Top 12 Apps Similar to 400 SBAs for MedStudents Lite

ケアマネ試験400問-解説付 1.2
「ケアマネ試験400問」は、過去の試験問題の中から400問を精選し、4択問題に再編集した解説付きのケアマネージャ試験対策問題集です。問題はランダムに20問出題され、誤答問題のみや分野別にもトライ出来ます。また、テスト結果は、履歴として残りますので、試験勉強にとても便利。その他、情報収集に役立つケアマネニュースやお仕事紹介など、介護支援専門員を目指すあなたにピッタリの充実した内容です。"Keamanetest 400 questions" is to curated the 400 questions fromthe pastexam questions, is the care manager exam collection ofproblemswith commentary that was re-edited to 4 択 problem. Problemisquestions randomly 20 questions, you can try to also onlyandsectoral wrong answer problem. In addition, test results, sowillremain as history, very convenient to test study. Others, suchasKeamane news and your job referral to help informationcollection,is the content of your enhancement of perfect for you,which aimsto care Support Specialist.
無料 赤ちゃん名づけ 400万妊婦さん利用の子供名づけ命名 5.0.5
Recstu Inc.
AppStoreアプリ総合第1位名字由来net公式アプリ(無料)名字由来netアプリダウンロード300万件突破!!赤ちゃんの名づけ・・・それは親から子どもへの一番最初のプレゼント。名字由来net、無料 赤ちゃん名づけ Web版のノウハウを駆使し「赤ちゃん名づけ」を無料アプリとしてリリースいたしました。名づけたい名前と名字を入れるだけで簡単に字画や漢字の意味がわかります。また、名字を入れて検索するだけで、数万種の名前の中から名字と字画の良い名前もわかる、赤ちゃんの名づけの参考にできるアプリです。累計80万ダウンロードを突破!!多くのユーザー様がご利用の日別、月別の人気の名前アクセスランキングを赤ちゃんの名づけにぜひご利用ください。※助産院 ファンディータ代表の助産師 川田町子先生の監修、アドバイス付きです。※赤ちゃん名づけアプリは、情報検索に関しネットワーク連携しておりますので、アプリの製品上の問題ではなく、サーバーや回線の負荷により「一時的にアクセスできない」「検索内容が表示されない」などの状況が発生する場合もございます。更に、機種により旧字体等の表示・入力ができない場合がございますので、誠に恐縮ではございますがユーザー様には上記をご理解の上、ご利用へのご協力をよろしくお願い申し上げます。■特徴・名づけたい名前を入れ、検索ボタンを押すだけで簡単に、「名前の画数」、「画数の意味」を一度に検索できます。・名字を入れて検索するだけで、数万種の名前の中から名字と字画の良い名前がわかります。・名前のイメージや入れたい文字、名前のよみで名前を探すこともできます。・「名づけ候補」でこれまでに閲覧した名前を見ることができます。・簡単な無料会員登録で、検索結果や名づけ候補(これまでに閲覧した履歴)から特に候補として残したい名前を「赤ちゃんメモ」として記録しておくことができます。・「赤ちゃんメモ」には名前の候補だけでなく赤ちゃんの写真も登録することができます。お子様が成長された際に、名づけ候補とともに見ることができます。・「安産の御守」として、日本各地の強力なパワースポットの生写真を入手することができます。壁紙などに設定いただくことで、いつでもそばに置いておくことができます。・名づけに必要な情報が満載の「名づけの豆知識」。・「赤ちゃん名づけタイムカプセル」では、お子様が成長した15年後(15歳の誕生日)に「タイムカプセル」メールとして、登録いただいたメールアドレスにメールをお届けします。・「出産あと何日」では、赤ちゃんメモに登録した出産予定日から、赤ちゃんの状態がわかります。・いま人気のある名前を日別、月間アクセスランキングで知ることが可能です。・「みんなの名づけ」で他の方の名づけ情報が見られるため、ご自分のお子様の名づけの参考にできます。・自分独自の素敵な「名前由来」を多くのひとに知っていただくことができる「みんなの名前の由来」欄を設置しております。無料会員登録していただくと、ハンドル名で独自の名前由来を自由に追加することができます。・ご自身だけでなく、お子様の名前由来を入力することもできますので、将来、本人が成長された際に改めて読み返すこともできます。・TwitterやFacebookを通じ、ご自分の名前の意味や画数を情報発信ができ、多くの方々に話題を提供することができます。Twitterボタンには、「下の名前」のみのアドレスが添付されますので、公開したい方のみご利用ください。・『キラキラネームランキング』で最近話題のキラキラネームがわかります。関連アプリである「名字由来netアプリ(無料)」や「名字おみくじ(無料)」「名前おみくじ(無料)」と連携することにより※1、知らない名字や珍しい名字、同姓同名などの検索を通じ、多くの方とコミュニケーションを深めることができます。※1「名字由来netアプリ(無料)」「名字おみくじアプリ(無料)」「名前おみくじアプリ(無料)」はGoogleplayよりダウンロードし、ご利用ください。■その他・赤ちゃんの命名や名付けの参考にしていただけます。・本や辞典がなくても苗字と名前を入力するだけで手軽に画数の診断ができます。・出産予定日だけでなく、実際の生年月日を記録しておくことで、お子さまが生まれた後もご利用いただけます。・妊娠の不安の多い妊婦さんのために、名づけ以外にも必要なマタニティ情報を多数掲載しています。・This app has these functions: search popular name, searchchildname in Kanji.赤ちゃん名づけ実績No.1/無料 赤ちゃん名づけ(web版)はこちら!─────────────────────■お問い合わせについていつもレビューにて貴重なご意見・ご感想ありがとうございます。運営一同、拝見させていただいておりますが、アプリに関するお問い合わせ・不具合情報などがございましたら、以下よりご連絡いただきたく思います。よろしくお願いいたします。─────────────────────■名字由来netとは約30万件弱あるとされる名字において、名字由来netは日本の全人口の98.83%以上の名字を網羅しております。名字の読みや由来、全国順位やランキング、有名人情報など名字情報に特化した「名字情報No.1」アプリです。■無料 赤ちゃん名づけとは「無料赤ちゃん名づけ」は法務省で指定する名前に使用できる漢字2,998字のうち、100%の漢字を網羅する名前検索No.1の情報検索サイトです。「みんなの名前の由来」を自由に追記できる工夫が施されており、お客様視点に立った「情報量No.1」の名前百科事典サイトです。■備考赤ちゃん名づけアプリは、ネットワークに繋がっている状態で動作します。アクセスが集中すると一時的に利用できなくなる場合があります。その場合はブラウザから無料赤ちゃん名づけWeb版へアクセスください。