Top 42 Apps Similar to Doshi

CoinMetro 4.0.2585
A fully regulated cryptocurrency exchange forbeginnersandprofessionals. Buy Bitcoin, Ethereum andothercryptocurrenciessafely and securing from a worldleading,regulated, cryptocurrencyexchange. Trusted by customersfrom morethan a hundred countriesand counting! Buy and Sell CryptoInstantlyYou can buy bitcoin and15+ cryptocurrencies with a fewclicksDeposits & Withdrawalsin Fiat or Crypto Fiat deposits&withdrawals in AUD, EUR, GBPand USD. Crypto depositsandwithdrawals in 16 supposedcryptocurrencies. Various PaymentMethodsCredit/debit card,Instant ACH, Instant SEPA, FasterPayments, andSWIFT. The LowestFees We have the lowest fees in thecryptoindustry AdvancedTrading Tools Set up your market, limit andstoporders withouthassle. Fully Regulated CoinMetro is an EUlicensedexchange andholds active registrations with regulators inthe USAandAustralia. Security First We are looking after your fundswiththehighest safety standards. The Best Affiliate Program Youcaninviteyour friends and earn up to 50% commission from theirtradingfees24/7 Support CoinMetro is the only crypto exchange thatoffers24/7support. You can use the online chat in the app. Ourteamispassionate to help. Our 4.9 star TrustPilot score can backthatup.Supported Cryptocurrencies Trade Bitcoin, Ethereum,BitcoinCash,Litecoin, Ripple, Tezos, Basic Attention Token,USDCoin,Chainlink, Kadena, EnjinCoin, Lumen, OmiseGO,Parsiq,Quant,Vectorspace AI, CoinMetro token and more;
EQIFi | Hold & Transfer Crypto
Welcome to EQIFi Send, Receive, Invest, Borrow ETH, BTC,USDT,USDC,EQX, DAI
Biconomy 1.3.7
Biconomy ( is one of the cryptocurrency platformsthatprovides global currency trading services for digital assetssuchas Bitcoin, Litecoin and Ethereum. Our mission We believe thatthecore idea of Bitcoin and blockchain is that distributed ledgerandsmart contract technology will build the foundation of humantrust,improve transaction efficiency, and have a major impact onthesociety's economy. Bitcoin and blockchain Since the birthofBitcoin, digital assets have been developing rapidly aroundtheworld as an Internet technology innovation practice sinceitsinception in 2009. Blockchain technology is derived fromBitcoin,which is currently the largest application practice inblockchain.Our bitcoin and the blockchain behind it are “financialinternet”,and it is possible to reconstruct the financial systemfrom thebottom.
dRisk - Crypto Portfolio Cover
Get Paid for your Crypto Portfolio Losses with dRisk.
Tokenpad DeFi & Crypto Tracker
The world's most trusted mobile DeFi and Cryptotrackingapplication.
SWFT Blockchain 5.13.5
One-stop, cross-chain. Meet SWFT Blockchain, your go-tocryptowallet and cross-chain swap app for over 200cryptocurrencies,including your favorite ones like bitcoin andethereum, and manymore! Say goodbye to having multiple wallet appsand jumping fromexchange to exchange just to store, trade, and sendwith differenttokens! Thanks to our unique cross-chain transferalgorithm, younow can: • Directly trade between over 200differentcryptocurrencies in seconds... That’s almost 10,000trading pairsand counting! • Make instant peer to peer transfer andrequestmoney from anyone with SWFT Send & Recieve! • Store,send, andreceive crypto securely using our wallet. • Get the bestrate frommajor exchanges thanks to our patent-pending technologythatcombines AI, machine learning, big data, and blockchain. •Enjoylow and transparent fees (0.1%). • Place limit orders and sitbackand wait for your preferred rate. • Track the market andfollowyour favorite tokens. • Wait less! Our transactions are superfast.• Keep your tokens safe with our cold wallet securitytechnology. •Lock your app with Touch ID and Face ID to protectyour coins. •Use Swftcoin (SWFTC) to get the lowest fees! ABOUTSWFT BLOCKCHAINSWFT Blockchain is a next-generation, worldwidecross-chaintransfer protocol network. SWFT Blockchain’s technologycombinesblockchain, machine learning and big data to enable directswapsbetween cryptocurrencies on different blockchains.SWFTBlockchain’s cryptocurrency transfer platform and wallet appoffersone-click in-wallet transfers, decentralized transfers, pricelimitorders, and peer to peer transactions, offering a fast,affordable,and secure crypto transfer experience. SWFT Blockchainhas receivedfunding from top VCs, including Draper Dragon.
XFUN Wallet 1.0.3
Funtech Ltd
XFUN Wallet is a safe and easy-to-use cryptocurrencywalletforstoring, sending, and receiving FUN, XFUN, and otherERC-20tokenson the Ethereum and Polygon networks and alsoBitcoin(BTC).Swapping FUN for XFUN tokens and vice versa is auniquefeature ofthe XFUN Wallet. Because it is a non-custodialwallet,you havefull control of your private key, and thereforeyourdigitalassets. The optional ONE-TOUCH registrationmakesregistration andconnecting to decentralised applications abreeze.Your privacy isimportant; therefore, this data will onlyleave yourdevice whenyou choose to do so; WalletConnect,notifications,transactionlogs, the support of any ERC-20 tokens,and estimatedgas based onvarious speeds are some components theXFUN Walletincludes tofacilitate fast, smooth and securetransactions onvariousblockchains. Access Web3 dApps powered byEthereum orPolygon smartcontracts with XFUN Wallet and discover theworld ofdecentralisedfinance, games, and much more!
