Top 12 Apps Similar to Desafios RRHH

RRHH 11.0.0
RRHH. Aplicación destinada a los técnicosderecursos humanos, abarcando desde el reclutamiento, entrevistasdetrabajo, contratos, nóminas, bajas, permisos, tipos dedespido,legislación laboral, manuales, formación o requieranorientaciónlaboral. De utilidad para trabajadores que quieransaciarcuriosidades laborales y de utilidad para llevar siempre enelmóvil para todos aquellos compañeros de RRHH y estudiantesderelaciones laborales y recursos humanos.Incluidas calculadoras de sueldos y finiquitos así comovariosmanuales.Incorporada noticias de actualidad económica.HR. Technicalapplicationspecially designed for human resources, ranging fromrecruitment,job interviews, contracts, payrolls, low, permits,types ofdismissal, labor legislation, manuals, training oremploymentorientation required. Useful for workers who want tosatisfycuriosities and utility work forever carry on mobile for allthoseHR colleagues and students of labor relations and humanresources.Including salary calculators and settlements as well asseveralmanuals.Built-news economic news.
HR Management 1.326.443.9979
This HR Management app will keep you at the forefrontoftoday'speople management strategies; including bestpractices,productnews and information on the following key sectorsin HR: ✔HRManagement & Strategy ✔ Technology & Software✔HROutsourcing ✔ Performance Management ✔ Staffing &Recruitment✔Remuneration & Benefits ✔ Training, Learning&Development✔ Leadership Development ✔ Organizational Change&Development✔ Employment Law & OHS ✔ Workforce Planning&AnalyticsInside you'll also have access to: ✔ Up to the minuteHRnewsheadlines, blogs and white papers ✔ The latest HRManagementvideos(and Podcasts, coming soon!) ✔ Real time HRManagement Jobpostingsfor all of the USA, UK, Australia and Canada✔ Plus a wholelotmore, including several exciting NEW developmentscoming verysoon!Packed with a ton of information for busy HRprofessionals onthego. Don't miss the opportunity to grab thisessentialHumanResources app. It's free and easy to startusingimmediately.Install this FREE HR Management App today !!
Jobibon 8.0
Oz katz
Leading Human Resources Field Today , To The Technology OfTomorrow.For more than 2 years, Jobibon has been dedicated toenrichingpeople's lives with meaningful employment anddevelopmentopportunities, and providing workers and companies withinnovativesolutions that help them find one each other by the helpof the HI-TECH. We started with an app as a basic service - for iosandandroid. Today, we provide this service on new website,includingchat and location base search, all designed to optimizehumanpotential and provide workers and businesses with a keytocooperate for the success of one each other. We began as anservicepioneer. And we remain at the forefront as a recognizedthoughtleader in the changing world of recruiting new humanresources.With our multi-platforms web and apps, using hightechnology andcooperate the best HR advisory,we developed thesmartest simple andfast way to reach your highly qualified newemployees or jobs. Fewcompanies can match Jobibon high technologyquality and uniquemethods. Take a look at where we've been in thearea of recruitingnew workers /finding new job few years ago andwhere we are today.Our solutions. Our ideas. Our vision and values.You'll see anunwavering commitment to our clients and candidatessuccess.Jobibon team
Easy HR 3.0.35
Easy HR is a simple, intuitive and beautiful way to managetheHumanCapital of an Organization. It provides intuitiveemployeerecords,leaves, expenses, travel and training making itvery easyto manage.To use this app please signupon for anew account.
HR Magazine SHRM
HR Magazine is the world’s leading magazineforhuman resource professionals. Published ten times a year, itcoversbusiness, legal and management trends relevant to HR andprofilesleaders in the field. As the flagship publication for theSocietyfor Human Resource Management (SHRM), it is distributed tomore than275,000 SHRM members in over 160 countries. The digitaleditionprovides all of the information in the print edition, plusvideo andother enhanced digital content. The app includes a newsfeed that isupdated daily.This application is powered by GTxcel, a leader indigitalpublishing technology, provider of hundreds of onlinedigitalpublications and mobile magazine apps.
Lola 2.1.3
World Manager
Powered by World Manager®, the Lola appgiveseasy on-the-go access to training, communications, HR toolsandmore.Note: For Lovisa employees only. This app requires anexistingaccount for the LOLA platform.