アンドロイダーに「赤ちゃん名づけ」が掲載されました!─────────────────────名字由来net Webサイト http://myoji-yurai.net無料 赤ちゃん名づけ Webサイト http://namae-yurai.nettwitter app overall#1Last name derived from net official app (Free)Last name derived from net app download 3 million exceeded !!Named the baby ... it is the very first gift to the child fromtheparent.Last name derived from the net, making full use of the know-howoffree baby named Web edition of the "named baby" we released asafree app.Meaning of simply by strokes and Chinese characters put a name andalast name that you want named you can see. In addition, only tofindto put the last name, can be seen the good name of the familynameand strokes from among tens of thousands of species of thename, isan app that can be referred to the named of thebaby.Total 800,000 download a breakthrough !! many users like the useofdaily, please use the named of the baby a popular nameaccessranking of the month.※ supervision of the maternity center fan Dita representativeofmidwives Machiko Kawada teacher, is with advice.※ The baby named app, so we have network cooperation relates toaninformation search, rather than the problems on the applicationofthe product, "temporarily inaccessible", "search the contentscannot be displayed" by the servers and line load situations, suchasit may also be generated. In addition, because there may notbeable to display and input, such as the old font depending onthemodel, there is indeed regret, but on the understanding oftheabove to the user like, thank you for your contribution toyouruse.■ Features- Put in the name you want named, by simply pressing thesearchbutton, "the number of strokes of the name", you can searchat atime, "the meaning of the number of strokes."- Surname only to find put, you can see the good name of thefamilyname and strokes from among tens of thousands of kindsofname.- The name of the image and put you want character, you canalsolook for the name in the reading of the name.• In the "named candidate," you can see the nameyou'vevisited.- A simple free membership registration, you can keep track ofthename you want to leave as search results and named inparticularcandidate from the candidate (history you've visited)as"Akachanmemo".• The "Akachanmemo" can also be registered baby pictures notonlythe candidate's name. When the child is grown, it can be seenalongwith the named candidates.As, "your Mamoru of easy delivery", you can get the raw photosofpowerful power spot of Japan. By receive settings, such asthewallpaper, you can keep in buckwheat at any time."Tips of the named" of and information necessary to namedeachweek.• In "baby named time capsule", as a "time capsule" e-mail after15years that children are grown (15-year-old birthday), willdeliverthe mail to the mail address you registered.• In "birth after many days", from the expected date ofbirthregistered in Akachanmemo, you can see the baby'scondition.- Now popular name by day, it is possible to know a monthlyaccessranking.• In order to named information of the direction of others canbeseen in the "everyone named", you can reference the named ofyourown child.- Your own a nice "name derived from" it is possible to get toknowa lot of people "from everyone's name" has been established tothecolumn. When asked to free membership registration, you canaddfreely from its own name in the handle name.