SafeNet:Fast,Private,Secure 1.0.008
SafeNet makes your Internet safer
Giddy: Grow Your Crypto 1.0.0
Join the global cryptocurrency movement by downloading theGiddyappand getting started on your journey to growing yourcrypto.Rightnow the pros are finding ways to invest their cryptoontheblockchain and earn interest on their favorite tokens.It’sadifficult process with a lot of steps, and has been toohardformost people to access - until now. So easy your parents candoitWe’ll keep you on the right track and moving forwardwithfinancialgrowth. Giddy takes care of the hard stuff so youcanspend timedoing the things you love. World Class SecurityOurexpertise insecurity puts you in good hands. You don’t have tokeeptrack oflong seed phrases or worry about losing a privatekey.We’ve gotyou covered. Ultra Low Fees We’re on the same team.Whenyousucceed, we succeed. We don’t take huge fees any time youwanttomove your money around. We pass along the rewardsofcryptoinvesting to you. Giddy’s mission is to make cryptoinvestingaseasy and rewarding as possible. Here is some of the techthatsetsus apart: DeFi Maybe you’ve heard this term floatingaround.Itstands for Decentralized Finance and it’s the idea thatwedon’tneed middlemen like banks eating up all the profits. Withthepowerof blockchain technology, we can all benefit from amoreefficientsystem and reap the rewards of putting our money towork.Untilnow, participating in DeFi has been extremelytechnicalanddifficult for most people. Giddy takes care of allthatcomplexityand delivers an easy-to-use experience so that anyonecanget intothe game. Private Keys With our revolutionarydecentralizedprivatekey security solution, you get to hold yourmoney withouthaving tokeep track of a 24 word seed phrase on yourown. Yourkeys, yourcrypto. Gas Fees Normally, transacting in cryptorequiresyou toset aside a portion of your crypto to pay for networkfees.Thesegas fees can easily trip you up and can cost hundreds(!!)ofdollars for a single transaction. With Giddy you no longerneedtoworry about gas fees. Our tech enables you to investwithnohassle. Smart Contract Approval When going it alone in thelandofDeFi, it is easy to make a mistake that can cost you allofyourcrypto. Giddy to the rescue. We ensure that you approvetheexactright amount of crypto for each transaction and thenexpirethatapproval so you’re not left with vulnerable loose ends.We areatan inflection point in history. Traditional banking andfinanceisbeing turned upside down. For the first time, regularpeoplecanhave access to markets which were previously onlyavailable tothesuper rich. Don’t get stuck in the past with lowreturns andhighfees. Let Giddy be your guide to getting ahead.Please reachout tothe team at any time [email protected]
CoinTracking 2.0.2
The official CoinTracking app. Simply the best way tokeepaccuratetrack of your cryptocurrency portfolio.CoinTrackinganalyzes allyour trades and generates usefulinformation in realtime, such asthe profit / loss of your trades,the value of yourcoins,balances, realized and unrealized gains, andmuch more.AppFeatures: - Portfolio tracker supporting more than4000digitalcurrencies and tokens, including Bitcoin,Ethereum,Litecoin, Dash,Ripple, Bitshares, Golem, Dogecoin, Augur,IOTA,Monero, Cardano,and many more. - Select any fiat currency asyourbase currency,including USD, EUR, CAD, AUD, GBP, CNY, JPY, etc.-Summary Viewwith values in your preferred base fiat currencyorBitcoin: BTCprice, Total value of all coins, Total accountvalue,Amount ofeach coin, Value of each coin. - Gains View:Displaycurrent change% rate, Total cost, Current value, Realized/Unrealized gains, andprices for your portfolio andindividualcoins. View values basedon BTC or your base currency. -ChartsView: Includes value percurrency, Portfolio distribution,andhistorical balance chart.Switch between BTC and your basecurrency.- Balance View: Keeptrack of your balances across allExchanges andWallets. Groupbalances by Trade-Group or Trade-Type. -Stay up todate withCurrent and historic trends for all digitaltokens in themarket,and setup Price Alert notifications. - Day /Night Mode:Choosebetween two UI color templates. - Small 4x2Widget: Quickaccess toyour portfolio’s basic information, pluscurrent pricesfor Bitcoinand your other top 3 coins. - Large 4x4Summary Widget:Quickaccess to your portfolio’s Summary, and basicinformation forallyour coins. Through, you canimport allyourtrades directly from most exchanges and wallets,includingKraken,Poloniex, Bittrex, GDAX, Coinbase, Bitstamp,Gemini,Bitfinex,HitBTC, OKcoin,, Exodus, Trezor, andmanyothers. Italso supports imports from Bitcoin, Ethereum andotherAltcoinWallets and reports for tax declaration. DevelopedbyCitruslab forCoinTracking.
Bitcoin Crypto News 3.0.0
Crypto News is a useful application for news and articles
Rate That Crypto
Rate That Ltd
Introducing Rate That Crypto! A free to play, fun game whichseekstoeducate.
ECOS: invest in crypto assets 1.11.1
ECOS is a safe and simple way to manage all your crypto assetsinoneplace. Main tools for your investments: - Multicurrencycryptowallet– Bitcoin, Ethereum, USDT, Ripple, Bitcoin Cash-Investmentportfolios – the best way to diversify cryptoinvestmentsbased ondeep analytics - Crypto exchange – easily andsecurelyexchange ofmore than 247 cryptocurrencies - Cloud bitcoinmining –get accessto real mining power with no skills required andget BTCevery day- Profitability calculator - forecasting tool todetermineyourmining returns easily - Savings – deposit and freezeyourtokens toearn an interest rate ECOS application allows you to:Payfor themining contract with Visa, MasterCard orcryptocurrencySafely holdcryptocurrencies while they grow Trackdetailedtransaction historyCheck actual cryptocurrency prices Wemakecrypto simple foreveryone. ECOS provides a simple way tosave,exchange, mine andsend cryptocurrencies. If you are new tocrypto,then our app isthe solution you need. It provides all cryptotoolsfor bothinvestment strategies: long-term and short-termOuradvantages: -We want to build a simple and easy-to-use platformforeveryone whowants to invest and make money in the crypto world.-Our platformgives access to the best products in the industryinone place. -Users get fair bids, fair spreads, nomarketmanipulationwhatsoever on our side. - We create a cultureofopenness and runour operation on transparency. ECOS – asimpleinvestment platformto make money in crypto. Invest in cryptowithECOS!
