Top 8 Apps Similar to Whois Lookup

WhoIs, DNS lookup Domain Tools 1.1.3
Domain Tools - WhoIs and DNS lookup (record A, AAAA, MX, NS,TXT,PTR, SOA...)
WHOIS Lookup & DNS 2.0.1
Simple Android WHOIS client with DNS lookups 🤓
Domain Whois Lookup Pro 1.3
The fastest, secure, reliable and user-friendlyasynchronousdomainlookup app to be built to date, is finally out!You cansearch andcheck for your favorite top-level domains (TLDs)andcompile a listof your favorite ones. Whois app supportsthefollowing extensions;com, net, org, info, be, tc, tv ,biz, io,co,mobi, ,pl, us,, uk, de, cn, xyz, ru, nl, eu, br ,fr,au, in, ch, at, cc,jp, tw, top, ist, istanbul Whois appdoesn'tuse any special API toidentify domains, so that all thedomainsadded to your personallist are saved privately and securely,justfor your viewing. Startcompiling your domain list now!
Network Tools 1.5
!!! THIS APP IS UNDER REFACTORING / ITWONTWORKAS EXPECTED AT THE MOMENT !!!A set of tools for network includes:- Ping- Whois- DNS Lookup- IP Geolocation (with map)- Detection of your IP address- TCP port scan- DNSBL Checks (DNS BlackLists, more than 30 providers)- HTTP Headers inspection- Get manufacturer name from MAC address prefix- Get service assigned by IANA to a TCP/UDP port- Netmask / CIDR converter- Decimal, binary, hexadecimal converters- Hash (md5, sha1, ... ) (more than 30 algos)- advanced subnet / CIDR calculator- RFC search and readThis paid app has no ads.If you want a free version of this app (with ads), pleasecheckourother applications.Next release should be before October 2012.Some bugfixes are already planned.New tools, and improvements to the existing ones, arealreadyinconstruction!(such as traceroute, Wake on Lan, and a reallybetterCIDR/Netmaskcalculator)Note:This app only uses HTTP connections (to a server that handlesalltherequests), so it is usable with every type of connection(3G,4G,Wifi, ...)
Network Toolbox 5.3
Network Toolbox is your one stop shop for all the tools youneedtotroubleshoot your network on the go. Whois: ✔LookupWhoisinformation for any domain right from your androiddevice.✔Quickly check if a domain is available forregistrationbyperforming a Whois lookup ✔ Choose from any of 254knownwhoisservers, or add and query your own. ✔ Formatted Whoisresultstoimprove readability DNS: ✔ Forward and reverse DNSlookups.✔Supported DNS record types: A, AAAA, APL, CNAME, DNAME,MX,LOC,NS, PTR, RP, SOA, SPF, SRV, TXT DNSBL / RBL Black ListCheck:✔Check any host or IP against over 60 DNSBL / RBL servers ✔GetTXTstatistics for IP or domain from NetworkBlockInfo(ARIN): ✔ Get Network Block information for any host orIP.✔Choose which Regional Internet Registry(RIR) to queryforNetworkBlock Information Ping: ✔ Ping any host or IP. ✔ Alsoworksonnon-rooted devices from Android 4.3 Port Scan: ✔ Scan a hostorIPfor Open ports ✔ Scan progresses from Port 1 to 65535, butcanbecancelled at any time. App will display results up tolastscannedport. External IP Address: ✔ Find your external(Internet)IPaddress for the network you are currently connectedto.GeoLocation: ✔ Find the country, city, area code,region,metro,postal code, latitude and longitude of any IP address✔Viewlocation coordinates on a map CIDR Calculator: ✔Determinestartand end addresses, address count, broadcast andnetworkaddressesfor a CIDR address in the format xx.xx.xx.xx/yyTest EmailServer:✔ Test your email server's configuration. CheckrDNS andbannermatches, server security and response times. ✔ Clickhere toreadmore about the RBL check, Geo IP and Email ServerTestfeatures: Daytime and Quote of the Day(QOTD):✔Supports getting date and time from any serversupportingtheDaytime protocol (RFC 867). ✔ Supports reading Quoteof theDayfrom servers supporting the QOTD protocol (RFC865).OtherFeatures: ✔ Extremely fast and light weight. ✔ Easilyshareresultsfrom all tools with other apps on your device. ✔Allowstextselection and copying of results ✔ Designed for Android4.0(ICS)but also works with older Android versions Based on theopensourceJFreeWhois project: Basedonthe opensource dnsjava project:
Whois Lookup 1.0
GBM .Jsc
Whois Lookup - Service to searchthewhoisdatabase for domain name registration information.suport TLD: .com, .net,.org, biz, info, us, ws, tv, mobi,eu,me,tel, co, jp, in
Whois® lookup tool 1.0.0
The Whois® lookup tool was built toenablefastWHOIS+Dig lookups and TraceRoutes without ever having toopenamobile browser. Check domain availability basedonkeywords.Features:- Domain availability checks- WHOIS lookups- DIG lookups- TraceRoutes
WHOIZ - Domain Name WHOIS Tool 0.3.6
Domain tool for query domain WHOIS, support all gTLD / ccTLD /newgTLD search.