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ActionAid 1.3
Dear user,This app has been created by ActionAid to easilyenablecitizensall over the world to map dangers in their cities,indicatethelack of essential public facilities and informlocalauthoritiesabout what needs to be fixed for the city to becomeasafer andmore inclusive space for all, and especially womenandyouth.Using this app, you are able to tag 10 symbols and markplacesasRed and Yellow onto a Google map. When you are done,click“send”and add the e-mail address to the public authority youwouldlike tosend the information to. Feel free to add a greetingtomake yourmessage more personal. The recipient will then receiveapicture ofthe map with the symbols you’ve added, and thusclearlysee whatneeds to be fixed and where.The 10 symbols include lack of access to cleanwater,publictoilets, lights, garbage and recycling,inconvenientvegetation,fair and uncorrupt police and judicialsystem,education, safepublic transport, youth clinics andcontraception,as well as safespaces where women, youth and childrencan socializesafely andmeaningfully.Use the red marker to indicate streets and spaces thatareunsafedue to social factors, for instance the presence ofcrime,violenceand sexual harassment, gangs and prostitution. Usetheyellow markerto indicate streets that are unsafe due to absenceofsidewalks,irresponsible driving and i. e; tunnels andgangwaysthat younormally avoid due to fear.Thank you for contributing in creating safe andinclusivecitiesfor all!Best regards,ActionAidActionAid is an international humanitarianorganisation,workingwith over 15 million people in 45 countries fora world freefrompoverty and