Top 15 Apps Similar to EY Fakta om Skat

EY Insights 2.1
Ernst & Young is a global leaderinassurance, tax, transaction and advisory services, andprovidesglobal perspectives on the issues affecting today’sbusinesses. TheEY Insights application gives you access to in-depthreports,surveys and thought-provoking analyses on these issues,coveringevery major industry sector across the world. You can alsocontactthe people behind the views, to discuss what they mean foryourorganization. Stay informed and connected with EYInsights.Please be aware that EY Insights may use visitoridentificationtechnologies in order to compile aggregatedstatistics aboutvisitors in order to gauge the effectiveness oftheapplication.
EY Connect 3.0.3
Connect is the magazine for and aboutEYalumni.Each issue contains profiles of notable EY alumni, aphotogallery ofrecent alumni events and career updates on dozensof EYalumni acrossthe U.S. Stay connected to EY alumniwithConnect.
EY Events 2016 2.6
EY is a global leader in assurance,tax,transaction and advisory services, and provides globalperspectiveson the issues affecting today’s businesses. Our EYEvents appprovides access to information, tools and content youneed whenattending one of our premier events. Specifically you'llhaveaccess to event logistics, announcements, speakerinformation,agendas with detailed session information and relatedsocial mediafeeds. We also provide the option to partake in live,interactivepolling and network amongst fellow attendees.
EY Reporting 4.3.6
EY's Reporting magazine addressesthebroadissues around reporting and governance.Not limited to technical and financial reporting,themagazinecontains a mixture of articles covering risk,regulatorychange andexecutive oversight to reflect the sometimesdivergingviews of arange of stakeholders. EY Reporting addressesthechallenges facedby complex international businesses as theytelltheir performancestory while navigating constantly changingglobalmarkets.
EY Performance 5.0.2
Performance journal contains a mixofpracticalbusiness advice and applied academic research. Allthearticles andcase studies look at ways in which businesses canspurinnovationand position themselves for long-term success.Performance is interested not just in the “what” butalsothe“how,” from how companies capitalize on the potentialofsocialmedia to how the public sector can runservicesmorecost-effectively.Some examples of topics covered inpreviouseditionsinclude:• How more and more businesses are applying game-likefeaturestotheir administrative processes andstaffmotivationstrategies• How online collaborative communities areimpactingbusinessinnovation and organization• How building global efficient supply chains is key torespondingtothe global financial crisis• How reporting can play a fundamental part in themovementtowardimproved business intelligence and knowledgemanagementPerformance is the quarterly business journal fromErnst&Young’s Global Business Performance Think Tank(GBPT).Launched in2008, the journal is now read by leadingbusinessexecutives andacademics around the world. The journal istranslatedinto French,German, Portuguese, Russian, Chinese,Japanese andArabic, withcontent tailored to local markets.If you would like to contribute an article to Performance,youcancontact a member of the GBPT by byemailing [email protected]
EY Meetings 7.0.1
The EY Meetings app is your personal tool for improving youreventexperience.
EYCarpool 1.1.0
אפליקציית carpool מבית mapit מאפשרתלעובדיErnst & Young בישראל לנסוע ביחד ולהגן על הסביבהCarpool from mapitappallows employees Ernst & Young Israel travel togetherandprotect the environment
EY Global review 1.0.5
EY is a global leader inassurance,tax,transaction and advisory services. At EY we arecommittedtobuilding a better working world — by helping to increasetrustandconfidence in business, delivering sustainablegrowth,anddeveloping talent in all its forms.Want to learn more about EY? Read the EY Global review.Thisannualpublication gives an overview of the services we offerandourfinancial performance, and is filled with stories about howEYisbuilding a better working world.Download this free app today.
EY Oil & Gas 1.4.51
EY Oil & Gas (Нефтегазовая отрасль) Официальноемобильноеприложение компании EY ( для руководителейнефтегазовойотрасли в СНГ. Почему оно может быть полезно для Вас? -Ключевыеновости отрасли, отобранные аналитиками Московскогонефтегазовогоцентра компании EY. - Глобальные и локальныепубликации иотраслевая аналитика EY по разделам. Возможностьзагрузки иотправки на почту. - Возможность участвовать ваналитическихопросах отрасли и первыми получать результатыисследований. -Всегда иметь в Вашем календаре отраслевые деловыемероприятия итематические семинары - Возможность всегда напрямуюсвязаться снами.
EY Exceptional 4.2.33
Exceptional magazine gives you theuniqueinsight into the entrepreneurial minds and motivations behindsomeof the markets’ fastest growing and most successfulcompanies.Released twice a year in January and June, this popularmagazine isdistributed to nearly 100,000 CEOs, entrepreneurs, andmarketleaders around the world. Download this abridged version nowtofind out why.