- Your own as well, so you can also enter a derived from the nameofthe child, the future, you can also read back again when thepersonhas been growth.- Through Twitter, Facebook, the meaning and the number ofstrokesof your name can the transmission of information, it ispossible toprovide a topic to many people. The Twitter button,because it isthe address of the only "name under" attachments,please use onlythose who want to publish.• In the "Glitter name Ranking" you can see the glittering nameofthe topic recently.A related application by cooperation with the "last namederivedfrom net app (Free)" and "last name fortune (free)", "namefortune(free)" ※ 1, do not know the last name and unusual lastname, thesearch, such as same name through, you can deepen a lot ofpeopleand communication.※ 1 "last name derived from net app (Free)", "last name fortuneapp(Free)", "name fortune app (Free)" is downloaded from Googleplay,please use.■ Other- Baby naming and you will be able to to the named reference.- Even books and without a dictionary you can just easilydiagnosisof strokes to enter the first and last name.- Expected date of birth as well, by recording the actual dateofbirth, also available after the child was born.- For many pregnant women the anxiety of pregnancy, has publishedalarge number of the necessary Maternity information otherthannamed.· This app has these functions: search popular name, searchchildname in Kanji.Baby named track record No.1 / Free baby named (web version)ishere!─────────────────────■ Contact UsThank always Thank you for your opinions and impressions valuableinthe review. Management Everyone, we have been seeing, but Ifyouhave any inquiry defect information about the app, I want topleasecontact from below. you.─────────────────────■ What is the last name derived from netIn the last name, which is that there is about 300,000 lessthan,last name derived from the net, we have cover 98.83% or moreof thelast name of the entire population of Japan.Last name of reading or derived from, the national rankingandrankings, specializing in the last name information, suchascelebrity informationIs "surname information No.1" app.■ Free baby named is"Named Free baby" among the 2,998 kanji that can be used in thenamethat you specify in the Ministry of Justice, is the namesearch No.1information search site that covers 100% of the Chinesecharacters.Has been devised that can append freely "derived fromeveryone'sname" is applied, it is the name encyclopedia site ofthe customerspoint of view, "the amount of informationNo.1".■ RemarksBaby named app, it works with state which is connected tothenetwork.Access might not be able to temporarily use and concentrate.Pleaseaccess the Web version named Free baby from a browserthatcase."Named baby" was published in the Andro riders!─────────────────────Last name derived from net Web site http://myoji-yurai.netFree baby named Web site http://namae-yurai.nettwitter
400 SBAs in Medicine & Surgery 1
This app is an ideal revision aid forclinicalmedical students and those preparing for finals!It has over 400 SBAs, each with 5 possible answers anddetailedexplanations.Each question has been graded 1-3 in complexity allowing userstotest themselves at the correct level.Users can also analyse their progress, as well as their resultsbythe integrated graphical feedback.
