Top 17 Apps Similar to Labor Pain Relief - Yoga Guru

Prenatal & Postnatal Workout 2.7.1
Power 20
A subscription app that gives a new workout every day. 7 dayfreetrial.
Prenatal Yoga (PRO) 2.1
This is a PRO plugin of Daily Yoga andrequiressubscription fee to unlock.Please install the main app 'Daily Yoga' before using this plugin:Store link: Yoga (PRO) contains three simple yoga classes aimingatdifferent trimesters, which helps you in dealing with thesymptomsof pregnancy, ensuring smoother and easier delivery, andfasterrecovery after childbirth.For the first trimester, standing yoga poses are advised asthiswill help strengthen the legs, enhance circulation,generateenergy, and may reduce leg cramps.During the second and third trimester, you may reduce yourtimespent for practicing the asanas to prevent fatigue andoverwork.Instead focus more on breathing and meditation.It is also not advised to practice from the tenth throughthefourteenth week of pregnancy since these are crucial times.To sum up, the practice of yoga can help you prepare yourmindand body for labor and birth as this helps you focus,toconcentrate and keep you healthy. The yoga postures embeddedinthis class are gentle ways of keeping your body active andsuppleand minimize the common symptoms like morning sicknessandconstipation. It can also help in ensuring easier labor andsmoothdelivery by relieving tension around the cervix and birthcanal andby opening the pelvis.
Pregnancy Yoga 1.20
If you are pregnant, yoga exercises areforyou.In this application you will find some exercises, yogaandotherrelaxation techniques to do during pregnancy. Yogaexercisesgood formother and baby. Learn with our yoga andmeditationforpregnancy.
Pregnancy Exercises 6.0
B6Squad Dev.
Discover the best and safest ways to workout while pregnant
Doula Labour Coach | Pregnancy 2.0.0
The Doula Labour Coach app will help you deliver your baby.
WellMama FREE Post Pregnancy Yoga Poses 1.0.7
Lower back pain, sore neck and shoulders, overwhelming stressandtiredness are common after pregnancy. WellMama provides easy 5and15 minute sequences of Yoga poses proven to help mothers inthepostpartum phase to relieve aches and discomfort, strengthentheirmuscles, reduce post-pregnancy stress and revitalise theirbody andmind. Choose the area you need support with: (1) Mind &Spirit(2) Neck & Shoulders (3) Back Pain Relief WellMama canhelprelieve postpartum stress with easy yoga sequences andexercises: ★Reduce aches for your postnatal body caused bypregnancy andcarrying your baby ★ Remove discomfort in neck andshoulders ★Revitalise and strengthen your core muscles to preventback pain ★Relax and calm your mind with restorative yoga poses athome ★Regain the balance of mind & body to release stress afterbaby★ Energise and boost your mood WellMama app offers 2 typesofsequences for mothers to pick from: ★ 5 minute workouts thatdon’trequire props or equipment. ★ 15 minute sequences of posesusingprops. Common items from around the house can be used tosubstituteyoga props. IMPORTANT: consult your physician firstbeforebeginning a new nutrition, yoga or fitness regimen,especially ifyou’ve just had a baby and/or experience postpartumbody issues.TOP FEATURES ★ TAILORED TO YOUR MOOD: Select thesequence mostsuited to your wellbeing at that moment: 5 minutewithout equipmentor 15 minute with props making it easy to fit intoa busy postpregnancy daily routine ★ TAILORED TO YOUR MIND &BODY: Yogasequences for 3 areas; Mind & Spirit (restorativeandenergising), Neck & Shoulders (addressing shoulder andneckpain) and Lower Back (ease the lumbar spine, core and pelviczoneissues). ★ TRACKS: Progress tracker automatically savesyoursuccess to help you visualise and track your training, by weekandmonth. Achieve rewards for taking care of yourself andrevitalisingyour wellbeing. ★ REWARDS: Receive reward posters atthe end oftraining to give you motivation and support to continueto get backpain relief and strengthening your