Top 18 Apps Similar to Biblioteca UP

PlanetadeLibros 1.1
Si te gustan los libros, ésta estuaplicación.En PlanetadeLibros encontrarás información sobretuspróximaslecturas. Descarga esta aplicación en tu móvil ytendrásacceso auna selección del universo literario del GrupoPlaneta:Novedades,Bestsellers, recomendaciones y una selección deautores.PlanetadeLibros en tu móvil incorporalassiguientescaracterísticas:- Selección de Novedades- Selección de Bestsellers- Recomendador: aplicación para encontrar el libro queestásbuscandoa través de un sencillo cuestionario- Autor del mes: con amplia biografía y bibliografíaPlanetadeLibros se actualiza periódicamente conlasúltimasNovedades.If you like books,thisisyour application. In PlanetadeLibros find informationaboutyournext readings. Download this app on your phone and getaccessto aselection of the literary universe Planet Group:New,Bestsellers,recommendations and a selection of authors.PlanetadeLibros for your phone includesthefollowingfeatures:- Selection of New- Selection of Bestsellers- Recommender: application to find the book you're lookingthroughasimple questionnaire- Author of the month: with extensive biography andbibliographyPlanetadeLibros is regularly updated with the latest News.
Personal Library 1.0
Rafael Azogue
Manage, organize and catalog your book collection withPersonalLibrary
Nuvem de Livros
Gol Editora
Cloud Book - the most innovative and complete digitallibraryBrazil.
Zona Lectura Prensa 2.5.0
Zona Lectura Prensa (ZLP) es la seleccióndelibros electrónicos de la División Librerías del Grupo Planetaquese pone a disposición de los periodistas.ZLP permite acceder a las principales novedades editorialesenformato digital para poderlas leer en diferentesdispositivos:tabletas, teléfonos inteligentes, ordenadorespersonales o lectoresde libros electrónicos con conexión aInternet.Para disfrutar de ZLP hace falta:-Solicitar el acceso al departamento de prensa de laDivisiónLibrerías del Grupo Planeta mediante un correo electró[email protected]. En el correo se ha deespecificar:nombre, apellidos, medio de comunicación,responsabilidad yteléfono de contacto.-Tener un dispositivo compatible y una cuenta decorreoelectrónico.Una vez hecha la solicitud, recibirás un mensaje decorreoelectrónico confirmando el acceso y con la informaciónparaestablecer la contraseña. A partir de este momento,podrásdisfrutar de la totalidad de los servicios que ofreceZLP.Reading Zone Press(ZLP)is the selection of electronic books Grupo Planeta BooksDivisionthat is made available to journalists.ZLP provides access to major new publications in digitalformatso they can be read on different devices: tablets,smartphones, PCsand eBook readers with Internet access.To enjoy ZLP need:-Request Access to the press department of Grupo PlanetaBooksDivision by email [email protected]. In the mail hasbeento specify: name, media, responsibility and contacttelephonenumber.-To have a compatible device and an email account.Once the application, you will receive an email messageconfirmingaccess to information and to set the password. From thispoint, youcan enjoy all the services offered ZLP.
RuTLib Домашняя библиотека 1.2
В приложении находится около 10000 книг, но,скаждым днем добавляется около 5-10 книг. Так что в скоромвременинаша база книг пополнится на более 100000 книг иболее..Основное отличие от других приложений - это то, что многиекниги,предоставленные здесь бесплатно, являются платными.Если вы истинный любитель книг, то вам должно понравится!ПС. Высказывайте любые ваши пожелания и я с удовольствиемихвоплощу в жизнь.The annex is about10,000books, but with each passing day adds about 5-10 books. So itsoonfilled up our database of books at more than 100,000 books andmore..The main difference from other applications - is that many booksareprovided free of charge, to be paid for.If you are a true lover of books, then you should enjoy it!PS. Speak any of your comments and I am pleasedtheyimplemented.
