Top 12 Games Similar to By-Taxi - Go By Taxi and Enjoy

Chapa Taxi - Conductor 1.7.6
(Aplicación para conductores)¡SE TU PROPIO JEFE E INCREMENTA TUS INGRESOS DEFINIENDO TÚTUSPROPIAS TARIFAS!Chapa Taxi es una Aplicación 100% peruana hecha a la medida paraloque los peruanos necesitan. Permite conectar a pasajeros quedeseantener un servicio particular de traslado con conductoresdispuestosa trasladarlos, estos ofertando sus tarifas.Chapa Taxi - Conductor de manera muy simple le permitirá elegir asupasajero, la ruta que le convenga al precio que mejor se leacomodey todo esto en los horarios que usted desee.Chapa Taxi - Conductor traslada la tradicional negociaciónqueocurre en las calles peruanas entre taxistas y pasajeros almundovirtual de los Smartphones para brindarles la comodidad queambaspartes merecen. De esta manera se reduce el consumo decombustiblecirculando sin destino en búsqueda de pasajeros ycontribuye alordenamiento vial al minimizar la congestión vehicularen lascalles debido a las colas de vehículos formadas para negociarconun pasajero la tarifa.Mira los requisitosíguenos en Facebook como "Chapa Taxi Conductor Oficial" your own boss AND INCREASING YOUR INCOME YOU DEFINE YOUROWNRATES!Taxi Chapa is a 100% Peruvian tailored to what Peruviansneed.Connects to passengers who wish to have a private shuttleservicewith drivers willing to take them, offering theserates.Chapa Taxi Driver - very simply allows you to choose yourpassenger,the route that suits you the best price that fits andall this atthe times you want.Chapa Taxi - driver moves the traditional negotiation that occursinPeruvian streets between taxi drivers and passengers to thevirtualworld of smartphones to give them the comfort that bothsidesdeserve. In this way fuel consumption circulating aimlesslyinsearch of passengers and contributes to the system to minimizeroadtraffic congestion in the streets due to queues of vehiclesformedto negotiate with a passenger fee is reduced.Look us on Facebook as "Chapa Official Taxi Driver"
Taxi Sonrisas 1.0.26
Taxi Sonrisas
Taxi Smiles always taking you to your destination safelyandconfidently.
Taxis Libres App - Viajeros 5.32.3
Cotech S.A.
Application for taxi trips, fast, efficient and safe service
iTaxi - the taxi app 5.18.1
iTaxi is the easy way to order taxis in Poland. Download anapp& travel safely!
Easy Tappsi, a Cabify app 8.109.2
Tappsi Dev
Choose a safe taxi with Easy Tappsi, a Cabify app
Taxi Monterrico Asociado
Taxi Monterrico le brinda esta aplicaciónparasmartphone de fácil uso que te ayudará a conseguir pasajerosmásseguros ya que los contactamos principalmente conclientescorporativos, donde por lo general en el sistematenemosalmacenados la dirección de domicilio de los Usuarios, ladirecciónde su trabajo, ademas de su correo electrónico y teléfonosdelusuario y familiares. Realmente Taxi Monterrico es seguridadparati y tu Vehículo.Los servicios les llegará en su aplicación de Taxi Monterrico quehadescargado, con un sonido particular donde basta con hacer unclicpara visualizar los datos del Usuario con todos los detallesdelservicio.Taxi Monterrico es un sistema que conecta al Usuario demaneradirecta con el asociado quien es dueño absoluto delservicio.Taxi Monterrico le brinda el uso del aplicativo muy seguro, pueslosUsuarios se registran necesariamente antes de hacer el primerpedidode servicio.Taxi Monterrico solamente cobra un pequeño porcentaje para elpagode la administración de los especialistas en la operación quehacenque la operación sea mas funcional. Toda responsabilidad correporcuenta del asociado y no tiene ningún vinculo laboral conTaxiMonterrico.Para formar parte del staff de Asociados de Taxi Monterrico,ustedsólo necesita:- Tener un smartphone con sistema operativo Android ,- GPS integrado y un plan de internet de más de 800 MB.- DNI- Licencia de conducir- Tarjeta de propiedad del auto- SOAT- Seguro Vehicular contra todo riesgo.Taxi Monterricothisapplication provides user friendly smartphone that will helpyouget safer passengers since we contacted primarily withcorporateclients, which usually stored in the system have the homeaddressof the users, the direction of their work in addition to itse-mailand phone user and family. Taxi Monterrico is really safe foryouand your vehicle.The services they arrive in your application that youdownloadedTaxi Monterrico, with a particular sound where just aclick todisplay the data of the user with all the details ofservice.Taxi Monterrico is a system that connects the user directly withthepartner who is sole owner of the service.Taxi Monterrico provides the use of very safe application, asusersnecessarily recorded before making the first requestforservice.Taxi Monterrico only charges a small percentage for paymentofmanagement specialists in the operation to make the operationmorefunctional. All responsibility rests with the partner and hasnoemployment relationship with Taxi Monterrico.To join the staff of Monterrico Taxi Partners, you only need:- Having a smartphone with Android operating system,- GPS and Internet plan more than 800 MB.- DNI- Driver's license- Card-owned auto- SOAT- Vehicle Insurance against all risks.