attitude. ★ EXPERT:Sequences ofposes are developed by yoga experts specifically forpost-pregnancybody problems – to help you deal with and relievesore back, neckand shoulders, stress and tiredness. ★ NO SPECIALEQUIPMENT NEEDED:just everyday items to perform yoga poses safelyand correctlywhich you can do in the comfort of your own home. ★GUIDES:Beautifully designed step-by-step Visual and Audioinstructions toensure you are doing each pose correctly. Includes a‘Right andWrong Way’ section to better understand the actions inthe posesand avoid common mistakes especially useful for postpartumstageafter having a baby. Get WellMama PRO and enjoy ALL 10sequences ofyoga poses for pain-free and Happy mothering! ON Optimized for tablets, phones and HDDevices!Disclaimer: you should consult your physician beforebeginning anew yoga/fitness regime. You should not rely on anyinformationavailable through the app as a substitute forprofessional medicaladvice, diagnosis or treatment. EmailDeveloper: [email protected]
Pregnancy Pilates 1.10
Pilates exercises for pregnancy. Alllessonscontained in this app are for pregnant women, classifiedbytrimester.This is a Pilates for Pregnancy app. All classes taughtbyphysiotherapists, prenatal and postnatal pilates,pregnancyexercise classes, with tutorials manually selected.Can pregnant women do Pilates? Yes! Pilates is a non-impactworkoutthat increases flexibility, strength, and muscle tone.Because itfocuses on your core, practicing Pilates on a regularbasis canimprove posture, alleviate backaches, and ultimately helpwithlabor and delivery.Download Pilates for Pregnant Women today. It is free!
Labor Pain Yoga 1.0.2
Guru Inc.
Yoga Class of "Labor Pain 1" pluginforYogaMonkey APPInstruction:1. Please install main app Yoga Guru first: use this plugin.2. Select the session of "Labor Pain 2" in YogaMonkeyAPP,startand enjoy yoga journey afterwards.== Session Overall Introduction ==Labor pain is said as the most significant pain inallkinds,therefore, we are all seeking medical ways to relieveit.Doctorswill suggest you to take sedative injections, and ofcoursewillalso recommend take gentle workouts, such as fitballyoga. Infact,general mat yoga together with appropriate breathingpracticecanindeed help you to take a little bit relax, meanwhiletoimprovethe health condition of both mum and baby.This birthing period yoga course containsseveralparts:abbreathing, hero pose, alternate nostrill breath,simpleboundangle and modified wide angles.Hope everything goes smoothly during the birthing process!
Yoga for Body Detox 1.0
This is a PRO plugin of Daily Yogaandrequiressubscription fee to unlock.Please install the main app 'Daily Yoga' before using this plugin:Storelink: your glow as you shed what no longer serves you inthisdetoxsession. Increase circulation and energize the bodywithexercisethat encourage natural detoxification.Benefits:• Massages the abdominal organs to stimulatedigestionandelimination.• Removes the impurities of the inside and boosts yourenergy.• Promotes better metabolism.• Smooths and glows your skin.Exercise Frequency:More than 3 times of practicing in one weekSuitable for:Everyone, especially for those with digestive problems.Tips:• It is recommended not to eat any heavy meal duringthefirsthour after practice.• People with high blood pressure, heart disease, asthma,orhadsurgery during the past six months, are not recommendforthispractice. For pregnant women and womenexperiencingmenstruation,please refer to other tailored yogasessions.• If any discomfort or exhaustion is felt duringpractice,stopimmediately.• Breathe through your nose during the wholepracticeunlessinstructed otherwise.
Prenatal Yoga 1.02
Prenatal yoga info.- The Best Advice, Videos and Instructions on Yoga forPregnancy-you'll find it here!- Yoga poses you need for a safe pregnancy.Download my prenatal yoga app now and use it for free.
Stretch Guru:Swim 2.6
Using Stretch Guru post exertion will help reduce your riskofinjury.
