Top 17 Apps Similar to Grade 2 Math: Geometry

Geometry Helper 2.0
Forgot Math at home? We have everything: quickcalculations,complete formulas!
Geometry Pad
Geometry Pad is a dynamic geometryapplicationfor Android tablets with universal appeal. Teachers canuse it in ageometry class for better students engagement anddeeperunderstanding of geometric concepts. Students would benefitfromusing Geometry Pad while working on geometry assignments athome aswell. Easily create complex geometric sketches, measureeverythingyou have in your document, experiment with shapesandtransformations.Use following tools to sketch your geometry constructions(*):- Move and scale. Scroll the workbook by your finger. Pinch andzoomthe content of your workbook. Move and modifygeometricshapes.- Compass to create arcs.- Point. Plot a point on the workbook. Customize point nameandcolor.- Line. Create a line. Customize line style, color andstart/endpoints. Calculate line length (distance betweenpoints).- Midpoint for lines. Show/hide midpoint for lines andpolygonsides. Snap to midpoints.- Parallel, perpendicular and tangent lines. The lines canbecreated as easily as regular lines. Just create and move thelineuntil it automatically snaps to parallel, perpendicularortangent.- Angle. Create an angle with up to 1 degree precision.Customizeangle line style and color.- Triangle. Create a triangle of one of the predefinedtypes:regular, right triangle, isosceles, equilateral. Customizesidesstyle and color. Calculate triangle perimeter and area.Calculateinner angles of the triangle and length of itssides.- Triangle lines. Create altitude, bisector and median lines inatriangle. Calculate length of triangle lines. Customize linesstyleand color.- Quadrilateral. Create a quadrilateral of one of thepredefinedtypes: regular, square, rectangle, parallelogram,rhombus.Customize sides style and color. Calculate quadrilateralperimeterand area. Calculate inner angles of the quadrilateral andlength ofits sides.- Circle. Create a circle. Calculate circle perimeter andarea.Easily create circles inscribed into a triangle by placingcircle'scenter close enough to the incenter of a triangle.- Circle radius and chord. Create radius and chord lines foracircle. Customize lines style and color. Calculate the lengthofthe lines.- Polygons and regular polygons.- Arcs and circular sectors.- Ellipses.- Text annotations. Create floating and pinned single andmultiplelines text annotations. Customize text/background colorandtransparency.- Measurements tool. Measure shape properties in singletouch.Measure intersection points (line & line, line &circle).Use multitouch to measure distance between points and anglebetweenlines.- Transformation tools: rotation, reflection, enlargementandtranslation.- Manual input of coordinates, lengths and angles. Use manualinputto precisely locate points, setup custom length for a line orapolygon side, and change angle value.- Built-in calculator: basic arithmetic functions, square root,sin,cos, tan.Manage multiple documents with your geometric sketches at thesametime using Save and Load features. In addition, you cansharedocuments through e-mail or Dropbox.Some of the tasks you can solve with Geometry Pad:- Create geometric shapes and measure all its possible metricslikelength, angle, area, perimeter, intersections, distancebetweenpoints, angles between lines.- Move/resize geometric shapes and watch how its metricsarechanging in real time.- Demonstrate circle theorems by creating and changing inscribedandcenter angles.- Demonstrate theorems about incircles andexcircleslocations.- Create and annotate complex geometric figures. Share themthroughexport to image and e-mail features.* Geometry Pad is a commercial product and some of its featuresareunavailable in the free version. A paid in-app unlock isrequiredto get access to the premium features (PremiumFeaturesPack).
Cribs on the geometry RUS 2.0
Lev Sokolov
Cribs on the geometry, habitual to Russianeyeon your phone! :D
Geometry 2.37
All you need in geometry. Over 30 figures. Step by stepsolutionsand formulas.
Geometry Mathematics 1.5.6
Learner’s series application for Geometry Mathematics.
Basic Geometry 3.1
Diablo Code
Geometry in your hands.
Geometry 10-11. Cheat sheet. 1.2.1
A detailed guide on geometry inRussianlanguage for the students of the tenth and eleventhgrades
Geometry 7-9. Cheat sheet. 1.2.1
A detailed guide on geometry inRussianlanguage for the students of the seventh, eighth andninthgrades.