AEX 3.12.1
Founded in 2013, AEX is the earliest batch of exchanges, andithasbeen nearly 8 years.As an important part of thecirculationandtransaction of blockchain tokens, AEX has alwaysplayedanindispensable and important role.In recent years, withthegrowthof the market size and the emergence ofvariouscryptocurrencyderivatives, AEX has gradually moved from itsearlyposition ofmatching trading, developing and transformingtowardsthe directionof a global digital asset commercial bank,andadvocate safeinvestment and steady appreciation
3Commas: Manual Trading & Crypto Trading Bots 1.9.18
If you’re tired of switching between crypto exchangeterminalsandgetting red eyes while monitoring fluctuating BTC price-you’vecome to the right place. No matter whether you are abeginnerwhodives into a world of crypto trading or a professionalwho wantstoenhance one’s toolset — 3Commas is what perfectly suitsyourneeds!3Commas crypto trading platform is your Swiss army knifeintermsof collecting required trading tools in one place. ✅Yourfavouritecrypto exchanges in single app Connect yourfavouritecryptoexchanges using API keys. We support all majorcryptoexchangeslike Binance, Bitmex, Poloniex, Bitstamp,Bitfinex,Bittrex andmany others. ✅ Place orders on multiple cryptoexchangesin onewindow Use our trading terminal to buy or sellBitcoin,Ethereum,Bitcoin Cash, Litecoin and any other coinsinstantly or atacertain price. Try Trailing mechanism to buy coinsat themostpleasant price - not a single exchange terminal willallow youdothat. ✅ Increase profits and limit losses Use our TakeProfitandStop Loss mechanisms - close a deal on exchange whenthespecifiedprice is reached, simultaneously with closing thedealwhen thecryptocurrency price drops to or below the specifiedlevel.✅ Reactto crypto market changes Everybody heard of thenotoriouscryptomarket volatility. Set up Trailing for Take Profitand StopLoss -automatically change closing value of the deal whenthe coinpricechanges. For example, when the price rises, TakeProfit andStopLoss simultaneously increase. ✅ Let our CryptoTrading Botsworkfor you Consider setting up a Trading Bot as if youweregivingsomebody instructions on how to trade on your behalf sothatyoucould sleep well. Select trading strategies fromalreadymadetemplates or control every bot’s parameter if you wish-TradingBots will get the job done eitherways. ✅ PracticewithCryptoTrading Simulator and learn cryptocurrency tradingwithoutrisk UsePaper Trading account to practicecryptocurrencytrading,experiment with trading strategies, buy andsell coinswithout fearof losing real money. Paper Trading simulatesrealcrypto marketprices and behaviour in order to provide youwithgenuine tradingexperience! ✅ Manage your crypto portfolioeasilyMonitor yourcrypto assets performance with real-time coinmarketprices overspecified period of time using price lineandcandlestick charts. ✅Don’t miss a thing There’s no need tomonitoryour trades andtrading bots performance on exchange 24/7 —you’llreceive pushnotification when any significant event takesplace. ✅You’re notalone Along with the broad 3Commas cryptotraderscommunity you getaccess to, you can always rely on oursupportteam, which isavailable via in-app online chat or e-mail.Staytuned! Ourblog:
Haru Invest - Earn Bitcoin 1.1.0
Haru Invest
With over $620 million in total transactions andzerosecuritybreach, Haru Invest is the leading global digitalassetserviceprovider. We are committed to doing what’s best forourcustomers,always putting them first. High earn rates, nohiddenfees, secure- Haru Invest is the perfect place to earncryptoeffortlessly.High earn rates - Receive up to 15.4% APR onyourBitcoin, Ethereumand USDT by simply locking up your crypto withus.No hidden fees -There are no hidden fees in Haru invest. We tryourbest tomaximize your earnings with all transactionsprovidedclearly. Safeand secure - Security is not an issue with us.We areproud of ourzero breach record. We are protected by BitGo andwecomply withKYC/AML regulations. Haru Invest Products: Haru Earn-Haru Earn isa gateway to all products at Haru Invest. There isnominimumrequirement and no lock-up while you earn everyday.Beflexible andwithdraw anytime you want. Haru Earn Plus - Lockupyour Bitcoin,Ethereum and USDT as long as you want to earn upto15.4% APR. Allearnings are compounded every day to maximizeyourdaily earnings.Withdraw your earnings anytime you want. HaruEarnExplore - Targeta high return rate, up to 25%. Select aninvestmentstrategy thatyou like and let the investment algorithmgrow yourcrypto assets(BTC, ETH, USDT). We, at Haru Invest, areworking hardto providethe best products, services and experiencesfor ourcustomers. Weexpect to release many more exciting productsandfeatures in thefuture to enhance your earnings and improveyourexperience withus. Please feel free to contact us forfeedback,questions andsuggestions at [email protected] or joinus onInstagram(@haruinvest), Twitter (@haruinvest) orReddit(r/HaruInvest).
Finblox - Earn Crypto Yield 0.34.0
Finblox - buy and earn yield on your crypto 🚀 Buy and earnonyourcrypto while you sleep 😴 You can easily buy and earn upto90%yield on cryptocurrencies and USD-backedstablecoinsincludingBitcoin (BTC), Avalanche (AVAX), USD (USDC) andAxieInfinityShards (AXS). Start earning yield shortly afteryouraccount isfunded with yield paid out daily. Sign Up andStartEarning 💰Opening a Finblox account is quick and easy - buyyourfirst cryptoin the first minutes or instantly deposit directlyfromyour cryptowallet. There are no hidden fees, no minimumbalancesand you canget started in minutes. Security and Protection🔒Keeping yourassets safe is our business - this is how we buildyourtrust. Ourcrypto storage system and wallet have beenbuiltbyindustry-leading security experts. Your funds areprotectedwithInternational bank-grade security and stored safelywithFireblocks- one of world’s largest digital asset custodians.Buildby astrong and experienced team 🏋🏻‍♀️ Finblox was builtbytheexperienced team with background from Coins(Philippines'largestcrypto exchange with 16M+ users),Gotrade(zero-commissioninvestment platform backed by Y Combinator),Lazada(SoutheastAsia's leading e-commerce platform), VNG (Vietnam'sfirststartupunicorn) and Grab (Southeast Asia's leading superapp)Backedbyleading investors 💫 Finblox is backed byleadinginvestorsincluding Sequoia Capital, MSA Capital, VenturraCapital,SaisonCapital and Coinfund - one of the largestcrypto-focusedinvestmentfunds that has backed large crypto projectssuch asCoinlist,Dfinity, Dapper Labs and Rarible. Visitus:www.finbloxapp.comContact us: [email protected]
Roseon Finance: Crypto Investment 2.3.3
Roseon Finance is a mobile-first crypto investment appthatbringsdecentralized finance to your pocket with the goalofsimplifyingyour crypto experience. Our hybrid solutionbridgestraditionalfinance and decentralized financial services andacts asthegateway to DeFi and the Roseon app was built to helponboardnewusers to DeFi with its customer-centric design. RoseonFinanceisdesigned to be an all-in-one mobile app offering manyfeaturestoour users: - Crypto wallet that supports BinanceSmartChain,Ethereum network, Polygon, and easy integrationwithBinance,Kucoin, Uniswap and PancakeSwap and others - Deposityourcryptointo the app to yield farm and earn more with yourcryptoholdings- Lock your crypto in our lower risk savings featuretoearn fixedrewards - Integration with exchanges for tradingorswapping -Secure your account with KYC (Know your customer)policy- Createyour own portfolio and automate with portfoliomanagement -View,bid or sell your digital collectibles(Non-Fungible Tokens) -UseRoseon wallet as your cryptocurrency app
ProBit Global: Buy & Sell Bitcoin. Crypto Exchange 1.35
* Accessibility Launching the app provides a comprehensiveviewofessential categories and metrics such as tradingpairs,volume,price, and 24HR volume. This allows quick access toallnecessaryinformation for investors regarding token activitiesonthe go forultimate convenience and comfort. Not only that,butbanners on thetop of the screen can be used to quickly accessallrunning tokenevents, sales, and other promotions as directlinksare embeddedfor ease of navigation. * Market tools TheProBitExchange appprovides a well-presented overview of market dataalongwithcustomized buttons to complete buy and sell transactionsforbothlimit and market orders. Detailed trade feeds andorderbookdetails are just a tap away. The currently selectedtokenandtrading pair are displayed in a highlighted boxforquickreference, also allowing for a simple and easy waytoswitchbetween different quote currencies such as BTC, ETH,andUSDT. *Tracking The app makes managing a variety ofdifferenttransactionsa breeze, including those both ongoing andcompleted byutilizingthe dedicated transaction history tab. Openorders, orderhistory,and trade history can all be viewed with thetouch of abutton toensure that the process of buying, selling, andtradingare allprovided at the investors' convenience. * In-depthviewsSpecificduration filters are also provided to enable multipleviewsandprocessing of trading trends and statistics. Not onlyarehourlyviews available, but the app also allows for datafilteringwith 3and 15-minute intervals to accommodate a widevariety ofanalysisto facilitate the decision-making process.
