Top 14 Apps Similar to Labor Pain Yoga

Doula Labour Coach | Pregnancy 2.0.0
The Doula Labour Coach app will help you deliver your baby.
Labor Pain Relief - Yoga Guru 1.0.0
Guru Inc.
Instruction:1. Please install main app Yoga Guru first: use this plugin.2. Select the session of "Labor Pain" in YOGA – Free YogaGuruAPP,start and enjoy yoga journey afterwards.== Session Overall Introduction ==Labor is, ultimately, unpredictable, and the ability tostayfocusedand calm in the moment is something that yoga, throughitsdeepbreathing exercises and body-strengthening poses, canteachwomen todo almost automatically.Women who develop a prenatal yoga practice before givingbirthmaylearn how to minimize anxiety over labor: Yogapracticeencourages adeep, intimate connection between the mom andbaby,and it empowers awoman to trust her own instincts bylistening toher body.Namaste!Facebook: YogaMonkey.Fit Channel: YogaMonkey.Fit YogaMonkeyFit Website:
Pregnancy Yoga 1.20
If you are pregnant, yoga exercises areforyou.In this application you will find some exercises, yogaandotherrelaxation techniques to do during pregnancy. Yogaexercisesgood formother and baby. Learn with our yoga andmeditationforpregnancy.
Prenatal Yoga (PRO) 2.1
This is a PRO plugin of Daily Yoga andrequiressubscription fee to unlock.Please install the main app 'Daily Yoga' before using this plugin:Store link: Yoga (PRO) contains three simple yoga classes aimingatdifferent trimesters, which helps you in dealing with thesymptomsof pregnancy, ensuring smoother and easier delivery, andfasterrecovery after childbirth.For the first trimester, standing yoga poses are advised asthiswill help strengthen the legs, enhance circulation,generateenergy, and may reduce leg cramps.During the second and third trimester, you may reduce yourtimespent for practicing the asanas to prevent fatigue andoverwork.Instead focus more on breathing and meditation.It is also not advised to practice from the tenth throughthefourteenth week of pregnancy since these are crucial times.To sum up, the practice of yoga can help you prepare yourmindand body for labor and birth as this helps you focus,toconcentrate and keep you healthy. The yoga postures embeddedinthis class are gentle ways of keeping your body active andsuppleand minimize the common symptoms like morning sicknessandconstipation. It can also help in ensuring easier labor andsmoothdelivery by relieving tension around the cervix and birthcanal andby opening the pelvis.
Pregnant Yoga (Subscribe) 1.0.0
Guru Inc.
Instruction:1. Please install main app Yoga Guru first: use this plugin.2. Select the session of "Pregnant" in YOGA – Free YogaGuruAPP,start and enjoy yoga journey afterwards.== Session Overall Introduction ==This course is focusing on pregnancy side-effects.Mostpregnancywill cause body exhausts and leg or ankle swelling.Thereare someposes and gentle stretches help eliminate thediscomfortscome alongwith pregnancy, hence, the exercises on pelvisand backareessential. Moreover, the changes of body shape sometimesmakethepregnant women upset, yoga workout can also helprelievestress.This gentle yoga course contains several parts:hiprelaxation,head to knee forward, butterfly, half squat, heropose,dynamichalf little boat and some gentle relax like lotusandcorpsepose.Namaste!Follow us onFacebook: YogaMonkey.Fit Channel: YogaMonkey.Fit YogaMonkeyFit Website:
Pregnancy Exercises 6.0
B6Squad Dev.
Discover the best and safest ways to workout while pregnant
Prenatal & Postnatal Workout 2.7.1
Power 20
A subscription app that gives a new workout every day. 7 dayfreetrial.
Contraction Timer 1.21
Barts Lab
labor activities recording made ​​easy
Schwanger & Essen 1.2.5
Pregnancy app for healthy eating, exercise, expert information!
