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Moestuin Maatje (free) 1.0.5
M. Zuurman
Moestuin Maatje helpt je bij hettoepassenvanwisselteelt in de moestuin. Wisselteelt is hetafwisselendtelenvan verschillende soorten groente op hetzelfdestukje grond,omziekten en uitputting van de grond te voorkomen.In deze app kun je per groente lezen:- tot welke groentefamilie deze behoort- hoeveel mest deze nodig heeft- hoe snel je deze groente weer op hetzelfde stukjegrondmagtelen- wat eventueel goede en slechte buren zijn- wat de beste voorgangers en de beste opvolgers zijnvolgenshetbasiswisselschema*- welke groenten absoluut niet voor of na dezegroentemogenkomen.De app is zonder internetverbinding te raadplegen; dus ookopdemoestuin als je daar geen internetverbinding hebt.*Het 6-jaars wisselschema uit het 'handboekEcologischTuinieren'(van Velt, de Vereniging voor Ecologische Leef-enTeeltwijze)vormde de basis voor deze app.Vegetable Buddyhelpswhenapplying crop rotation in the vegetable garden. Croprotationisalternately growing different kinds of vegetables on thesamepieceof land, to prevent disease and exhaustion of the soil.In this app you can read a vegetable:- To which vegetable family it belongs- How much fertilizer needs it- How fast you can grow this vegetable again on the samepieceofland- What possible good and bad neighbors- What is the best predecessors and successors are thebestaccordingto the basic exchange scheme *- Which vegetables absolutely not come before orafterthisvegetable.The app is without consulting Internet; thus onthevegetablegarden if you do not have Internet there.* The six-year swap scheme from the'EcologicalGardeningHandbook' (of Velt, the Society for EcologicalLiving andGrowingmethod) was the basis for this app.
Vegetable Gardern Ideas 1.0
You may have been pondering how toplanavegetable garden, if you want fresh vegetables this year.Youdonot have to restrict yourself to the customarystraightorderlyrows. There are other options available. You canunleashyourcreativity and construct a container or raised bedgarden.Youcould even make a more formal flower type bed and fillitwithplant life which produces vegetables as an alternativetoflowers.Sublime SimplicityTidy rows are the first step in thelong-establishedconventionalvegetable garden. A specific vegetableis dedicated toeach row. Anorth to south orientation, whenpossible, is usuallyrecommended.To easily reach the rows you shouldtill the soil andmake it level.This makes it easier to reach theweeds in the rowsand tend to theplants other needs. For largervegetable gardensyou may wish to addwalkways so that you do notstep on plantstending to the garden.Remember to plant your rowsacross a slopeto keep the seeds frombeing washed away. It also aidsthe rootgrowth.Spice it upWhen you begin planning the layout of your garden, youmayperhapsthink about making use of a raised bed as a substitutetothe tidyrows of conventional gardens. The raised bed systemusesblocks forplanting. In addition to the unique look thissystemtakes up lessspace. Another benefit this type of garden isthat itis off of thelocal dirt. Tending to the needs of yourgarden ismuch easier. Yourknees and back will thank you also. Allyou needare some old bricks,a few cinder blocks, or maybe leftovertimbers to build up yourraised bed vegetable garden.Flair is GoodKitchen gardens have a bit more eye appeal. If you areagardenerthat likes a bit of flair you might consider this typeofgarden.Kitchen gardens usually mix vegetables and herbs intoasmallerspace as close as practical to the kitchen. Mostkitchengardens setthe plants into geometric patterns between thestonesor bricks thatform the paths. This makes the kitchengardensprettier than moretraditional gardens. Some kitchen gardensevenhave well trimmedsurrounding them. Picture some bright redhuedlettuce mixed withcurly parsley set against a backdrop oflatticecovered with peasand beans. Add a few marigolds, which keepbugsat bay, and you havea wonderfully whimsical garden thatretainsits true function.Still More OptionsBe a little flexible and you will find an assortmentofoptionsavailable to layout your garden. The beauty is intheflexibility.Consider your lifestyle, the space you have, andtheamount of timeyou will invest in your garden. A four squaregarden(one that isrectangular with a central focal point, like astatue)or anasymmetrical garden (one that has no defined rules) maybeotheroptions for you to consider.
Garden organizer - Planner 6.7.93
Empower your gardening journey with our app, dedicated to gardenandvegetables.