Mobile Recruiting For H.R 1.0.9
iJobs Inc
Welcome to all HR practitioners: webuiltthisapplication for you !Just one click: please email a job order at: [email protected] will be automatically registered and willhaveimmediateaccess from any of your mobile devices. If you arelookingforjobs, please download our Job seeker application !iJobs hiring is built for Employers, HRprofessionals,Recruitersand Sourcing expert. iJobs lets publishjobs live!iJobs will automatically match your jobs with Profiles,searchforCandidates or Prospective referrals.Post a free job and use efficient tools topublishrequisitions,email prospects, and send SMS-text!-iJobs matches yourjobs automatically to Profiles. -iJobs is the complete #1 mobile applicationbuilttosupport communications Candidates and HRpractitioners-Source contacts in one of the largest nationwide Database with millions of profiles,-Network with professionals from multiple social networksandcompaniesin the US.-Our unique dashboard lets you track jobs, activities, search agents results and more -Create custom matching job searches – Be alerted about results by email.iJobs lets you review, modify your searches, bookmarkresultsandengage with candidates directly.Search contacts that match your job listing directly fromwithinyourdevice contact book,Access thru millions of results; Connect withLinkedIn,Facebook,Twitter, etc.iJobs will alert you daily, providing up-to date resultswithinafive minutes window live!Some interesting features:- Best custom job search engine (#1 jobs search resultswithin10or 25 miles radius)- Search profiles and find contacts, in your contactbook,yourcommunity, nationwide or else.- See who checked your job order(s)- Create a job order in 1 sec, build multiple jobs listings,andusesmart search agents.- Save and email or text your favorite search(es)- Login with many social network to start job searchCount on us to provide you with the most advancedsearchtools,numerous ways to connect and incredible support whileyousearch,browse or simply wish to try our new applications.Please contact us at [email protected] with your feedbackoryourquestions.
AMIS HRM là ứng dụng mobile của phần mềm quản trị doanhnghiệphợpnhất AMIS.VN. AMIS HRM giúp: Nhân viên: • Nộp đơn xin nghỉphépchocấp trên phê duyệt, tra cứu số ngày phép đã nghỉ, còn lại. •Lậpvàgửi đề nghị đi công tác cho cấp trên phê duyệt, đề nghị sốtiềntạmứng, đề nghị bộ phận hành chính hỗ trợ việc đặt vé máy bay,tàuxe,khách sạn, tra cứu lịch sử đi công tác. • Tra cứu thunhập,thuếTNCN, các khoản khấu trừ, xác nhận hoặc gửi những thắc mắcđếnbộphận nhân sự. • Tự cập nhật hồ sơ bản thân như thông tinliênhệ,thông tin gia đình, bổ sung bằng cấp, chứng chỉ,...giúpnhânsựluôn cập nhật được những thông tin mới nhất của nhân viên.•Tracứu danh bạ đồng nghiệp trong công ty, thêm vào danh bạđiệnthoại.• Soạn sẵn mẫu tin chúc mừng sinh nhật, gửi lời chúc quaSMS,emailtới đồng nghiệp. Quản lý, lãnh đạo: • Duyệt đơn xin nghỉphép,đềnghị công tác của nhân viên cấp dưới • Xem các biểu đồ thốngkêsốlượng nhân sự theo nhiều tiêu chí (Trình độ, Tuổi, Giớitính,Thâmniên,...), tình hình biến động nhân sự, phân tích biếnđộngnhânsự,... Để sử dụng được sản phẩm, công ty bạn phải đangsửdụngAMIS.VN. Đăng ký sử dụng tại Xem hướngdẫncàiđặt và sử dụng sảnphẩmtại:
Pochet RH 2.1
Découvrez le premierutilitaireRessourcesHumaines gratuit à destination des dirigeantsde TPE -PME.Pocket RH est un outil d'anticipation et de gestiondurisquesocial en entreprise. Optimum Anticipation & GestionduRisqueSocial vous accompagne au quotidien dans la mise enplacedessolutions qui simplifieront la gestion devosRessourcesHumaines.Avec Pocket RH vous trouverez en un clic les réponsesàvosproblématiques quotidiennes RH :- Calculez une période d'essai pour un CDI et même unCDD,PocketRH vous explique également toute la procédure pour ymettreunterme,- Calculez un préavis de licenciement ou de démissionetretrouveztoutes les informations nécessaires à la fin decontratdetravail,- Calculez les indemnités légales de licenciement devotresalariéen indiquant simplement sa date d'embauche etsonsalaire,- Retrouvez en détail toutes les étapes delaprocéduredisciplinaire, calculez facilement tous les délaislégauxàrespecter : de la convocation à l'entretien jusqu'àlanotificationde votre décision. Pocket RH vous détaille égalementlaprocédureprud'homale pour que ce ne soit plus un sujettroubleetinquiétant...