AscendEX: Bitcoin Exchange/Crypto Trading Platform 2.6.4
Global digital asset trading platform; Exchange for Bitcoinandothercrypto coins & tokens; innovator of staking,margin&derivative trading product. Why download the AscendEXapp? AGlobalCryptocurrency Exchange Backed by a Team ofFinancialProfessionalsLaunched in 2018, AscendEX is a leadingglobal digitalassetfinancial platform founded by a group of WallStreetquantitativetrading professionals, servicing retailandinstitutional clientsin over 200 countries and regions intheworld. An Easy Way toPurchase Popular Cryptocurrency You canusecredit/debit cards topurchase cryptos, such as Bitcoin(BTC),Ethereum (ETH), USDT,DOGE, DOT, UNI, etc. with fiat payment.Buy& Sell Nearly 200Cryptos Nearly 200 cryptocurrencies of awiderange ofindustry-leading blockchain projects from categoriessuchas DeFi,NFT, Polkadot, Polygon, Solana, etc. are ready for youtotradeapplying your own unique trading strategies. Safe, OurTopApplauseOur technical team will always protect your assetsandtrading,providing a high-efficiency matching system, thecold/hotwalletmechanism, the market depth and liquidity providedbywell-knownmarket makers and more you can count on. Top ThreeCryptoTradingPlatform Based on ROI Our unique auctions for theprimarylistingof several DeFi tokens have gained industry applausethankstostrong performances. Well-known projects prioritizeAscendEXfortheir token listings. You will be a big fan of it onceyou giveita shot! Enrich Your Investment PortfoliosSpottrading,derivatives, Staking, DeFi Mining and more willcoveryourinvestment needs and enrich your trading portfolios. AmazeYouwithOur Native Token ASD As of February, 2021, our nativetokenASDtoken ranks in the top five among global platform tokensandthetop 100 by market capitalization. Holding ASD tokens, youcanusethem to deduct transition fees and earn investmentrewardsandmore. Always Online Support for You Our customer supportteamis24/7 ready for your inquiries providing you with aseamlesstradingexperience. Join AscendEX Communities Gaincryptocurrencynews andmarket insights, communicate withcryptocurrencytradingenthusiasts and get 24/7 community support inmultiplelanguages:English, Turkish, Spanish, Russian, Vietnamese,Koreanand Chinese.Telegram:
Gnosis Safe Multisig 3.0.0
The Gnosis Safe Multisig is the most trusted platformtostoredigital assets on Ethereum for companies,hodlers,funds,developers, DAOs and investors. This app is acompanion appto theGnosis Safe Multisig web interface and desktopapps. ADD ASAFE -Load any existing Gnosis Safe into the mobile app- Importbyaddress, ENS name, or QR code scan VIEW ASSETS -GnosisSafeMultisig supports ETH, ERC20 (Tokens) and ERC721(Collectibles)-You can also see the fiat values of yourassetsEXPLORETRANSACTIONS - View details of queued andhistorictransactions -Check which owner confirmed or rejected -Drill downto thetransactions details by examining decoded functionnamesandparameters VERIFY SAFE SETTINGS - Access the list ofowneraccountsand the set threshold - View set ENS names and enabledSafemodulesCONFIRM TRANSACTIONS - Import private key of a Safeowner -Signtransactions waiting for confirmations ____ TheGnosisSafeMultisig supports: Ethereum (ETH) and ERC20 tokens, suchasBinanceCoin (BNB), Basic Attention Token (BAT), 0x (ZRX), MakerDAI(DAI),OmiseGO (OMG), Wrapped Ether (WETH) The Gnosis SafeMultisigdoesnot support: Bitcoin (BTC), Bitcoin Cash (BCH),Ripple(XRP),Stellar Lumens (XLM), Litecoin (LTC), Zcash (ZEC), Tron(TRX)
CoinTiger-Crypto Exchange
"CoinTiger exchange is a global crypto asset tradingplatformthatprovides BTC,ETH,LTC,EOS and 50+multi-cryptocurrencytradingservices and CNY/USD cash withdrawalservices. CoinTigerecosystemalso incorporate CoinTiger Eco Fund,Labs, IEO and votingforlisting program, etc, which you can find atCoinTigerOfficialWebsite: Features thatCoinTigerExchangeoffers: 1.Various crypto-currencies transaction:LTC /BTC,ETH /BTC,BTC/BitCNY,BTC/USDT and etc. 2. CNY and USDcashwithdrawservice. 3. Support instant purchase with Fiat. 4.SupportFuturesand ETF trading. 5. Support finacial management ofBitCNY,USDT,BTC, and more. 6. Transaction via market price, limitprice,andstop-limit. 8.7*24h multi-language customerservice.9.CoinTigerForum
CoinstoreSG 1.2.1
Trade anywhere, anytime with Coinstore. 100% tradinguptime,bestsecurity and dedicated 24/7 customer support.1.MultipleTradingPairs:Trading multiple pairs using BTC orUSDT2.Professionalmarket charts 3.Fast Deposits andwithdrawals4.Multi-dimension tocontrol your risk 5.Stable tradematch engine,improve tradingefficiency
Swan Bitcoin
Swan Bitcoin
Swan is the best app to buy, learn, and earn Bitcoin, thefutureofmoney.