EY Tax & Law DE News 6.0.1
News aus der Welt der Steuern und des UnternehmensrechtsPleasenotethat this app requires German language skills. BeiSteuernundUnternehmensrecht sind Sie mit der EY Tax & Law DENewsAppimmer auf dem Laufenden. Ein Autorenteam, in einemNetzwerkvonüber 4.500 EY-Experten, bereitet alle wichtigenNeuigkeitenausGesetzgebung, Rechtsprechung und Finanzverwaltung auf–zeitnah,kompetent, verständlich. Die EY Tax & Law DENewsAppbeinhaltet, zusätzlich zu aktuellen News, auch denZugriffaufsämtliche Tax & Law Magazine mit fundiertenAnalysenundBusiness Cases rund um Steuern undunternehmensrechtlicheThemen.Zum Hören für unterwegs bieten sichdie EY Tax & LawWebcastsmit audio-visuell aufbereitetenThemenschwerpunkten an.EYübernimmt keine Gewähr und keine HaftungfürRichtigkeit,Aktualität und Vollständigkeit der InhalteundDarstellungen. DieInhalte der App ersetzen keine Steuer-oderRechtsberatung.
Cuentas Plan General Contable 1.0.1
Detallado cuadro de cuentas del actualPlanGeneral de Contabilidad con inclusión de las definicionesyrelaciones contables de cada cuenta y subgrupo contable.La herramienta esta respaldada por, uno de los portales dereferencia paraprofesionales de la contabilidad, donde cualquierusuario tiene asu disposición información adicional sobre losprocedimientos decontabilización.Detalle de cada cuenta contable:- Código contable- Título- Descripción- Movimientos al debe- Movimientos al haber- Cuentas relacionadas, por ejemplo desde la 430 podemos saltar alacuenta 705 directamente- Marcado o desmarcado de una cuenta como favorita,posteriormentepodremos acceder directamente a dicha cuenta desde lasección defavoritas.- Acceso directo a más información en la webAcceso a la información de cada cuenta:a) Navegando a través de los grupos y subgrupos contables.b) Si la hemos marcado como una cuenta favorita desde el listadodefavoritas.c) Utilizando el sistema de búsqueda que permite localizarunadeterminada cuenta a partir de su nombre o de sucódigocontable.Otras características:- Asesorías de proximidad, la aplicación integra los datosdecontacto de la red de asesorías de proximidad integradas enelentorno área de pymes. Partiendo de la informacióndegeolocalización del terminal se muestra la información decontactoda la asesoría más cercana.- Alertas de interés, la aplicación esta preparada pararecibiralertas del entorno Área de Pymes – – – – de interés en el ámbitode la gestión depequeñas y medianas empresas.Detailed accounts ofthecurrent box General Accounting Plan including definitionsandaccounting records of each account and sub-accounts.The tool is supported by the,one of the portals of reference foraccounting professionals, whereany user has available informationon accounting procedures.Detail of each ledger account:- Accounting Code- Title- Description- Movements to be- Movements to be- Related Accounts, for example can jump from 430 to 705directlyaccount- Marked or unmarked as favorite an account, then we can godirectlyto that account from favorite section.- Direct access to more information on the webAccess to information for each account:a) Navigating through accounting groups and subgroups.b) If we have marked as favorite account from the listoffavorites.c) Using the search system to locate a specific account fromyourname or account code.Other Features:- Advising of proximity, the application integrates datafromcontact proximity advisory network integrated into theenvironmentSME area. Based on the location information of theterminaldisplays contact information gives the nearestcounseling.- Alerts of interest, the application is ready to receivealertsarea SMEs environment - - - of interest in the field of managementofsmall and medium enterprises.
Application officielle du prixdel'Entrepreneur de l'Année 2015.Le Prix de l’Entrepreneur de l’Année ouvre sa 23ème éditionpourmettre en lumière des parcours exceptionnels de femmesetd’hommes.Ils portent en eux des messages clés empreints d’optimismeetparticipent à la création d’emplois. Moteurs de la croissance etdela compétitivité française, ils nourrissent la confiance etl'envied'entreprendre.Parmi ceux qui contribuent à notre économie et à notresociété,certains se démarquent par leur talent et leur audace,animés parune passion hors normes de créer, croître et partager.Organisé parEY et le magazine L'Express, le Prix de l'Entrepreneurde l'Annéemet à l'honneur depuis plus de vingt ans ces femmes etces hommesqui composent l’écosystème entrepreneurial.TELECHARGEZ L'APPLICATION EY PELA pour :- Disposer des informations pratiques sur l'événement- Consulter l'agenda de l'événement- Networker pendant l'événement grâce à la fonctionnalitédechat- Poser des questions, participer à des quizz, etc.- Et bien plus encore.Official applicationofthe price of the Entrepreneur of the Year 2015.The Entrepreneur of the Year Award opens its 23th editiontohighlight exceptional women and men path.They carry key messages imbued with optimism and helpcreatejobs. Engines of growth and competitiveness of the French,theyfeed the confidence and the desire to undertake.Among those who contribute to our economy and our society,somestand out for their talent and audacity, animated by apassionoutsized create, grow and share. Organized by EY and themagazineL'Express, the Entrepreneur of the Year Award honors forovertwenty years these women and men who make up theentrepreneurialecosystem.DOWNLOAD THE APPLICATION EY PELA for:- Have practical information about the event- Consult the agenda of the event- Networker during the event through the chat feature- Ask questions, participate in quizzes, etc.- And much more.
