Top 19 Apps Similar to Apalmet - Meteorología Canaria

YoWindow Weather and wallpaper
Beautiful, handy and accurate weather. Radar, livewallpaper,weather widgets
El tiempo de AEMET 2.1
Si quieres conocer donde lloverá, si los vientos van a serfuertesosi se prevén fenómenos meteorológicos adversos en tumunicipio,lasúltimas predicciones y avisos oficiales de la AgenciaEstataldeMeteorología (AEMET) están al alcance del móvil conestasencillaaplicación. Información precisa, detalladaypermanentementeactualizada en un formato claro y amigable.-Descarga gratuita. -Predicciones y avisos delServicioMeteorológico Nacional de España,AEMET. - Predicciones a 7díaspara más de 8.000 municipios, de horaen hora hasta el tercerdía.- Predicciones para playas españolashasta el segundo día,confuncionalidad de búsqueda por nombre demunicipio o playa. -Avisosde fenómenos adversos, día a día y horaa hora. - Imágenesradar dela red de AEMET. - Widgets congeolocalización y posibilidaddefondo transparente, uno con lapredicción diaria y otro conlapredicción a cinco días delmunicipio seleccionado. - Páginade"Mis ubicaciones" donde podráspermitir que busque tuubicaciónactual y añadir o eliminar losaccesos directos a lasprediccionesde municipios y playas. -Posibilidad de compartirinformaciónmeteorológica o accederdirectamente a la web de AEMET(pulsando+info) para ver másdetalle. - Esta versión de laaplicaciónpermite la instalación entarjeta externa de tipo SD. Encaso deque se instale en estaubicación, por limitaciones propiasdelsistema, no estaránoperativos los widgets incluidos enlaaplicación. - Página deayuda. La aplicación identifica demaneraautomática el lugar dondeestá ubicado el dispositivo desdedondese consulta y muestra eltiempo previsto para esalocalidad.Además, también es posibleobtener la predicción encualquier otrolugar de España a través deun sencillo y rápidobuscador. Para másinformación visite nuestrositio web - Weather Forecast 39.3.2
Windyty SE
Weather radar, satellite, wind, waves, marine andhurricanesforecast.
OS Style Daily live weather forecast
🏆 More than 50 million users’ choice! A Popular weather widgetappfor you!🏆 This weather widget is a full featured,completelycustomizable digital clock and weather forecast app. Withthisweather forecast app, you can get daily and hourlyforecasts,severe weather alerts, daily&7 day weather updates,fancy clockweather widgets, weather news and global weather.————Features————Realtime local temperature checker & live localweather Thisclock weather app displays weather temperature based onyourcurrent location. You can also add more cities to your citylist,so that you can check global weather anytime. HourlyforecastsBefore you go out, you can check this free weather app togetprepared for unexpected weather changes. In addition, you canalsocheck hourly temperature and rain probability to plan youroutdooractivities. Daily weather Besides, you can alsochecktoday&tomorrow forecasts (7 day weather forecasts) withthistemperature app. With this accurate weather report app, youwon’tget caught in the rain again! Severe weather alerts Thisclimateapp can also turn into a global weather tracker and it cansend yousevere weather alerts to help you get prepared for upcomingweatherchanges. So in another word, you can see it as a rain appofminute-level precision, as it can inform you these severeweatherand sudden temperature change ahead of time. Distinctiveclockweather widgets & weather themes This weather pro app ispackedwith different weather themes and temperature clock widgetstodecorate your home screen. In addition, these weather widgetsforandroid also display radar information like accurateoutsidetemperature, forecasts, sunrise time and sunset time,humidity, airpressure, wave, UV, and cloud info. Free weather radarIn ourstore, you can also find many customized widgets with freeradar todecorate your phone. With the help of weather satellitemap, youcan check weather more intuitively. Detailed weatherupdates Inthis daily and hourly weather app, you can get more thanjusttemperatures and clock. You can check humidity, visibility,UVindex, air pressure, wind speed, sunrise time, sunset timeindifferent units. Global weather coverage This accurate weatherappenables you to add global cities on your check list andgetreal-time local weather forecast information. Feel free totakethis weather app with you everywhere you go worldwide! WeathernewsThis world weather app is not just about weather. Inthistemperature checker, you can get the latest news coveringsociety,entertainment and sports. Daily weather updates brief Userscanchoose to receive daily weather updates brief report in themorningand evening to check weather today and weather tomorrow.Stay intouch If you would like to help with the translationandlocalization, please write to: [email protected]
Accurate detailed weather forecast, widgets, alerts &weatherradar
Clime: NOAA Weather Radar Live 1.71.0
All-in-one weather app with real-time NOAA radar. Anticipateanyconditions!
