Top 22 Apps Similar to Doss Apps

Lucky numbers in Chi culture 1.0
Lucky numbers in Chinese culture.Supportdigital and traditional Chinese only. The results can bestored andedited. With this app you can quickly find thecorresponding numberof common good and bad 81 digits of your dailylife, such as phonenumber, license plate number, Chinese name,Chinese company name orChinese brand name and so on.The calculation results are for reference only.-
姓名稱骨算命-生肖,姓名配對 6.71
取名解名-姓名算命 命名起名改名字大全 名字八字算命打分 生 5.4.6
[Name and Resolve] Two major functions: 1. According to thebaby’sbirth date and surname, match the baby with auspicious andwishfulnames; 2. According to the birth date provided by the user,theuser’s name will be scored and the user’s name will bechanged.Suggest!
起名大師-起名 改名 解名 算命 八字 4.9
想過給您的孩子起一個優雅富有文化內涵嗎?想過符合命理的名字能給孩子帶來一生的健康快樂和財富嗎?想過或者改一個好的名字,能夠讓身邊的人重新認識你嗎?想過符合命理的名字能給您帶來事業的成功,感情的甜蜜嗎?所有的問題,當您選擇使用靈占起名的時候,都將迎刃而解。靈占起名採用雲技術,有百萬之多的好名字,每個名字都精雕細啄,不僅考究名字的發音,還講究名字的涵義,使名字優雅富有內涵,令人過耳難忘,印象深刻。不僅如此,靈占起名更是考慮名字對人的合理作用,仔細分析名字對每個人在每個年齡階段的影響與作用,分析其凶吉變化,使名字不僅僅是名字,而是您幫助事業有成,感情順利的命理好名!選擇靈占起名,選擇最好的名字,選擇最好的人生。Thought to your childfroman elegant rich cultural connotation it? Wanted to give thechild'sname in line with numerology to bring a lifetime of healthandhappiness and wealth?   Thought a good name or change, allowingnewunderstanding of the people around you? Thought in linewithnumerology name can bring you career success, emotionalsweetit?   All questions, when you choose to useaccountsnamed Spirit, when all will be solved.   Ling accounted named cloud technology, therearemany millions of good names, each name carved small peck, notonlyelegant pronunciation of the name, but also pay attention tothemeaning of the name, so the name of the elegant richconnotation,people who heard unforgettable impressionprofound.Moreover, the spirit named account name is considered alegitimaterole for human beings, a careful analysis of the names ofeveryonein the impact and the role of each age, and analyze theirLuckchanges, so the name is not just the name, but you can helpthecause successful, smooth feeling good name numerology!   Select spirit named account, choose the bestname,choose the best life.
Chinese Lunar Calendar 5.5.4
Chinese Lunar Calendar shows both lunar and solar calendar.
論風水 C129_20180925_2330
On Feng Shui to Flying Star as the main theory, combined withmodernelectronic compass, free and professional geomancy aids!
天一黃曆繁體版(萬年曆、稱骨算命、姓名、號碼、解夢、農曆) 1.93
紫微斗數-八字命盤分析 線上姓名算命 5.8.4
Enter the name and birth date, arrange fortune-telling toexplainthe development of the fortune in the passing years, thefortune ofthe fortune palace, the level of the fortune of thefortune and theemotional fortune, and the master's professionalguidance to changethe fortune!
起名 CN_20230608_2330
Professional name evaluation tool, and at the same time, thethreetalents pattern of the eight characters and the name, as wellasthe mathematical analysis.
2016猴年十二生肖運程 - 從因居士提供資料 1.16.3
Chinese Almanac Calendar 4.7.8
Traditional,professional Chinese lunar calendar,Chinese Almanac.
開運農民曆-農曆擇吉日 萬年曆 8.17
Main functions: (a) Complete daily farmer calendar content (suchassolar terms, festivals, taboos, rushing evil) (b) Simpleoperationof the auspicious day query (c) Everyday reminder(d)Easy-to-understand term explanation (e) Local real-time weather.
論八字 C8W_20220904_2300
Character telling (Calc8Words), professional and efficient,theprogram is small. Can quickly exhaust various character posterofthe disk.
