Top 4 Apps Similar to MuseumTopTen Mexico

Museos y Arte de México 1.0.3
Con esta aplicación podrás conocer lalistadelos museos de México (actualmente solo CDMX yMéx.),podráslocalizarlos en el mapa, saber su dirección,precios,horarios y lavaloración por otros usuarios.Podrás conocer una lista de museos cercanos a tu posiciónyenviarcomentarios sobre los mismos.With thisapplicationyoucan find the list of museums in Mexico (currentlyonly CDMXandMex.), You'll find them on the map, know youraddress,prices,schedules and assessment by users.You can find a list of museums near your positionandpostcomments on them.
StyleMap Free 3.2.0
Mexico City Guide: Travesias StylemapMexicoCity is a tightly curated city guide to discover the bestthat thiscity has to offer. Our editors are constantly updating ourApp witha careful selection of the best restaurants, bars,museums,galleries, coffee shops and shopping venues that an experttravelermust visit while spending time in this grandmetropolis.
Mexico is Culture - Conaculta 3.7.12
Meet and cultural activities located in Mexico and make yourowncultural agenda
La Noche de los Museos 1.0.12
Media Staff
Una vez al año los museos de BuenosAirestienensu noche de fiesta. Desde 2004, un sábado al año, losmuseosde laciudad permanecen abiertos en horario nocturno,luciendo suvastopatrimonio y conjugando diversas propuestasestéticas.Once a year themuseumsofBuenos Aires have their night out. Since 2004, oneSaturday ayear,the museums remain open at night, wearing his vastheritageandcombining different aesthetic proposals.