Meteogram Pro Weather Widget 5.0.9
Weather widget and app showing a graphical weather forecast...plustide charts
Meteo Weather Widget - Donate 2.5.0-20230811_132120
A detailed weather forecast at a glance on your home screen
Weather Live
Apalon Apps
Meet Weather Live. The most beautifulweatherapp. Ever.Don't let bad weather take you by surprise! Set thegorgeousanimated wallpapers with live weather conditions on yourhomescreen and be aware of any weather that is coming your way.Whetherit is cloudy, rainy, snowy or even stormy outside, WeatherLivewill provide you with current weather conditions and forecastinyour city and multiple locations all around the world.Cold or warm weather, it will magically come alive on thecrispscreen of your device. You won’t even have to look out thewindowas Weather Live will make you feel like you are alreadyoutside!With an innovative technology Weather Live™ implementedinto theapp, we made it possible!• Weather forecasts for multiple locations all aroundtheworld• Live weather scenes reflecting real-time weather conditions• Beautiful weather widgets• Fabulous animated wallpaper with live weather conditions rightonyour home screen• Cloud, satellite, rain maps• Animated weather radar for any location in the USA• Bad weather warnings and alerts to warn you about severeweatherin your area. Data provided by National WeatherService• Customizable layout. Choose weather parameters you want tobedisplayed in the layout settings• Local time in 12 or 24-hour format• 7-day and 24-hour weather forecast• "Feels Like" temperature. Today’s Min and Max• Wind direction and speed. Visibility details• Humidity and precipitation information. Pressure in inches, mmormbar• Fahrenheit or Celsius and Miles or Kilometers• Easy navigation between cities: swipe either to the left or totheright to switch between locations• New York, Los Angeles, Chicago or any other location worldwide–get accurate weather forecasts wherever you are!Compatible with Android Wear: tested on Moto 360, Sony Smartwatch3,Samsung Gear Live, LG G Watch.Get Weather Live and be prepared for any weather!AdChoices:
Weather 214
Animated and accurate weather forecast
Local Weather Widget&Forecast
⛅A free weather location app with daily forecasts,globalweather,clock weather
Rain Alarm 5.4.3
This weather app alerts you when rainisapproaching. The alerts are a reliable short-term forecast basedonnear real-time data. This app is more precise and reliable thanatraditional forecast.It is very useful for all outdoor activities – includingcycling,motorcycling, hiking, gardening, BBQs, picnics, dog walkingandDIY.Features:• Alerts to every type of precipitation, whether rain, snoworhail• Alert as a notification with vibration and/or sound• Simple and easy map overview• Handy widgets in different sizes and themesThe data is collected from governmental weather services.Supportedcountries:Americas: USA (including Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Guam),Canada,Bermuda, Mexico, El Salvador, ArgentinaEurope: UK, Ireland, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Iceland,Spain(including the Balearic and the Canary Islands), Germany,Austria,Netherlands, Poland, Slovenia, Croatia, Belarus,UkraineAsia: Taiwan, Macau, Hong Kong, Japan, Republic ofKorea,Philippines, Malaysia, Singapore, BruneiOceania: AustraliaIn-app purchases:• No more ads• Multiple alarms and additional settings• Animation settings and overlay transparency• Multiple locations and additional settings• More widget color schemes• Activate the Android Wear app (adjustable and zoomable mapviewwith animation)Also available for other platforms:https://app.rain-alarm.comFollow us on Twitter for the latestnews:
WeatherPro: Forecast & Radar 5.6.8
Top rated app for reliable weather forecasts, animated rainradar,and widgets!
Meteogram Weather Widget 5.1.3
Weather widget and app showing a graphical weather forecast...plustide charts
MSN Weather - Forecast & Maps
Best way to plan your day. Check the latest conditions,forecasts,and maps.
