Top 12 Apps Similar to Fisioterapia - SÍ PUEDO

Fisioterapia Respiratória 1.0.21
Application to assist in Respiratory Therapy.
fisioTab - Fisioterapia 1.0.4
O fisioTab pode ser utilizadoporFisioterapeutas, Consultórios de Fisioterapia e Profissionaisdeáreas afins para um controle completo dos dados de seus pacientesesua Anamnese.Ele possui as opções de cadastro de Fisioterapeuta e cadastrodepacientes, Anamnese com todas as informações necessáriasparamanter um histórico do atendimento de um paciente sobtratamento deFisioterapia.Você poderá inserir no cadastro de seu paciente dadospessoais,dados clínicos, dados de exames físicos, análise postural,analiseda dor, plano de tratamento, evolução do tratamento, fotos.Tudoisso com simplicidade e rapidez, e sem limite decadastros.O aplicativo para auxilio na área de Fisioterapiaaindadisponibiliza uma agenda para você marcar os compromissos comseusclientes. E também uma área de contas, para auxiliar nassuasfinanças.Também pode ser utilizado para aulas de pilates.E o melhor de tudo, além de ser um aplicativo completo paralheauxiliar no dia-a-dia, ele possui um preço acessível!Você nunca viu um aplicativo tão completo para área deatendimentona Fisioterapia e Anamnese!The fisioTab can beusedby physiotherapists, Offices of Physical Therapy andprofessionalsin related fields for complete control of the data oftheirpatients and their anamnesis.     It has thePhysiotherapistregistration options and registration of patients,anamnesis withall the necessary information to maintain a historyof care of apatient under treatment Physiotherapy.     You can enter into the databaseofyour personal patient data, clinical data, data fromphysicalexams, postural analysis, pain analysis, treatmentplanning,treatment progress, photos. All with simplicity and speed,andunlimited entries.     The application for assistance inthefield of physical therapy also provides an agenda for you checkitscommitments to its customers. Also an area of ​​accounts, toassistin their finances.     It can also be used forpilatesclasses.     And best of all, besides beingacomplete application to help you in the day-to-day, it hasanaffordable price!You've never seen such a complete application for service areainPhysiotherapy and Medical history!
fisioTab FREE - Fisioterapia 1.0.4
O fisioTab pode serutilizadoporFisioterapeutas, Consultórios de Fisioterapia eProfissionaisdeáreas afins para um controle completo dos dados deseus pacientesesua Anamnese.Ele possui as opções de cadastro de Fisioterapeuta ecadastrodepacientes, Anamnese com todas as informaçõesnecessáriasparamanter um histórico do atendimento de um pacientesobtratamento deFisioterapia.Você poderá inserir no cadastro de seu paciente dadospessoais,dadosclínicos, dados de exames físicos, análise postural,analiseda dor,plano de tratamento, evolução do tratamento, fotos.Tudoisso comsimplicidade e rapidez, e sem limite decadastros.O aplicativo para auxilio na área de Fisioterapiaaindadisponibilizauma agenda para você marcar os compromissos comseusclientes. Etambém uma área de contas, para auxiliar nassuasfinanças.Também pode ser utilizado para aulas de pilates.E o melhor de tudo, além de ser um aplicativo completoparalheauxiliar no dia-a-dia, ele possui um preço acessível!Você nunca viu um aplicativo tão completo para área deatendimentonaFisioterapia e Anamnese!The fisioTab can beusedbyPhysical Therapists, Offices of Physical Therapyandprofessionals inrelated fields for complete control of the dataoftheir patients andtheir anamnesis.     He has thePhysiotherapistregistrationoptions and registration of patients,anamnesis withall theinformation needed to maintain a history ofcare of apatient undertreatment Physiotherapy.     You can enter in the registerofhispatient personal data, clinical data, data fromphysicalexams,postural analysis, pain analysis, treatmentplanning,treatmentprogress, photos. All this with simplicity andspeed, andunlimitedentries.     The application for assistanceinthefield of physical therapy also provides a schedule for youtomarkits commitments to its customers. Also an area of​​accounts,toassist in their finances.     It can also be usedforpilatesclasses.     And best of all, besidesbeingacomplete application to help you in the day-to-day, ithasanaffordable price!You've never seen such a complete application for serviceareainPhysical Therapy and anamnesis!