Biblio JCyL: Bibliotecas Casti 1.2
All information about the libraries of the Junta de Castilla y León
Bookmate — reload your reading 6.12
– Enjoy 850,000 subscription books &50,000free books!– New titles, bestsellers, classics, business books and more.– Get recommendations from friends, experts and editors.– Read across mobile, tablet and desktop devices.– Keep your books, quotes and notes with you.— Thousands of books. One monthly fee.With a Bookmate subscription you’ll have access to a huge library–stacked with bestsellers, all time classics, business booksandmore – in English, Spanish, or one of 10 other languages. Evenourfree account offers 50,000 books!— Smart suggestions.Experts and other booklovers create themed bookshelves. Browsethem,subscribe and receive regular updates. Bookmate alsomakesrecommendations based on your preferences – the books youadded toyour reading list. The more you read, the more accurateourrecommendations!— Sharing stories.Friends are great at recommending books you’ll love. WithBookmateyou can keep up with what they’re reading, and find newfriendswith similar interests. Share your books, quotes,impressions andget likes.— Your on-tap paperback.Customise Bookmate for a comfortable read: adjust thebrightness,change the font or the background screen colour. Startreading onyour phone and pick up where you left off on your tabletorcomputer.— Everything in one place.All your books, quotes and notes get saved in Bookmate.Readanywhere: in the subway, at the beach, on a plane. Downloadyourfavourite books to your device for offline reading; andupload.epub or .fb2 files to read any others you find.Got any questions? Contact us at [email protected]
NLE Nursing Exam Reviewer 2.0.0
Jayson Tamayo
Reviewer for the Nurse Licensure Exam
MeeGenius Children's Books 3.0.4
Captivate your child’s imagination by giving them access tohundredsof read-along books with MeeGenius, turning your mobiledevice intoan expansive library of digital books for children upto 8 yearsold. All MeeGenius books are available with read-alongwordhighlighting, rich illustrations, and engaging storynarration.MeeGenius makes it easy to keep your child reading byofferinghundreds of e-books including classics, MeeGeniusoriginals, andpartner content from Sesame Street, Dr. Seuss, andP.D.Eastman.Here’s what parents, teachers, and publications have beensayingabout MeeGenius:*** 2013 National Parenting Publication Award WinnerforPre-School Virtual Products*** 2013 “Best Children’s Reading and Book Apps”–*** 2013 “Best Interactive Games” Award Winner –“All your kids books right at your fingertips” -PeopleMagazine“Awesome, interactive children’s stories” - TechCrunch“The future of e-books” – Bloomberg TV“This is my number one app for my kids” – CraigPC“Must have for any parent” – MamaH2O“MeeGenius builds a common background knowledge of literatureata young age” – Reading specialist, Riverdale Country School
Библиотека КОБ 1.7.4
Yuri Kont
Complete collection of works by social group "Internal Predictorofthe USSR" (IP USSR)
Biblioteca Región Antofagasta 1.0
Con la Aplicación de la BibliotecaRegionalAntofagasta podrás realizar, de forma fácil y rápida, larenovaciónde tus préstamos, revisar nuestro catálogo de libros,acceder a lacartelera de actividades y muchos otros servicios alalcance de tumano.Entérate de nuestros panoramas culturales y compártelos contusamigos o familiares, revisa las Recomendaciones de Libros quehemospreparado con títulos que quizás aún no has leído ¿No sabescómollegar? Fácil, nuestra aplicación te indica cómo hacerlo.¿Te gustaría acceder a los servicios de tu Bibliotecadesdecualquier lugar? Entonces descarga la aplicación de laBibliotecaRegional Antofagasta y no esperes más.Pioneros con la primera aplicación móvil para ServiciosdeBibliotecas Públicas en Chile y Latino AmericaOptimizada para TeléfonosWith the implementationofthe Regional Library Antofagasta you can make easily andquickly,renewing your loans, check our catalog of books, accessthe jobboard and many other services at your fingertips.Get our cultural landscapes and share them with friendsorfamily, reviews the recommendations we have prepared bookswithtitles that perhaps have not read Do not know how to getthere?Easy Our application tells you how.Would you like to access the services of your libraryfromanywhere? So wait no more and download the applicationAntofagastaRegional Library.Pioneers with the first mobile application for PublicLibraryServices in Chile and Latin AmericaOptimized for Phones
EBook Reader 1.5.4
TopDev Studio