Yoga for Body Detox 1.0
This is a PRO plugin of Daily Yogaandrequiressubscription fee to unlock.Please install the main app 'Daily Yoga' before using this plugin:Storelink: your glow as you shed what no longer serves you inthisdetoxsession. Increase circulation and energize the bodywithexercisethat encourage natural detoxification.Benefits:• Massages the abdominal organs to stimulatedigestionandelimination.• Removes the impurities of the inside and boosts yourenergy.• Promotes better metabolism.• Smooths and glows your skin.Exercise Frequency:More than 3 times of practicing in one weekSuitable for:Everyone, especially for those with digestive problems.Tips:• It is recommended not to eat any heavy meal duringthefirsthour after practice.• People with high blood pressure, heart disease, asthma,orhadsurgery during the past six months, are not recommendforthispractice. For pregnant women and womenexperiencingmenstruation,please refer to other tailored yogasessions.• If any discomfort or exhaustion is felt duringpractice,stopimmediately.• Breathe through your nose during the wholepracticeunlessinstructed otherwise.
Sprout Pregnancy 1.18
Award-winning pregnancy tracker guides you through every day ofyourpregnancy.
Full Term - Contraction Timer
This application is the best andmostconvenient way to keep track of your labor contractions. Icreatedthis application for use during my own wife's labor and havepaidspecial attention to keeping the interface as clean andclutterfree as possible.You have to tap a single button to track the start and endofeach of your contractions, and "Full Term" will take care oftherest. The application is designed to keep track of thetimes,durations and frequency of the entire labor period.Your full labor history and contraction progress will besavedregardless of whether you restart the application duringyourlabor, or restart the entire device. There is no need to keepthisapplication open the whole time. You can even emailyourcontraction history to a health care professional or toyourselffor your own records.You also get a handy reference that you can use to get a ruleofthumb estimate of your progress through labor. You canalsoconfigure the duration you wish to keep track of based onyourneeds.To summarize, some of the features are:- Simple interface to track each contraction- Dark theme for use in low light situationsContraction Timer- View your complete contraction history- Graphs of durations/frequency and intensity for you last10contractions to show you trends.- Edit your contractions in case you make a mistake- Manually add new contractions if you missed any- Undo your contractions in case your make a mistake- Specify the intensity of each contraction- Add a note to any contraction- View your list of contractions in chronological orreversechronological order- Monitor your labor progression over a userconfigurableperiod- Email your contraction history to anyoneKick Counter- Easiest Fetal movement tracker in the Play store- Keep track of all your sessions- Make notes on each kick count session- Email the entire session history, or just a single session- Edit & Undo a kick if you make a mistake- Setup a reminder to track your kicks at the same timeeachday- Configure to automatically end the session when you reachyourdesired duration or kick countReference Section- Detailed advice on Prenatal, Labor and Post Natal phasesofpregancy- Included with permission from the Office of Women's Healthfromthe US. Dept. of Health & Human Services- Labor Quick Reference so you can track your progressthroughlabor
Doula & Yoga Free - Montse Cob 1.0.6
Descubre y maravíllate, de todo lo quelesucede a tu cuerpo durante el embarazo, el parto y elpostparto.Aprende, a través de vídeos de yoga, a liberar tuespalda, aentender tus emociones, a sorprenderte de lo que ocurreen el partoy comprender el postparto. Recursos, trucos,sugerencias,información, vídeos y mucho más….Discover andmarvel,everything that happens to your body during pregnancy,childbirthand postpartum. Learns through yoga videos, free yourback,understand your emotions, surprised at what happens inchildbirthand postpartum understand. Resources, tips,suggestions,information, videos and more ....
Pregnancy Pilates 1.10
Pilates exercises for pregnancy. Alllessonscontained in this app are for pregnant women, classifiedbytrimester.This is a Pilates for Pregnancy app. All classes taughtbyphysiotherapists, prenatal and postnatal pilates,pregnancyexercise classes, with tutorials manually selected.Can pregnant women do Pilates? Yes! Pilates is a non-impactworkoutthat increases flexibility, strength, and muscle tone.Because itfocuses on your core, practicing Pilates on a regularbasis canimprove posture, alleviate backaches, and ultimately helpwithlabor and delivery.Download Pilates for Pregnant Women today. It is free!