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Embroidery Stitches 1.0
Mike Govrik
You can achieve a lot with justbasicembroiderystitches! Don't let the sheer number ofdifferentstitches that youwill find in needlework books put youoff. Learnthem, one at a time,find out how much you can do witheach one,and before you know ityou will be producing beautifulwork thatothers will admire. Don'tbelieve me? Read on...Although used in a decorative way nowadays, many ofthebasicembroidery stitches were first used in a functional manner.Icanremember learning how to create my own buttonholes, byhand,atschool using buttonhole stitch. And going further backintime,simple stitches were used to mark household linen, sothattheright items came back from the laundry. Of coursesomestitcheswere even used to create the fabric itself, intechniquessuch asneedlelace.And if you did not have a big enough piece of fabricyoucouldalways sew many small pieces together to make a crazyquilt.Backin Victorian times basic embroidery stitches were usedbothtodecorate, and hold the seams in place, on theseornatequiltblocks. A technique that is undergoing a rise inpopularityagainnow, crazy quilting gives you an ideal base on whichtopracticedifferent stitches and combinations. You are not limitedtotheseams either, you can stitch motifs in the centre ofthepatchesand really showcase your growing skills.So what can you do with just one stitch? How about aprettycrossstitched picture? A chart or pattern will show youwhichcolor touse where, and before you know it you will havestitched awork ofart. Or if you don't want the hassle of changingcolorshave a go atblackwork, often worked in a single shade, andineither backstitchor double running stitch. You can't getmucheasier than that! Butthe complex looking patterns you createwillmake your friends andfamily believe that you are a master withtheneedle!Once you have a number of basic embroidery stitchesunderyourbelt you will begin to realize that many of them areusedindifferent ways to produce a variety of needleworktechniques.TakeSatin stitch for can fill in a petal on a piece of crewel embroidery,create kloster blocks in a piece of Norwegian Hardanger,pull the stitches really tight in Danish pulled thread orcover the canvas when stitching a needlepoint cushion...all using the basic stitch.Even a simple stitch can be worked in a variety ofways.Loosely,basic embroidery stitches break down intocategoriesincludinglooped, knotted, straight, crossed and chainedstitches.They can beworked in fine silks, cottons, thick yarns orevenribbon.
Broderie Douce 1.0
Chaque jour, vouspouveztéléchargergratuitement broderies pour machine à broder. Touslesmodèles debroderie sont disponibles en format PES, JEF,HUS.HauteQualité.Every day, youcandownloadembroidery for embroidery machine. All theembroiderypatterns areavailable in PES format, JEF, HUS. Highquality.
Broderie Aujourd'hui 1.0
Chaque jour, vouspouveztéléchargergratuitement broderies pour machine à broder. Touslesmodèles debroderie sont disponibles en format PES, JEF,HUS.HauteQualité.Every day, youcandownloadembroidery for embroidery machine. All theembroiderypatterns areavailable in PES format, JEF, HUS. Highquality.