Reading is our essential part of everydaylife. This application can fully satisfy your needs , come todownloadit, will not let you down.*** Features ***- Support for most popular e-book formatFor example : EPUB, RTF, FB2, HTML, plain text- Support for direct reading from zip file- Convenient to manage the local libraryAccording to the book's title, author, series, etc. and toorganizethe user's local library- Includes a browser/downloader for networkebookcatalogs/storesDirect access to the major online e-book library, a numberofpopular English, French, Russian, Chinese and Polish librariesareincluded, and free download e-books.- Convenient electronic bookmarksYou can quickly add a variety of different colorsbookmarks,beautiful and convenient- Day / Night different reading modesBy setting background and font colors to protect your glasses- The powerful book search function- Flip action can be setYou can click on the screen, or slide the screen to turn thepage,you can also use the volume keys to turn pages- You can choose a variety of flip effectSupport curl animation (analog Book flip effect), slideanimation,shift animation, and you can set the speed of thepage- Support for text translation featureIntegration with popular dictionaries, such ColorDict,SlovoEd,Fora, etc. If you installed the dictionary can translateselectedtext- You can set the screen orientationFacilitate the reading habits of different screen orientation- You can use an external TrueType / OpenType fonts- Quick navigation to read the pageYou can flip to any page you want to see- Sharing booksYou can share books to your friends via Gmail, FaceBook, QQ,microletters, Bluetooth- Support for up to 29 kinds of languagesThere are many features require you discover in the course .Disclaimer:This app is base on FBReader code, and licensed under theGNUGeneral Public License.FBReader code: General Public License:
PONS Dictionary Library - Offline Translator
*PONS Dictionaries* 100% Offline *
Fnac ebooks 2.7.0
Descárgate gratis nuestra aplicación delecturay podrás leer desde tu tablet o smartphone Android loslibros quecompres en Fnac eBooks*. Sincroniza tu biblioteca ytendrás acceso atus libros al instante, sin necesidad de usarcables paratransferirlos y sin tener que estar siempre conectado ainternetpara leerlos. Además podrás disfrutar de la lectura hastaen 5dispositivos de forma simultánea gracias a nuestra tecnologíadesincronización.Disfruta de la mejor experiencia de lectura con laaplicaciónFnac eBooks:• Navega por la tienda Fnac eBooks nativa en la app, ydescubrenuestro amplio catálogo de libros, con las últimasnovedades y lostítulos más vendidos. Compra en un solo clic yempieza a leer encuestión de segundos.• Lee muestras gratuitas con las primeras páginas de loslibrosde la tienda antes de decidirte a comprarlos.• Gestiona tu biblioteca descargando en tu dispositivotucolección completa de libros, pudiendo archivar los yaleídos.Ordena tus libros según tu criterio preferido: título, autoro másreciente.• Lee, añade marcapáginas, notas y subrayados. Éstossesincronizarán y estarán disponibles en todos losdispositivosasociados a tu cuenta, ya sea un Libro ElectrónicoFnac, un iPad,un iPhone, una tablet o un smartphone Android. Podrásempezar aleer en un dispositivo y continuar la lectura en otro enel mismopunto dónde lo dejaste.• Personaliza tu lectura ajustando el tamaño y el tipo deletra,el interlineado, los márgenes o el justificado a tusnecesidades.Lee en formato vertical o apaisado. También podrásmodificar elbrillo y elegir entre los modos de día o noche según laubicación ymomento del día.• Busca dentro del libro palabras, frases o personajesquequieras consultar.Download our freereaderapplication and read from your Android tablet or smartphonebooksyou buy at Fnac eBooks *. Sync your library and get access toyourbooks instantly, without using cables to transfer withouthaving tobe always connected to the internet to read them. Plusyou'll enjoyreading up to 5 devices simultaneously thanks tooursynchronization technology.Enjoy the best reading experience with the applicationeBooksFnac:• Surf the Fnac store eBooks native app, and discoverourextensive catalog of books, with the latest developmentsandbest-selling titles. Buy one click and start readinginseconds.• Read free the first pages of the books in the storebeforedeciding to buy samples.• Manage your library to your device by downloading yourentirecollection of books, can archive and read. Sort yourbooksaccording to your preferred criteria: title, author ornewer.• Read, add bookmarks, notes and highlights. Thesearesynchronized and available on all devices associated withyouraccount, whether an eBook Fnac, an iPad, an iPhone, a tabletorAndroid smartphone. You can start reading on one deviceandcontinue reading in another at the same point where youleftoff.• Customize your reading adjusting the size and the font,linespacing, margins or justified your needs. Read in portraitorlandscape format. You can also adjust the brightness andchoosebetween modes of day or night depending on location and timeofday.• Search inside the book words, phrases, or characters youwantto query.