陣痛きたかも -今スグ使える陣痛計測アプリ-
Plusr Inc.
*「赤すぐ」2016年3月号に掲載いただきました!*妊娠おめでとうございます!「もうすぐ予定日・・・陣痛の記録って大変そう」「時計とにらめっこで時間を測る・・・そんな余裕あるのかな?」「病院や両親にスグに電話したいけど慌ててしまいそう」そんな妊婦さんの不安を解決!陣痛きたかもは、ダウンロードしてすぐ使える!陣痛計測アプリです。◎使い方はカンタン!陣痛を感じたら「陣痛きたかも」ボタンをポチ!陣痛が続いている時間を測りつづけます。陣痛がおさまったと分かったら「おさまったかも」ボタンをポチ!前回の記録があれば、その時間から次の陣痛までの間隔時間が計測され自動的に表示されます。手元で時計やタイマーを見続ける必要はありません^^◎緊急連絡先も複数登録OK!病院や両親など、緊急連絡先を複数登録しておけます。登録できる内容は、名前・住所・電話番号。電話マークのボタン1つで登録した電話番号への発信機能もついています!電話連絡だけでなく、タクシーに乗った時に住所を伝えるのにも役立ちます。いざという時も慌てないように、あらかじめ登録しておきましょう^^◎知識情報「ママ知識」では妊娠・出産の様々な知識を知ることができます。 閲覧は無料!妊娠・出産・育児の基礎知識から、「こんな時どうするの?」という小さな不安も解決!ぜひご活用ください!◎「陣痛きたかも」で出来ること◎・陣痛が来た時、おさまった時にボタンを押すだけ!陣痛計測機能・病院や両親など緊急連絡先登録機能・登録した緊急連絡先への電話発信機能・妊娠週数の表示機能・陣痛間隔お知らせ機能・記録のcsv化、Eメール送信機能・画面スリープオフ機能・不安や悩みをいつでも相談できます。・プレママ知識ページでは妊娠、出産の知識や情報を手軽に学ぶことも!出産前の前駆陣痛や陣痛など不安が相談できる「相談ひろば」では先輩ママからのアドバイスも貰えます。今はまだ初期、中期でつわりが…と言っているプレママの方にもおススメのコンテンツを沢山ご用意しておりますので、是非一度お試しください!日に日に近づく赤ちゃんとの対面の日・・・待ち望むその日のために、さっそく準備をしておきましょう^^* I got published in"redimmediately" issue in March 2016! *Congratulations pregnancy!"Soon very likely I record of the scheduled date ... labor""I wonder if there is such a margin ... to measure in thestaringcontest with the clock time?""I knew I would in a hurry I want to call to immediatelyhospitaland parents."Resolve the anxiety of such a pregnant woman!Duck who came labor is, ready-to-use download! It islabormeasurement app.◎ Easy to use!If you feel the labor pains to "be came labor" button Poti! Wewillcontinue to measure the time that labor is continuing.Once you know and labor had subsided, "subsided was be" thebuttonPoti!If you have a previous record, measured the interval time fromthattime until the next labor will be automaticallydisplayed.Hand you do not need to keep looking at the clock and timer^^◎ emergency contact also registered more than OK!Such as hospitals and parents, it will put to registermultipleemergency contacts.Content that can be registered, the name, address, andtelephonenumber.Also it comes with a transmission function to the telephonenumberregistered in the one button of telephone mark!Not only telephone contact, also helps to convey the addresswhenyou took a taxi.So as not to panic when the need arises, let'spre-registered^^◎ knowledge informationYou can find a variety of knowledge of pregnancy and childbirthinthe "mom knowledge". View is free!From basic knowledge of pregnancy, childbirth and child care,isalso a small fear that "to do at a time like this?"Solution!Please use all means!◎ thing that can be in the "be came labor" ◎• When the labor pains came, just press a button when thesubsided!Labor measurement function- Such as hospitals and parents emergency contactregistrationfunction- The registered phone call function to the emergency contactPregnancy week number of display function- Labor interval notification functionAnd recording of csv, E-mail transmission function of· Screen sleep off function- Anxiety and trouble you can contact us at any time.· Pre-Mama pregnancy in the knowledge page, also to learn easilytheknowledge and information of the birth!Also get advice from the "consultation Square" in senior momcanconsult anxiety, such as precursor labor and labor beforethebirth.Now is still early, so we have a lot of available content toalsorecommend those of Pre-Mama is saying morning sickness ... andinthe medium term, Please try once!Day by day closer face-to-face of the day ... of the babyFor the day look forward to, let's prepare immediately ^^
Sprout Pregnancy 1.18
Award-winning pregnancy tracker guides you through every day ofyourpregnancy.