Tiempo METEO
IMPORTANTE:- Tiempo METEO no elabora la predicción, simplemente recogelapredicción elaborada por la Agencia Estatal de Meteorología.Conesto quiero decir que si la previsión no es correcta no es unfallode la aplicación, por favor no votéis negativo por esto.Tiempo METEO es una aplicación que permite consultar el tiempo delaAgencia Estatal de Meteorología (AEMET). No se trata deunaaplicación oficial, no está patrocinada, mantenida ni apoyadaporAEMET.Con un estilo ICS permite consultar todos los datos que ofrecelaweb de AEMET. La aplicación más completa del mercado.Dispone de cinco secciones:- Predicción: Donde podrás consultar la predicción de todaslaslocalidades y playas de España, la predicción en texto delasprovincias, predicción de montañas y nieve y la predicción demartanto de las zonas costeras como de alta mar.- Mapas de predicción: Dispone de los mapas de predicción,tantocompleto como por comunidades. Mapa de precipitacionesytemperaturas para la Península y las Islas Canarias, mapa deavisosdel Servicio de Alerta Meteorológica de Europa (meteoalarm)yavisos de la web de AEMET y como novedad todos los mapas devaloresnuméricos que incluye el modelo Hirlam 0.16, Hirlam 0.05porcomunidades y CEPPM.- Observación: Contiene los datos en tiempo real de lasestacionesasí como sus valores de resumen por día. Los informes deradiacióny los mapas de rayos, satélite (infrarroja, visible ymasas deaire) y las imágenes de radar.- Favoritos: Añade cualquier sección de la aplicación aFavoritoscon un simple click en el icono de estrella de la barrasuperior.Tendrás al alcance cualquier dato que quieras consultar deformarápida- Alarmas: Crea tus alarmas de temperatura, probabilidad delluvia,humedad, radiación, velocidad del viento o cota de nieve.¡Que lalluvia no te pille sin paraguas!Además puedes compartir con un par de clicks todas las imágenesydatos que visualizas a través de la aplicación y generargráficosde las estaciones de datos.Si tienes cualquier sugerencia no dudes en contactar conmigoatravés del correo electrónico o en las redes sociales deTwitter,Facebook y Google Plus que encontrarás en la sección'Acerca' delmenú principal.La aplicación contiene publicidad como único medio definanciación,su uso es totalmente gratuito.IMPORTANT: - Time METEO does not make the prediction, simply collectstheprediction made by the Meteorological Agency. By this I meanthat ifthe forecast is wrong is not a fault of the application,please donot votéis negative about this.WEATHER Weather is an application that lets you check the timeofthe Spanish Meteorological Agency (AEMET). This is not anofficialapplication is not sponsored, maintained and supportedbyAEMET.With a style ICS provides access to all data provides web AEMET.Themost comprehensive application on the market.It has five sections:  - Prediction: Where can consult the prediction ofalllocations and beaches in Spain, prediction text ofprovinces,mountains and snow prediction and prediction of sea bothcoastaland high seas.  - Maps prediction: There prediction maps, bothcompleteand by communities. Map of rainfall and temperatures forthePeninsula and the Canary Islands, notices map Weather AlertServiceEurope (Meteoalarm) and notices AEMET website as a noveltyall mapsnumeric values ​​including 0.16 Hirlam model Hirlam0.05communities and ECMWF.  - Note: Contains real-time data of the stationsandtheir summary values ​​per day. The reports of radiation andmapsray satellite (infrared, visible, and air masses) andradarimages.  - Favorites: Add any section of the applicationtoselected with a simple click on the star icon in the top bar.Youwill reach any data you want to consult quickly  - Alarms: Create your temperature alarms, chanceofrain, humidity, radiation, wind speed or snow level. That theraingetting caught without an umbrella!Also you can share with a few clicks all images and visualizedatathrough the application and generate graphs of datastations.If you have any suggestions please contact me via email orsocialnetworks Twitter, Facebook and Google Plus to be found inthe'About' from the main menu.The application contains advertising as the only means offinancing,its use is free.
Meteo@IPMA 1.1.7
Application of the Portuguese Institute of Ocean andAtmosphere(IPMA)
Weather for Portugal
ID Mobile SA
A quick and easy way to get theweatherforecast for your region updated in real timebymeteorologists!- Weather forecast for the morning / afternoon / evening/night- Rainfall radar- Value of forecast reliability- Probability of sunshine and precipitations- Perceived temperature- Average, mimimum and maximum temparature- Wind force, wind direction, gust force- Limit of snowfall- Limit zero degrees- Fog- Graphics- Humidity and pressure- Choose your town or any other city: Porto, Lisbonne,Bruxelles,Paris, Ibiza, London, New York, Los Angeles, Barcelone,Rio deJaneiro, Zermatt, Milan, Vienna, Berlin, Amsterdam ... andevensmall villages around the WorldExposure for 10 days in landscape mode.Content delivered by MeteoNews
Meteo ICM. Prognoza numeryczna
Szymon Dyja
The application displays meteograms the site providedbyICM.