EY salary calculator 1.16
Simplified payroll calculation for Bosnia andHerzegovina,Croatia,Slovenia and Serbia. The calculationprovidesindicativeinformation on net salary, gross salary andemployer costforcovered countries. It takes into account basic taxparameters( reliefs for supported family members) but doesnotconsiderother specific individual circumstances orcross-bordertaximplications.
Cartea Antreprenorilor 2014 1.0.5
Antreprenoriatul românesc este acumocomunitatenumeroasă de oameni cu iniţiativă, idei şideterminare,care nuaşteaptă schimbarea în România, ci o generează.Ei creeazălocuri demuncă atunci când puţini se gândesc să facăangajări,sunt cei carevăd oportunităţi în perioade de crizăeconomică şicare facinvestiţii inclusiv în recesiune.EY este alături de antreprenori în întreaga lume de peste30deani:"Ne-am asumat misiunea de a-i sprijini prin competenţeşiserviciidedicate. Ne-am luat angajamentul de a face acest lucruşiînRomânia. Iată de ce suntem deosebit de onoraţi săputemaducerecunoaştere companiilor româneşti antreprenoriale,care,prinpracticile de afaceri şi prin rezultatele lor, aucondusschimbareaîn întreaga societate."Începând cu anul 2014, EY România s-a afiliatlaprogramulinternaţional Entrepreneur Of The Year™,oferindastfeloportunitatea antreprenorilor din România să participela celmaiamplu şi mai prestigios proiect global debusinessadresatantreprenorilor.Vi-i prezentăm în paginile care urmează pe cei care audecissăparticipe la prima ediție a competiției EY EntrepreneurOfTheYear™ din România. Aceşti lideri ai pieţei româneştiauconstruitplus-valoare în România: au creat locuri de muncăpentrumii deoameni, au generat creştere locală, dezvoltândpieţeleşiindustriile în care activează, au creat modele debusinessşimodele organizaţionale inovatoare, au plătit taxe şiaureturnatnenumărate beneficii în comunitate.În această carte, oamenii care au creat unele dintrecelemairemarcabile afaceri româneşti vor împărtăşidevenireacompaniilorpe care le-au construit, drumul unic şisurprinzător pecarefiecare dintre ei l-au parcurs până aici. Vă vorvorbidesprevisele cu care au pornit, despre încrederea în ele,despreoameniicare le-au stat alături şi despre momentele frumoaseşigrele careau marcat misiunea lor antreprenorială.Cartea de faţă reprezintă o celebrare a unui grupremarcabildeantreprenori, a viziunii, spiritului inovator,efortului şiapasiunii lor excepționale de a transforma oameni,industriișichiar această țară.Cartea Antreprenorilor este cartea oficială publicată deEYRomâniacu ocazia evenimentului EY Entrepreneur Of The Year2014România.Ascendia Design este publisherul varianteidigitale.Aceastăvariantă este augmentată cu materiale multimedia delaeveniment,pentru și în numele EY România. Sperăm să vă placă!RomanianEntrepreneurshipis now a large community of people withinitiative,ideas anddetermination, which does not expect the changeinRomania, but itgenerates. They create jobs when few thinktoemployment, are thosewho see opportunities in times ofeconomiccrisis and fallinginvestment including recession.EY is with entrepreneurs around the world for over 30 years:"We assumed the mission to support the skillsanddedicatedservice. We are committed to doing so in Romania. Thatiswhy weare extremely honored to be able to bringrecognitionRomanianentrepreneurial companies who, through businesspracticesand theirresults led change throughout society. "Since 2014, Romania has joined the program EY EntrepreneurOfTheYear International ™, offering entrepreneurs theopportunityofRomania to participate in the largest and mostprestigiousglobalbusiness project to the contractors.You present them in the following pages those who havedecidedtoparticipate in the first edition of the Entrepreneur OfThe Year™EY in Romania. These market leaders Romanian surplus valuebuiltinRomania: created jobs for thousands of people, havegeneratedlocalgrowth, developing markets and industries in whichtheyoperate,have created business models and innovativeorganizationalmodels,paid taxes and returned countless benefits tothecommunity.In this book, the people who created some of themostremarkableRomanian business will share their companiesbecomingbuilt, uniqueand surprising way that each of them have comeuphere. We willtalk about dreams that started about confidenceinthem, aboutpeople who have stood by and about beautiful andheavymoments thatmarked their entrepreneurial mission.This book is a celebration of a remarkable groupofentrepreneurs,vision, innovative spirit, their exceptionaleffortand passion totransform people, industries and eventhecountry.Entrepreneurs book is the official book published on theoccasionEYEY Romania Entrepreneur Of The Year 2014 Romania.Designdigitalversion Ascendia publisher. This version isaugmentedwithmultimedia materials from the event, for and on behalfEYRomania.We hope you enjoy!