Bitrue - Cryptocurrency Wallet & Exchange 5.0.1
Bitrue is the most recommended choice for you to storeandexchangeBitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, USDT, XRP, Litecoin, Ethereum,ETCand otheraltcoins. Compared with main exchanges, Bitrueboaststheseadvantages: Safe, stable and high-performing - Bitruehasbuilt anetwork security defense system after manypseudo-hackingattacksand RO tests. It adopts all McAfee's securitysolutions toensurethe security of cryptocurrencies, trading systemsandusers'accounts, and is certified by NSFOCUS. - Appliestheadvancedmulti-layer clustered system and the hot/coldwalletisolationtechnology to ensure system security. Itsmemorymatchingtechnology and the easy-to-deploy clusterarchitecture withhighelasticity can best ensure its orders to behandledsmoothlywithout any delay. Deep cooperation with Ripple(XRP) -Bitrue isworld's first exchange to corporate closely withXRP. Itwill soonbe partnered with Wanchain, the world-renownedblockchainteam, tosupport more investment-worthy currencies. - XRPis set thebasecurrency of Bitrue, allowing XRP holders to purchaseothervirtualcurrencies more conveniently, while paying lower Txfees.Low Txfee & Superb promotion activities - Lower fees willbechargedfor transactions or cash withdrawals comparingtomainstreamexchanges. - Multiple superb promotions are launchedtocelebrateXRP and WAN being available on Bitrue, like the TradingtoGrabRewards Campaign and the Bitrue Partner Program. Bonusofcoinswill be directly sent to users’ accounts. One-stopsolutionfordigital asset management - Compatible with more than30currencies,and supports the storage of all digital assets suchasBitcoin,Bitcoin Cash, USDT, XRP, Litecoin, Ethereum and ETC-Real-timemarket monitoring: You can view data indicators andfollowmarkettrends at anytime, anywhere, such as the price, rateofchange orvolume - Store, convert, transfer and manageallcryptocurrenciesat anytime, anywhere Reliable core team-Professional developersteam with superior expertise andseniorfinancial experienceworking in Capital One and otherInternetcompanies. - Globaloperations team, providing localoperationsservices to America,Europe and Asia Pacific regionsContact us -Email:[email protected] - Telegraph group:BitrueOfficial -Facebookhomepage: Bitrue - Twitter homepage: Bitrue
Kanga Wallet 1.0.10
Check your Kanga Exchange wallet balances. Withdrawanddepositassets. Instantly buy or sell Bitcoin and Ethereum forcashatbrick-and-mortar exchange locations. ManageyourProof-of-Stakeaccount and earn KNG tokens. Kanga Wallet istheofficial mobileapp of Kanga Exchange—a cryptocurrencyexchangefeaturing a widevariety of digital assets, includingpersonaltokens. The appallows Kanga Exchange users to: - securelyaccesstheir accounts, -monitor account balances, - withdraw anddepositcryptocurrency, -buy or sell cryptocurrency atbrick-and-mortarlocations, - managetheir Proof-of-Stake deposits.
Continuum: Learn & Earn Crypto 0.0.1849
Gain web3 mastery and earn rewards. Take free shortcourses.Download now!
Deepcoin 4.8.2
Deepcoin is a global leading comprehensivecryptocurrencyderivativetrading platform, providing spot,derivatives, wealthmanagement,DEFI investment and othercomprehensive financialservices. Deepcoinwas founded in Singaporein 2018,and currentlyobtained severallicenses in Canada and USA.Meanwhile, the globalservice team ofDeepcoin has also completed inmany countries andregions.
Kraken - Buy Bitcoin & Crypto 1.8.1
Payward, Inc.
Kraken is the easy, safe and secure way to buy and sellbitcoinandother cryptocurrencies, now available in a simple,on-the-goappfor investing and managing your account. At theforefront oftheBitcoin revolution since 2011, Kraken is one of thelargestandoldest Bitcoin exchanges in the world. Millions ofclientsaroundthe world trust Kraken to buy and sellcryptocurrencies.Whetheryou’re a crypto-beginner or an advancedtrader, Kraken givesyouthe power to chart your own financialcourse, thanks toourexcellent service, handy tools, low fees,versatile fundingoptionsand rigorous security standards. THE BESTINVESTINGEXPERIENCEEasily buy and sell the most popularcryptocurrencies Lowfees forbuy/sell orders Know the exact pricebefore you buy/sell24/7support with a single tap to open a supportticket BUY &SELLScroll and tap to select the asset to buy/sellPreset amountstocreate orders in a single tap Simple form forcustom orders Getanexact price quote before you buy or sell Reviewyourpasttransactions See your available balance for buyingTRACKYOURPORTFOLIO Simple graphic showing your investmentallocationandtotal balance Easily review the value of eachinvestment and its%of your portfolio Quickly adjust your portfoliowith a tap tobuyor sell Review transaction history for eachinvestmentMARKETOVERVIEW Asset overview pages with price, volume,charts andotherdetails Quickly switch between 5 chart time-frames(24 hoursup tothe entire price history of the asset) Concisesummary oftheproject behind each cryptocurrency Leaderboard showingtopgaining,top losing, most traded, largest market cap Create yourowncustomlist to watch your favorite assets and buy straight fromthelistSIGN UP & FUND Create, verify and fund a new accountrightfromthe app Fund with cash (USD, EUR, GBP, CAD, AUD, CHF,andJPY)Connect your bank account Deposit andwithdrawcryptocurrenciesDEVICE SECURITY If your mobile device islost orstolen, you canrevoke its access from your account Openingthe apprequires thesame security as opening your device (passwordorbiometric) Hidebalances from displaying on your deviceQuicklyreview a list ofdevices that have accessed the account (makesureit’s only you!)AVAILABLE CRYPTOCURRENCIES We have one ofthelargest selections ofassets to buy and sell, including:Bitcoin(BTC), Ethereum (ETH),Litecoin (LTC), Bitcoin Cash (BCH),Monero(XMR), Dash (DASH),Chainlink (LINK), EOS, Tezos (XTZ), Zcash(ZEC),Cardano (ADA),Gnosis (GNO), Dai, Augur (REP), OMG Network(OMG),PAX Gold (PAXG),Polkadot (DOT), and many more!