Easy Geometry Calculator 3.3.8
perimeter and area of a squareArea of an equilateral trianglearea of a regular polygon with n sidesfix bugSquare area Area of ​​a rectangleFinding the side of a square surfaceTrapezoid areaParallelogram areaDalton area ScopeSquare Scope of the rectangleSquare volume TriangleArea Scope of the triangleRegular Shapesthe radius of the circlePerimeter of a circle,Perimeter of a squareradius larger & smallertriangle sides abc: find angles ABCAnother 5 formulasThe 30° 60° 90° Right TriangleThe 45° 45° 90° Right TriangleEquilateral triangle inside the circleFind the Radius of a Circle Inscribed in a TriangleFind radius of circumscribed Circle Inscribed in a Triangleformula for lateral surface area of a conefind slant heightfind α-AngleVolume of a truncated coneCone volume Cylinder volumeVolume basis. R.Surface area CasingCasing Cylinder shell Surface areaVolume of a pyramidLateral Area of a Rectangular PrismVolume of BallsSurface Areaof BallsSpherical segmentradius of a spherical segmentformula Parabolay= ax²+b+cCoordinates x y axislength of angle bisectorFind Lengths of sides and Areagiven α β heightline from (x1,y1) to (x2,y2).Finding the Slope of a LineFinding the bb intercept formulay=mx+bLinear Equations - Slope FormsPositive SlopeNegative SlopeZero SlopeSquare in a circle inscribed in a squareArea of A SectorTouchRADIAN COS SIN TAN COT SEC CSCisosceles trianglethe area of the shaded regionArea Of A Segmentsurface area of the cubeScale circuit Diameter radiusThe total radius Surface radiusVolume of a cube Boxvolume Missing ribVertical AnglesSupplementary anglesAngle bisectorcorresponding anglesAcute AnglesObtuse Angles...adShimul Rahman on Jan 31, 2014 at 10:37 AMExcellent Excellent workJohan TerefeExcellent Great work it is helpful appMichael BurnsEasy geom Was a great app but stopped working so cannot use itThomas SchneiderAwesome! Just what I needed!Thank you for your response
ГДЗ - Моя домашка 1.0.8
ГДЗ - Готовые домашние задания Россия иУкраинаонлайн. Гдз ответы к таким предметам: Алгебра, Английскийязык,Астрономия, Белорусский язык (Беларуская мова),Биология,География,Геометрия, ИЗО (Изобразительное искусство), Информатика,История,Литература, Математика, Музыка, Немецкий, ОБЖ (Основыздоровья),Обществознание, Природоведение, Русский язык, Труд,Украинский язык(Українська мова), Физика, Французский язык, Химия,Черчение иЭтика. Теперь решить домашнее задание стало значительнопроще, ведьс ГДЗ - Моя домашка учеба стала простой и приятной.Сайт alldz.netразработал для вас специальное приложение, котороепозволяет всчитанные минуты найти ответ на домашнее задание имгновенно решитьего. Удобная навигация позволит вам легко и быстронайти ответы навсе самые популярные учебники 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,8, 9, 10, 11класс. Теперь вы легко и качественно можете сделатьдомашку потративминимум усилий. Простое и интуитивное меню сделаетпоиск ответовпростым и приятным. Мы будем постоянно работать надинтерфейсом ифункционалом приложения, что бы сделать пользованиеим максимальнопростым и приятным. Раньше поиск ответов к задачам иупражнениям былочень трудоемким и непростым. Но теперь с новымприложением ГДЗ -Твоя домашка найти ответ на домашнее заданиестало гораздопроще.GDZ - Homework RussiaandUkraine online. GDZ answers to these subjects: Algebra,English,astronomy, Belarusian language (Belaruskaya mova),Biology,Geography, Geometry, Fine Arts (Art), Computer Science,History,Literature, Mathematics, Music, German, OBZH (FundamentalsofHealth) Social Science, Natural Science, Russian Language,Work,Ukrainian language (Ukraїnska mova), Physics, French,chemistry,drawing and Ethics. Now solve the homework has becomemuch easier,because with GDZ - My Domashka study became easy andenjoyable.Site developed for you a special applicationthat allowsin a few minutes to answer the homework and instantlysolve it.Easy navigation allows you to quickly and easily findanswers toall the most popular books 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10,11 aclass. Now you can easily and accurately do homework byspending aminimum of effort. Easy and intuitive menus to search theanswer issimple and enjoyable. We will continuously work on theinterfaceand functional applications that would make use of them assimpleand enjoyable. Previously, the search for answers to theproblemsand exercises were very time consuming and difficult. Butnow withthe new application GDZ - Your Domashka answer the homeworkhasbecome much easier.
Геометрия 1.3
В это уникальное приложение включенывсеформулыпо разделу планиметрии.Все фигуры:-треугольник-прямоугольник-квадрат-параллелограмм-трапеция-ромб-окружность и круг-правильный многоугольникIn thisuniqueapplicationincludes all the formulas for sectionplanimetrii.Vsefigures:DeltaRectangleSquaredParallelogramTrapezoidDiamond-shaped-Circle and circle-Regular polygon
Геометрия 7,8,9,10,11 Класс 1.5
Краткая теория за курс геометрии 7-11 классов и самыенужныетипичныезадачи. Все определения, акиомы и теоремы.Материалструктурирован поклассам в соответсвие со стандартом дляшколРоссии. Можноиспользовать для промежуточной и итоговойаттестации,ГИА, ЕГЭ.
Свойства геометрических фигур 1.1
Справочник по геометрии, содержит свойстваиформулы различных фигур.Referencegeometrycontains the properties and formulas of variousshapes.
Математика 5-11 класс ЕГЭ, ОГЭ 2.6.0
Study Apps
The best math cheat sheet! Contains all the formulas of theschoolcourse!
Геометрия? ОК! 2.1
Приложение создано для всех тех, ктожаждетиметь под рукой шпаргалку по основным правилам и формуламтакогоинтересного предмета как ГЕОМЕТРИЯ!раньше она вас пугала - теперь будет только радовать!Особености:- БЕСПЛАТНО- 65+ тем, которых хватит чтоб закончить школу и поступитьвинститут.Приложение создано учеником 9-го класса Бойка Николаем для себяидля других своих коллег по школьной парте.ENJOY!App created for allthosewho yearn to have handy cheat sheet on the basic rules andformulassuch as geometry interesting subject!she used to scare you - will now only please!Features:- FREE- 65 + so that's enough to finish school and go to college.App created pupil 9th ​​grade Nicholas Boyko for himself andhisother colleagues on the school desk.ENJOY!
Maths Formulas Free 9.6
All Maths formulas for your work and study
Geometry. Calculator 1.0
The application includes the standard model figures and solids.Thisallows to calculate the basic parameters of the figures andsolids.