Top 3 Apps Similar to Cathedral-Mosque of Córdoba

Istanbul Travel Deals & Guide 2.1
Straddling the Bosphorus, its skylinestuddedwith domes and minarets, Istanbul is one of the world'struly greatromantic cities. Its history tracks back from ByzantiumtoConstantinople to its place at the head of the OttomanEmpire.Today Istanbul hums as Turkey's cultural heart andgood-timecapital.In this sprawling, continent-spanning city you can trampthestreets where crusaders once marched; admire mosques that arethemost sublime architectural expressions of Islamic piety; peerintothe sultan's harem; and hunt for bargains in the GrandBazaar.============================Our team of travel insiders is obsessed with finding thebestthings to do everywhere we travel.From traditional tourstoonce-in-a-lifetime experiences, we have something for every kindoftraveler.When planning your trip, why start anywhere else?>>Handpicked Tours & ActivitiesSpend our years of experience on your week of enjoyment.From our offices around the globe, our team of travelinsidershandpicks the best local tour and activity providers. Wepre-vetthem all to make sure you always have anexceptionalexperience.>> Verified Reviews & PhotosDon't believe us? See what real travelers have to say.We can't be everywhere every day, but our customers can. Forthelatest scoop, nothing beats a review or photo posted by someonewhowas just there.============================Visit other EU Destinations, too.--UK--LiverpoolLondonManchesterOxfordYork--Spain--BarcelonaBilbaoCordobaCosta del SolGranadaGran CanariaIbizaLanzaroteMadridMalagaMallorcaSan SebastianSantiago de CompostelaSevilleTenerifeValencia--Italy--BolognaFlorenceGenoaMilanNaplesPalermoPisaRomeSienaSorrentoTaorminaTurinVeniceVerona--Netherlands--AmsterdamRotterdamThe Hague-- Other Amazing Places --Istanbul
vtp cordoba mosque1000 1.5.1
Walk through the mosque of Cordoba inthetenthcentury, just before the enlargement of Almanzor.You can browse the virtual place from yourcomputerat but using yourcompassenabledAndroid device, virtimeplace will drive thevirtualcameraautomatically, providing a sense of augmentedreality.Moreover if you also are in Cordoba near to the real mosque,andGPSis active, virtimeplace will capture your location in themodelandshows you a real window into the past of thismonument.You can also navigate using joystics like a video gameortouchpadnavigation as standard modes.VIRTIMEPLACE is conceived to promote the knowledge ofourculturalheritage, so remember, if possible, don't stayvirtual,visit thereal places and enjoy the mixture.Use with at least 512 Mb of RAM, but also 1GHz isrecommendedforbetter performance.User guide: video available in Spanish, for now
Fez Guide 3.3.2
Fez Guide is a portal dedicated to allthosewhowant a unique experience in the spiritual cityanditssurroundings.This guide reveals all! If you get stuck, the answershouldbehere!The application does not have a rigid hierarchical structure,butisactually a "collective" of informative andinteractiveindividualrecords.This allows us to make more effective promotion ofFezGuide,because we can see the most relevant andtargetedcontentcustomized to users.Fez Guide is created for the developmentandinternationalizationof the tourism product of Fez:FES HISTORY AND DEPTH, the end of the seventh century,fleeingthehegemony of the Abbasids in Baghdad, Idriss I,descendant oftheprophet, took refuge among the Berbers of centralMorocco.Supportedby many Amazigh tribes who proclaim King ofMorocco, hefounded in789 AD his capital on the right bank of theOued Fes. Athis death,his son, Idriss II, completing work on theleft bank ofthe Oued anddecided in 809 to establish the seat ofthedynasty.The first legend says that the name of Fez which meanspickaxewouldhave been given by Sultan Moulay Driss following apickaxeblow inthe depths of the earth, and has brought forth fromthebowels ofthe city, pure and clear water. This water stillsnakingalleys,through the alleys of houses, riads and palaces andpowersmost ofthe city's fountains. A second version, reportsthatdigging thefoundations of the city, they found a large"Fez",weighing sixtypounds, and that's where the name came fromFez.Anyway this citybecame the first Islamic city in the countryasits founder wanted.A few years later, the city welcomeshundredsof political refugeesfrom Andalusia, Cordoba preciselyaccordingto historians. Theyfounded the Andalusian quarter in 818.Thispopulation has beenreinforced by the arrival of the Jews.Sevenyears later, 300families of artisans and traders evictedfromKairouan (modernTunisia) settled west of the city, intheneighborhood ofkairaouanais said.FES, WORLD HERITAGE OF UNESCO City mother of Morocco, Deanoftheimperial cities, guardian of the faith, spiritualcapital,cultural,artistic and scientific, the qualifiers do notfail toexpress therichness and beauty of this fascinating city.historical andauthentic space, the Fez medina retains anchoredinits walls andmazes Moroccan heritage.Memory city with a thousand faces, Fez has manyreligiousbuildings(mosques, mausoleums, temples, synagogues, etc.)and alarge numberof historical monuments (borjs, madrasas,fondouks,riadsetc.).CRAFTS Fassi, A MATTER OF CENTURIES The Moroccan craftdatesbackto the most remote times of the kingdom. The Berbers,thefirstinhabitants of the area were the precursors of theMoroccancraftindustry, particularly through the work of the wool(carpet),ironand silver (jewelery), clay (various utensils) etc.Arabconquerorsof the land of Morocco, contributed to the evolutionofthe field ofhandicrafts by developing new forms such ascopperwork (variousutensils), wood (various furniture), sorrel(variousitems), clay(pottery), etc.