CryptoRank Tracker & Portfolio
Explore All crypto in One App: Manage Your DeFi Portfolio&PriceAlerts
XBTS: Crypto wallet and DeFi 0.1.23
TRADE ANYTIME. ANYWHERE. XBTS is a multi-chaindecentralizedexchange& DeFi running on the BitSharesblockchain since 2018.XBTS is amodern Dex for trading, DeFi,GameFi, staking,exchanging, andhodling cryptocurrencies, and anentry point intothe volumes ofdecentralized markets. CROSS-CHAINBRIDGES. Benefitsforinter-exchange arbitration with automated XBTScross-chainbridgessystem: available deposit and withdrawal to/fromBinanceBep2,Binance Smart Chain BSC, Huobi HECO Chain, Waves,Ethereum,as wellas deposit and withdrawal to/from more than 42nativeblockchains.BLOCKCHAIN WALLET APP.XBTS.IO multi-chain DAppallowsyou to havequick access to your blockchain account, monitortheprices,convenient and secure storing assets, cross-chainassetstransfers,and exchange your assets to BTC, ETH, LTC, USDT,USDC,DOGE, STH,HIVE, HBD, RVN, BNB, BUSD, PPC, EOS, TRX, TUSD,UNI,XRP, BAT, BCH,FIL, DASH, EMC, GRS, MDL, NMC, NVC, ONION,PIVX,POST, SKY, SCH,BCCX, HT, BUSD, WAVES, NESS, TRD,42-coin…BLOCKCHAIN GUARANTEESInstantly buy and sell cryptocurrencywithblockchain guarantees.Each trading operation is recorded intheblockchain. Transactionconfirmation time of just 3 seconds.Lowfees. Providing services in99% of countries around all theglobe.No single point of failure.Open XBTS Wallet APP and registerorimport your account on theBitShares blockchain. No one otherthanyou holds your keys! The APPdoes not store your data. If youloseyour passphrase, it cannot berecovered. Save the passphrase inasafe place. You can always checkyour account and alltransactionsin the BitShares BlockExplorer.XBTS DEFI AMMOB XBTSDeFi is anAutomated Market Maker Order Bookprotocol designed forswappingbetween cryptocurrencies with low feesand limitedslippage.Liquidity protocols of XBTS DeFi AMMob platformallowanyone tobecome a Market Maker, Add their assets toseveraldifferentliquidity pools and Earn fees on many differentmarketpairs.LIQUIDITY PROVIDERS Liquidity providers that pooltheircapital inan XBTS Defi AMMob Platform make markets byalwaystrading againstthe prices set by the AMMob's pricingalgorithm,essentially actingas Informed Market Makers. Price quoteson a DeFiare createdthrough the complex and scalable pricingalgorithm AMMobwhich doestake into account any external informationregarding theworldaverage price of asset and trading spread ontheBitSharesblockchain. FREE TRADING BOTS Enjoy free tradingbots.Make yourtrading automatic. XBTS is the most advanced Dexexchange!HOLD ANDEARN CryptoHolders, who trying to maximize gains,or afrequenttrader who wants to take a break from trading, can usetheXBTS Dextools and gain up to 50 % of the trade profit bytheSmartHolderprogram and increase the balance of BitcoinsandAltcoinsregardless of how the market moves. AFFILIATE PROGRAMGetup to 80% of trading fees in popular cryptocurrencies, everytimeyourfriends make a trade on XBTS. Invite friends andearnCryptotogether. FOR DEVELOPERS AND ALGOTRADERS Use the entirepowerofopen source DEX API libraries in creating personal tradingbotsandbusiness DAPPs. XBTS DeFi Wallet is aProgressiveCross-PlatformWeb/Online/Desktop APP. Officialwebsite DEX DeFihttps://app.xbts.ioGitHub
NFTBank 1.0.10
Track your NFT portfolio at a glance with NFTbank.Viewdailyperformance of your assets. Check floor price andpriceestimate ofevery NFT. All features available free of ads, freeofcharge.MULTI-WALLET SUPPORT Connect multiple wallets into asingleaccountto have a comprehensive view of your total assets.Customizeyourwallet groups for better organization and instantlyswitchbetweencustom groups to increase portfolio visibility. AT AGLANCEVIEW OFALL YOUR NFTS View all of your NFTs in a beautiful,simpleUI.Track net worth of your NFT portfolio including ahistoricalgraphshowing your portfolio growth. Find out your daily,monthly,yearlyand all time trading ROIs. Check daily performance ofeveryprojectyou own. TRACK TRAIT FLOOR PRICES Check lowestlistingprices ofyour NFTs, available by each trait! Use it toyouradvantage togauge at what price your assets would besoldimmediately. Detectwhich traits are valued more in the market.GETML BASED PRICEESTIMATES NFTBank also provides ML basedpriceestimates for over200+ NFT projects. Get price estimates onyourNFTs based on pastsales data. Support for more projects comingverysoon.[DISCLAIMER] NO INVESTMENT ADVICE The informationprovidedbyNFTBank does not constitute investment advice,financialadvice,trading advice, or any other sort of advice and youshouldnottreat any of the website's content as such. NFTBankdoesnotrecommend that any cryptocurrency should be bought, sold,orheldby you. Do conduct your own due diligence andconsultyourfinancial advisor before making anyinvestmentdecisions.INFORMATION ACCURACY NFTBank will strive toensureaccuracy ofinformation listed on this website although itwill nothold anyresponsibility for any missing or wronginformation.NFTBankprovides all information as is. You understandthat you areusingany and all information available here at your ownrisk.NONENDORSEMENT The appearance of third partyadvertisementsandhyperlinks on NFTBank does not constituteanendorsement,guarantee, warranty, or recommendation by NFTBank.Doconduct yourown due diligence before deciding to use anythirdparty services.AFFILIATE DISCLOSURE NFTBank mayreceivecompensation for affiliatelinks. This compensation may be intheform of money or servicesand could exist without any action fromasite visitor. Should youperform activities in relation toanaffiliate link, it isunderstood that some form ofcompensationmight be made to NFTBank.For example, if you click onan affiliatelink, and sign up andtrade on an exchange, NFTBank mayreceivecompensation.
