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e-file Status
Enjoy time savings and addedconveniencewiththe new ProSystem fx® Mobile e-File Status App whichnowincludese-signature status from CCH® eSign. The firste-signaturesolutioncreated especially for the IRS-approved useofelectronicsignatures on Form 8879, CCH eSign is useful withanumber ofdocuments. With the advantages of CCH eSign,professionalscaneasily Grow. Manage. Protect. their firms.CCH is excited to make available an addedconvenienceforProSystem fx Tax customers that license electronicfilingservices– the ProSystem fx Mobile e-File Status App.Customers candownloadthis app for FREE!Due to the ever-increasing and complex federal andstatemandatesregarding e-filing, expertise in electronic filing isamust. AtCCH, we understand this may be a new area for you, and,asa premierprovider of electronic filing services, we havestayedahead of thegame in the transition to the IRS’s newmodernizede-file (MeF) for1040 returns. Today we stand ready tohelp youmeet the challengewith the introduction of the ProSystem fxMobilee-File StatusApp.As an Authorized IRS e-file provider, CCH and ProSystemfxTaxwill shave hours from the administrative legworkthate-filingsometimes requires. You’ll experienceimmediateproductivity gainsfrom using the ProSystem fx Mobilee-File StatusApp to gain accessto our exclusive Electronic FilingStatus System— with real-timeacknowledgement of returns, includinginstructionson how to finderrors when returns are rejected.Now you can enjoy the convenience and time savings thatcomefrombeing able to review the status of your clients’e-filedreturnsonline — anytime, anywhere. 3.0.15-RELEASE
Free live chat app that lets you monitor and chat with yourwebsitevisitors. 1.1.9
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