500 SBAs: PreClinical Science 1
All Single Best Answer Questions –Completelyfree!!There is no catch – all questions are completely free!This app is an ideal revision aid for medical student intheirpreclinical / first 3 years of University.It has over 500 SBAs, each with 5 possible answers anddetailedexplanations.Each question has been graded 1-3 in complexity allowing userstotest themselves at the correct level.Users can also analyse their progress, as well as their resultsbythe integrated graphical feedback.
Human Body Facts 3.2
Human Body facts brings about 400 of interestingfactsconcerningyour body. -400 facts -Intuitive UI -Next/Previousfact-Randomfact -Email/SMS Note1! Ad supported! Note2! Mail usaboutincorrectfacts. Disclaimer: This application is not meantasmedical advice.
400 SBAs in Medicine + Surgery
Essential revision material for medicalstudentfinals!***After 10,000’s downloads of “OSCE Trainer”, One 2 OneMedicinebrings you its next app to aid revision for medicalstudents aroundthe world!***This app is an ideal revision aid for medical studentfinalistssitting Single Best Answer (SBA) exams. The app containsover 400SBA questions, each with 5 possible answers and anexplanation tothe correct answer for each question. Difficultylevel can beselected, as each question has been graded 1-3 incomplexity.Users can also analyse their progress, as well as theirresultsusing the integrated graphical feedback under the‘Results’tab.Questions are split into the following 15 medical andsurgicaltopics:- General Medicine- Emergencies- Renal- Respiratory- Rheumatology- Neurology- Haematology- Cardiology- Gastroenterology- Endocrinology- General Surgery- Trauma and Orthopedics- Urology- Vascular- Hepatic-biliary SurgeryFEATURES include:- Practice and test mode- Graphical feedback and analysis of users progressandresults- Difficulty setting – all questions are ranked 1,2 or 3incomplexity.- Ability to ‘Star’ difficult / interesting questions, placingtheminto a quick drop box to be relooked at later.- 'Exam mode' which runs consecutive, random SBA questions
ABSITE quiz 1.0
DD Surgical
The ABSITE quiz app is a great reviewofgeneral surgery questions. Each question has a full explanationandadded reference for further reading. The explanation andreferencesis the collaborative effort of several residents fromLehigh ValleyHealth Network and Cedar Sinai Medical Center – LosAngeles. Thus ,this review is for residents by resident. This appis also verybeneficial to medical students during their surgeryclerkship. Itis also of great benefit to any surgeon who wants tokeep up withtheir general surgery knowledge.Thanks to the Department of Surgery at Lehigh Valley healthNetworkfor their support of this app. I would also like to thankAliSalim, MD, FACS, Associate Professor of Surgery, ResidencyProgramDirector, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center for his support.
SMSE Practice Test 1.1
Sunbul M H
This application provides practice testsforSaudi Medical Selection Exam (SMSE) previously known asSaudiLicense Exam (SLE), with following features:- A practice test consists of 10 MCQs randomly selected fromthequestion bank (49 MCQs).- The test must be completed within the test time(10minutes).- Questions can be flagged for further review.- Summery of the test is available showing the flaggedquestionsand unattempted questions.- After completing the test, the score is displayed withthecorrect answers and explanation.
EMT Pocket Prep 4.7.9
Create custom NREMT EMT practice tests and study anywhere, anytime!