Fisioterapia Madrid 1.0
Clínica de Fisioterapia Juan Bravo 75, está diseñada ydirigidaexclusivamente por fisioterapeutas titulados universitariosycolegiados, con amplia experiencia en el sector y enconstanteformación. Por lo que podemos garantizar un trabajo deexcelenciaen todas nuestras técnicas yespecialidades.
Knees Therapy 1.0
"★★★★★ Download it for free ★★★★★If my knee hurts, why exercise?Ready to Get best rehab exercises for your knee joint recovery!When it comes to the knee and therapy it's good togetsomeanswers on the anatomy of the knee and how that relatestophysicaltherapy exercises for the knee.Heal the correct way with tips from a certified physicaltherapistinthis free video on knee exercises and therapy.*** Support Us By Rating Us 5 ★★★★★ ***** Your comments and suggestions are important to us **"
Centro de fisioterapia, osteopatía, rehabilitación desuelopélvico,y fisioterapia deportiva situado en CerdanyoladelVallès.Trabajamos a nivel particular, a domicilio y con lamayoríadesociedades médicas y compañías aseguradoras. Paramásinformacióndescárgate nuestra App.
Boa Postura 1.5
O Aplicativo Boa Postura é de uso exclusivodemédicos e fisioterapeutas cadastrados no CREFITO ouCRM.Desenvolvido pela empresa Boa Posturaeste aplicativo é usado para a correta recomendação dotravesseiroBoa Postura HR. Usado por um profissional habilitado,ele analisa apostura e a maneira de dormir dopaciente/clientee através dos resultados, identifica o travesseiro Boa Postura HRdeacordo com a individualidade do paciente.De uso simples, eficiente e rentável, pode ser usadoemconsultórios, clínicas, academias, hospitais e em estúdiosdePilates.O Aplicativo Boa Postura possui um sistema profissionalepioneiro de avaliação da postura, que analisa as curvaturasdacoluna cervical e torácica de cada paciente que tenha ounãoproblema de coluna, postura, ronco ou apneia. Este processo éfeitopor meio da fusão do conhecimento profissional, associadoàtecnologia desenvolvida pela empresa Boa Postura,facilitando e aumentando a credibilidade ao trabalho dos MédicoseFisioterapeutas.De acordo com a maneira de dormir e o resultado obtidopelaanálise da postura pelo aplicativo, o profissional terá asegurançade recomendar por email ao seu paciente/cliente aaquisição do travesseiro ideal chamado Boa Postura HR de acordocoma sua individualidade. Desenvolvido pela empresa Boa Postura,otravesseiro ideal é adquirido pelo próprio paciente, o qualrecebeo produto em sua residência, após efetivação da compra pelonossosite seguro.O travesseiro Boa Postura HR é recomendado por médicosefisioterapeutas por tercaracterísticas de alta resiliência ( capacidade de moldarsemdeformar), que aliado aoconforto, maciez e o tamanho correto determinado pelo aplicativo,seajusta as curvaturas daregião cervical e torácica, sejam elas fisiológicas ou não.Para ter acesso ao uso do aplicativo boa postura, énecessárioinformar o seu CREFITO/CRM eaguardar a senha no seu email para a liberação do download. Apósaleitura dos termos deuso e aceitação, e completado o cadastro, você poderá usufruirdetodos os benefícios desteaplicativo, seja para o profissional e para o pacienteoucliente.Juntos, Profissionais , Aplicativo e o Travesseiro BoaPosturaHR, atenderão às necessidadesposturais específicas de cada paciente ou cliente.Este aplicativo é patenteado e disponibilizado gratuitamentepeloBOA POSTURA.The ApplicationGoodPosture is for the exclusive use of doctors andregisteredphysiotherapists in CREFITO or CRM. Developed by thecompany GoodPostureThis application is used to correct the recommendation of thepillowGood Posture HR. Used by a qualified professional, itanalyzesposture and the way you sleep the patient / clientand using the results, identifies the pillow RH Goodpostureaccording to the individuality of the patient.Simple, efficient and profitable use, can be used inoffices,clinics, gyms, hospitals and Pilates studios.The Application Good Posture has a professional andpioneeringsystem of evaluation of posture, which analyzes thecurvatures ofthe cervical spine and chest of each patient who hasor notback problem, posture, snoring or apnea. This process isdonethrough the merger of professional knowledge, coupled withthetechnology developed by the company Good Posture,facilitating and increasing credibility to the work ofPhysiciansand Physiotherapists.According to the way you sleep and the result obtained bytheanalysis of posture by the application, the professionalwillrecommend safety by email to your patient / clientacquisition of the ideal pillow called Good Posture HR accordingtotheir individuality. Developed by the company Good Posture,theideal pillow is purchased by the patient, which gets the productathis residence after conclusion of the purchase through oursecurewebsite.The pillow Good Posture HR is recommended by doctors andphysicaltherapists to havehigh resilience characteristics (ability to shapewithoutdeforming), which together with thecomfort, softness and the correct size determined bytheapplication, fits curvaturescervical and thoracic, whether or not physiologic.To access the use of good posture application, you must tellyourCREFITO / CRM andwait for the password to your email for the release of thedownload.After reading the terms ofuse and acceptance, and completed the registration, you canenjoyall the benefits of thisapplication, either for the professional and the patientorclient.Together, professionals, Application and Good Posture PillowHR,meet the needsspecific posture of each patient or client.This application is patented and available for free byGOODATTITUDE.