TucuTaxi - Taxi Seguro Tucumán 1.1.2
TucuTaxi surgió como ayudaparasolucionarproblemas de seguridad relacionados al transportepúblicoque sevieron multiplicados los últimos días en San MigueldeTucumán,Argentina.+ Compartir la información de tu viaje con amigos porWhatsAppyredes sociales.+ Verificar cuánto es el costo aproximado de tu viaje.+ Visualizar la ruta más cercana para evitar desvíos.+ Consultar a la base de datos con información públicaprovistaporSUTRAPPA para obtener información sobre la licencia detaxis deSanMiguel de Tucumán.Fue construido en 24 horas y tiene gran potencialdecrecimiento,esperamos que disfruten de la aplicación.TucuTaxi emergedtohelpsolve security issues related to public transportwhichweremultiplied in recent days in San Miguel de Tucuman,Argentina.+ Share your travel information with friends onWhatsAppandsocial networks.+ Check how much is the approximate cost of your trip.+ Display the nearest route to avoid detours.+ Consult database with information provided by SUTRAPPApublicforinformation on license taxi San Miguel de Tucuman.It was built in 24 hours and has great growth potential, wehopeyouenjoy the application.
Onver Smart Taxi 2.1
An app on smart phones to reserve taxi in Nepal. Reasons touseOnver Smart Taxi: • Safe: Licensed drivers and trackabletaxirides. • Certain: Know your estimated metered fare before youbooka taxi. • Fast: Find out your booking status within a minute.•Getyour driver’s details (name, mobile number, vehicleregistrationnumber and photo) once your booking is confirmed. •Rate yourdriver. How to use: • Download and activate the app. • Theapp autodetects your location and sets it as your Pick-Up. • Key inyourDrop-Off point. • Get a booking confirmation within aminute.You’ll get the driver’s details soon after. • Watch as yourdrivermoves towards you. Enjoy your ride!
Forus Taxi 3.2.0
All taxis in your pocket!
AAA TAXI - order taxi 3.5
AAA taxi - the largest supplier oflicensedtaxis in Prague. More than twenty years of aguarranteedquality. Smartphone app AAA TAXI provides the fastest taxi order.SMARPHONE APP:- Prompt, easy-to-use, free of charge orders in Prague- Launch application and instantly get your position- Two taps on your smartphone and taxi is on the wayHOW IT WORKS- Locate your position and nearest pickup place (using GPS,WiFi,mobile cells)- Optionally fill pickup place in the search bar or pinpointtheplace on the map- Tap Order Button, check items and tap Confirm to get ournearestcab- watch our cab live tracking, your position and pickup place onthemap- Read your cab id, price items and time to estimated arrival- At arrival time confirm your time to comeADDITIONAL FUNCTIONALITY:- price calculation- order options- booking in advance- integrated taximeter and ride trackingCOMING SOON:- in-app payment- following customers demandsWe accept your demands at Facebook/Google+/Twitter/e-mail:Follow us on Google+ us on Twitter at us on Facebook at [email protected]
Easy for drivers, a Cabify app
Easy Taxi
Welcome to the Easy Taxi Driver App. FREE application fortaxidrivers.
Beat - Ride app, ex-Taxibeat
Taxibeat Ltd
Beat is an app that will transform the wayyoumove around the city. Tap on a button on your smartphone andyouget a ride in just a few minutes, at no extra cost.Use Beat 24/7, locate the available vehicles nearby and selectthedriver who will instantly pick you up.Beat is all about convenience, quality and safety.Instead of flagging down a stranger or having someonerandomlyassigned to you, you get a trusted driver, rated by otherΒeatusers, that best fits your needs: the nearest and nicestvehicle,the most recommended driver or the one with extra servicessuch asfree WiFi or smartphone charger.You can always expect from a Βeat driver to take the extra mileforyou, as this is a win-win way to a 5* rating.So sit back, relax and enjoy your rides!Got a question or a suggestion for us? Please drop us a [email protected] us on Facebook: it works:* Let the app locate you and tap the green button to getaride* Check the list and choose your driver* Hail your driver at the tap of a button* Watch the cab's route live on your map* Enjoy the ride!* Rate your Βeat experience