Biblioteca UENF 3.7
Aplicativo não oficial criado para facilitaroacesso de alguns serviços oferecidos pela biblioteca da UENF-Universidade Estadual do Norte Fluminense Darcy Ribeiro.Unofficialapplicationcreated to facilitate access to some services offered bythelibrary UENF - State University of North FluminenseDarcyRibeiro.
FBReader Bookshelf
FBReader plugin, replaces defaultlibraryview.Browse and manage your book collection in a convenientthumbnailview. Adds some additional features: custom shelves,recently addedbooks list, editing of recent list, etc.The Bookshelf is customisable: you can select colour scheme,bookcards type (wide, small or tiny), etc.This application contains ads, for ad-free bookshelf and othernewfeatures buy FBReaderPremium(
Домашняя Библиотека 9.4
"Домашняя Библиотека" - это не просто удобная программа длячтениякниг, а целая библиотека, содержащая около 10.000бесплатныхпроизведений классической литературы и более 40.000платных новинокна разных языках. Приложение охватывает практическивсе жанры:художественную литературу, философские трактаты,публицистику,мемуары, детскую литературу и прочие. Теперь не нужноискать книгив интернете: установив это приложение, вы всегда будетеиметь подрукой огромное собрание книг лучших отечественныхписателей.Разумеется, в списке из 1100 авторов вы найдете Чехова,Толстого,Достоевского, Тургенева, Гоголя, Пушкина, Лермонтова,Есенина,Горького и многих других. Интерфейс программы обладаетцелым рядомудобных функций и настроек, делающих чтение текстамаксимальнокомфортным. Основные особенности программы: • Около25.000произведений классической литературы на русском,английском,украинском, немецком, французском, испанском,португальском,китайском и других языках. • Магазин с самыми новымикнигами.Существует подписка позволяющая читать и слушать всемировыебестселлеры за небольшую плату. • Гибкие настройкиотображениятекста (выбор шрифта, изменения цвета и фактуры фона"бумаги") •Современный адаптивный дизайн интерфейса с удобнойнавигацией •Поиск произведения по автору и по названию • Поискфрагмента втексте произведения • Возможность добавлять произвольноеколичествозакладок • Поддержка горизонтального режима чтения •Оглавления дляобъемных произведений • Автоматическая закладка(произведениеоткроется там, где оно было "закрыто" в последний раз)•Возможность открывать "свои" файлы формата TXT • Ночной режим•Портреты авторов и ссылки на биографии на страницах Википедии•Встроенный магазин современных книг, журналов и аудиокнигУважаемыепользователи! Мы постоянно работаем над улучшениемприложения"Домашняя Библиотека". Если у вас есть замечания ипожелания,обязательно пишите их на нашу электронную почту.
Epic: Kids' Books & Reading 3.125.0
Learn with read-to-me books, ebooks, stories & videos forgradeschool children