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Multiple Cloud Miner 1.0.8
Tech apks LLC
Now stop wasting your time and start cloud mining withworldlargestand leading mining firm that lets users mine usingtheirphones.This is a unique opportunity which allows you earnmoney byjusthaving a mobile phone in your pocket. It’s a goldenchance foryouto be on top and make your dreams come true. MultipleCloudMinerprovides an upgrade plan for good profit. We introducethebestpackages among the competitors within averageinvestment.Becausethis opportunity is for everyone either you arerich orindigent.Multiple Cloud Miner is the UK-based one of theworld’slargestmining firms providing cloud mining servicesglobally. Withmorethan 100 thousand GPUs and ASIC mining rigs, welet our usersminemultiple coins at the same platform. Users canmine both coinsatthe same time in background with our cloud miningcontracts!101%guaranteed uptime and without speed reduction. Yourdevicewill keepmining in the background even if you minimize yourapp orlock yourphone's screen. This technology uses a cloudservermining process,which allows users to receive the mostprofitablecrypto currency.Get VIP perks by using everyday boosters.It has auser friendlyinterface with no complicity; you do not needanyspecial skills tomanage settings. You Internet connection areallthat it requiresstarting mining. Just tap the start buttonandstart your earningprocess. We have affordable and customplanswith quick recoverysystem and the most active 24/7 Chat andCallSupport team.
AirGap Wallet - Tezos, Cosmos, Ethereum, Bitcoin 3.9.1 AG
AirGap is a crypto wallet, that allows you to store yourcryptofundssecurely on your mobile phone. AirGap supportscurrentlyTezos,tzBTC, Cosmos, Ethereum, xCHF, Bitcoin,Æternity,Groestlcoin AirGaphas a two app approach, that gives youaddedsecurity while handlingyour crypto funds. You get thehighestsecurity if you install AirGapVault on a separatesmartphone, andnever connect that phone with anynetwork again.HIGHEST SECURITY -two apps, two devices AirGapWallet, this is theAirGap Walletapplication, that deals with onlypublic informationand isresponsible for broadcasting transactionsto theblockchain.One-way communication with QR codes. AirGap Vault,theprivate keyis generated and securely stored on another devicewiththe AirGapVault app. You have to install AirGap Vault to useAirGapWallet two apps, one device AirGap Wallet, this is theAirGapWalletapplication, that deals with only public informationandisresponsible for broadcasting transactions to theblockchain.Securecommunication through app switching. AirGap Vault,theprivate keyis generated and securely stored in the AirGapVaultapp. You haveto install AirGap Vault to useAirGapWallet
CoinCodex - Live Crypto & Bitcoin Price Portfolio 2.0.130
The CoinCodex app makes it easy to follow Bitcoin,Ethereum,over10,000 other coins. Join thousands of cryptocurrencyuser andstayupdated with the CoinCodex crypto price tracker andportfolioapp.We bring you real-time cryptocurrency price trackingbased onaglobal volume-weighted average from more than300connectedexchanges ensures the most accurate and reliablecryptopricingdata. Track Bitcoin and over 10,000 other coinsQuicklyaccessreal-time price and market cap data for Bitcoin,Ethereum,BitcoinCash, Bitcoin Diamond, Binance Coin, Litecoin,Ripple XRP,Monero,Cardano and over 10,000 other coins trading onmore than350cryptocurrency exchanges such as Binance, HitBTC,Coinbase,OKEx,Gemini, Kraken, and 350 more. Analyze price actionvisuallywithcomprehensive line charts or candlestick charts andtakeadvantageof important metrics such as live price,marketcapitalization,24-hour volume, 24-hour price range,circulatingsupply, all-timehigh value, ICO price, return oninvestment (ROI),and much more.Create your own cryptocurrencyportfolio Theportfolio featuregives you the ability to track thevalue of yourcryptocurrencyholdings in real time. After you createyourportfolio, you caneasily add new coins or remove the ones younolonger hold. Thecrypto portfolio is a great tool for analyzingyourcryptoinvestments and identifying yourbest-performingcryptocurrencies.View your portfolio in 180+ fiatcurrencies suchas USD, EUR, GBP,YPY, KRW, CNY, crypto basedcurrencies such as BTCand ETH andcompare value towards variousprecious metals such asGold, Silverand Palladium. Set personalizedalerts No crypto pricetracker iscomplete without alerts that ensurethat you never missany bigmoves in the cryptocurrency market. Setup crypto pricealerts thatnotify you when the cryptocurrency ofyour choicereaches aspecified price. Watchlist different coins Thewatchlistfeatureallows you to remove the clutter and only trackcryptoassetsyou’re interested in. The cryptocurrency watchlist is agreatwayto keep track of the coins you want to keep an eye on, andyoucanadd any number of cryptocurrencies to it.InstantnotificationsReceive notifications with the most importantupdatesfrom thecryptocurrency market. Stay updated with Bitcoinpricechanges, theperformance of your portfolio, as well as thebiggestdaily gainersand losers. Stay updated with daily cryptonewsCryptocurrency isnot just about the price charts. With itsnewssection, theCoinCodex app makes sure you stay on top of thelatestdevelopmentsin the cryptocurrency and blockchain industry.You’llalso be ableto find the most important Bitcoin news, exchangeandwalletreviews, crypto price predictions, and much more. Analyzeandtrackthe market The market overview section providesabig-pictureperspective on the cryptocurrency market. Followkeymetrics suchas the total cryptocurrency market cap,Bitcoindominance andoverall trading volume. Safe and secure Add PINorBiometric datalock to keep the contents of your cryptoportfoliosafe from pryingeyes and ensure privacy of your cryptoholdingswith the “HideBalance” feature.