風水羅盤-精準羅庚房屋交易指南針,租屋買樓助手 1.2.2
家居風水不用愁,流年風水來調理。買房的時候如何看房子?【風水羅盤】集「三元九運」、「八宅法」和「九宮飛星」三個最強風水原理於一身,實力助你識別房屋好壞。如何讓男主人旺事業,女主人旺財運,小孩旺學業,老人旺健康,【風水羅盤】給您最適合的家居擺設和裝潢。房子適不適合您的命理,讓【風水羅盤】告訴您!【風水羅盤特色】1、權威:大中華地區最大命理團隊靈機文化特邀風水命理大師何樹榮老師指導!2、專業:不僅助您勘定風水,更提供解決之道!3、專屬:個人風水管理,為您度身定做最佳風水擺設方案!【風水羅盤功能】1、個人管理中心:完美契合您的八字命理,為您轉運保駕護航!2、對不當的家居佈置,給出名師提供的化解方法。3、名師八門點評:桃花、婚變、財位、健康、小人、破財、禍害、文昌。4、傳播風水知識,讓您知其然更知其所以然。5、網上預約“靈機”特聘風水大師,名師指路,掌握命運!【我們在這里等您!】【靈接觸】命理測算幫您分析運勢,助您一帆風順!:【臉書】每日新鮮命理咨詢為您洞悉運程,助您順順利利!:【郵箱】您寶貴的建議、意見都歡迎告知我們,我們將盡一切可能改善!:[email protected] Shui, do notworry,fleeting feng shui conditioning.How to buy a house to see the house? [] Feng shui compass set"threeyuan National Games," "Eight Mansions law" and "Jiu GongFlying"three-in-one of the strongest principles of Feng Shui, thestrengthto help you identify good and bad housing.How to get man of the house prosperous career, hostess Wang CaiYun,Wang school children, the elderly Wang health, feng shuicompass [toyou] the most suitable home furnishings anddecor.House is suitable to your numerology, feng shui compass [let]tellsyou![Features] feng shui compass1, authority: the Greater China region's largest culturalbrainwaveNumerology team invited Feng Shui masters HeShuronginstructor!2, professional: Assigning Feng Shui not only help you, butalsoprovide a solution!3. Exclusive: Personal Feng Shui management, tailor-made for youthebest feng shui decoration scheme![Function] feng shui compass1, the personal management center: perfect fit yourhoroscopesnumerology for your transport escort!2, improper home layout, give way to resolve theteacherprovides.3, eight teacher reviews: peach, divorce, financialposition,health, villain, or even bankruptcy, the scourge,Wenchang.4, the spread of knowledge of feng shui, so you know thesebetterknow why.5, online booking "Turing machine" Distinguished feng shuimaster,guiding teacher, master fate![We are here waiting for you! ][Contact with] the Spirit of numerology calculations to helpyouanalyze fortune to help you smooth sailing! :Http://[Facebook] daily fresh insight into the numerology consultyourfortune to help you smoothly! :Https://[E-mail] your valuable suggestions, comments are welcome toinformus and we will do everything possible to improve!:[email protected]
財位羅盤-農民曆 92
Life wisdom of the ancients, is the cornerstone of modern life,iswilling to "financial position compass - farmer calendar," Icanenrich your life
Ba Zi Fortune 1.0.27
Walter Choy
Ba Zi Fortune telling
風水師・黒門監修 風水指南 1.1.0
Ultra Push
中华万年历-日历壁纸随心换,老黄历浏览器,时间万能钥匙 6.8.5
中华万年历,你的贴心生活助手!功能全,体积小;速度快,口碑好;免费提供云服务,无限空间用到老。 超过2亿华人的共同选择,全球用户数量领先的跨平台日历APP! 【浑身是宝】 1、日历:农历黄历随便看,假日节气道道全。 2、天气:中国天气网战略合作伙伴,支持天气背景随天气变化,提供空气质量、灾害预警等全方位信息; 3、个性阅读:新闻、亲子、情感、旅行、赛事…定制个人阅读口味,你在乎的,我们都懂; 4、生日、纪念日、倒数日:支持通讯录、社交网络上的重要日期一键导入; 5、记事:支持多次、周期性重复提醒,支持添加涂鸦、录音等信息; 6、云同步:支持手机、Pad、网页端实时同步; 7、实用工具:解梦月经算吉日,求签铃声换壁纸…传统文化与现代生活完美结合; 8、私人定制:支持全屏半屏日历样式、多种主题皮肤。 【抱紧我们】 在线帮助:请在APP中点击头像,通过「意见反馈」告诉我们。 QQ交流群:204980346(安卓)、76724787(苹果) 客服电话:010-84159031(工作日09:00~18:00) 微博/微信:@中华万年历 浏览器打开网页: calendar,yourintimate life assistant! Full-featured, small size; fast,goodreputation; cloud services offer free, unlimited use ofoldspace.More than 200 million Chinese common choice, the global leaderinthe number of users of cross-platform calendar APP![Full of treasure]1, the calendars: Lunar almanac casual look, round after roundoffull throttle holiday.2. Weather: China Weather Network strategic partners tosupportweather background changes in the weather, providing airquality,such as full disaster warning information;3, personalized reading: news, family, emotional, travel, events...customized personal reading tastes, you care about, weknoweverything;4, birthdays, anniversaries, countdown date: supportcontacts,important dates on the social network a key import;5, note: support many times, periodically repeated reminders,addsupport graffiti, recording information;6, cloud sync: Support phone, Pad, page endreal-timesynchronization;7. Utility: dream menstrual considered auspicious,divinationringtones wallpaper changer traditional culture andmodern life ...the perfect combination;8, private custom: half-screen supports full-screen calendarstyles,a variety of topics skin.[We] holdOnline help: Please click on the APP in the head by "feedback"tellus.QQ exchange group: 204 980 346 (Andrews), 76,724,787 (Apple)Customer Service Tel: 010-84159031 (weekdays 9:00 - 18:00)Weibo / micro letter: @ Chinese calendarBrowser to open the Web page: http: //
BaZi Astrology 1.1.2
This App provides you an easy way to explore BaZi and assists youtobetter understand yourself, your lover, friends, family or evenyourboss. BaZi is a Chinese study of a person’s fate or destinythat hasbeen around for more than a thousand year. Those who donotunderstand BaZi are either confused about it, or claim that itispure superstition. However, BaZi, similar to astrology, tellsoneabout his or her personality, way of thinking, and mostsuitableoccupations. However, BaZi also shows one’s destiny,currentsituation in life, and provides much more details about apersonthan Western astrology. To know a person’s EXTERNALpersonality,check out the 10 Heavenly Stems. To know a person’sINTERNALpersonality, check out the 12 Earthly Branches. To know aperson’sGENERAL characteristics and qualities, check out the 10Gods inBaZi. Note:BaZi’s Earthly Branches and Zodiac Animals isdifferent.
吉祥起名-姓名算命取名 3.79
八字合婚-八字算命,生辰八字姻緣配對,合八字 3.5.0
Enter your partner’s birthday, use the time of birth toperformZiwei marriage and Bazi analysis, assess the depth of fate,predictthe development of your marriage and love, answer yourconcernsabout pre- and post-marriage, help you choose the rightperson, andtell you after marriage Ways to maintain happiness.