Top 17 Apps Similar to Financial Education

Center for Financial Education 1.0
The SunTrust Center for FinancialEducationatWake Technical Community College enriches livesbyprovidingquality financial education to meet the needs ofadiverse, growingcommunity. Current Wake Tech students areinvitedto download thenew Personal Finance Applicationcomplimentary. Thismoneymanagement application covers topicsranging from budgetingtopaying for school delivered through videos,quick tips,interactivesurveys, guides, and real-time testing.
AIF Financial Literacy 2.0
Application to educate and train youth in the area offinancialliteracy.
Computer-Education.Com 1.1
This app provide help to all thosecandidateswho are enrolled in RSCIT course. In this app some oldpapers ofrscit also included. This product was . A unit of CECSkillBridge.ComPvt.Ltd.
Intel® Education Study App 5.1.1
Intel® Education Study App (formerlyKno™Textbooks) is a book and PDF e-Reader that can help you makethemost of your study time. Highlighting, note taking, reporting,andjournal features assist you in improving studyhabits,comprehension, and retention.Key Features:My Journal - your instant, personal study guide. Highlightsandnotes are automatically saved and organized in a journalthatbecomes your instant study guide, saving you countless hoursofflipping through pages when preparing for exams.Sync to the cloud – access your books from any networkconnecteddevice, including your highlights and notes, right fromwhere youleft off.Take learning on the go – your books and course materials arealsoportable and available offline to allow you tostudyanywhere.Track your learning engagement through My Stats - review timespentreading, annotations made, and flashcards mastered. You cansetgoals and track your progress.Intel® Education Study App is available through webbrowsers,Windows* and Android* based devices, and the iPad*.Buy or rent books. 250,000+ eTextbook titles* at 30-50% off.Findyours at*US credit card required.
Excel Education 3.3.1
Excel Education Provides a better solution for yourExamPreparation.
English For Kids 1.0
***** English For Kids - Educate Your ChildInA Different Way *****Educating a child is the foremost responsibility of theparents.If proper learning does not happen, it might hamper thefutureprogress of the child. The world is highly competitive andhenceyou have to enable your children to compete successfullyamidst theprevailing competition. We all have heard that people saythat thebase education of the kid is very important. So, let’s doit in themost interesting way.English For Kids is a wonderful app, which will impartusefulinformation to all the kids. In the world of today, it isveryimportant for every individual to learn English. So, don’tyouthink that it is a great idea to start learning English as soonaspossible for a kid?The app has 25 lessons subdivided into popular categoriestakenfrom closing life’s children:+ Alphabet+ Bird+ Flower+ Fruit+ Insect+ Number+ Pet & Farm+ Playground+ Season & Weather+ Sea Animal+ Shape & Color+ Vegetable+ Fruit+ Wild Animal+ Occupation 1+ Occupation 2+ Occupation 3+ People and Relationship+ Bathroom+ Bedroom+ Dining room+ Kitchen+ Trucks**** MAIN FEATURES ***_ Study major English with illustration, clear andlovelypictures. Learning English with image corresponding withword’smeaning is the easiest and fastest way for children tounderstandand remember._ English For Kids will improve the vocabulary and pronunciationofthe children in Native American English. Practicepronunciationcorrectly as soon as possible for kids is reallyimportant inlearning English._By touching the screen, the audios can repeat various timebytouching once on screen_ After spending some time learning the new words, yourchildrenwill have some funny quizzes to revise the lesson: 4 photoswill bedisplayed on the screen and kids just need to find thecorrect oneby listening to the audio._Beside learning vocabulary, there are quizzes which helpchildrenreview the lesson. 4 photos will be displayed on thescreen, kidsonly need to find the correct picture which iscorrelative withaudio_Moreover, children will have fun with simple games. There isarange of letters with random arrangement, and the role ofyourchildren is ordering those into a meaning word followingthepronunciation. This game will help your child remember deeplynewwords.Get the app and let’s get started with the beautiful journeyofleaning something new each day for your child.If you thing this app is useful. Please help us to rate, likeandshare my Facebook:
Education Business
Education Business Interactive providesalinkbetween those that supply schools and those thatprocureproductsand services on their behalf.Published ten times a year, the interactive editioncontainsawealth of additional information to supportin-deptheditorialfeatures written by experts in education policy.Thesecover thefull range of school management andcurriculumtopics,including:School Finance, Curriculum Issues, Legislation,HumanResources,Recruitment, Facilities Management, SENProvision,Catering &Vending, ICT & Computing, OutdoorLearning,School Trips,Sport, Music and much more.Education Business also features interactive event previewstotheUK’s premier exhbitions and conferences including TheEducationShowand BETT learning technology event. EB’s coverage ofthese isalwaystimed for maximum impact.