Remitano - Buy & Sell Bitcoin Fast & Securely 5.62.0
Remitano App is an Escrowed P2P Cryptocurrency Exchange. Wehelpyoueasily Buy - Sell - Store - Invest - Deposit&Withdrawcryptocurrencies with Fiat Wallet FAST & SECURELY.Ourappsupports Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Tether (USDT),BitcoinCash(BCH), Litecoin (LTC), Ripple (XRP) and many otheraltcoins.Over1.5 Million people are trading on our crypto platformdaily.OurApp Main Features: * P2P Transactions: allows users to buyandsellbitcoin & other cryptocurrencies with fiatcurrencies(yourlocal money) anytime, anywhere FAST (within 5minutes) andSECURELYwith the most reasonable fee in the market. Wesupport thefiatwallet in multiple countries around the globe. *Swap: helpsyouconvert Bitcoin, Ethereum, Tether toothercryptocurrenciesINSTANTLY back and forth directly in auser’sRemitano Wallet. *Invest: Help you securely invest inmultiplealtcoins like EthereumClassic (ETC), Binance Coin (BNB),Cardano(ADA), EOS, Stellar(XLM), TRON (TRX), Tezos (XTZ),Chainlink(LINK), NEO, Monero(XMR)…with growth profit marginpotential.Remitano App is yourmagical door to the world of Bitcoin&Cryptocurrencies. Weensure: * You have a FAST and SECURELYtradingexperience on ourplatform. * You have 24/7 Customer Support.* Youcan easilybuy/sell and withdraw Bitcoin & Cryptos to yourFIATWALLET atany time. Remitano has the lowest fees among manyP2Pcryptoexchanges. Our app is designed with an easy-to-use mindsettoallowboth experienced and new cryptocurrency users to tradetheircoinsand digital assets efficiently. Among othergreatfunctionalities,Remitano App offers: * Secure and simplesign-upand log-in process* 2-factor authentication with Authy *PushNotification to avoidmissing any trade * Chat to discuss 24/7withsupporters * Simpleoffers modification * Trading 16cryptos:Bitcoin, Ethereum,Tether, Bitcoin Cash, Litecoin, Rippleand manyother altcoins Weare available in multiple countries aroundtheworld, including theUnited States, Australia, Malaysia,Nigeria,Vietnam, Cambodia,India, China and are growing every day.AboutRemitano: Remitano isa product of Babylon Solutions Limited–incorporated inSeychelles. We provide an escrowed P2PBitcoinmarketplace wherepeople buy and sell Bitcoin quickly andsafelywith a remarkablysimple user interface, friendly onlinecustomersupport 24/7 andlowest fee compared with major players onthemarket. Our team iscomposed mostly by banking professionalswithextensive experiencein financial products, E-currencies,PaymentSystem and AgileSoftware Development, and others. Pleasecontact uswith thefollowing email: * [email protected]: If youneedassistancewith an order or transaction. * [email protected]:Ifyou arelaw enforcement. * [email protected]: If you wanttocontactus for communication. Follow us on Social Media:FacebookFanpage:
Fearless Wallet: Polkadot, Kusama 1.9.3
Fearless Wallet is a mobile wallet designed for thedecentralizedfuture on the Kusama and Polkadot networks, withsupport on iOS andAndroid platforms. The best user experience, fastperformance, andsecure storage for your accounts. Development ofFearless Wallet issupported by Kusama Treasury grant.
Verso : Earn free crypto currency as cashback 2.2.0
Verso is the best solution to get into crypto currencywithoutanyinvestment risk. 📲 Download Verso to earn free BTUcryptocurrency.📲 Install Verso and join the 100 million cryptocurrencyownersworldwide by earning free crypto currency. Versocrypto cashbackapp 💵 is partnered with all your favorite brands sothat youearncrypto cash-back while 🛒 shopping from Aliexpress,BestBuy,Kohl’s, Newegg, SHEIN, Wish, ebay and many more. Shopinyourfavorite stores and get free crypto cash-back as rewardswiththeVerso the cash back app. You can get 🆓 free crypto cash-backonanykind of purchase - shopping, clothes, buyingcosmetics,groceries,booking hotels, renting a car and more! Getting🆓 freecryptocash-back has never been this easy ⬇️ Download our cashbackapp 🛒Shop in your favorite store 🤑 Earn crypto cash-back!!🛍️Redeemgift cards!! Yes! It is this easy to earn crypto! There isnoneedto register, Verso free crypto cash back appautomaticallycreatesa wallet for you so that you can start earningcryptocash-backright away after installing. With the Verso cashback app,cryptocurrency is accessible to everyone! You can owncryptocurrencysimply by opening up the app before making apurchaseonline. Youearn crypto cash-back everytime you make apurchaseusing Verso thecash back app. You can keep your cryptocurrency,move it to adifferent crypto currency wallet or redeem itinto anygift card ofyour choice! Why Verso? 🆓 Verso the crypto cashbackapp is thequickest and simplest way to earn free cryptocurrency.You justhave to open Verso before you make an onlinepurchase andyou earnfree crypto currency. 🔒 With Verso cash backapp you keepyourprivacy because you do not have to share yourprivateinformation ⚡There is no need to wait for your cryptocurrency toreach aminimum amount. You can use your crypto currencyright afterthefirst cash-back is credited 💰 You earn cash-back inBTUcryptocurrency. BTU crypto currency has real value- itisfreelytransferable, unseizable and it never expires. When youusetheVerso cash back app to shop in your favorite stores,youearncrypto cash-back in BTU crypto currency. BTU cryptocurrencyisranked among the best crypto currency in the world. Versoisbuilton a polygon and ethereum wallet technology. Verso usesBTUcryptocurrency as a reward for online purchases made from thecashbackapp. BTU crypto currency can be redeemed into any gift cardofyourchoice such as- Adidas, Amazon, Air BNB, Best buy,Disney,Doordash, ebay, H&M, Grubhub, Nike, Sephora,Starbucks,Uber,Walmart,Target, Groupon and many more. The BTU pricecan becheckedon Coingecko, CoinMarketCap, Blockfolio and Delta oranywallet.Verso uses BTU crypto currency as a reward foronlinepurchasesmade from the cash app. BTU crypto currency canbeexchanged intoany crypto of your choice. The BTU price canbechecked onCoingecko, CoinMarketCap, Blockfolio and Delta oranycoin tracker.💰 With the new Swap feature you can exchange yourBTUcrypto to anycryptocurrency of your choice: • USDT - Tether•Ethereum - ETH •Polygon Ex-matic • USDC - USD Coin by Circle•Bitcoin BTC • DAI -MakerDAO stable coin • GHST - Aavegotchi • UNI-Uniwap • QUICK -Quickswap • AAVE - AAVE • CRV - Curve Dao Token•SUSHI - Sushiswap⬇️ Download our FREE cash back app now andstartearning cryptocash-back! ✉️ If you need any help or havequestions,feel free toemail at - [email protected] or join ourTelegram orTwitter toreach us.