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Hylo - Resource Sharing 1.0.11
Hylo Inc
Have you ever wondered who all of theamazingpeople around you are, or how to unlock the creativepotential ofyour community? That's what Hylo is for.Hylo is the first social network designed to help youdiscoverwho's in your community:* Has the skills you need* Is working on cool projects* Is available to support you* Needs your helpWhen we share what we’re looking for, what we have to offer,andwhat we’d like to create in a purpose-aligned community,magichappens.With Hylo, you can share, in your communities:* Intentions, of what you'd like to create* Offers, of what you have that you'd like to share, and* Requests, for what you're looking for and don't know wheretofind.Hylo makes it easy to bring new things into reality withthesupport of your community.Hylo is used by hundreds of communities all over theworld:alumni groups, startup accelerators, companies,nonprofits,fellowship programs, coworking spaces, schools, makerspaces,ecovillages, and more.