Fisiopilates 1.4
Somos Centros deAcondicionamiento,preparacióny prevención física especializados enel MétodoPilates. El MétodoPilates y la Fisioterapia secomplementan ennuestras clases creandoasí el programa Fisiopilates.Coninstructores Fisioterapeutas,sesiones de 50 minutos yamplioshorarios nos hemos convertido en laalternativa ideal deejerciciopara quienes desean la eficacia delmétodo y el cuidado desusalud.We areFitnessCenters,physical preparation and prevention specialized inthePilatesMethod. The Pilates Method and Physical Therapycomplementeachother in our classes creating the Fisiopilatesprogram.WithPhysiotherapists instructors, 50-minute sessions andextendedhourswe have become the ideal alternative for those wishingtoexercisethe effectiveness of the method and health care.
Crefito7 1.0
Baixe nosso aplicativo eobtenhainformaçõessobre a Fisioterapia e Terapia Ocupacional.Download our appandgetinformation about Physiotherapy and OccupationalTherapy.
Ped PT Strengthening Ex - Abs 1.0.2
My 25+ years of experience inpediatricphysicaltherapy practice is yours! This app featuresanimatedphotos and “howto” tips to strengthen children’sabdominals. With62 ab exercises,this app is a life saver for PTs,physical therapyassistants,instructors, caregivers and parents.This Abdominalsapplication issimply the first muscle group that wetargeted, with18 more musclegroups upcoming in the future. Newphysicaltherapists will loveideas to assist in treatmentsessionpreparation, planning, andprogramming. More experiencedphysicaltherapists will have at theirfinger tips a wide range ofideas fortreatment of abdominals to addmore variety in theirtreatmentsessions. These are all exercises Iknow well, but even Iget stuckin a rut performing the sameexercises over and over. Iwill usethis app as well to remind me ofexercise options. Thisapplicationhas 10 free abdominalstrengthening exercises. Over 50moreexercises are unlockable withan in-app purchase or byinteractingwith advertisements. I amcommitted to making thisinformationavailable to anyone regardlessof income.This application targets abdominals which are criticalforspeechand occupational therapy as well. Speech andOccupationaltherapistsalike will find ideas for strengthening tohelp maximizeprogresstoward goals with their clientele. Educatorswill finallyhave atool with detailed pictures and commentary togive theirstudents afoundation for pediatric treatment. In the pastso muchhas beenavailable for evaluation, but frustratingly littlefortreatment!Physical therapists in third world countries cannowhave at theirfinger tips exercise recommendations withouttheexpense of distanttraining courses. I believe this app willchangethe quality ofphysical therapy across the world.This application was developed by a pediatricphysicaltherapist.Nothing can replace the skills of a pediatricphysicaltherapist whocan train caregivers and parents to performtheseexercises safelyand appropriately with a child with his or herownindividualstrengths, weaknesses and motivation. Thisapplicationwas meant toassist physical therapists, not negate theneed forthem.In order to facilitate easy home programming,favoriteexercisescan be starred with treatment programmingspecified. Thisfeaturewill enable the clinician to add frequency,repetitions,number ofsets, duration, weight resistance and notes tohomeprograms withparents who have downloaded the app. Iprovidecommentary with eachexercise explaining, for example, tipson howto make the exercisemore successful, how to make theexerciseeasier or morechallenging, and the type of client with whomI oftenuse thespecified exercise. Why wait for 25 years ofclinicalexperience,when you can have my suggestions now?Find out more about our app community onFacebookat Have glowing praise, recommendationsforchanges, orgeneral feedback, contact us [email protected] Amy, the PTand the dreamer, and/[email protected] for Guy,the steadfastcoder and the love of mylife.