Basic Finance Concepts 1.0
The app is about the basic concepts of finance and economics.
Online Education 6.13
Online learning app for studentswe provide1 प्रतियोगी परिक्षा के लिएI सामान्य ज्ञान 2 English 3 हिंदी 4 भूगोल 5 राजनितिक विज्ञान6इतिहास.2 English Spoken3 Grammar :- Sentence making ,noun,pronoun,adjective,article.spelling making etc.and we provide our lectures for these subjectsclass 1st to 10th all subject.class 11th & 12th English , Hindi.we provide online lectures (videos and audios) forstudentsaccording to their syllabus.with our services students can learn from home or anywhere withveryless fee.we also provide question papers for the student for betterlearningand to evaluate there current studies.according to us there are many benefits of online education areasfollows1. Flexibility2. Reduced Costs3. Networking Opportunities4. Documentationand5. Increased Instructor - Student TimeMany make the mistake of assuming that an online class willbeeasier than one taken in a traditional classroom. Oftenonlineinstructors assign more reading materials than required inaregular classroom to ensure that students are engaged.Motivationis key to an online student's success as is his abilityto reachout to both instructors and fellow students using softwaresuch asBlackboard.
Education 1.1
Santander Education App provides you withthebest video courses in a variety of topics such asBusiness,Technology or even Photography. Santander Education offersyou thepossibility to learn anywhere, anytime, and always from thebestexperts in each field. Use this app to discover courses insubjectssuch as:* Technology* Business* Marketing* Cooking* Photography and more
Pilgrim Education 1.2
Обучающий видеоматериал, включенный в мобильноеприложениеотиздательства Pilgrim Education, поможет ученикуусвоитьновыезнания и закрепить навыки, полученные в школе.Ввидеосюжетахучитель объясняет ход решения конкретныхзаданий,предоставляеттеоретический материал или актуализируетопорныезнания учащегося,которые способствуют успешному изучениюшкольныхпредметов ивыполнению домашних заданий. Доступ кмобильномуприложениюоткрывается при помощи QR-кода в верхнем углукнижнойстраницы.Инструкция по использованию приложения«PilgrimEducation»размещена на обложке книги.Мультимедиа-приложение«PilgrimEducation» сохранится в мобильномустройстве в моментпервогоиспользования. Это позволит изучатьучебные предметы влюбоеудобное время, даже за пределами школы идома. Единственноеусловие– наличие интернет подключения.
Capper Education 1.0.6
Alethe Labs
Capper education app provides platform based service, so you cangetall best news of your institution in one place. There'ssomethingfor everyone, from school staff to principle, student totheirparents. And with everything in one place reading, onlinetest,results and learning has been easier or more impactful.Keeplearning even when you're offline. Learn using videos,interactiveexercises, and in-depth articles and more. The appprovides accessto a number of useful institute services from yourmobile device.Check your results, maps, news, directory and socialmedia. Updatewith latest online admission details. Get exclusivestudent dealsand discount across various merchants. Check yourlatest News ofinstitution. Download latest Academic calendar. Getupdated withthe latest syllabus. Apply for leave. Check your Newssection.Download latest Courses and many, many more... Download theapp andaccess all the important information for your school,children andteachers.
Rich Dad World Live 1.2.9
App allows you access LIVE Rich Dad events and Rich Dad videos.
Instacart: Earn money to shop 4.341.2-p
Get paid to shop groceries & more when you become anin-storeshopper or driver
Kids Math - Education 1.1
Application required for theeducationofchildren.It is important from an early childhoodmathematicseducationteaching as a game, a more fun, entertainment,etc.. Andget tosolve these transactions satisfies and exciteslikerealachievements.It begins in the simple sum of the things children learntorelateto sum things up equally between them.Gradually, mathematical operations of addition arecomplicatedforchildren to start taking the habit.Parents know that children's education is not easy and youhavetofeed your desire to learn, so this request conforms to thatofapreschooler can educate and entertain children ofchildhood.Education can be equal to entertainment, education maybetaughtas a game, education is learning, education istopractice,education is familiar and put into practice whattheyhavelearned.Currently only has three levels, which will runfromnextmonth.
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Clock Learning 4.0.0
This app is clock educational games for kids.