- ...Vous pourrez également trouver des informations à joursurlesreprésentants du personnel et les obligations liéesauxseuilsd'effectifs.Véritable outil d'aide à la décision que lesdirigeantsd'entreprisesont déjà largement reconnus et qu'ilsutilisentrégulièrement.Discover thefirstutilityto free resources leaders TPE Human - SMEs.Pocket HR is a proactive tool and social riskmanagementinbusiness. Optimum Anticipation & Social RiskManagementassistsyou in the daily implementation of solutions thatsimplifythemanagement of your human resources.Pocket with HR you will find in one click answers to yourdailyHRissues:- Calculate a trial period for a permanent or even aCSD,PocketHR will also explain the entire procedure to stop it,- Calculate notice of termination or resignation andfindallnecessary information at the end of the employmentcontract,- Calculate the statutory redundancy pay youremployeesimplystating the date of hire and salary,- Find details all stages of the disciplinaryprocedure,easilycalculate all legal deadlines: the invitation totheinterviewuntil notified of your decision. Pocket HR alsodetailstheproceedings relating to it is no longer a troubleandworryingabout ...- ...You can also find updated information on therepresentativesandobligations related to workforce sizethresholds.Real tool for decision support that business leadershavealreadywidely recognized and they use regularly.
MobileHR 3.0.4
MobileHR is de mobiele versie van het UNIT4 Employee SelfService(ESS) portaal dat uw werkgever gebruikt. Met deze app kuntueenvoudig, snel en wanneer u maar wilt bij uwpersoneelsdossier,verlof aanvragen en declaraties indienen.Afhankelijk van wat uwwerkgever ter beschikking heeft gesteld,biedt de Mobile HR app ude volgende mogelijkheden: - Uw gegevensinzien en wijzigen -Verlofsaldo inzien - Verlof aanvragen -Loonstrook bekijken -Declaraties indienen - Eenvoudig bonnen aandeclaraties toevoegenmet de camera op uw mobile device - De statusvan uw aanvragenvolgen - Ziek en beter melden (wanneer daartoegerechtigd) -Medewerkersgegevens inzien en wijzigen - Notificaties(signalen)van belangrijke gebeurtenissen (verjaardagen, jubilea)Voor wie?MobileHR is bestemd voor medewerkers, managers, HR-ensalarisprofessionals van organisaties die werken metUNIT4Personeel & Salaris of UNIT4 Emplaza. Eigenschappen-Beschikbaar in Nederlands en Engels - Toepasbaar op tabletentelefoon - Android 4 en 5 (versie 6 komt binnenkort beschikbaar)-Toegang is alleen mogelijk wanneer uw werkgever dezeappbeschikbaar stelt aan haar medewerkers Installatie: Informatiedieu nodig heeft van uw werkgever: - Klantcode - Gebruikersnaamenwachtwoord
JobAppManager Beta 1.1.1
Add easily the information of yourlastsubmission and never forget a detail.Create events to catch up with HR, to not forget sendingimportantinformation, latter applications or simply check for newpositionsor updates of your dreamed job.Sync your job life to your Google Calendar with just one button!-----------------------------------------------------In the current social environment, the job market isimposingeveryday harder difficulties to young and not that youngpeople tofind a job. Under the tough circumstances that the jobmarket isimmersed, the necessity of keeping track of the diversejobapplications submitted and their details has become morethanfundamental. The job agents demand more than ever especialinterestfrom the candidates, calls, catch-up e-mails and so on,while thecandidate drowns more and more on loads ofunrespondedapplicationsJob Application Manager is, as its name suggests, theperfectmanager for such necessity: It offers the perfectenvironment tosave the applications submission information,together with thepossibility of creating related reminders in orderto never forgetthat important detail that might get you ajob.Furthermore, it allows you to add the reminders directly toyourGoogle calendar and have all your applications submissiondetailsalways synced.
Mercer 2015 LAHR Forum 3.01
This Mercer event app enableslocationinformation to be used with the 2015 Latin America HRForum. Usingthe system you’ll be able to find other delegates, seetheir lastlocation in addition to being able to navigate throughthe eventusing the built-in map and areas functionality.