Ped PT Strengthening Ex - Back 1.0.0
My 25+ years of experience inpediatricphysicaltherapy practice is yours! This app featuresanimatedphotos and “howto” tips to strengthen children’s backextensors.With 55 backextension exercises, this app is a lifesaver for PTs,physicaltherapy assistants, instructors, caregivers,and parents.This BackExtension application is the second musclegroup that wehavetargeted, with 17 more muscle groups upcoming inthe future.Newphysical therapists will love ideas to assist intreatmentsessionpreparation, planning, and programming. Moreexperiencedphysicaltherapists will have at their finger tips awide range ofideas fortreatment of abdominals to add more varietyto theirtreatmentsessions. Feel a little stuck in a rut?Performing thesame exercisesover and over? I use this app myselfto remind me ofexerciseoptions…and I wrote the darn thing! Thisapplication has10 free backextension strengthening exercises. Over40 moreexercises areavailable with an in-app purchase or byinteractingwithadvertisements. I am committed to making thisinformationavailableto anyone regardless of income.Features:• 10 free back extension exercises with a widerangeofdifficulties• 45 more exercises available with an in-app purchaseorbyinteracting with advertisements• Commentary by a Pediatric Physical Therapist with over25yearsexperience• Stop action photos demonstrating the exercises performedwithachild showing the physical therapistfacilitatingthemovement• The ability to star favorites to return to in the future• Capacity for setting Exercise Recommendations for use inahomeprogram or for use with physical therapy assistants• Perfect for training physical therapy students or cliniciansnewtoPediatricsThis application targets back extension which arecriticalforspeech and occupational therapy as well. SpeechandOccupationaltherapists alike will find ideas for strengtheningtohelp maximizeprogress toward goals with their clientele.Educatorswill finallyhave a tool with detailed pictures andcommentary togive theirstudents a foundation for pediatrictreatment. In thepast so muchhas been available for evaluation, butfrustratinglylittle fortreatment! Physical therapists in thirdworld countriescan nowhave available exercise recommendationswithout the expenseofdistant training courses. I believe this appwill changethequality of physical therapy across the world.This application was developed by a pediatricphysicaltherapist.Nothing can replace the skills of a pediatricphysicaltherapistwho can train caregivers and parents to performtheseexercisessafely and appropriately with a child with his orherownindividual strengths, weaknesses and motivation.Thisapplicationwas meant to assist therapists, not negate the needforthem.In order to facilitate easy home programming, favoriteexercisescanbe starred with treatment programming specified. Thisfeaturewillenable the clinician to add frequency, repetitions,number ofsets,duration, weight resistance and notes to homeprograms withparentswho have downloaded the app. I providecommentary with eachexerciseexplaining, for example, tips on how tomake the exercisemoresuccessful, how to make the exercise easier ormorechallenging, andthe type of client with whom I often usethespecified exercise. Whywait for 25 years of clinicalexperience,when you can have mysuggestions now? Download the appnow!Find out more about our app at on Facebook: Pediatric PhysicalTherapyExercises,,Instagram:PediatricPTExercisesor Twitter: @amysturkey. Haveglowing praise,recommendations forchanges, or general feedback,contact us [email protected] forAmy, the PT and the dreamer,and/[email protected] for Guy, thesteadfast coder and the loveof mylife.
Masajearte 3.3
Con la app de Masajearte podrásreservartussesiones de fisioterapia y otros tratamientos demaneraágil.Además, podrás gestionar tus próximas reservas, asícomoaquellasque se repitan semana tras semana.Recuerda que si una sesión está ocupada, puedes ponerte encolayreservarla en caso de que se libere.Massaging the appyoucanbook your physiotherapy and other treatments swiftly. Also,youcanmanage your upcoming reservations, and those that arerepeatedweekafter week.Remember that if a session is busy, you can get in lineandreserveit if it is released.