at the righttime,every time with Dosecast!
Aqui tem remedio 3.0.15
Find the drugs made available by the City of São Paulo
DER ARZNEIMITTELBRIEF ist eine unabhängige Zeitschrift mitdemSchwerpunkt Pharmakotherapie. Sie erscheint monatlich unddiesbereits seit Januar 1967. Die Herausgeber und die MitarbeiterderSchriftleitung sind klinisch und pharmakologisch erfahreneÄrzte,die sich dem Ziel einer rationalen Pharmakotherapieverpflichtetfühlen. Unabhängig heißt aus unserer Sicht, dass diePublikationenim ARZNEIMITTELBRIEF nicht von Interessen derGesundheitsbehörden,von medizinischen Gesellschaften, Verbänden undinsbesondere vonder Pharmaindustrie beeinflusst sind. Abonnentenkönnen sich mitden Benutzerdaten der Webseite einloggen, um denvollenFunktionsumfang zu erhalten. DER ARZNEIMITTELBRIEFerscheintdeshalb auch ohne Anzeigenwerbung für Arzneimittel. Damitwirdverhindert, dass die Pharmaindustrie als Anzeigenkunde unddamitals Finanzierungsträger Einfluss auf den wissenschaftlichenInhaltder Zeitschrift nehmen kann, wie dies z.B. inanderenFachzeitschriften und in anderen Medien geschieht. Wir sindbemüht,relevante Forschungsergebnisse zur Arzneimitteltherapieschnell undkritisch kommentiert unseren Lesern - Ärzten in Klinikund Praxis,Apothekern und Medizinstudenten - zu vermitteln. Darüberhinaus istes ein besonderes Anliegen der Herausgeber, aufMissstände desPharmamarktes hinzuweisen, wie z.B. dieunüberschaubare Zahl derMedikamente, die Preisgestaltung, die oftunseriöse Werbung und dieTarnung von Marketing als sachlicheInformation. Außerdem sehen wires als unsere Aufgabe an, im Sinneeiner rationalen und rationellenArzneimitteltherapie über Nutzenund Nebenwirkungen alter und neuerArzneimittel kritisch zuberichten. DER ARZNEIMITTELBRIEF istMitglied der InternationalSociety of Drug Bulletins (ISDB), einerweltweiten Vereinigungunabhängiger Arzneimittelzeitschriften. SeitJanuar 2008 ist jedeAusgabe des ARZNEIMITTELBRIEF alsstrukturierte interaktiveFortbildung von der Ärztekammer Berlinfür die Vergabe vonCME-Punkten zertifiziert. D. von Herrath, W.-D.Ludwig, W. ThimmeHerausgeber Mehr Informationen
Medicine Right Time 1.5
With this app you can schedule times totakeyour medication .You can choose between the pictures the kind of remedy :tablets ;capsule;drops;Spoon;injection;pills ;Drug Quantity says a lot about the choice of the type ,forexample :You like number 25 or number 1 tablets .The application lets you put the time and the continuity of 2in2 and 24 in 24 hours.The application lets you choose alarm sound and vibrateoption.The application allows you to edit and delete the drugs.