FREE Microbiology Learn & Test 1
This is our app title # 19 out of a total of42apps released till date.FREE QVprep Lite Microbiology Learn Test ReviewQVprep Microbiology Lite is FREE and has limited content. Theappgives you the option to buy the paid QVprep Microbiology whichhasexhaustive content for preparation and gaining expertiseinMicrobiology. Please download this FREE app and try it out.Watch app video at: Covered* Microbiology Basics* Bacterial Anatomy* Bacterial Physiology* Microbial Growth and Control in vitro* Microbial classification* Acellular and Eukaryotic Microorganisms* Staining and Microscopy* Bacterial Identification and Biochemical Testing (Laboratorytestsand identification)* Microbial Pathogens* Applied MicrobiologyQVprep Microbiology app is ideal for* College Biology majors* Undergraduates doing Microbiology* Junior Physicians, Medical students and those taking USMLE Step1Microbiology* Nursing students who want to learn, practice andreviewMicrobiology* Medical technicians, Laboratory technicians andPhysicianassistants* Pre medical students* Pre medical Entrance exams for admission in medicalcolleges* Preparing for job interviews* Hospitals and labs to provide training to their staff* Even 11th and 12th gradersFeatures:A) LEARN MODEThe app allows you to learn Microbiology concepts in a verysimpleand user friendly manner. In the "Learn" mode of the app, youclickon the "Concepts" button, review the "concept text" and thenanswermultiple choice questions related to the concept that youjustreviewed. If you answer wrong, a detailed "answer explanation"willbe displayed, which will reinforce learning. Proceed in thismannerto complete a particular topic at your own pace.Thus, by referring to the "Microbiology Concept text" andthenanswering multiple choice questions, your learning is fasterandcomplete.QVprep Microbiology Lite is FREE and has limited content. Theappgives you the option to buy the paid QVprep Microbiology whichhasexhaustive content for preparation.B) TEST MODEIn the "Test" mode, the app does not show the context text tohelpyou. Instead, you use your learning from the app andattemptmultiple choice questions. Again, the app prompts you withdetailedanswer explanation in case you answer wrong. This provenprocessagain reinforces learning.Share your test score by emailing the scores to yourself orsomeoneelse. The app also allows you to post your score on yourFacebookpage or your Twitter account.With an exhaustive content on Microbiology, we are sure you willbeable to learn, review and excel in Micro Bio.QVprep Microbiology Lite is FREE and has limited content. Theappgives you the option to buy the paid QVprep Microbiology whichhasexhaustive content for preparation.QVprep Microbiology is useful for* Micro Bio Exam preparation* Revision of concepts to aid in your career in medicine* Microbiology Concept Review* Microbiology for National Board Dental Exam Part IPJP Consulting LLC* Our mission is to develop educational apps for everysubject,every country, every school and college so that today'smoderntechnology like smart phones and tablets is used foreducation andlearning of school, college and academiccurriculum.* This app is ideal for accelerated learning at your own pace,onthe go.
Medicine MCQs for Med Students 1.6.1
Akash Doshi
Over 1450 multiple choice questions to help you prepare foryourmedical exams
Medical Diseases Dictionary 1.1
A quick and easy to use medicaldictionaryforeveryone.It is completely Offline dictionary appcontainingmedicaldisorders & diseases with detaileddefinitions,symptoms,causes and treatment information.The app havecollectionofhundreds of medical diseases. Each disease is wellexplainedwithfacts about disease, detailed symptoms, and treatmentto cure.Alsoyou can bookmark the disease for later learning, Changethefontsize for larger view.Features:--- Works completely offline.-- Smartly selected collection of most common diseases.-- Detail explanation of each disease.-- Facts and symptoms of each disease.-- Causes and treatment.-- Bookmark any disease.-- Change font size for larger view.-- Easy to use interface.-- Free appNote:-1- This app can be used just as a information tool. you areneededtoconsult doctor for treatment of diseases.2- As we are offering this app completely free, so wehaveincludedsome adds.3- Some of the graphics used in the app belongtowww.pixabay.comunder CC0 License