Full Term - Contraction Timer
This application is the best andmostconvenient way to keep track of your labor contractions. Icreatedthis application for use during my own wife's labor and havepaidspecial attention to keeping the interface as clean andclutterfree as possible.You have to tap a single button to track the start and endofeach of your contractions, and "Full Term" will take care oftherest. The application is designed to keep track of thetimes,durations and frequency of the entire labor period.Your full labor history and contraction progress will besavedregardless of whether you restart the application duringyourlabor, or restart the entire device. There is no need to keepthisapplication open the whole time. You can even emailyourcontraction history to a health care professional or toyourselffor your own records.You also get a handy reference that you can use to get a ruleofthumb estimate of your progress through labor. You canalsoconfigure the duration you wish to keep track of based onyourneeds.To summarize, some of the features are:- Simple interface to track each contraction- Dark theme for use in low light situationsContraction Timer- View your complete contraction history- Graphs of durations/frequency and intensity for you last10contractions to show you trends.- Edit your contractions in case you make a mistake- Manually add new contractions if you missed any- Undo your contractions in case your make a mistake- Specify the intensity of each contraction- Add a note to any contraction- View your list of contractions in chronological orreversechronological order- Monitor your labor progression over a userconfigurableperiod- Email your contraction history to anyoneKick Counter- Easiest Fetal movement tracker in the Play store- Keep track of all your sessions- Make notes on each kick count session- Email the entire session history, or just a single session- Edit & Undo a kick if you make a mistake- Setup a reminder to track your kicks at the same timeeachday- Configure to automatically end the session when you reachyourdesired duration or kick countReference Section- Detailed advice on Prenatal, Labor and Post Natal phasesofpregancy- Included with permission from the Office of Women's Healthfromthe US. Dept. of Health & Human Services- Labor Quick Reference so you can track your progressthroughlabor
Easy Contraction Timer 2.30
Timing you contractions has never been soeasy!Just press the start button when your contraction starts, andstopwhen it stops, it's as easy as that!From there on out this app will give you all the informationyouneed during this important time. It tells you exactly howmanycontractions you've had so far and how long the contractionsandintermissions have lasted.This data can be used by your obstetrician to assist and guideyouduring labor.With the newest version of contraction timer it is nowalsopossible to monitor the intensity of your contractions and getaninformative chart based on this information (can be disabledfromsettings ). It is also possible to resume your latestcontractionby long-clicking it in case you accidentally stopped it,as well asdeleting any contraction by swiping it of the screen.Goodluck!
Gerakan Senam Ibu Hamil 2.0
Kegiatan ringan namun tidak terlalu berat memang sangat diperlukanbagi ibu yang sedang hamil apalagi saat menjelangpersalinan, halini di percaya akan bisa memperlancar prosepersalinan. Namun tidaksemua gerakan-gerakan bisa dilakukan olehibu hamil, maka dari itudiaplikasi ini ada beberapa macam gerakanyang ssanga cocokdilakukan oleh ibu hamil.
Yoga Poses & Asanas for Weight 3.2
The app with yoga poses for weight loss will help you shape upaperfect figure.